~Life on the Streets~


Junior Member
Hope to get a lot of people!

You live. Barely. Every day you battle on the streets of Italy for food and money, joining gangs to help ease the trouble. Every so often you get caught and thrown back into an orphanage that you hate. Sometimes you meet some true friends, but other times you're not so lucky. You have no stable place to call home, and maybe sometimes you like it that way. Either way, you're an orphan, so tough.

~Character Sign Ups~






Special talent:


Name: Kira

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Personality: Calm and quiet, very protective of her brother, smart

Appearance: Nothing special, brown hair in a slightly longer pixiecut, brown eyes, thin but in a fit way, average height

Special talent: Very talented at pick pocketing

Name: Ary

Age: 9

Gender: Male

Personality: Cunning and sly, clever, witty, sometimes a bit offending

Appearance: small and thin, black hair, brown eyes, small nose, thin smile, over all very fox like

Special talent: Quick and skilled in climbing

Kira leaned against a brickwall, surveying the google-eyed tourists in front of her. She had her eyes trained on a rotund man with expensive looking clothes and no knowledge of pickpocketers like herself. She knew people like him, who thought they were too powerful for anyone to even think about stealing from them. Well, she thought, I guess I'll have to prove him wrong.

With three long strides she was in the middle of the crowd, only feet away from the target. She took one step nearer every ten steps forward, and soon she stood unassumingly behind him. Out of the corner of her eye she checked that no one was watching, and with light fingers she lifted his wallet. It almost seemed too easy.

Ary watched from the top of the building his sister had been moments before. He could easily spot her target, like a fox in a chicken coop. As Kira moved away from him, he rose to his feet, took a few steps, and jumped off the building. He hit the next rooftop running, and leaped the void to the next. Roof after roof disappeared beneath him, and finally he was neck and neck with Kira. He watched as her hand dove into the rich man's pocket, quick as a flash, and allowed a brief mental cheer.
(I will! X3)

Name:Sidus 'Star'



Personality:He's pretty quiet when it comes to others,though when he does speak he's a very good back talker and smart



Special talent: Good at fooling and moving around the city
Name: Alaysha



Personality:She is quite crazy, but has a very good insinct. She is hyper all the time and faints and random times, usually how she gets caught


Special talent: Her gut feeling

Yay, you're both accepted! I'm glad to have a few members. We can start now I suppose, and let other people join in when they come.

Kira didn't have to look up to see the smirk on Ary's face. She couldn't celebrate until she was truly safe, though. She flitted through the crowd and pretended to appraise a fruit vendor's goods. When the man was a good distance away she gave a triumphant smile and dove into a nearby alley. Not a second too soon, for see could hear loud commotion down the way and a booming voice yelling about pickpockets. A small raggedy child appeared in front of her and she looked at him sadly, hoping his future wouldn't follow the same path hers had. She bent down and placed an apple she had stolen from the fruit stand in his bony fingers. His sad eyes peirced her soul, giving her all the thanks she needed before he dissapeared with the apple.

Ary could barely see his sister's hand as it snatched an apple from the stand. She slipped between the building he was perched on and another one a small jump away. His sharp eyes spied on her as she gave a sad looking twig of a boy her apple. It made him feel good, even though the apple wouldn't end up filling his stomach. He laughed inside at the fact that a theif had given to the poor. He jumped down to hang from the gutter, and began a quick descent to the ground below.
Sidus watched the little performance of Kira's from on top a roof that wasn't far,he knew he wasn't the only one sneaking around so he'd always keep an eye out. He wondered if he should head back to his hideout now since he had already cheated some money from a poor sucker and got something rather good to eat,he shrugged his shoulders as he hopped up to his feet and looked around.
Kira waited for her brother to arrive. When he dropped from the sky, she took his arm and began running. He stumbled then caught up with her, and soon they were both running full throttle, just for the joy of it. Before long the city became quieter, then finally turned into neighborhoods. In an almost ancient part of town stood a crumbling church, let unattended because no one cared/had the money to fix it up. Kira crawled through a familiar cellar door and into her home.

Ary made his final leap to the ground, and his sister grabbed him up in a mad dash. He ran, pumping arms and legs simultaneously after her, leaping and jumping with pure exhiliration. They ran and ran, and just as he could feel his sides twinge from the effort they neared their neighborhood. In an empty lot rose a decript church. They navigated the debris strewn about it and dove down into the depths of their humble abode.
(( Sign up form! :D

Name : Aveline

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Personality : She is a quiet person. She usually plays or talks with cats, but she does talk with people, just rarely. She finds more comfort in interacting with cats. Even so, she could provide ideas (sometimes, only when she's in the mood). Her family died from a train crash, and since then, she has a phobia of trains.

Appearance : View attachment 9456

Special talent : She can understand cats (not talk to them, but simply understands them). She is also a good runner (this ability is useful when she is trying to escape from the police). ))

The first thing Kira did was grab a broom from the corner. She could hear her brother come in behind her and grab their duster. She had always been very strict with cleanliness. She swept the dust off the floor while Ary swept off the chairs and window. She opened the blinds on their only window, and finally they were done with the daily cleaning process.

Ary jumped to the task of cleaning. He walked through their random, but well organized items, dusting and dusting and dusting. He swept off the window and blinds, the table, and their mostly empty pantry. When they were done, the room was much brighter. Even thought it was a cellar in the basement.
Sidus had walked along the roofs playfully as he headed back to his place where he stayed alone,or where he thought he did anyway. He actually stayed under the church Kira and Ary stayed,in a underground cave the churched used for baptism since there was what was known to be holy water here. And the water was still here but long forgotten with grass growing along the floor of the cave,that is until Sidus found it. He stayed here since he liked it and no one else could find him here,he'd hear noises coming from above him but thought nothing of it.
Name: Damian

Age: 17

Gender: male

Personality: arrogant, talkative

Appearance:View attachment 9527(sorry for the big picture)

Special talent: Great pickpocket, can talk his way out of sticky situations, fast
ACCEPTED both of you!!!!

Kira looked dejectedly at the pantry. She looked over at her brother. "I gotta get some grub," she said. He nodded.

Ary's stomach growled as he watched Kira go out for food.
Sidus sat by the water as he kicked his feet in it,he sighed as he thought of what he was going to do next. He had to get something to eat soon but he didn't want to go just yet,he wondered if there was anything else or was that it? Such a boring life,he wished something more fun would happen but nothing ever did. Maybe he should do something new and more fun? Though what could it be? Something he hasn't done? He tried to think as he stared at the water in front of him,nothing came to mind though.
Thanks. :)

Elle walked through an alley onto the streets. She turned to make sure no one was watching her, and dashed across toward the stream. She was tired and hungry, but cold enough for the whole orphanage! She watched her back as she reached the water, only a few paces away from Sidus as she cupped her hands and splashed the cool water into her face. She wiped her wet face onto her shirt, then turned around to look at the street behind her, watching the cars whir past. Her bare feet sunk into the damp grass and she still didn't notice Sidus.
Sidus stared at the strange girl that randomly came in,plastered against the cave wall trying to hide and since it was dim he really looked like a girl now. What on earth? He has been the only one to find this place in who knows how long and all of a sudden some girl pops up out of nowhere and find it,that was just not cool. He didn't like other people unless he had something to gain from them,especially people who just come in his place without asking.
Elle still didn't notice the guy, but that wasn't important. A man in a buisness suit that she was POSITIVE had come for her (she has WAY too much worry in that little head of hers). He walked by and she darted into the trees. No trace of her left, no sound to be heard. No footprints to follow. She was utterly gone.

The man passed.

Elle peaked out from the trees, but she was very, very careful. She saw the man had dropped a small paper bag. she grabbed it, then darted back again. Opening the bag in the guard of the trees, she found a small wad of money (about 10 dollars) a little sandwich (ham and cheese, cut into triangles), and a few fruits (an orange, a plum, and an apple). She almost squealed with delight, but her better judegment took over and she knew she had to be quiet about it.

She turned then into her sharing mode and decided that if she were to find anyone to share it with (BetterJudgement: THAT YOU CAN TRUST!), she would do just that.

Now, she was SURE she was being watched. She turned to see the boy, Sidus, who, even hidden in the shadows, she knew he could see her, as well as she him. She squealed and ducked behind a bush.
Sidus just stared at her,not sure what to do in this problem. This girl seemed way to worried about everything so he figured if he moved he'd freak her out,unless he pretended she wasn't there. Then maybe she'd go away,so that he did. He relaxed a bit and just acted as if she wasn't there,sitting by the water again as he looked down at his clothes. Figuring maybe that was something he could do,get actual boy clothes. Though he had shorts under this...dress,he still could get something a bit better. He just started thinking once again so he'd forget she was there,even though that was kinda impossible.
she saw his face then slowly, carefully, steped out, knife in her hand. She held the bag in the other and shyly manuevered aroung to the side of him, but not too close. She said nothing and kept a firm grip on her pocket knife, blade extended, but she didn't back away just yet. She waited...hoping he'd say something so she didn't have to.
He still didn't look at her,but didn't want her to sit there staring at him so he sighed."Yes?"He asked simply,thinking of an outfit he could try to find that would work for him. He was sure he'd be able to get it but he wasn't sure what would work. Though this girl was strange and made him feel un-eased,not sure why she just did and he didn't like it.
She almost smiled, but her better judgement (she'd named it Paul) Had taken over again, refusing to let her girly instincts take over once again. "Listen, I know this is your place and all," She stopped suddenly. 'Don't be nice, be forceful." "I have a proposal. Be my ally. I have small amounts of money, food, and I can get you out of that dress. Deal?" she then scooted a little away from him, thinking she'd said too much, but Paul came back again. 'He knows what you want him to know, and that's good enough.'
Now Sidus stared at her confused,what a strange girl this was though she at least made things interesting. He stood up facing her and sighed as he thought about it,then crossed his arms and huffed."Deal..."He wasn't sure about it but it was something new and that's what he wanted,even though buying clothes was the easy boring way but oh well.
She read his expression, a talent she'd had since her father murdered her mother. "Listen, I've been in my fair share of 'interesting situations', trust me on that. But, for now, we need to disquise ourselves, or else we'll be caught, OK? After that," She smirked. "THEN, then the 'interesting' parts will start."

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