Life in Ikebukuro (DRRR!! Roleplay)


I just wanna sleep.
You can use characters from the anime as long as you thoroughly understand them. Be sure to post the biography of them as you would an OC just to prove that you do understand the character. Please use the template below when making your character (and you may use images for the appearance, but at least provide some sort of description):





Other information:
Name: Shizuo Heiwajima

Age: 24

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/29869.jpg.595eb14a25050fe37e5104ecf6095add.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/29869.jpg.595eb14a25050fe37e5104ecf6095add.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

185 cm / 70 kg

Shizuo is a tall and slender man. He's always seen in his bartender outfit and glasses, and usually with a cigarette between his teeth or in his hand.

Personality: He hates violence. As a signature line, it doesn't stand true through his actions. He's hot tempered and everyone knows about it. Though he has a reputation as violent and scary, he's often quiet and nondescript, content to follow Tom Tanaka as his bodyguard.

As a child, he was scared of his immense strength since it caused him to be alienated and to accidentally harm those he cared about around him. However, after dealing with the Saika army, he came to terms with himself and has become stronger for it. Though, he hasn't lost the short fuse he became known for.



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Izaya Orihara




He has the appearance and expression of one who is extremely devious and manipulative with his black hair and reddish-brown eyes. He is repeatedly described as a handsome man with a beautiful face by other characters in the novels. His regular outfit consists of a black coat that goes down to his hips, with grey fur lining the edges along with a plain black T-shirt and pants and dark brown shoes. In the novels, he occasionally dons a longer version of his coat that reaches down to his ankles while in the anime he exclusively uses the shorter version. In one OVA episode, he is shown to wear a lighter short-sleeved hoodie in warmer weather.

He claims to love humanity although his definition of "love" is much different than one would assume. What he specifically loves about humanity is the unpredictability of human nature and greatly enjoys putting people in enjoyable or chaotic situations in order to observe their reactions. With a thorough understanding of human behavior and tendencies, he is able to determine people's thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy. Izaya is cunning and charming but his manipulative nature prevents him from making any genuine or lasting bonds with others. He has a very jolly and mocking personality, speaking informally with most people as if they are close friends and often using nicknames (such as "Shizu-chan" for Shizuo and "Dotachin" for
Kyohei Kadota). He even talks like a girl on occasion, especially online where he actually does pretend to be female. He plays on both sides, so that whoever wins, he will have an advantage.

He likes to play twisted versions of checkers (usually using a combination of Chess, Othello, and Shogi pieces) with himself in his room, often using the chessboard as a representation of the battles in Ikebukuro, giving him the fitting appearance of one who watches over the world and controls their actions. The rules he plays by are also beyond normal people, which seems to be a metaphor for the way he lives his life. He does not take his chess games to be a serious representation of the world however, as he usually prefers to observe people acting as they see fit instead of controlling them, and he even once set fire to his chess set in his excitement.

Although Izaya enjoys conflict, often showing up wherever there is potential for one, he usually stays out of it, preferring to observe the fight instead of directly taking part in it. However, when provoked, he quickly puts his opponent in his place, simply proving his superiority without actually beating the other person. Therefore he is usually seen as the one starting fights, but hiding in the shadows instead of directly taking part. He uses a flickblade and is skilled in parkour.

Izaya is also known to be one of the strongest men in Ikebukuro, although the title of strongest man belongs to Shizuo Heiwajima.When Mikado Ryuugamine first came to Ikebukuro, Izaya was one of the people Kida Masaomi warned him to stay away from, simply describing Izaya as "dangerous."

Other information:

-Him and Shizuo are rivals

-His blood type is O

-He likes Fatty Tuna

-He has Two Sisters

-His online aliases are Kanra, Nakura and Chrome



What use is your sentiment to me...?


Tetsui Saiga

(Saiga Tetsui)




Image In Spoiler

Standing at a height of 5'6" and weighing 108lbs, Saiga is a slender female of average height. Pale in complexion, Saiga has raven black hair that fall to her ankles which she usually wears pulled back in a ponytail and tied with a sheer navy blue ribbon. Her eyes are a pale blue violet in color. Saiga's typical attire varies between her high school uniform and shrine maiden robes.


Saiga could best be described as emotionless. She speaks little and when she does it is often solely to make observations. Saiga seems highly unaffected by outside influences, her expression rarely changes and she almost never displays any signs of emotion. At the same time she is highly intense and extremely perceptive. Though she shows none herself Saiga seems to have a very good understanding of human emotions and impulses. In fact she displays an interest in these very traits and will often purposely engage people in varying situation solely to witness their reactions. Saiga appears to have little real purpose in life, frequently saying that she only does things that are required for other events to unfold.

Other information:

Saiga has always been emotionally incapable and believes this to be the reason that everyone in her life has abandoned her. She is a child of Saika and the sword she carries is her form of the cursed blade. She has no allies or enemies but will not hesitate to initiate combat with those she see's fit to.
Alright, you're in. It sounds a bit like Izaya and Anri had a kid xP Anyway, I'll keep you updated on when we start.
Name: Daisuke Kichida

Age: 21

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/blondguy.jpg.cc9d11acbcdc2f5af5dd990868115f37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/blondguy.jpg.cc9d11acbcdc2f5af5dd990868115f37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A boy who dresses casually, typically in hoodies and shorts. Daisuke has a pierced eyebrow. His fingernails are pained orange which is an obscure reference to a gang long since disbanded.

Personality: An outgoing, confrontational sort of guy, Daisuke follows his own set of rules. He lounges around the city streets and seemingly has no income to support himself. Daisuke distinguishes those he meets by their gang and outlook before he hangs out with them. He wouldn't associate with anyone he deemed his enemy even in casual setting. An endless reservoir of friends and associates come and go though his life. The harsh streets of Tokyo is the only home he acknowledges. Daisuke's parents have lived in the same house for thirty years in a comfy place more reminiscent of a retirement place than a home. Also living with his mom and dad, is Daisuke's older brother. A man with a similar temperament as him but confined to a wheelchair. Daisuke and his brother are almost identical save for a small height difference. The days he sees his family are far and few between. It usually leads to awkwardness for everyone involved and silence.

Surprisingly, this ex-gangster has a penchant for cleanliness and order. He's also an active citizen, reading newspapers and following politics. Daisuke is quick to latch onto what he dislikes about a thing and make it his personal cause. However, lack of loyalty and evening scores is his main focus street-side, not social justice.

Other information: Daisuke has a grudge against the Dollars, specifically Izaya, his gang just by association. Daisuke is certain, although he has no proof, that Izaya screwed his former gang over by leaking or supplying them with false information.



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