Life of a Vulpine [Inactive]


◢ Kitty ◤
TerrinX submitted a new role play:

Life of a Vulpine - Romantic,Adventurous, life in the world of a vulpine (Human/Fox)

I was Lost in the woods, the fog was rolling in, I looked at my hands, my vision blurred I couldn't see clearly, what something was happening. I woke up in cold sweat, it was that dream again, a dream I’ve been having for a few weeks. I looked at my calendar, it was the first day of December, looking at the clock beside my bed it read 6:30 still early enough for me to get ready for school and to have some time to myself, I got up and took a shower. I decided to wear blue jeans and a bright pink...
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((Is this semi-lit, short answer.... Not really sure.. but hey! Let's start xD !))

Katashi leaned back on the trunk the tree, feeling the summer wind caressing his ears and whipping his hair playfully. The summer wind brought a little dread to him, at the thought of the upcoming seasons of mating. He had avoided it for the last few years, his vulpine instincts had not yet developed. Now it was different and his inner fox was going to go insane if he did not heed his instincts. He sighed to himself as he looked over the town from his treetop vantage point. Sometimes, I hate being vulpine.
Lyra stretched and and yawned as her ears and tail sprouted from her body, being in her human form for school was hard, as her instincts constantly nabbed at her, but now it was summer and she could be a little more free, but she rarely dared to become a full fox, the last time she made that mistake her human mind was gone, only the heart of an animal remained, she was like that for two months and never dared to do it again. Lyra set out for the large forest behind her house, miles of wilderness in almost any direction. After stopping for a quick meal, she continued to walk further twords the heart of the forest, a skinned piece of bloody meat in her hands and blood smeared on her face from eating.

Alison rolled out of bed, after have been being curled up in a furry red and white ball. She preferred sometimes to sleep in her fox form because shed often get cold during the night and have to go to the attic to get extra blankets. Something she did most certainly not wish to do. She scampered into the hallway and down the carpeted stairs of the split level home to go outside. A light rain coated her soft shiny clean fur coat, which she didn't mind because a rain this light barely affected hr skin, her fur might as well have been waterproof. After having a good look at the day she hurried back inside for breakfast.

Within ten minutes she had shifted back to her human form, and was brushing through golden blonde curls, dusting powder over her nose and cheeks, applying a peach hued lipgloss and a light coat of dark brown mascara. She had decided on a floral dress with navy ballet flats that day, and was soon enough twirling I the mirror to admire her outfit.

Alice woke up, her kimono falling of her shoulder as she looked around in a sleepy daze. She hastily pulled the shoulder up as she realized she was awake and it was time to start the day. Her ears twitched as she herd someone outside her door. As she predicted, a few seconds later the door slid open, revealing her mother in a kimono.

"Alice, get up. You have shrine duty." she said in a warm sweet tone.

"Yes mother, I will start right away." Alice said, standing form her bed. Her mother nodded and shut the door. Alice stretched, then walked to her closet to find a yukata. She opened her balcony door to the pond out back. She headed to the right, walking towards the shed. She opened the creaky door, just to find that the other worker had knocked over all the tools AGAIN. This made trying to grab the fish food like walking though a mine field. She, somehow, managed to grab the fish food and make it out of there safely. She closed the door with a sigh of relief and headed to go feed the fish in the pond. She watched the black and white one swim in circles, like yin and yang. Her world was always in balance like this. She loved it. Her tail swayed in rhythm with the fish, happily enjoying the silence and tranquility.
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Lyra stopped, she was lost. Normally she could just follow her scent trail home but she was upwind which would only confuse her and she would end up following the wrong path. Deciding to climb the tallest tree near her, she blushed with lonely embarrassment when she realized that she was only just outside from the edge of the forest. not wanting to be noticed by humans Lyra tried to climb down quickly, 'Ill visit the shrine later' she thought right before a branch gave way and she fell almost 40 feet with a loud thud and crack as she landed on a dead mossy log, now split in two from the impact,
Katashi could smell the female vulpine long before she neared his vantage point. She looked lost as she stood just downhill from him, staring around with a sharp blue gaze. She had probably gotten caught by the upwind draft that had started blowing in the early morning, lost as she couldn't find home again. He watched with interest as she climbed a tree and then, seemingly thinking better of it, hurriedly climbed down again. He didn't realise how interested he was in until a sharp cracking noise echoed through the forest and the vixen was falling through the air.

Barely thinking, Katashi rapidly descended his tree and upon reaching solid ground, strode over to where the unfortunate vulpine had fallen. She had fallen on a large log, which now lay in two halves and thousands of splintered remains. It had broken her fall somewhat and he though he could see her chest rising and falling. He stood a few feet away, instinct urging him to check for danger as he always did.

To check if she was unconscious or not, he called out softly to her. "Hey. Hey vixen. You okay there?"
Alice perked her ears. She herd a crack in the distance, somewhere on the border of the forest. She stood and started running in the direction on the noise, jumping over plants and bouncing off trees. When she reached the scene, there was a woman lying on the floor with a man crouched over her. Sensing the heartbeat of both of them, she was glad that the girl was alive. She walked towards her, crouching next to the man.
Thankfully, as Katashi felt her wrist, he could feel a steady pulse and sighed in relief. She was only unconscious and it seemed she hadn't seriously injured herself in the floor. His ears twitched as they picked up the sound running and rustling foliage. A young woman crouched beside him, her pale hair and creamy ears similar to his. She wore a simple yukata, in the local shrine's colours. "Good morning, miko-san. It is nice to meet a fellow shrine keeper. I'm guessing you heard the fall of our fellow vulpine here." He turned to the vulpine, a smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah, her crash was pretty loud" Alice replied. She met the man's gaze. He had ears similar to hers and golden hair. His eyes were a piercing blue. The way he was dressed and what he had said clued her into the fact that he might work at a shrine. "What shrine do you work fore?" she asked politely, adding on the end "My name is Alice by the way, not Miko-san"
As soon as her question was in the air, his smile dropped and he clenched a fist where it rested on the hard earth. He took a deep breath and then answered. "My shrine was destroyed, along with our lead miko and everyone else... I was a member of the Inari shrine of Nara in Japan."

Katashi sighed and then turned his gaze back to the polite shrine maiden. "I am Katashi Inariya. And you are?"
" I already said, Alice. Alice Nimbleworth. I'm the daughter of the Nimble shrine, which is where I came from. Maby we should take her to the shrine." Alice says, looking at the incapacitated girl.
"Ah sorry. I didn't realise you had said your name. I apologise. Anyway, it may be a good idea but she could get dangerous if she wakes up in a place unfamiliar to her. Unless you know her?" He bowed his head to his fellow shrine keeper as he apologised.

(I meant miko as the title of a shrine keeper, just if you didn't realise.)
"Yes, her name's Lyra. She visits the shrine from time to time. She's a sweet girl, sometimes." Alice said. She looked at the girl. She stood from her crouch, shifting to be above her head. "Want to help me pick her up?" She said, grasping her arms.
Katashi crouched down further, before shimmying his arms underneath the unconscious girl. Lyra, he corrected himself. He hooked one arm around her neck/shoulders and the other under her knees. "No, I can get her. If you can lead the way, I would be grateful." He stood and realised the girl in his arms was very light and he wondered why. He turned to Alice, nodding his head to indicate he was fine and waited for her to lead the way.
Alice started walking in the direction of the shrine. She pushed away the brush and leaves, walking though the forest. Soon they reach the shrine. Alice walks up and opens the door to her bed room, quickly grabbing a spare futon from the closet and setting it on the floor. "You can put her on there for now" she said," I'm going to get the bandages." With that she trotted down the hall to retrieve the first aid kit.
Katashi carefully lay the unconscious Lyra on the spare futon, taking care not to lay her in a painful position. She had several scratches on her face and he thought that she would have some sweet bruises the nest day, especially on her back. Noting that her hand had several large splinters, he reminded himself to ask Alice for some tweezers when she returned. Sighing as he rolled the tension out of his shoulders, he whistled and tapped his claws on the tatami mat, creating a rhythm which he held until he saw Lyra's ears twitching in reaction to the sounds.
As the young girl called out in her sleep, Katashi could feel the hope in her voice. She hoped her parents were there. Which brought his mind back to the situation and he wondered if she had parents to ring, just to let them know she was okay. Must be nice, to have had parents and to be loved...

He gently shook Lyra's shoulder, careful not to knock her head or back too much. "Lyra, can you hear me?"
Woah... Katashi freaked out inwardly at the panicked state of the brunette. He didn't deal well with high emotions but the panic in her eyes made him want to help. A crash? Her parents?

"Lyra, calm down. Uh, breathe? Take a deep breath." 'Please don't hyperventilate, please don't hyperventilate.' He thought over and over again, a little mantra.

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