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" I don't see why your surprise you sang amazingly" he commented. He could totally see them dueting, they had the naturally chemistry between them. He then exclaimed " looks like there are three singer in one room. How exciting! I think since we got to hear Alyssa sing, it's only fair we give her a sample of are singing ability. Don't you think Rich!" He smile then started looking around the room for a bass in order to play his song. " but don't expect anything as good as Alyssa" he tell while looking around the room. @Amanda Cromwell
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"Oh, that's awesome...Maybe a duet or something sometime?". I smiled and said "I would love to do that sometime" I said looking at her and nodding my head. Then she said "I'm not accusing of him being a creep, I'm just surprised he'd come by and listen to me sing." I looked at her and said "Don't be trust me my sister does write some of my music so I do practice with her with my singing career. Once Aylssa said to me that "Excuse me, I meant that's really cool that you sing as well." I turned to her and said "Yea, I know right,skills" I said laughing. Then hearing a name that I hated the most was Rich. Yes,yes I know I am Rich but that is not my name. I said to myself. Then I replayed to Axel saying "Yea I guest that doesn't sound like a bad idea"

@Dylans Wife

Alina looked around the school as she walked down the hallway. The walls were filled with posters of sports, clubs, and meetings of all sorts to join. She chewed her lip thoughtfully, squinting her eyes to read the photography club poster. Alina continued down the hall, thoughts of making new friends coming to her mind. Now only if I could actually find people, she thought to herself, until she heard music that flowed freely down the long corridor. Trailing her fingertips along the lockers, Alina followed the sound of the sweet blend, smiling to herself. She poked her head inside the room, seeing a few people in there. Enthused about making friends, she took long strides into the room, giving a warm grin to the ones who noticed her entry, her eyes falling upon the ones who were talking amongst themselves.
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Alina smiled, waving back to the girl who seemed to be in a rush out of the room. She scanned the rest of it, walking over to the two guys standing next to each other, talking. Alina introduced herself, greeting them with a happy expression on her face. "Hey! I'm Alina," she said cheerfully, awaiting them to introduce themselves to her. They didn't completely tower over her, but they held a good height above her, but with the friendly smiles on their faces, no intimidation was present.

@Amanda Cromwell @loyalwolf

Axel finally found himself a bass guitar and walk back. Just as he was walking back he heard Alyssa say "Well, I'll see you guys later... It's almost lunch, I got to hitch a ride." he watched her leave the room and frowned a little." that sucks now I have no one to hang with and show me around and more." he turned to Richard " look like we both got ditched man, such a shame she didn't even get to hear me sing." that when he heard "Hey! I'm Alina," He then turns toward her and smile brightly "Well hello there, my name Axel and this guy here is Richard" he said while point to Richard next to him. " It's a please to meet you, Miss." he said with a small wink towards her to let her know he is friendly. @Amanda Cromwell
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Danny nodded in approval, a huge grin spread across her face, as both Sophia and Ru agreed to come. Biting on her bottom lip she considered Ru's question. "I'm not too good with addresses. Most people tend to just.. know." Her eyes were open slightly wide. "Nately takes care of the technical stuff," She said, bouncing for a moment at the mention of her cousin. "But you guys can just come with me after school." She said matter-of-factly and began twirling and dancing around the room slowly.

Standing still was not something Danny had a talent for. Regardless of this, a breeze of melody was drifting into the room and guiding Danny's often aimless feet. The nurses office wasn't far from the music room and a hum of almost indistinguishable voices could be heard. Danny's feet slid over the tiled floor, her small stature allowing her to glide across the room with ease. She looked up at Ru with a grin.

@TheHappyPikachu @Spotine
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Ru smiled and nodded at the offer, as she heard the music begin to play a small smile climbed onto her face, she loved singing and her old friends had teased her more than once about Auditioning for same show, this fond memory caused her smile to only grow, as she saw Danny slid she giggled a bit "I would join you but two people are stopping me..." she said awkwardly, looking semi-pathetic briefly before adjusting, she loved dancing, but doing anything too outrages or like that was for the most part out of the picture... for now at least.

@gaia250 @Spotine
Danny's brows furrowed slightly in confusion as she moved. Danny glance over at Ru again. 'Two people?' She thought, eyes flickering between Sophia and the Nurse. Neither was touching her. Or was it one of those 'expressions' Nately was always trying to explain to her. She grew frustrated with herself for a moment before she shook off the thoughts, simply accepting what she couldn't understand.

"Hey, can little Ru hear the music?"

@TheHappyPikachu @Spotine
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Ru giggled a little at Danny's confusion, guessing that she assumed she was talking about the others. Ru nodded after "Also, I didn't really add it before but... there's two little Ru's." she said giggling "that's what I meant before." she finished.

@gaia250 @Spotine
Sophia nodded to Danny. She was sure her mom wouldn't mind if she was home late... She never did. She stretched back in her chair, the queasiness starting to subside. Sophia then perked up when she heard singing drifting through the halls. She assumed it was coming from the music room and guessed that said room wasn't far from here. Sophia wasn't much of a music person. She liked to sing and dance like a crazy person with her friends but in front of a lot of people... No thank you. Sophia watched curiously as her new friend got to her feet and started dancing. Then when Ru spoke about two 'little Rus' she raised an eyebrow. "Twins?" She asked curiously. @TheHappyPikachu @gaia250
Ru nodded "yeah... you see, I'm not actually more than 4 months in... but my stomach already looks like this... plus I still get pretty bad morning sickness..." she said, gesturing to it and laughing awkwardly, blushing a bit.

@Spotine @gaia250
"No wonder you're so hungry." She mused. It seemed that both of the girls were feeling better. Danny clung to the backpack straps that wrapped around her shoulders, her dancing becoming increasingly bouncy as the boredom of waiting for the nurse to release them built up.

"Just a few more minutes. We want to make sure the girls are truly feeling better." The nurse replied each time Danny asked, a slight unintentional whine creeping into her voice. She noticed the music starting to fade away. The mumble of voices in the music room remained and Danny could just make out the words, 'Axel' and 'play'.

"Ooooh!" Danny squealed, running up to Ru and grabbing her wrist. "Axel's in the music room! It's been ages since we saw him! Let's go!" She practically dragged Ru out, paying no attention to the complaints of the nurse and turned only to wave a short goodbye to Sophia. 10 minutes had felt like a lifetime for Danny. An impatient and active girl there was never a hope of holding her attention for long. When they had reached the hall way Danny started skipping. To the left of the nurses office was a ramp leading outside to the music room.

"Axel!" Danny squealed when he came into sight, running up to him before jumping into a hug. She grinned at him when she pulled back, seeing the guitar in his hands. Her smile widened and she backtracked until she stood next to Ru. "Play us something?" She asked, excitement oozing from her.

@Spotine @TheHappyPikachu @loyalwolf
Ru blushed a bit at the comment about hunger, she watched Danny, quite entertained by her light-hearted antics in the background. ru's eyes widened slightly as she was pulled out of the room "Come with us if you want!~" she called out to Sophia, letting herself be pulled along, happy that no on was around as she'd left her jacket in the other room, leaving her baby-bump open for everyone to see... She stood back and smiled warmly at them as Danny jumped into a hug on axel, spotting the guitar she became curious, she nodded at Danny's comment "I-If you don't mind... that is." ru added shyly, her personality toning down a bit from her feeling exposed with the stomach coverage.

@gaia250 @loyalwolf @Spotine
Axel was very entertained with the small performance on the drums. Alina asked "You play?" Axel shyly smiled. "Yeah, I play the bass a little, I'm self-taught. I'm classically trained in other instruments, but my parent weren't fond of the idea of me learning the bass." then then got tackled by Danny in a hug and couldn't help but chuckle. He began strumming a basic base line and started to get a groove going. He then began to sing in a very light airy singing voice "These four lonely walls have changed the way I feel. The way I feel. I'm standing still. Nothing else matter now, you're not here, " he became slightly somber while singing." So where are you? I've been calling you. I'm missing' you. If I lose myself, I lose it all." he stops, realizing he was getting way to emotion. " Sorry guys I really should of picked a happier song." he said while giving a weak fake smile.

" Maybe Richard would like to sing something to lighten the mood." he said, hoping Richard would help him out.

@Amanda Cromwell
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Ru nodded, happy as he started singing but the words seemed to hurt her in some way, a she looked down, blue hair covering eyes, whilst everyone was looking away she rubbed her eyes that were beginning to form tears from whatever she was thinking, looking back up as he cut off, the wet look still in her eyes as if she was gonna cry but not as evident unless you were actually staring directly at them "I-I can sing... if you don't mind it... I mean, I'm not that good." she said, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head.

@Amanda Cromwell


I laughed when I heard everyone comments and meet new people and stuff like that "By the way I am indeed Richard Throne" I said shaking everyone hands. I then heard Axel's comment and said "Yea sure maybe I can lighten up the mood a bit". I walked up to the paino and started to room up before starting.


Me and Chad was walking our way to the side exit to go eat lunch, I was super hungry and we was going to eat at Chipotle. I got was holding my bag and I had to stop by my car to go get my money out of the car. So I told Chad I would meet up with him when he goes and sees Aylssa, the unknown girl he was talking about that I don't know about. He must have a crush on her or something to invite her to lunch with us. I walked to my car and grab the money and was walking my way to the front entrance to meet up with them.


I left Liz for her to go get her money out the car. I went inside of my car and I grab the car key out of my bag and I throw me bag in the back seat and I put in the car keys and turns it on and starting driving to the front of the school. Once I got there I got out of my car and I walked over to Aylssa and said "Ready to go" I said looking at her and Liz was right on time and seating on his car.

@Dylans Wife

Sophia looked suprisedly as Danny grabbed Ru's hand and rushed her out of the nurse's office. The nurse sighed and told Sophia she could go now, that she was fine. Sophia stood and grabbed Ru's jacket before rushing to what she suspected to be the music room. She was just arriving when she heard a sad voice singing something... The singing stopped moments before Sophia entered the room. She crept over to Ru awkwardly and handed her the jacket.

Alyssa Ciara


Alyssa stood outside in the cold air, feeling a drop of rain hit the bridge of her nose causing her to

look up at the sky above. It was cold, dark, and grey the clouds were surrounding the surface and

slowly floating away, almost looked like thick black smoke. She then peered back down to see Chad

walking over to her, She smiled widely then nodded her head ripping the ear buds out of her ears then

stuffing them into her jean pockets. "Where are we exactly heading too?" Alyssa asked, narrowing her

eyes at him following him into the car. Her eyes stared out the window when they drove seeing rain

begin to fall from out of the sky than splashing on the glass in front of her eyes. "Thanks, for inviting me."

She said cheerfully, then pressed her head on the window spacing out.
@Amanda Cromwell​


I waved at her and was walking my way to the car with Aylssa and she asked where was we going and I said "My sister wants to eat Chipotle, which I don't mine, I eat everything really" I said looking at her and added "Yea no problem for a friend of mine". I whispered and her ear and said "My kinda weird when I have like girl-friends around her" I said whispering at her. And smiled and headed to my car and I told Liz that "Dude, I hope you know I paid good money for my baby right here." I said hugging the car and kissing it and went inside the car and started to driving to get some Chipotle.


I looked at Chad like he was crazy and said "You need to stop doing that because it is weird like really weird." I said laughing at him and went in the backseat so I think her name is Alyssa can seat in the front. I was on my phone and texting Cass if he would like to meet us a Chipotle around the school. I then tapped on Alyssa shoulder and said "My name is Elizabeth by the way,but people call me Liz" I said looking at her.

@Dylans Wife

Alina gave a small smile after Axel had sung the mysterious, sad song, his voice soft and soothing to her ears. "Wonderful," she replied to his playing of the guitar and singing. Alina sat down on one of the empty chairs, her eyes slowly leaving the smile on Axel's face that didn't seem to reach his eyes, travelling towards Richard shaking his hand as he came around before he sat down in front of the piano, her eyes closing slowly as the beautiful sound of the keys echoed around the well-sized music room. She opened her eyes for a moment to watch as he got lost in the music, and closed her eyes, seemingly getting lost as well. Alina smiled, swaying slowly to the rhythm of the song.

@Amanda Cromwell
Axel was happy that Richard and Ru both decided to step up and help make the mood in the room a light brighter. He might have gotten carried away, with his song choice. He figured that if he chose an electronic song to sing it wouldn’t come off so sad, considering his singing voice usually make most songs somber sounding. He laughed at Richard saying "yeah, sure maybe I can lighten up the mood a bit.” He decides he would give Richard a celebrity introduction.” Ladies, please hold your screams and give a round of applause for the amazing sounds of the one and only Richard throne” he said with his impression of an announcer's voice. He then waited for him to start and possibly back him up with his bass. @Amanda Cromwell @TheHappyPikachu @BloomingRose @gaia250
Ru nodded and awaited the boy to sing, as Sophia crept in and handed her, her jacket she smiled weakly "T-thanks..." she said blushing and quickly putting the jacket on.

@loyalwolf @Spotine @gaia250

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