Lifeless Memories (StarDust and Wingal)


Cupcake Fairy
Serenity Mistine


despite her looks she can actually be cold and somewhat sarcastic. she is intellectual, constantly seeking answers, and loves books.

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Serenity walked towards Syringa High School, unsure of herself. she had awoken that morning having no idea where she was. she could recall no family, no friends, nothing. she was empty. she was a shell with a name and a face. she had found the name and address of the school on the counter at home, and decided it should be her first step in finding what was happening to her, or at least to starting her life anew. she got to the school to discover it was the first day. she was already registered, and her locker was full of supplies. she grabbed a few things and walked silently down the hall.
Tristan Valentine


Has always been a calm cool headed individual with a high GPA. Has no honest desire to branch out of the little bubble of friends he formed but can if he has too. Is found in the library a lot or the computer la just for his tendency's to study when either on edge or bored. In his mind just wants to be an average Teenager and nothing too special.


Tristan apparently thought he was sleeping as he seemed to be reliving his 8th birthday party with his parents who looked a little it different to remember. Yet that wasn't all that seemed wrong either. The location, the time, the people there everything seemed to be so off or was that how it has always been? Tristan continued the dream until he was awakened by his alarm clock as it gave a long beep that pierced his ears from the short distance between them. "Time for school" he heard the somewhat usual yell from downstairs which was his mother. Groaning, Tristan sat up and dragged himself to his bathroom as he began his daily rituals with his teeth. As he brushed he looked at himself in the mirror to see if anything else could have been off, but decided to drop the idea later on while putting his clothes on. "It was probably only a dream guy no need to get freaked out over since they don't always reveal the truth". His thoughts were soon interrupted by the sudden burst of his younger sibling Cole with an impatient glare. "Can you hurry up before I'm late"he whined in that same way Tristan known to well. Sighing he finished his grooming and retrieved his belongings as they stepped into his car. "See it's the same car" he thought to himself reassuringly as the motor seemed to come to life suddenly. HE then peered over to Cole in the seat next to him who was anxious apparently for something going on. "Cole. . . Goes to thee middle school next to my High school . . . A bit of a brat but okay anyway . . . It was the same yet everything just seemed a little more altered." Once again trying not to think about it too hard was able to drop Cole off and began on his way according to his schedule. "Maybe ill spend some extra time in he library today" he murmured pulling into the school parking lot letting his engine be cut off until he came back later on. Grabbing his backpack Tristan made his way into the school not avoiding the larger groups but not joining them either even though he was accepted in almost all of them if he would just express interest. "But for now i'm just the average High school student" he said to himself as he began turning the tumblers off his locker.
Serenity walked past the library, and decided to stop in. libraries had books on a lot of things, maybe one would help her remember who she was. she found herself wandering towards the science fiction section, and was drawn to the book "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells. she picked it up, suddenly fascinated, and checked it out. she had a bit of time, so she sat in a comfy chair towards the back and flipped the book open, immersing herself in its fantasies. books....perhaps this is part of who i am?
Tristan checked his watch after ha had organized both his locker and bag in all one go. "Iv'e got plenty of times" he thought safely as he brought it over his shoulder and headed towards the library. It was small like always, since most students probably had something better to do then be here with everyone else. Tristan exchanged a friendly greeting with the librarians and got dragged into a conversations that he didn't mind since it only seemed to improve their relationship. Pulling his hand up to signal goodbye, Tristan made his way to the usual spot in the corner next to one of the computers. "At least this never changed" he said grabbing the book he started last night and was determined to finish before studying interrupted his life again. He saw a girl reading from the corner of his eye and accidently took a minute or two to try and recognize her "I wonder if she is new" he asked himself trying to think back at a time when he met a girl with blue hair.
Serenity was so absorbed in her book she almost didnt see a boy come back into her quiet corner. "goodmorning" she said quietly, setting her book down. "i apologize if ive taken your spot. im new, so i was just...." she hesitated a moment, "looking for a quiet place to read." although she had been looking for her missing memories, thats not something she could say out loud.
"Oh good morning"Tristan replied back setting his book down on his lap with his finger keeping mark of what page he was just on. "And don't worry about it you can sit there if you want" he said then heard the mystery of who she was being solved. "Ahhh well welcome to the school my name's Tristan and I'm a senior here" he finished holding his hand out to here in an attempt of being friendly.
Serenity gave him a small smile as she took his hand. she gave it a firm shake, "nice to meet you Tristan, my name is Serenity." she let go as the bell rang, standing up and smoothing out the skirt of her dress. "i didn't take time to look for any of my classes, maybe you could help me?" she handed him the paper with her schedule. he seemed nice enough, although she usually didnt like asking for help, did she? perhaps she was an independent person.
Tristan skimmed over the list examining the room number and type of class she was in. "Oh Cool it seems we have an elective or two together" he stated before gently moving her forward by pushing her back. "Come on I can show you where they are, my teachers would understand why were late i'm sure" he said with a light grin and starting a light pace.
Serenity gave a grateful smile, "thank you." she walked along quietly. "this seems like a nice school..." she said quietly. she walked along, thinking. it hurt her head, and inside she was frustrated. she didnt know who she was, or why she was here, but she would find out. she felt a determination in her that felt like it belonged. she gave a small smile as they entered the classroom, not really paying attention to those around her.
"It is no problem I only really go to this school because I have too still" he joked smiling as he walked her into the first classroom. "This is you're first period and since it looks like we are both in the same period I can show you the rest later" he informed her sitting down in a seat and offering her the one next to it. "Something feels weird" he thought casting a glance at the classroom. "Have these people always looked like that" he thought trying to remember some kind of memory that happened so he knew he wasn't crazy.
Serenity took the seat she was offered next to Tristan. she pulled out a note book and scribbled down a few words such as "books" and "curiousity". she glanced over and noticed that something seemed to be bothering Tristan. she gave him a tap on the shoulder "something the matter?" she asked quietly.
"Oh yes I am fine" he stated jumping at her sudden touch. "It's just I had a weird dream lately which seems a lot like today it's just" he said looking at the area again. "Everything is so much more different then I remember it being from yesterday" he commented. "Sorry if I sound weird, It probably isn't anything anyway" he added laughing casually.
Serenity couldnt help but give him an analytical look. he appeared to be having a memory problem, not like hers, but still strange. she did realize that she hadnt told him about her own lack of memory, but she felt that she should wait. a strong line of trust would be necessary for that. she scribbled the word 'analytical' into her note book and closed it. she would peice together her memory eventually. somehow, she felt that it was of great importance. Serenity took detailed note for the class, and the bell rang, releasing the students. she stood up, waiting for Tristan, "where to next" she asked.
Tristan spent the rest of the day escorting the new girl around the school. It was pretty fun in his opinion talking to her from time to time. At the end of the day Tristan didn't honestly feel like leaving her yet. "Would you want to go hang out I know a neat Pizza place close by" he asked smiling. Though the fact that things have seen wrong all day bothered him severely. "Maybe I should see a doctor" he mumbled curiously taking a few minutes away from reality to think before shaking his head and looking at her for a reply.
Serenity thought a moment, "sure, i suppose it would be good for me to get to know the town." her stomach grumbled quietly. "i guess im hungry as well." she pulled out her book, not wanting to wait. she read a few pages as they walked, and of course, wasnt paying attention. she stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk, dropping her book.
"Great" he said standing up suddenly and walking beside her towards town. "I think this is the right way" he said a bit unsure trying to take in the Scene. "Wasn't the laundromat further away from here" he thought having a flashback of making a dry clean run for his parents. He thought about it more until he saw her drop her book. "Here I got it" he said reaching down to get it but couldn't help his curiosity as he attempted to rear the contents indiscreetly.
Serenity noticed that he peeked at her book as he picked it up. she gave a slight smile, "War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. Science fictions is so interesting. i feel like this book wil help me....learn something." when she said learn she mainly meant her lost memories, but she was sure he wouldnt know, since she hadnt told him anyway. "anyway, do you know where we are going? you seem a bit confused for some reason."
"Ummmm yeah it should be right . . . here" he said victoriously pointing it out of a cluster of buildings on another strip. "And sorry about that my memory feels like it's been altered" he said meaning to be a joke as he walked toward the shop.
Serenity raised an eyebrow at his joke. "altered is an odd word to use for a joke. most people would make jokes about short term memory loss, or "senior moments" regardless of age." she hesitated a moment, "er, not that it wasn't funny or anything." she gave a sincere chuckle, realizing perhaps she sounded mean. it had just come so naturally. she wondered if she had once had what many called an "acid tongue". she looked around. "this place seem nice. smell great!"
"Oh sorry" Tristan said surprised at how quickly her expression and way of speaking changed. "It's fine you were right anyway" he said putting a smile on when he saw her the way he remembered again. "I know right this place is always good" he said sitting at a booth and looking at the menu. "Oh umm" he said confused looking at the menu and not being able to remember any of the things that were listed. "It's like I am coming here for the first time" he thought out loud trying to wrap his head around what was happening.
Serenity looked at the menu as well, this actually being her first time seeing it. She listened to Tristens concerns and had a pain shoot through her head. She had some sort of memory flash across her mind 'mommy, hawaiian please! With the ham and pinnaple!' Serenity looked at the menu. "Hawaiin pizza...?" She muttered, getting the feeling that it would be good. She shook her head, "Tristen are yyou ok?"
Tristan sighed placing his face into the palm of his hand "I honestly don't know Things have honestly been hard when it comes to remembering certain things" he replied honestly before giving up as he tried to remember the most memorable event here as possible. It was simply his little brothers fifth birthday ,at least it looked like his, as they were all sitting down as he picked excitedly at the menu of what he wanted. "I guess I'll just have a cheese" he said standing up and placing the order at the front booth before coming back with two plastic numbers. "Don't worry though It really isn't your problem" he said smiling again even though he was still deeply troubled in his mind at the moment.

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