♦♣~Life~In~A~Battery~♣♦ OPEN and ACCEPTING!


New Member
I'm almost out of time. You'll have crashed by now so listen up, you're not in the real world anymore, you'll see things here that would make grown men cry. It might look a bit like Russia but it's not. It may be freezing but it's not the Russia you know.

This is not an easy ride.

My name is Zia but that doesn't matter, check your left pocket, that's your life. That breaks you break and you do not want to break I presume. You probably recognize it as a battery, it will continue to run down as you do, you can charge it and therefore yourself at some varied places for example your plane has a charger in. Crap I'm missing so much out here, long story short that battery is you don't break it if you want to live.

This is Draconia, land of the dragons, but also land to many "tribes", for example in the top right of the island are PokeGjinkas, half Pokemon half Human, to the bottom right is a small portion of Hyrule including the "lovely" Ganondorf, the top left is some of the Outrealm gang, you know the guys from Fire Emblem and bottom left... I forget...

And in the center is you, pick your direction and try to survive, each area will have some kind of "charger" but they wont just let you use it.

The main thing that will stand in your way is the undead, zombies and such, the but it's not your brains they're after, it's your battery because... well it's your life, it's basically your "life juices" so keep them off you. There's other things to watch out for but you'll find out about them in due time.

Last thing, I hope the last game you played, show you watched and book you read were good because now you are them. The abilities you have are from the last book you read, last weapon from the game and your "pet" from the last show, or are they?, who knows, but theres a catch, the ability and any electricity involved in the weapon and pet are powered by you, or your battery to be exact. Using your battery will run it down exponentially, it'll last a couple of days on it's own, 20 mins if you keep using it.

I'm out of time, if you get this then good luck. Zia out.


1. Follow the site rules blahblahblah

2. Keep it PG-13 please, if it gets to clothes off then skip forward.

3. I am the law, I wont be unfair but what I say goes.

4. No God-Modding.

5. Check all "Kills" with both me and the victim

6. I like Pokemon so you get a Pokemon companion as a back up, your battery will go into hibernate at 10% life, after that it's up to your PokePal to save you. He/She can also be used in battle without using battery life. One catch, I pick them, you give me your personality and I pick it, unless your pet or weapon are Pokemon related, you can pick those.

7. Please tell me how awesome Gak is in your application so I know you've read the rules.

8. Applications should be sent to me. Don't post here till I've accepted you.

9. Please speak English and speak it to some sort of quality.

10. No emoticons please.

11. If you want to meet up with others across the world then discuss via OCC

12. Be creative! If it's good plot line I'll work it in.

13. I don't mind swearing but keep it light. I don't ******* want this ******* kind of ******* thing ******.

14. Remember to have fun!

Application form:

Personal Details.

Appearance (Picture if possible) :







How are you?


Emotional Problems:

Tell me about yourself.


History (at least 6 lines) :



Now for the good bit.

Last game played:

Last film watched:

Last book read:

Anything Else.

I seem to be forgetting something... Can you remember that thing... the awesome one?

Have I missed something? Tell me here.

Accepted Characters :

Personal Details.

View attachment 12037

Name: Draydeth

Nickname: Dray

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Where are you from: London, United Kingdom

How are you?

Injuries: Nothing noticeable

Emotional Problems: Quick to get teary

Tell me about yourself.

Personality: A little bit on the shy side but very smart. Wants to make friends.

History (at least 6 lines) : At 2 his parents split up, he didn't mind at the time but as the years went on he felt more and more like it was his fault and because of this he's spent a lot of his time sulking and alone.

He's getting a bit more outgoing as he ages but he's still shy at the moment. He's quite the "smarty pants" and has always favored brains over brawn. He's yet to think about a relationship but if he ever has a serious one he wants it to be better than his parent's.

As he's aged he's also become a little... how to put this... sneaky. He could have your wallet within 10 seconds if he wanted, but If you're on the right side of him he's fine.

He was on the way to Germany on a student exchange when he crashed here.

Likes: Books, vanilla ice-cream and personal space.

Dislikes: Cramped areas, outgoing people, parties.

Now for the good bit.

Last game played: Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Last film watched: The Hobbit

Last book read: Dark Fire. Chris D'Lacey

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