Life of the Elements


Three Thousand Club

Without Armor


With Armor


Description: When not wearing her SPARTAN VI armor, which is slender and sleek to her body frame with minimal plates to disrupt her silhouette, Linde is the definition of beautiful in the eyes of most who would see her. Long flowing hair, a sleek and athletic frame, close to zero body fat, and the sweetest of smiles which can lull even the most respectable men into losing their composure in her presence.

Her body is athletic and sleek, with just enough muscle to show those that gaze upon her that she is not to be trifled with. Her skin is soft and smooth with a mild tan coloration which comes from spending time in the sun and out of her armor for long periods of time. Her legs are long and her hips and torso form a near perfect hourglass figure with a full chest waiting at the top. Her neck is slender and slopes gently down into her shoulders which is deceptive due to the strength she possesses as a SPARTAN. Her arms are not heavily muscled, but none the less the muscle definition of what is there when flexed is quite spectacular.

Her voice is soft and gentle, but when in her armor takes on a more gruff and serious tone befitting her position as a SPARTAN and a soldier. When she's out of armor, you'd never guess she was such a soldier due to how sweetly she behaves. As a SPARTAN, and in armor, Linde is a ferocious combatant with the tenacity to rival anyone on the battlefield be they human or otherwise. Her calm demeanor when in combat belies her fiery desire to ensure the safety of those around her, and as she's already lost a few members of her squadron, she has no desire to see anymore lost and thus is even more protective of those assigned to her team. While she is not directly in charge of it, she is none the less one of the more prominent figures among them.

Age: 22

Date of Birth: September 9th, 2541

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Height W/O Armor: 6' 5"

Height W/ Armor: 6" 11"

Weight W/O Armor: 325

Weight W/ Armor: 885

Body Type: Athletic

Complexion: Tan with even and smooth skin

Voice Type: Mezzo-Soprano

Blood Type: O Negative

Distinguishable Markings: None

Rank: Captain

Personality: Linde's personality shifts with her situation, but one factor which remains constant among the shifting is her unshakable devotion and love of her team. Even when at odds with some of the members, Linde's loyalty to her squad never falters and she fights ferociously to protect them whenever necessary. Her normal personality when out of armor is that of a sweet, intelligent, and sometimes even flirtatious girl. She's calm, poised, and she knows how beautiful she is even though she doesn't flaunt it in front of others. (She really doesn't need to.)

When she's in her armor, her attitude becomes much more serious though she can sometimes retain that flirtatiousness and a hint of sarcasm which she's well known for. Still, when in combat and in armor, Linde's attitude is that of a soldier through and through. She knows when to keep quiet, when to speak up, and when to let her actions do the talking. She's calm, poised, and serious. Her body language becomes more rigid and almost robotic, almost as if she's possessed by another person entirely. She tends to react harshly to inappropriate comedic comments, and very harshly criticizes anyone who acts out of line. She's even deliberately broken a team member's leg to keep them from 'going off on their own' so that they were forced to stay with the group where she could keep an eye on them.

While harsh, in her eyes it was for their benefit and for the greater good of the team as a whole not to let anyone go off on their own and possibly either die or end up in a situation where they'd be used against the rest of the team.

Strengths: Powerful SPARTAN warrior with a repertoire of techniques to match, calm attitude regardless of the situation

Weaknesses: Some would call her devotion to her team a strength, but it can also be a very exploitable weakness. She has a lack of formal education beyond the UNSC, and most of what she knows lies within the military aspect of her life. Her SPARTAN VI Armor is a variant with few plates for flexibility and agility which makes it more vulnerable than most to projectile weaponry.

Equipment: Linde uses a few unique weapons among the SPARTAN VI soldiers given her martial arts background.[/center]

  • M90 Shotgun variant with a rotating drum and long barrel attachment for increased range and less spread in close range combat
  • M6R Personal Weapon Defense System (Pistol) with a three round burst
  • Two Combat Knives with 1' 4" blade (handle and guard excluded from calculation)
  • Basic Medical Tape, Bio Foam Canister, and Extendable On-Site Splint Plates

Biography: Linde was born on September 9th, 2542 on Earth as the child of a mildly well-to-do Japanese family. Her father worked as the Manager of a UNSC Weapons Manufacturing company stationed in Tokyo while her mother was a College Professor. Linde grew up with the impression that she would become either a teacher like her mother or a UNSC soldier like her father had been before his honorable discharge when he lost his left arm below the elbow during a Covenant Attack several years before the end of hostilities was finally negotiated. She was taught martial arts from a young age by a friend of her father's and was educated at home by her mother.

Linde's personality at this age was that of a sweet, if not naive little girl who thought the world would always stay the same. But as everyone knows, fate seldom works according to plan. Tokyo was the subject of scrutiny not long after Linde's sixth birthday when her father's company encountered a scandal involving several employees and the CEO of the company. While her father was kept out of the limelight as a simple manager, he none the less was one of the first to feel the effects of the negative publicity and the measures the company had to take to keep their reputation. Linde's father was laid off not more than a few days after the incident, forcing her mother to become the money-maker of the family. On her salary, her mother's income was hardly enough and it put a lot of strain on the marriage which culminated in her parent's divorce at the age of eight.

Custody of Linde was amicably agreed to be 50/50, spending one week at a time with each parent on a regular schedule. As she continued to grow, Linde became experimental with both her appearance and her sexuality by the time she had entered her teenage years. At age thirteen, she found a boyfriend in one of her neighborhood residents. The relationship didn't last though, as she found him with another girl less than one week into the relationship. Linde encountered a young woman who would become her first girlfriend a few months later, and their relationship lasted almost seven months before it was forced to come to an end by Linde's parents who were not at all happy that their daughter was exploring relations with other girls.

By Linde's seventeenth birthday, she had enrolled in the UNSC and began her training as a soldier. She turned eighteen during the course of her Basic Training, which was one of the only reasons she was allowed to participate in the first place. She completed Basic Training with flying colors and was granted a position as a Private in the UNSC's marine corps. She served for two years in the field helping to quell rebel forces on a nearby colony world, the name of which she has since forgotten, and on deployment she displayed the first bits of what would become the staple of her personality: her devotion. Linde rescued over ten members of her squad from incoming mortar fire by dragging their beaten and battered bodies to safety before they were rescued via Pelican Extraction. Linde was commemorated for her bravery and given several awards for her acts of valor.

By the end of her military career Linde's awards included, but were by no means limited to, the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service, the Silver Star, and the Purple Heart.

Linde completed her service when she was twenty one years old, and returned home to the UNSC Infinity class warship Striker in its orbit near Earth. It was there that she first caught wind of the SPARTAN VI program by following a tech specialist who was carrying some suspicious equipment which she had never seen before through its halls. She overheard him in conversation with another tech specialist who spoke of the SPARTAN VI program before disappearing beyond her ability to follow into restricted doors. She questioned her CO about the SPARTAN VI program, and received a vague, if not somewhat questionable answer regarding it.

On September 9th, 2563, on Linde's 22 birthday, Linde was asked to come to the UNSC Striker's deck to speak to the Captain. Upon her arrival, she was questioned about what she knew of the SPARTAN VI project, to which she replied "Nothing, aside from the fact that it exists." The Captain allowed her to take her leave, but by 8:00pm that evening she received a summons to the deck once more where the Captain introduced Linde to one of the the Co-Founders of the SPARTAN VI program. Linde spoke with him at length about the process of becoming a SPARTAN, and was told of the differences and the risks involved with the SPARTAN VI process. When asked if she would volunteer, Linde was hesitant to agree at first but said "yes" before her mind had the chance to catch up and take it back.

Linde was initiated into the SPARTAN VI program that very night, and by November 2nd, 2563, she was on Alpha.06 where she underwent the SPARTAN process. The surgery was successful, but did not come without severe complications which were thankfully resolved. The application of the skeletal changes took a heavy toll on her and stopped her heart three times before she was finally able to make it through. Despite several setbacks, the process completed by the next morning. As her body grew acclimated to the effects it had on her, she slowly grew more and more aware of the changes which had taken place and came to grips with the reality that she would never be the same again. She was a SPARTAN now, and that meant that she now carried with her several new responsibilities which would shape who she became over the next several months.

On July 28th, 2564, SPARTAN 040-Linde, was deployed to the surface of Alpha.06 after it was learned that a single Covenant Battlecruiser had managed to warp within striking range of the planet's inhabitants. The siege began at 4:25am on July 28th, 2564, and SPARTAN 040-Linde's feet touched the surface of the planet alongside three other SPARTAN VI soldiers in her squad for the purpose of taking control of the situation and bringing the colony's defensive outposts up to speed on the situation. Linde's squad engaged several dozen Covenant forces including over half a dozen Elites and Brutes, and carved a path through them without a hitch. However, when they reached the first outpost, the SPARTANs encountered something new.

Hunters, one of the most hardy and dangerous of Covenant forces. But they were different than those encountered in the past. They were larger, more heavily armored, and held a newly upgraded version of the previous plasma cannon which was enough to vaporize ODST's on the spot. Even the SPARTANs with their SPARTAN VI Armor variants could do little against them at first until they found their weakness to be the shield itself which was now a part of their biology. Directly behind the shield was one of the only soft spots of their entire anatomy, and before they defeated both Hunters they lost one of the SPARTANs during the chaos. Linde herself was badly wounded by a direct blast from one of the Hunters, and part of her Armor was torn away from her left shoulder exposing her flesh to the world which received a heavy burn from the aftermath of the blast.

With her left arm all but useless, Linde's situation is looking dire.

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Name: Jakeb Markus Carson

Picture: (I prefer to describe my character by text, unless you wish to insist on a pic)

Description: On-base, Jakeb wears a plain standard-issue grey shirt with plain black-and-grey combat trousers. The clothing does nothing to hide his scarred face which has been marred by various cuts, burns and scar tissue. Amongst the collection of damage his face has accrued, the most noticeable scars are a slightly melted right ear and a long cut beginning from the top-right of his forehead and crossing diagonally down his face, narrowly missing his eye although it has deformed his nose and mouth a little as it crossed over them.

Underneath the damage his body has suffered, Jakeb was once a moderately handsome man. Dark brown eyes, dark enough to be mistaken for black sit under his closely shaved light brown hair. He is clean shaven, although as the story goes on it will grow out into dark, thick stubble. He is of Caucasian decent with a deep, no-nonsense voice but time aboard a ship or inside the ODST suit has given him a more pale complexion then when he was a regular Marine. His body carries many scars. These range from plasma burns to bullet holes, slightly warped flesh occasionally (from heat burns) and a few other blade wounds, animal bite marks and everything in between.

His ODST suit is the standard black armour, but with a small computer (a Tac/com) mounted on his left forearm. When being used, the interface lights up in a pale blue. The Reaver Platoon insignia, a cartoon face with bloodshot eyes rolling back and saliva dripping from pointed teeth, is painted upon his right shoulderpad with 'E sqn SGT' stencilled underneath. He also carries a bandolier across his chest, which contains an extra two Sniper Rifle magazines.

Age: 29

Date of Birth: 28/8/2535, 1448hrs

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 6'2 or 188cm

Weight: 90kg

Body Type: Lean but athletic.

Complexion: Uneven slight tan.

Voice Type: Baritone

Blood Type: B-

Distinguishable Markings: Diagonal scar from top-right to bottom-left of face, disfiguring his nose and mouth slightly. Also a slightly melted right ear.

Rank: Sergeant (Navy Marine branch of military)

Personality: Jakeb has worked hard to gain the respect of his fellows in Reaver squadron. With the platoon's ongoing 'most brutal fighter stays in' policy, cruelty and violence were necessary traits Jakeb adopted. He is dismissive of anyone under his rank, and tolerant of anyone over until their worth has been 'proven' to him, usually through military skill or intelligence. He drives his squad hard, pushing them beyond what they thought were capable of and into what most military officers would call 'torture'. His squad, Echo, simply grin maniacally and push onwards.

But, this is a facade Jakeb has kept up for years. The cruelty he inflicted to make his way into Reaver Platoon keeps him awake at night, staring blankly into the bunk above. He is dismissive and tolerant towards those he respects and fears, knowing that if Reaver's Lieutenant caught even a hint of Jakeb's hidden self, he would suffer. And the sole reason he pushes his squad so hard is to keep them exhausted, so absolutely drained that they would never have a chance to challenge his authority.

He regrets ever joining Reaver, but he knows he'll never leave with his life intact. And so, while he keeps his facade to everyone and anyone he is always on the lookout for that elusive 'way out'.


-Higher then ODST fitness due to training Echo squad at such a high level. (Not quite on par with a Spartan, but capable of taking on a single Sangheili (Elite) with no weaponry)

-Effective melee fighter

(at least three)

-Slightly deaf in right ear

-Paranoid of anyone in Reaver, wary of anyone in the UNSC, cautious of everyone else.

-High level fitness requires large meals, difficult to come across in a combat zone.


-Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel

-M7/Caseless Submachine Gun (holstered horizontally at the back of his belt)

-ODST armour

-VISR Visual helmet attachment

-Tac/com military command system (small computer mounted upon left forearm)

Service Record (Biography):

2535 - 2552: Jakeb Markus Carson born to Erin Carson and [unidentified] in the city of New Darwin, Jupiter, Sol. The remote town is relatively safe from the threat of Covenant forces as they ravage Human colonies, but at the end of 2552 Earth is 'accidentally' invaded by the Covenant. Jakeb immediately leaves his school and mother, taking the next freighter to Pluto where he immediately signs up to the UNSC.

2552 - 2553: Basic training is completed, with exceptional scores in marksmanship and small unit tactics. His fitness, however, leaves much to be desired and so while being highly recommended, he is denied the rank of Corporal and instead promoted to Lance-Corporal.

2553 - 2556: Deployed against Covenant and (occasionally) Human Resistance forces. An incident in Jan-2556 wherupon LCPL Carson takes command of a leaderless ODST squad alongside his own and, coordinating both teams, he leads them to victory assaulting an enemy anti-air platform and holding it against ground troops at a ratio of 7:1. This victory proved pointless, as the Human-Covenant war came to an end roughly a week after the operation was deemed a success. Upon his return, he is promoted to Corporal and invited to try out for the ODST Helljumper Platoon. It should be noted that during this incident, a close-range encounter witha fuel rod cannon melted his right ear. Surgery has repaired this defect as best they could.

2556 - 2558: Having attempted to join Helljumper Platoon, CPL Carson scored well but was unfortuanatly placed at #43 upon the selection standings. Helljumper Platoon takes the top 40 soldiers, and CPL Carson is told to return to his post. Immediately, LT Mason of Reaver Platoon steps forward and requests Carson to try out again, this time for Reaver. Carson does so, and despite running ODST selection for two consecutive years he scores at #40, scraping into Reaver Platoon. LT Mason promotes him to Sergeant, and gives him command of Echo Squad.

2559 - 2562: Immediately, problems begin to appear for the new Sergeant. Respect is difficult to obtain, and harder to keep. In response, SGT Carson pushes them harder, rising them past the other squads to be LT Mason's go-to problem solvers. For unknown reasons to UNSC military records, all dissent stops upon a successful anti-Human-Resistance operation. ONI operatives are currently investigating the operations records, but Reaver Platoon soldiers are proving uncooperative.

2562 - current: Reaver Platoon is attached to UNSC Shuddering Impact, under the command of Colonel Hayley Switch. After several deployments across the galaxy, disposing of diehard religious fanatics of Covenant and Human alike, Shuddering Impact is sent to reinforce a Spartan operation upon the planet of Alpha.06. Reaver Platoon is dispatched across the planet's surface.

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