Life Beyond Imagination


Two Thousand Club

First things first: read the rules. Please and thank you.

Book character sign-up:




[ what book they're from ]

Brief History: [ for those who may not have read it ]

Personality: [ 3 positive traits, 3 flaws minimum ]



Original character sign-up:




Hometown: [ if not East Meadow, otherwise this section can be deleted ]

Brief History:

Personality: [ 4 positive traits, 4 flaws minimum ]




Looking For Alaska's Alaska Young played by Britt

Dallas Brooks played by Britt

Brianna Williams played by @Vampirelovee

7. Dirty Harry's Harry Callahan by @The Cobalt Killer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_m8yt1tUfef1rt2432.gif.839e870d64df75e5beedbdc7ad9f4dbb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_m8yt1tUfef1rt2432.gif.839e870d64df75e5beedbdc7ad9f4dbb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alaska Young

Gender: Female

Age: Seventeen

Origin: Looking For Alaska by John Green

Brief History: Alaska Young has been different since birth-- especially being that she chose her own name. It's different, it stands out. At age eight Alaska was witness to her mother's death although at the time she had no idea what was happening. To this day, she still feels to blame for what happened even if an aneurysm isn't something she really could've helped. She has never been one to fit in and has always stood out--- not always in the best of ways, either. Alaska enjoys testing authority and causing trouble.

Personality: Attentive, witty and fun but also overly flirtatious, self-destructive and emotional.

Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_inline_mujpjcwAd21qevf4c.gif.e763b7c52c5a548368ca36a1b933b912.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_inline_mujpjcwAd21qevf4c.gif.e763b7c52c5a548368ca36a1b933b912.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Dallas Mae Brooks

Gender: Female

Age: Seventeen

Brief History: Dallas has lived in East Meadow all her life and has only left the state a handful of times only to go within the tri-state area. Maybe that's why she desperately wants to leave. Her older sister Spencer was much like her except that when she went away to college went as far as possible-- all the way to UCLA. She was twelve at the time and just a few months after her sister had left her father walked out. He'd apparently started a whole new family. This lead to Dallas's abandonment issues but you'd never know since her fear of becoming clingy prevents her from latching onto others. Although she's unsure of what she wants to do with her future, the only thing Dallas is sure about is getting out.

Personality: Determined, outgoing and confident but also sarcastic, harsh, guarded and seemingly indifferent.

Faceclaim: Nicola Peltz



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Name: Augustus "Gus" Waters

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Origin: "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green

Brief History: Augustus was diagnosed with osteosarcoma when he was younger, resulting in him having to get his leg amputated. Since then, he's been in remission. Gus is a big fan of metaphors, and fears oblivion. He enjoys living life to the fullest, because he'd hate to go without making his mark on the world.

Personality: +Charming, Honest, Suave ; -Pushy, Pretentious, Stubborn

Faceclaim: Ansel Elgort

Other: Take me away...

Name: Holden Morrissey Caulfield

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Origin: J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye"

Brief History: Holden grew up in Manhattan, New York, but has spent the majority of his teenage years getting kicked out of boarding school after boarding school. He is known for his incessant, unimportant ramblings and his genuine curiosity and distaste regarding the world around him.

Personality: +Inquisitive, Independent, Curious ; -Ostentatious, Moody, Guarded

Faceclaim: Logan Lerman

Other: Take me away...




Nico di Angelo






Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Brief History:

Nico was born in the 20's during WWII, his mother was killed by Zeus and his father wiped away his memories in the River Lethe. He was placed, along with his sister Bianca in a hotel were time stands still. Where he spent 60 years until he was taken out and placed in Westover School. There he was found by Percy, Annabeth and Thalia and found that he was a Demigod. His sister joined the Hunters of Artemis and got herself killed. For the longest time he blamed Percy for his sister's death.


+Intelligent ; Calculating ; Loyal - Pessimistic ; Distrusting ; Short Fused

Face claim:

Skandar Keynes


"Take me away, take me to another place"



Name: Lisa Rowe

Gender: Female

Age: Around 18

Origin: Girl Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

Brief History:

Lisa veers from suspiciously kind to atypically cruel in the matter of minutes. Diagnosed as a sociopath earned her a life in a ward. Although you couldn't keep Lisa in the hospital long---she usually sneaks out, only to be found a few days later and re-admitted--she usually is happy enough to be back, though, she does put up a fight when restrained. The young girl was looked at as a dangerous figure in the ward, whose dark side of her personality can appear without warning. She is an ex-addict who never sleeps and barely eats, and takes pride in causing trouble. Lisa is actually proud of her diagnosis as a sociopath and revels in the attention her antics earn her.

+Amusing, Honest, Mordant -Impulsive, Aggressive, Manipulative, Insensitive

Faceclaim: Emily Browning

Take me away


Name: Rider Jacobs

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Hometown: Savannah, Georgia

Brief History:

Without much of a family nor a place to call "home", Rider was in and out of different foster care homes. He was an outcast in school and mainly made fun of for his living situation. Rider was infamously known as the "foster kid" that actually stuck around up to the 10th grade where he decided to finally runaway to the nearest town where he stayed unnoticed---hoping he wouldn't be taken back to anything remotely close to a foster care.

+Discrete, Clever, Thoughtful -Impassive, Incomprehensible, Defiant

Faceclaim: Nico Mirallegro

Take me away

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I'm gonna reserve, I can't think of any books right now, but I may think of something later.

Book character sign-up:




John Young





Origin: [ what book they're from ]

The Tomorrow People :3

Brief History: [ for those who may not have read it ]

John Young is the cool rebel leader with a troubled past who is searching for his place in the world. John had a very troublesome upbringing. He was in a foster home with several other kids and an aggressive alcoholic father who abused him verbally and physically. He had to steal food just to feed his family while the state money was squandered on booze. John was taken to Ultra by Jedikiah Price where he was trained in all his abilities.

John has the ability to kill because he was part of a lethal experiment called the Annex Project. The prime barrier of his brain that stored his inability to kill was fried out through a serum called Dolofonium-6. This experiment was successful for him, unlike many other participants, but John soon left Ultra because Jedikiah manipulated him into killing Roger, something that haunted John for years.

Personality: [ 3 positive traits, 3 flaws minimum ]

Brave, disciplined, and caring, but stubborn, bossy and arrogant at times


Luke Mitchell


He has powers... please update me on how these are to be handled. Telekinesis, Teleportation, and Telepathy

And with the rules in mind, he won't use them at all.



Original character sign-up:




Brianna Williams "Bri"






Los Angeles, California

Brief History:

From the time she was eight, she loved reading books all about the tomorrow people. It would absolutely absorb her mind. Growing up even more, she gained a brother named Ryder who loved going to the ocean. While there, she would surf for hours upon hours, but she never let down her love for books.

Soon, they moved to the little town of East Meadow. After that, she discovered that they were making a TV series based on that book. Thats when she stumbled into him. John Young, was right in freaking front of her.

Personality: Bright, Loves to Laugh, Sporty, Loyal


Rebecca Breeds


take me away

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Name: Rebecca Baxter “Bex”​

Gender: Female

Age: 17 years old

Origin: The Gallagher Girls Series, by Ally Carter

Brief History: Bex was born and raised to be a spy. Her parents both work for the MI6, and she has accompanied them on many a mission. She was able to attend a school for aspiring female spies, called the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. She was the first UK student to enroll due to her parents’ familiarity with the headmaster. There she made many friends, her best being Cammie Morgan, the headmaster’s daughter and main character of the book series. Together and with some of their other friends, they unraveled the mystery behind the secrets of the school’s past as well as Cammie’s missing father.

Personality: +Confident, but not foolishly so; she is a quick-witted and natural born spy. -Stubborn as a bull, can be quite theatrical (lying often), and she often doesn’t conform well to rules.

Faceclaim: Bianca Lawson

Other: She can easily lift a 300 pound man, but is terrified of both spiders and needles. [Take me away… A secret place, a sweet escape… Great song.] And yes, she does have an accent, but a spy always knows how to blend in, right?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/giphy.gif.7029173ca1a18939d112176118be1c24.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/giphy.gif.7029173ca1a18939d112176118be1c24.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Harry Potter





[ what book they're from ]

Harry Potter Series

Brief History: [ for those who may not have read it ]

A young wizard named Harry living in England with his aunt uncle and cousin who seem to despise him in a small room under the stairs receives a letter after his caretakers attempt to prevent him from seeing it. It is an invitation to Hogwarts, a school of wizardry. He is told he cannot go, but a wizard by the name of Dumbledore comes to take him to the school. There, or at least on the train ride to the school, he makes two friends. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Together they experience the epic adventure of learning the art of wizardry.

Personality: [ 3 positive traits, 3 flaws minimum ]

clever, determined, brave

Stubborn, foolish, dilusional


Daniel Radcliffe


If Dumbledore hadn't made him come, he would've begged and said 'take me away' so as to get out of the terrible home which he was forced to call home. He is 6'0, loves a good fight, and.. well let's just say he knows how to handle a wand.

Hometown: [ if not East Meadow, otherwise this section can be deleted ]

Little Whinning, suburban London, England.

Brief History:

When Harry was very very young, his parents were killed by an evil wizard known as Voldemort. It is said you should never speak his name aloud. Harry, from then on he was known as 'The Boy Who Lived', and had obtained a scar in the shape of a red lightning bolt on his forehead. (See video)



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Name: Harry Callahan

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Origin: Dirty Harry

Brief History: Harry Callahan, or Dirty Harry, is your typical Good Cop, Bad Cop character from a 60-70s Detective Novel/Film series. He is a Homicide Inspector of the San Francisco Police department.

Personality: +Amazing Shot, +Clever, +BADASS; -Bad Attitude, -Controversial Methods, -Abusive of his Reputation

Faceclaim: Clint Eastwood

Other: "I know what you’re thinking: 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"

"Take me away" ;)
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Name: Sam

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Origin: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Brief History: Sam is a high school senior whom is very close to her step brother, Patrick. As a child, Sam experienced a traumatizing encounter with a friend of her father's. Entering highschool, Sam made some questionable decisions regarding relationships. She was known for getting drunk and sleeping around, though she began to realize that she is worth more than what she was put through in her youth.

Personality: + Loyal, Free-Spirited, Kind; - Vulnerable, Self-Deprecating, Wild

Faceclaim: Emma Watson

Other: Take me away


Name: Christina

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Origin: The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth

Brief History: Growing up in the Chicago faction, Candor, Christina was brought up to be honest, despite the consequences of her brutal thoughts and words. Though she had a charmed life, she chose to leave her family during the Choosing Ceremony for the brave Dauntless. Trying to make it in this new world during initiation, Christina attempts to let go of her upbringings and find out where she truly belongs.

Personality: + Intelligent, Loyal, Brave; - Brutally Honest, Headstrong, Sardonic

Faceclaim: Zoë Kravitz

Other: Take me away


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