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Realistic or Modern Life As An American Teenger *Always Open*


I was playing the notes onto the piano and I was about to sing "All of You By,John Legend". I was a pretty good kicking ass singer. The words are just so beautiful and I have went up a step to test my vocals and I was up to the versus 2 to the chorus singing "My head's under water, But I'm breathing Fire, You're crazy and I'm out of mind." I paused and added " 'Cause all of me ,Loves all of you, Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you,You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I am winning" Then at the end I started to play the piano slowly and sang in my highest voice ''Cause I give you all_____ of me, And you give me all_____ of you ,oh______" I said ending really soft and stops playing it.​

Alyssa Ciara


Alyssa nodded her head in agreement when Chad said that they would be going to Chipotle. She chuckled, running a hand through her hair dragging her fingertips through her tight curls carefully letting them fall natrually. She closed her eyes tightly in slight dissapointment, when he began to kiss and hug his car like a baby. "Wow, you must like your car." She smiled, her eyes wideneing and shrugged, "Oh, well... At least I found something weird about you." She joked sticking her tongue out at him playfull getting into the car. When she got in the car she felt a finger poke her shoulder, Alyssa turned her head to see his sister in the back. "My name is Elizabeth by the way,but people call me Liz." She stated, Alyssa clipped her seat belt into place. "I'm Alyssa." She reasurred, turning back to sit in her normal position. "Thanks for inviting me." She thanked Chad, blissfully. Alyssa was never asked to actually and do something fun.

@Amanda Cromwell


"I'm Alyssa." then she added "Thanks for inviting me." I smiled at her and said "Yea no problem Alyssa I mean it was Chad's Idea to invite you and trust me you will find more weird things about him then you think, I leave with his shit everyday and he is not as worse then Ricky is." I said smiling at her. I then poked Chad and said "Can you pass me my headphone so I can write lyrics for my next album for next month." I said looking at him.


I looked over at the back seat and Liz said "Can you pass me my headphone so I can write lyrics for my next album for next month.". I nodded and said "Alyssa can you do me a Favor and pass her the headphone because she think that I am not driving the car" I then added "They are in the cup holder right under me"

@Dylans Wife

Axel was so impressed with Richard singing, he couldn’t believe his ear. “Dude your fucking amazing, I'm so jealous. Your parents must be so impressed with you. No wonder you're so popular.” He said with a big smile on his face. He was about to continue with his praise when he stomachs began to growl. He laughed and slightly blushed. “Looks like your singing also woke up my stomach, does anyone know where a guy can get some food in this town?” he asked looking around hoping for someone to answer his question. With big eyes and a slight laugh. @Amanda Cromwell
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Ru clapped once the guy had finished singing, amazed by his skill and smiling a little, she had mostly faded into the background before clapping "That was amazing!~" she said cheerfully before laughing at Axel "Well, I may have just moved here but I know a good place near here." she offered cheerfully.

@Amanda Cromwell

Alina joined in on the applause, smiling and cheering for Richard. "Wicked," she commented, grinning at him. At the sound of Axel's stomach grumbling, Alina laughed softly, rubbing her tummy. Piping in on the conversation, she said, "Same. I didn't get a chance to eat this morning." Alina awaited Ru's response, hoping to help her much quieter empty stomach.

@Amanda Cromwell @loyalwolf @TheHappyPikachu
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Ru smiled "Well, if you do want to go there I can take you." she offered kindly "All three of us are hungry as well, anything that I eat kinda just-... comes out of me a few minuets later." she said, awkwardly rubbing her head and gesturing to herself "They're a pain..." she muttered under her breath sarcastically.

@BloomingRose @loyalwolf @gaia250 @Spotine
Danny clapped enthusiastically as Richard's song ended. "Food!" She burst out when Axel's stomach brought up the topic. She had just eaten her lunch but OH how hungry she was already. Her hands shot straight up, resembling a 'goal' announcement and an uncontrollable grin broke out. "Let's go get food!" She skipped towards Ru, linking arms with her and looked back at Axel, Richard and Alina expectantly. Sophia stood to the side of them.

"What's this place called?" She spoke - excitement evident in her voice, her gaze returning to Ru before tilting her head to the side. "Are we all going to fit in a car?" She mused.

@Amanda Cromwell @Spotine
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Ru giggled a little at Danny "It's just a small cafe'... I can't really remember the name but I've been there a few times, I know where it is." she replied, blushing slightly "And I really don't know..." she giggled in reply to the last question Danny had asked.

Sophia smiled when the guy, Richard as everyone called him, was done singing. She didn't applaud, but she was impressed with his talent. She wished she could sing as well as him. When the subject came up, Sophia agreed that food was a good idea. However, she didn't know if she was invited to go with these people. It was already a large group and Sophia felt she'd be more of a hindrance if she tagged along. She stood silently to the side, smiling shyly. @Amanda Cromwell
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Ru turned back and grabbed Sophie's wrist as Danny pulled her out "Hey, you don't get to escape this~" she teased, smirking "Also, if you don't mind me asking why did you go to he nurse earlier, you threw up right? food poisoning? over-working?..." she asked curiously.

@Spotine @gaia250 @loyalwolf
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Sophia was surprised by Ru grabbing her hand and pulling her along, but decided to just go with it. She laughed a little at Danny's enthusiasm. At Ru's question, Sophia wasn't entirely sure how to answer. She had a suspicion as to why she had thrown up, but she wasn't entirely sure if it was true. She also wasn't sure if she wanted to share this information with a girl she just met... Even though Ru was really nice. Sophia bit her lip and contemplated how she should answer. "I don't really know... Probably just got a little sick off of somethi I ate... Food poisoning..." She said, blushing awkwardly. This wasn't technically a lie because Sophia did believe it was food poisoning. But what she didn't specify was that she believed the food poisoning was intentional. @TheHappyPikachu @gaia250
Ru nodded "Well, I can guarantee this place won't give you any more, just be thankful that once your food poisoning passes you'll stop throwing up.. me on the other hand~..." she said, glancing away pathetically and sighing.

@Spotine @gaia250

Cass looked down at his phone and saw that Liz was going to Chipotle for lunch. He smiled slightly. Sorry. Got held back by the teacher. Meet you there.

He got in his car and placed his phone to his ear. "Yeah, hi, mom. I was wondering how Giselle's doing?"

"She's fine, dear. Perhaps you can drop by? She keeps asking for you."

"I'm meeting Liz for lunch. Hmm... I'll call you back.

He hung up and texted Liz again.
You mind if I bring Giselle along? I know it's a bit rude, but she's being a bit fussy.

@Amanda Cromwell


I got a text back from Cas saying "You mind if I bring Giselle along? I know it's a bit rude, but she's being a bit fussy." I honestly did not care I mean I loved Giselle like if she was on own, but I didn't mine a little fun with her. I texted him back and said "Yea sure go ahead,I would love to see her"

@Wisteria Cresting

Cass smiled at his girlfriend's response before driving to get Giselle. She greeted him with one of her usual, adorable smiles. "Hey, how's my favorite daughter?"

She responded with a bit of babbling as he strapped her into her car seat. "We're gonna meet Liz for lunch, kay?"

Giselle nodded happily. Caspain got into his car and pulled up to Chipotle. He wondered if Liz was already inside or not.

@Amanda Cromwell


I was in the parking lot while Richard and was parking the car while me and Alyssa was going to the front and by the time we got there Cas was already then with Giselle and I said "Hey Guys" I said smiling​

"Wiz!" Giselle exclaimed as she toddled up to Liz. Cass laughed and scooped her up, enveloping Liz in a hug.

"Who's this?" he questioned, tilting his head at Alyssa, his smile never leaving his face.



I saw Giselle and she said "Wiz!" I laughed and said "Hey Giselle I missed you so much" I said kissing her forehead and Cas asked "Who's this". I smiled and said "Well Chad brought along a date with him to lunch" I said nodded and turned to Alyssa and said "Alyssa this is my boyfriend Caspain and his daughter Giselle and Caspain and this is Alyssa" I said looking at them both​

@Wisteria Cresting @Dylans Wife
Axel was excited to finally. "Well, I'm down for to eat anything at this point." he said while rubbing his stomach." we should get going before lunch ends." he took out the keys to his car and walked to the entrance of the room. He then looks toward the group of people. 'Anyway, one a ride? Because I am at your service you u do." he said that while making a bow as if he was there personal driver. He then waits to hear a response, he can't believe he is actually making friend in this new place. On top of that he actually acts like himself for a change and doesn't have to put on a fake persona like he does with his parents, to get them to accept him.
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Sophia cracked a grin at Ru. "I feel bad for you. Like you said, I won't be sick forever. But you have to deal with this for a while..." She paused, wondering if she was talking too much. She then heard a boy, Axel, say something about getting a ride to this cafe. Sophia smiled at his offer to the group. She wasn't used to people being so nice, as her old group of friends would have made her drive herself. Sophia didn't know if she should take her own car or go with someone else, so she stayed silent to see what everyone else did. @TheHappyPikachu @loyalwolf
Ruzu smirked "It's nothin'!~" she replied overly-cheerfully, nodding frantically at Axel's offer "'Please." she said, getting out the grip with Sophia and Danny and instead going up to him and holding onto his shirt pathetically with a blank expression "Don't make me walk!~" she whinged like a little kid, obviously having some sort of mood swing.

@loyalwolf @Spotine
Axel was caught completely off guard by the way Ru was acting. He just smiles and replied " of course not, want kind of Gentlemen, lets a lady walk to a destination." he couldn't help but smirk." plus it gives me an excuse to show off my amazing car that I had to work really hard to get" he began to exit the room not even bothering to look behind him to see if anyone was following him. He began to hum as he walks out to his car. He then searches though he bag and found himself his sunglasses. He put them on and started walking like he was king of the school. His parents told him that the best way to make yourself knew is to make sure you demand attention when you walk. @TheHappyPikachu
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"Can I hitch a ride with you too, Axel?" Alina asked from the front doors of the school, holding on to the handle. She had figured it would be easier to just carpool with someone, rather than ride by herself. Alina put her black hat back on top of her head, adjusting it so it was tilted back a bit. She awaited his answer, toying with her sunglasses, which were currently hanging on the neck of her shirt. Alina was blocking the way of the entrance, so she swiftly moved to the side, smiling and passing on a small apology to the person who was trying to walk by. @loyalwolf
Axel smiled at Alina and nodded his head. "Of course you can catch a ride with me, its no trouble at all" he said. " plus I always like showing off my car to people, so really your doing me a favor"he said. He realized that today isn't as bad as he predicted. Hopefully the whole years ends up like this. @BloomingRose

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