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Multiple Settings Life on the Run! Western or Modern


Hello there everybody!

For my Original
I'm looking for a fun, Bonnie and Clyde style esce rp . This can be modern or western whichever suits your fancy!Lots of action,romance, style flash. You name it it's fun!

I have two OCs for this already, if you'd like to double with your own pairing for a separate story I'm 100% down for that!

MxF pairings preferred

Here's the rules!

I rp in 3rd person and prefer a common grasp on grammar/ punctuation. Typos and stuff are ok, but please know the basics at the very least.

I write about 400 words + per reply,but that's on the low end. I've written up to 2k words a post,let me know what your comfort level is.

I'm a full time healthcare worker,have pets and family. Do not badger me for replies. I promise I won't hound you either, writing is a hobby not a chore so let's keep it fun! On a side note, however, if you're going to be busy let me know. If I don't hear for you in OOC chat in about a week after prompt I'm going to assume you're no longer interested. You don't have to send a rp response that quick but please communicate that's all I ask.

Speaking of fun,please OOC chat on occasion. Nothing kills motivation faster then a silent partner who only pops out a reply and nothing else. Feel free to share memes, talk to me about stupid life stuff,plot etc. I promise you it's more fun when we can both get super excited!!
Partially but I'm also looking for people interested in a western themed rp similar to the game of red dead redemption 2

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