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Realistic or Modern Life After the End (Reboot)


Too Far Gone





Life After the End...


"When civilization ends, it ends fast...."

There was a virus that swept all across the nations. Millions dropped dead within the first week. Scientists didn't take it serious enough in time. By the time CDC came in, the dead began walking. People asked for answers, but none were provided. Within the second week, electricity ceased, and supplies stopped coming in. Within the third week, billions were affected. Civilization as we knew it ended when those billions began to attack survivors, spreading their sickness through their nails or teeth to the healthy. Humanity itself was ending.

But as always, humanity adapted the best it could with what little population it had. Through this, small communities were founded across the world. This is how Branson High School came to be.

Branson High School is a community surrounded by a large iron fence, allowing all inhabitants to enjoy their safe haven without the concern on the undead. Every survivor living in Branson has a specific job criteria to fill to ensure that every one is happy and healthy. Younger survivors typically participate in job training and prep where they will shadow a mentor until they are ready to take on a job for themselves. Every job is determined by one's skill-set.


  • I ask that you make at least one post a week.
  • Two paragraphs or more per post, a paragraph will pass just not too often!
  • Keep me informed if you need a break. Emergencies are understood!
  • Please keep characters realistic. If you have a gun, ammo is very limited so you will eventually run out. I would prefer you keep the guns limited to rifles, pistols or other common guns. Nothing military grade.
  • If you have a problem with someone ooc please inform me so we can get it handled with little to no drama. Otherwise, report it to the staff!
  • Characters should stay withing their main role for the most part.
  • PM me with questions, comments and concerns.


Welcome to Branson High School! A fairly large school surrounded by a large wire fence.

Who would've thought a school would be your safe haven?




The Classrooms

Branson High contains 65 basic classrooms, once used for learning, are now used to provide each survivor a place to stay while they are not working. It is each survivors job to provide bedding for their rooms. Children under 16 must stay with a parent, however if they do not have one they will be assigned a caregiver to watch over them.


The Labs

While there are only 5, these classrooms have been proven to be very useful to the scientist survivors of Branson. They use them for any lab work that is needed to be done within the community. On very rare occasions, the lab workers bring in younger residents to show them how things work.


The Library

Though it does belong to a high school, the library offers many reading options for adults and children alike. It also provides silence and tables for studying or private time. You are allowed to check out books by writing your name and the date down on a sheet of paper at the front desk.


The Cafeteria

The cafeteria offers freshly cooked food two times a day, along with clean water. All food that is on your must be eaten or you could get a write up. The cafe offers many places to sit and socialize, however you must be done before the working hour begins. You may not get food outside of lunch and dinner times.


The Parking Lot
The largest outside area that is available to dwellers. Any vehicles will be found here. Alongside parking, this area is used for outside activity. People often meet here to have private conversations, or to get away from the loud chatter inside.


The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is located only a few feet away from the parking lot. Only workers are allowed inside, but rest assured, all plants are chemical free and fresh. All plants are tested in the labs before it is transported to the cafe to be served.


The Office
The office is the first place new residents must go to before they begin their stay at Branson. From there, office workers file away their names, any medical information, and their clothing size so that they can provide clean clothing weekly. The office is where all guns are hidden and secured until they are needed.


The Gym
If you feel the need to get active, the gym is the place to go to warm up on any physical skills that you deem needed to remain healthy and happy within the shelter. It is also equipped with a male and female dressing room, each containing three showers that you are allowed to bathe in two times a week.


Work in a lab set aside for medical use only. Take care of all injuries that occur inside and outside of the shelter

Are responsible for testing food and water to make sure they are safe for eating, they also study the virus for any possible cure.

Keep the greenhouse up and running to provide food for residents.

Put together approved foods from scratch to ensure everyone a meal. They also boil water brought in by runners to ensure it is drinkable.

Provide safety for anyone within the shelter. They are constantly watching out for suspicious behavior and frequently host classroom checks. They are the ones to go to should you ever encounter a walker within the fences.

Aside from hunters, are the only ones authorized to leave camp at any given time. These people go out and collect food and supplies for the people within the camp. Must be checked by a medic before going out, and before going in. Should always check in with the office to get a weapon.

Provide game from the outside of the fencing. Like Runners, the must be checked by a medic and collect firearms before leaving. They fish, hunt, and trap animals to provide for the kitchen

Office Workers
Keep track of all residents information should it ever be needed. They also write up work/shower schedules for each person, as well as wash and provide clean clothing every week
"When civilization ends, it ends fast...."

There was a virus that swept all across the nations. Millions dropped dead within the first week. Scientists didn't take it serious enough in time. By the time CDC came in, the dead began walking. People asked for answers, but none were provided. Within the second week, electricity ceased, and supplies stopped coming in. Within the third week, billions were affected. Civilization as we knew it ended when those billions began to attack survivors, spreading their sickness through their nails or teeth to the healthy. Humanity itself was ending.

But as always, humanity adapted the best it could with what little population it had. Through this, small communities were founded across the world. This is how Branson High School came to be.

Branson High School is a community surrounded by a large iron fence, allowing all inhabitants to enjoy their safe haven without the concern on the undead. Every survivor living in Branson has a specific job criteria to fill to ensure that every one is happy and healthy. Younger survivors typically participate in job training and prep where they will shadow a mentor until they are ready to take on a job for themselves. Every job is determined by one's skill-set.

  • I ask that you make at least one post a week.
  • Two paragraphs or more per post, a paragraph will pass just not too often!
  • Keep me informed if you need a break. Emergencies are understood!
  • Please keep characters realistic. If you have a gun, ammo is very limited so you will eventually run out. I would prefer you keep the guns limited to rifles, pistols or other common guns. Nothing military grade.
  • If you have a problem with someone ooc please inform me so we can get it handled with little to no drama. Otherwise, report it to the staff!
  • Characters should stay withing their main role for the most part.
  • PM me with questions, comments and concerns.
Welcome to Branson High School! A fairly large school surrounded by a large wire fence.

Who would've thought a school would be your safe haven?




The Classrooms

Branson High contains 65 basic classrooms, once used for learning, are now used to provide each survivor a place to stay while they are not working. It is each survivors job to provide bedding for their rooms. Children under 16 must stay with a parent, however if they do not have one they will be assigned a caregiver to watch over them.


The Labs

While there are only 5, these classrooms have been proven to be very useful to the scientist survivors of Branson. They use them for any lab work that is needed to be done within the community. On very rare occasions, the lab workers bring in younger residents to show them how things work.


The Library

Though it does belong to a high school, the library offers many reading options for adults and children alike. It also provides silence and tables for studying or private time. You are allowed to check out books by writing your name and the date down on a sheet of paper at the front desk.


The Cafeteria

The cafeteria offers freshly cooked food two times a day, along with clean water. All food that is on your must be eaten or you could get a write up. The cafe offers many places to sit and socialize, however you must be done before the working hour begins. You may not get food outside of lunch and dinner times.


The Parking Lot
The largest outside area that is available to dwellers. Any vehicles will be found here. Alongside parking, this area is used for outside activity. People often meet here to have private conversations, or to get away from the loud chatter inside.

The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is located only a few feet away from the parking lot. Only workers are allowed inside, but rest assured, all plants are chemical free and fresh. All plants are tested in the labs before it is transported to the cafe to be served.


The Office
The office is the first place new residents must go to before they begin their stay at Branson. From there, office workers file away their names, any medical information, and their clothing size so that they can provide clean clothing weekly. The office is where all guns are hidden and secured until they are needed.


The Gym
If you feel the need to get active, the gym is the place to go to warm up on any physical skills that you deem needed to remain healthy and happy within the shelter. It is also equipped with a male and female dressing room, each containing three showers that you are allowed to bathe in two times a week.

Work in a lab set aside for medical use only. Take care of all injuries that occur inside and outside of the shelter

Are responsible for testing food and water to make sure they are safe for eating, they also study the virus for any possible cure.

Keep the greenhouse up and running to provide food for residents.

Put together approved foods from scratch to ensure everyone a meal. They also boil water brought in by runners to ensure it is drinkable.

Provide safety for anyone within the shelter. They are constantly watching out for suspicious behavior and frequently host classroom checks. They are the ones to go to should you ever encounter a walker within the fences.

Aside from hunters, are the only ones authorized to leave camp at any given time. These people go out and collect food and supplies for the people within the camp. Must be checked by a medic before going out, and before going in. Should always check in with the office to get a weapon.

Provide game from the outside of the fencing. Like Runners, the must be checked by a medic and collect firearms before leaving. They fish, hunt, and trap animals to provide for the kitchen

Office Workers
Keep track of all residents information should it ever be needed. They also write up work/shower schedules for each person, as well as wash and provide clean clothing every week

Also, as far as characters go, I have no limit as of now for anything. If it comes to be that I have four medics and nothing else, then I'll make adjustments. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. All ages/genders of characters are accepted no matter what.

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