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Fantasy Lichbane: Character Sheets

Thanks for the flashbacks. Nothing is quiet or whimsical about that game.
Pinwheel's boss battle
The fact that there's no music except in Firelink Shrine, Ash Lake, Gwynevere's Chamber, Boss Battles and Cutscenes.
Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
The Hush Spell

Solaire of Astora
Siegmeyer of Catarina
Descriptions for Great Fireball, Plank Shield and Rubbish
Mimic Karate Kicks
Andre of Astora Dropkicks
Pinwheel's boss battle
The fact that there's no music except in Firelink Shrine, Ash Lake, Gwynevere's Chamber, Boss Battles and Cutscenes.
Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
The Hush Spell

Solaire of Astora
Siegmeyer of Catarina
Descriptions for Great Fireball, Plank Shield and Rubbish
Mimic Karate Kicks
Andre of Astora Dropkicks
God damnit.


Name: Salomé Abanddon
Race: Human
Age: 30

Physique: Standing at 5'9'' yet weighing merely 132lbs, Salomé is a woman of a lanky and somewhat androgynous physique. Having had no affinity for the athletic since she was a child, she never saw it worthwhile to train her body - in her mind it was like "beating a dead horse." As a result, the woman possess an appearance excessively unimpressive, but at the same time unnerving owing to her bony extremities and depigmented skin. The latter trait she suffered from her complete disregard for her safety whilst dealing with alchemical elements. Thus, over the years they have bleached her epidermis, made her hair go prematurely white, as well as have caused Salomé to become blind with her left eye. With her neglect for her "flesh suit", the woman looks about a decade older than she actually is.

Class: Alchemist. Neither a sorcerer, nor a wizard, Salomé is a student of the inner workings of magic, which to her is not a power in on itself, but rather a science. She strives to understand and control it not through direct usage, but rather via experimentation - her job is to brew magical concoctions, fashion all types of explosives, discover new "spells" and potions, or combine existing ones so as to enhance their individual powers and come to some new effect from their usage. Of course, she has a certain level of mastery over basic spell-casting, specializing in elemental magic since it fascinates her.
Equipment: Hooded robe,
3 days worth of rations, Bedroll, Backpack, Pouch of 30 gold coins, Old alchemist's kit (containing 10 empty flasks, 4 vials of acid, gunpowder, various trinkets and tools, as well as a book of spell and potion formulas), 5 small fire grenades, 2 small freezing grenades, 1 stun grenade, 3 healing potions

Good Traits: Ambitious, Determined, Independent, Sharp-witted, Creative, Handy

Bad Traits: Egocentric, Obsessive, Apathetic, Immoral, Condescending, Blunt
Bio: Born Salomé Rasmus Médée, the woman is the sole female offspring of a noble family residing within the capital of Vanling - her birthplace. From an early age she was taught that her ancestry was known to have produced many great sorcerers in the past, Dragon's Blood coursing through her progenitors' veins, and both her brothers did indeed possess the skill to use magic freely and naturally. Thus, it is so wonder that the burden of expectations was placed upon the shoulders of Salomé as a child, yet to no avail... She had zero talent in magic.

Like many of her cast, Salomé was the product of an incestuous marriage, the hopes of which were precisely to preserve the gift of sorcery within the lineage of the house of Médée. However, the union between cousins produced the opposite effect and deprived the girl of any such ability, in the meanwhile bringing about even further issues - she was a frail and sickly child that looked like she would be broken in half by the faintest gust of wind, but more than anything she was completely apathetic to her shortcoming, and to everything in general. Salomé possessed (and still possesses) an awful temper that lacked any sort of empathy or regard for her fellow men. She was egocentric,
obsessive, and ruthless in her bluntness. Love and compassion were foreign concepts to her. Yet, this all seemed to be not so much a flaw in her character than a fault in her brain - she could seemingly not comprehend emotion. And so, despite her siblings also having a number of physical and mental defects, these were not as stark, and Salomé became expendable.

And yet, the girl's one good trait made her unwilling to silently take the negligence of her family, for she was ambitious. Salomé began educating herself, and, lacking magical intuition, she turned towards unraveling the technicalities of casting spells, their effects, and how to... "bottle" them. Her intellectually impaired kin was meant to fall behind her tireless efforts, and when that point in time inevitably came her parents took her back in with open arms. They began providing her with better books, better tools, and better teachers until they sent her off to study in a prestigious academy - the woman was undoubtedly a genius alchemist. Afterwards, it was a breeze for Salomé to make a name for herself and open her own alchemist's laboratory to cater to the needs of the high-class.

She had won against all odds through determination and hard work, and in the process she'd gained recognition... alongside power. The border between genius and lunacy is nonexistent in the minds of many - that was definitely the case with Salomé. Acknowledging the leeway she held in her hands, the control she could exert over others without repercussion, the woman's experimentation took a sinister turn - she would sell dangerous or purposefully tainted goods to her customers because she was "curious to see what would happen." Unbeknownst to them, many people would become the woman's test subjects over a course of 3 years before her ill-doings came to light.

Salomé became an enemy of the people, her family disowned her, yet it could not be definitively proven that anyone had died at her hands. Hence, the woman was deemed insane - a danger to society and to herself - by King Monstlay himself, and was sent to Dumstaden, "out of sight, out of mind." Finding herself in this predicament, she was at first enraged to have been outsmarted and then cast aside, yet realized that she had to make the best of her situation. Setting up a (much) shabbier version of her previous laboratory in one of the semi-decent ruins, she continued with her endless research. The one good thing about the dilapidated city was that her work could go on without "idiots" scrutinizing it.


Writing Prompt:
The click that resonated as soon as the haphazardly made mechanism came together was both satisfying... and worrying. While the echo from the sound bounced around the stone walls of the small crammed room, scraps and abandoned projects rendering its floor nearly untraversable, two hawk-like eyes - one a fluid hazel, the other the color of watered down milk - stared at the gadget with full attentiveness, anxiously awaiting some sort of unknown outcome. Yet, the only thing that followed was a painful silence that felt like an eternity, during which not once did the two sharp orbs blink.

Suddenly, there was another click! A moment of hope...

And then an explosion.

Loud noise and ruckus filled the street the next second, making a few bystanders turn to look at the second floor of one of the decrepit buildings as smoke began seeping out of its windowless openings. A female figure emerged from the purplish vapor, which was at that point quickly spreading like the plague, a torn rag pressed firmly against her mouth and nose. Even through it, though, one could effortlessly perceive rapid-fire cussing raining past her lips, unbefit not only for a lady, but for any self-aware being in general. However, Salomé had all the right to be enraged beyond belief. The woman had been holing herself up in her laboratory for days now in order to work on her latest project - a sleep grenade. She had been meticulously planning it, brewing the concoction for the gas, drawing blueprints, scavenging materials. With all her preparation it was supposed to be flawlessly executed. But in her current conditions, in Dumstaden, such a feat was nay impossible.

"If only I had my previous laboratory, my previous tools... This shithole is absolutely preposterous! How the fuck am I suppose to work here? Months! It took me months to plan out and find pieces to complete a simple project such as a sleeping grenade with a fuse! If only those buffoons in the capitol had gotten their heads out of their asses and recognized my work, I wouldn't be here. I would be making paralytic explosives and polymorphic potions, maybe even love elixirs, and I would be selling them to THEIR sorry asses because they can't do anything on their own - useless! But nooooo! "It's inhuman", they said. "You can't use other people as subjects", they said. "You're a monster", they said. What do they know of genius?! What are a few casualties for the sake of research?! It's their own fault for being narrow-minded and forbidding the nature of my experimentation. Also, what should I care for people I don't know?! Idiots, morons, bastards! And that worthless King! Spineless coward!" Salomé kept on talking to herself (a habit she had been developing after arriving in her new home) as she ran to get out of the fog she'd caused, individuals behind her already starting to enter a deep state of slumber. Soon enough the smoke would disperse and she would be able to return to her work, but until then she had to find a spot at a safe distance.

Furthermore, a walk was a pleasant change from her usual routine. Once out of obvious danger, the woman looked down at her legs - they felt unsteady pressed against the hard cobble road. After all, not only was Salomé cursed with a horrible physique genetically - to add to that she hadn't gone out in God knows how long. The woman was in the bad habit of forgetting everything else once her mind was focused in on a set goal. In such moments, life outside her laboratory simply ceased to exist. What would she gain from knowing her disabled neighbors' affairs? All those people were unimportant. What would the benefit be from keeping up with the state of Dumstaden? Nothing interesting ever occurred in this poor excuse for a settlement...

"Tonight seems so long... too long..." Salomé muttered under her breath, only now finally taking in her surroundings. While she was still engulfed in work the past days, she vaguely remembered absentmindedly gazing outside on occasion - the moon shone bright in the beautiful night. However, the woman had recollections only of night, dark and somehow unnatural. Her interest currently piqued, she started moving around the city's vacant streets, searching for some sort of answer. Then she saw it, a familiar yet unexpected sight - Vanling's protectors. Salomé quickly ducked behind a corner and rubbed her eyes in disbelief - maybe she was hallucinating or her blindness was finally taking a toll on her one good eye. Yet, looking out from her hiding spot, her mirage remained intact before her.

Accepting that this was no fantasy or a trick of the mind, a cynical smile crept upon the woman's face. "Well, well, well..." Salomé began her monologue once more, "The Sham, the Mute, the Fatty, and the Whore. I remember all of you well. You're all just as idiotic as everyone else! I always thought you would be more fitting residents of this dump than my humble self, yet I don't expect you've arrived to stay permanently. If history serves me right, your curious appearance must mean one thing - something bad is going on and/or that prude of a Princess has gone ahead and gotten herself kidnapped again. Either way, this could potentially be my ticket out of here..."

Salomé didn't waste time preparing for the heroes' arrival after they had successfully finished their quest. Her master plot was to snatch their victory from them somehow, the means didn't matter. However, once they did not return from the heart of Dumstaden, a new idea took seed in the woman's mind - to go after them. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity - destroy whatever was causing this seemingly eternal night AND rescue the rescuers. Salomé wouldn't miss out on this chance...


Name: Salomé Abanddon
Race: Human
Age: 30

Physique: Standing at 5'9'' yet weighing merely 132lbs, Salomé is a woman of a lanky and somewhat androgynous physique. Having had no affinity for the athletic since she was a child, she never saw it worthwhile to train her body - in her mind it was like "beating a dead horse." As a result, the woman possess an appearance excessively unimpressive, but at the same time unnerving owing to her bony extremities and depigmented skin. The latter trait she suffered from her complete disregard for her safety whilst dealing with alchemical elements. Thus, over the years they have bleached her epidermis, made her hair go prematurely white, as well as have caused Salomé to become blind with her left eye. With her neglect for her "flesh suit", the woman looks about a decade older than she actually is.


Class: Alchemist. Neither a sorcerer, nor a wizard, Salomé is a student of the inner workings of magic, which to her is not a power in on itself, but rather a science. She strives to understand and control it not through direct usage, but rather via experimentation - her job is to brew magical concoctions, fashion all types of explosives, discover new "spells" and potions, or combine existing ones so as to enhance their individual powers and come to some new effect from their usage. Of course, she has a certain level of mastery over basic spell-casting, specializing in elemental magic since it fascinates her.

  • Hooded robe
  • 3 days worth of rations
  • Bedroll
  • Backpack
  • Pouch of 30 gold coins
  • Old alchemist's kit (containing 10 empty flasks, 4 vials of acid, gunpowder, various trinkets and tools, as well as a book of spell and potion formulas)
  • 5 small fire grenades
  • 2 small freezing grenades
  • 1 stun grenade
  • 3 healing potions

Good Traits: Ambitious, Determined, Independent, Sharp-witted, Creative, Handy
Bad Traits: Egocentric, Obsessive, Apathetic, Immoral, Condescending, Blunt
Bio: Born Salomé Rasmus Médée, the woman is the sole female offspring of a noble family residing within the capital of Vanling - her birthplace. From an early age she was taught that her ancestry was known to have produced many great sorcerers in the past, Dragon's Blood coursing through her progenitors' veins, and both her brothers did indeed possess the skill to use magic freely and naturally. Thus, it is so wonder that the burden of expectations was placed upon the shoulders of Salomé as a child, yet to no avail... She had zero talent in magic.

Like many of her cast, Salomé was the product of an incestuous marriage, the hopes of which were precisely to preserve the gift of sorcery within the lineage of the house of Médée. However, the union between cousins produced the opposite effect and deprived the girl of any such ability, in the meanwhile bringing about even further issues - she was a frail and sickly child that looked like she would be broken in half by the faintest gust of wind, but more than anything she was completely apathetic to her shortcoming, and to everything in general. Salomé possessed (and still possesses) an awful temper that lacked any sort of empathy or regard for her fellow men. She was egocentric,
obsessive, and ruthless in her bluntness. Love and compassion were foreign concepts to her. Yet, this all seemed to be not so much a flaw in her character than a fault in her brain - she could seemingly not comprehend emotion. And so, despite her siblings also having a number of physical and mental defects, these were not as stark, and Salomé became expendable.

And yet, the girl's one good trait made her unwilling to silently take the negligence of her family, for she was ambitious. Salomé began educating herself, and, lacking magical intuition, she turned towards unraveling the technicalities of casting spells, their effects, and how to... "bottle" them. Her intellectually impaired kin was meant to fall behind her tireless efforts, and when that point in time inevitably came her parents took her back in with open arms. They began providing her with better books, better tools, and better teachers until they sent her off to study in a prestigious academy - the woman was undoubtedly a genius alchemist. Afterwards, it was a breeze for Salomé to make a name for herself and open her own alchemist's laboratory to cater to the needs of the high-class.

She had won against all odds through determination and hard work, and in the process she'd gained recognition... alongside power. The border between genius and lunacy is nonexistent in the minds of many - that was definitely the case with Salomé. Acknowledging the leeway she held in her hands, the control she could exert over others without repercussion, the woman's experimentation took a sinister turn - she would sell dangerous or purposefully tainted goods to her customers because she was "curious to see what would happen." Unbeknownst to them, many people would become the woman's test subjects over a course of 3 years before her ill-doings came to light.

Salomé became an enemy of the people, her family disowned her, yet it could not be definitively proven that anyone had died at her hands. Hence, the woman was deemed insane - a danger to society and to herself - by King Monstlay himself, and was sent to Dumstaden, "out of sight, out of mind." Finding herself in this predicament, she was at first enraged to have been outsmarted and then cast aside, yet realized that she had to make the best of her situation. Setting up a (much) shabbier version of her previous laboratory in one of the semi-decent ruins, she continued with her endless research. The one good thing about the dilapidated city was that her work could go on without "idiots" scrutinizing it.

The click that resonated as soon as the haphazardly made mechanism came together was both satisfying... and worrying. While the echo from the sound bounced around the stone walls of the small crammed room, scraps and abandoned projects rendering its floor nearly untraversable, two hawk-like eyes - one a fluid hazel, the other the color of watered down milk - stared at the gadget with full attentiveness, anxiously awaiting some sort of unknown outcome. Yet, the only thing that followed was a painful silence that felt like an eternity, during which not once did the two sharp orbs blink.

Suddenly, there was another click! A moment of hope...

And then an explosion.

Loud noise and ruckus filled the street the next second, making a few bystanders turn to look at the second floor of one of the decrepit buildings as smoke began seeping out of its windowless openings. A female figure emerged from the purplish vapor, which was at that point quickly spreading like the plague, a torn rag pressed firmly against her mouth and nose. Even through it, though, one could effortlessly perceive rapid-fire cussing raining past her lips, unbefit not only for a lady, but for any self-aware being in general. However, Salomé had all the right to be enraged beyond belief. The woman had been holing herself up in her laboratory for days now in order to work on her latest project - a sleep grenade. She had been meticulously planning it, brewing the concoction for the gas, drawing blueprints, scavenging materials. With all her preparation it was supposed to be flawlessly executed. But in her current conditions, in Dumstaden, such a feat was nay impossible.

"If only I had my previous laboratory, my previous tools... This shithole is absolutely preposterous! How the fuck am I suppose to work here? Months! It took me months to plan out and find pieces to complete a simple project such as a sleeping grenade with a fuse! If only those buffoons in the capitol had gotten their heads out of their asses and recognized my work, I wouldn't be here. I would be making paralytic explosives and polymorphic potions, maybe even love elixirs, and I would be selling them to THEIR sorry asses because they can't do anything on their own - useless! But nooooo! "It's inhuman", they said. "You can't use other people as subjects", they said. "You're a monster", they said. What do they know of genius?! What are a few casualties for the sake of research?! It's their own fault for being narrow-minded and forbidding the nature of my experimentation. Also, what should I care for people I don't know?! Idiots, morons, bastards! And that worthless King! Spineless coward!" Salomé kept on talking to herself (a habit she had been developing after arriving in her new home) as she ran to get out of the fog she'd caused, individuals behind her already starting to enter a deep state of slumber. Soon enough the smoke would disperse and she would be able to return to her work, but until then she had to find a spot at a safe distance.

Furthermore, a walk was a pleasant change from her usual routine. Once out of obvious danger, the woman looked down at her legs - they felt unsteady pressed against the hard cobble road. After all, not only was Salomé cursed with a horrible physique genetically - to add to that she hadn't gone out in God knows how long. The woman was in the bad habit of forgetting everything else once her mind was focused in on a set goal. In such moments, life outside her laboratory simply ceased to exist. What would she gain from knowing her disabled neighbors' affairs? All those people were unimportant. What would the benefit be from keeping up with the state of Dumstaden? Nothing interesting ever occurred in this poor excuse for a settlement...

"Tonight seems so long... too long..." Salomé muttered under her breath, only now finally taking in her surroundings. While she was still engulfed in work the past days, she vaguely remembered absentmindedly gazing outside on occasion - the moon shone bright in the beautiful night. However, the woman had recollections only of night, dark and somehow unnatural. Her interest currently piqued, she started moving around the city's vacant streets, searching for some sort of answer. Then she saw it, a familiar yet unexpected sight - Vanling's protectors. Salomé quickly ducked behind a corner and rubbed her eyes in disbelief - maybe she was hallucinating or her blindness was finally taking a toll on her one good eye. Yet, looking out from her hiding spot, her mirage remained intact before her.

Accepting that this was no fantasy or a trick of the mind, a cynical smile crept upon the woman's face. "Well, well, well..." Salomé began her monologue once more, "The Sham, the Mute, the Fatty, and the Whore. I remember all of you well. You're all just as idiotic as everyone else! I always thought you would be more fitting residents of this dump than my humble self, yet I don't expect you've arrived to stay permanently. If history serves me right, your curious appearance must mean one thing - something bad is going on and/or that prude of a Princess has gone ahead and gotten herself kidnapped again. Either way, this could potentially be my ticket out of here..."

Salomé didn't waste time preparing for the heroes' arrival after they had successfully finished their quest. Her master plot was to snatch their victory from them somehow, the means didn't matter. However, once they did not return from the heart of Dumstaden, a new idea took seed in the woman's mind - to go after them. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity - destroy whatever was causing this seemingly eternal night AND rescue the rescuers. Salomé wouldn't miss out on this chance...
DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete this took waaay longer than I expected, I apologize for which. I don't even necessarily know if this is the type of character you'd accept into this kind of roleplay, but hey! I tried... Anyway, let me know if you want me to change anything in the CS. Also, all of the text is scrollable (the scrollbars are simply invisible...).
Last edited:


Name: Salomé Abanddon
Race: Human
Age: 30

Physique: Standing at 5'9'' yet weighing merely 132lbs, Salomé is a woman of a lanky and somewhat androgynous physique. Having had no affinity for the athletic since she was a child, she never saw it worthwhile to train her body - in her mind it was like "beating a dead horse." As a result, the woman possess an appearance excessively unimpressive, but at the same time unnerving owing to her bony extremities and depigmented skin. The latter trait she suffered from her complete disregard for her safety whilst dealing with alchemical elements. Thus, over the years they have bleached her epidermis, made her hair go prematurely white, as well as have caused Salomé to become blind with her left eye. With her neglect for her "flesh suit", the woman looks about a decade older than she actually is.


Class: Alchemist. Neither a sorcerer, nor a wizard, Salomé is a student of the inner workings of magic, which to her is not a power in on itself, but rather a science. She strives to understand and control it not through direct usage, but rather via experimentation - her job is to brew magical concoctions, fashion all types of explosives, discover new "spells" and potions, or combine existing ones so as to enhance their individual powers and come to some new effect from their usage. Of course, she has a certain level of mastery over basic spell-casting, specializing in elemental magic since it fascinates her.

  • Hooded robe
  • 3 days worth of rations
  • Bedroll
  • Backpack
  • Pouch of 30 gold coins
  • Old alchemist's kit (containing 10 empty flasks, 4 vials of acid, gunpowder, various trinkets and tools, as well as a book of spell and potion formulas)
  • 5 small fire grenades
  • 2 small freezing grenades
  • 1 stun grenade
  • 3 healing potions

Good Traits: Ambitious, Determined, Independent, Sharp-witted, Creative, Handy
Bad Traits: Egocentric, Obsessive, Apathetic, Immoral, Condescending, Blunt
Bio: Born Salomé Rasmus Médée, the woman is the sole female offspring of a noble family residing within the capital of Vanling - her birthplace. From an early age she was taught that her ancestry was known to have produced many great sorcerers in the past, Dragon's Blood coursing through her progenitors' veins, and both her brothers did indeed possess the skill to use magic freely and naturally. Thus, it is so wonder that the burden of expectations was placed upon the shoulders of Salomé as a child, yet to no avail... She had zero talent in magic.

Like many of her cast, Salomé was the product of an incestuous marriage, the hopes of which were precisely to preserve the gift of sorcery within the lineage of the house of Médée. However, the union between cousins produced the opposite effect and deprived the girl of any such ability, in the meanwhile bringing about even further issues - she was a frail and sickly child that looked like she would be broken in half by the faintest gust of wind, but more than anything she was completely apathetic to her shortcoming, and to everything in general. Salomé possessed (and still possesses) an awful temper that lacked any sort of empathy or regard for her fellow men. She was egocentric,
obsessive, and ruthless in her bluntness. Love and compassion were foreign concepts to her. Yet, this all seemed to be not so much a flaw in her character than a fault in her brain - she could seemingly not comprehend emotion. And so, despite her siblings also having a number of physical and mental defects, these were not as stark, and Salomé became expendable.

And yet, the girl's one good trait made her unwilling to silently take the negligence of her family, for she was ambitious. Salomé began educating herself, and, lacking magical intuition, she turned towards unraveling the technicalities of casting spells, their effects, and how to... "bottle" them. Her intellectually impaired kin was meant to fall behind her tireless efforts, and when that point in time inevitably came her parents took her back in with open arms. They began providing her with better books, better tools, and better teachers until they sent her off to study in a prestigious academy - the woman was undoubtedly a genius alchemist. Afterwards, it was a breeze for Salomé to make a name for herself and open her own alchemist's laboratory to cater to the needs of the high-class.

She had won against all odds through determination and hard work, and in the process she'd gained recognition... alongside power. The border between genius and lunacy is nonexistent in the minds of many - that was definitely the case with Salomé. Acknowledging the leeway she held in her hands, the control she could exert over others without repercussion, the woman's experimentation took a sinister turn - she would sell dangerous or purposefully tainted goods to her customers because she was "curious to see what would happen." Unbeknownst to them, many people would become the woman's test subjects over a course of 3 years before her ill-doings came to light.

Salomé became an enemy of the people, her family disowned her, yet it could not be definitively proven that anyone had died at her hands. Hence, the woman was deemed insane - a danger to society and to herself - by King Monstlay himself, and was sent to Dumstaden, "out of sight, out of mind." Finding herself in this predicament, she was at first enraged to have been outsmarted and then cast aside, yet realized that she had to make the best of her situation. Setting up a (much) shabbier version of her previous laboratory in one of the semi-decent ruins, she continued with her endless research. The one good thing about the dilapidated city was that her work could go on without "idiots" scrutinizing it.

The click that resonated as soon as the haphazardly made mechanism came together was both satisfying... and worrying. While the echo from the sound bounced around the stone walls of the small crammed room, scraps and abandoned projects rendering its floor nearly untraversable, two hawk-like eyes - one a fluid hazel, the other the color of watered down milk - stared at the gadget with full attentiveness, anxiously awaiting some sort of unknown outcome. Yet, the only thing that followed was a painful silence that felt like an eternity, during which not once did the two sharp orbs blink.

Suddenly, there was another click! A moment of hope...

And then an explosion.

Loud noise and ruckus filled the street the next second, making a few bystanders turn to look at the second floor of one of the decrepit buildings as smoke began seeping out of its windowless openings. A female figure emerged from the purplish vapor, which was at that point quickly spreading like the plague, a torn rag pressed firmly against her mouth and nose. Even through it, though, one could effortlessly perceive rapid-fire cussing raining past her lips, unbefit not only for a lady, but for any self-aware being in general. However, Salomé had all the right to be enraged beyond belief. The woman had been holing herself up in her laboratory for days now in order to work on her latest project - a sleep grenade. She had been meticulously planning it, brewing the concoction for the gas, drawing blueprints, scavenging materials. With all her preparation it was supposed to be flawlessly executed. But in her current conditions, in Dumstaden, such a feat was nay impossible.

"If only I had my previous laboratory, my previous tools... This shithole is absolutely preposterous! How the fuck am I suppose to work here? Months! It took me months to plan out and find pieces to complete a simple project such as a sleeping grenade with a fuse! If only those buffoons in the capitol had gotten their heads out of their asses and recognized my work, I wouldn't be here. I would be making paralytic explosives and polymorphic potions, maybe even love elixirs, and I would be selling them to THEIR sorry asses because they can't do anything on their own - useless! But nooooo! "It's inhuman", they said. "You can't use other people as subjects", they said. "You're a monster", they said. What do they know of genius?! What are a few casualties for the sake of research?! It's their own fault for being narrow-minded and forbidding the nature of my experimentation. Also, what should I care for people I don't know?! Idiots, morons, bastards! And that worthless King! Spineless coward!" Salomé kept on talking to herself (a habit she had been developing after arriving in her new home) as she ran to get out of the fog she'd caused, individuals behind her already starting to enter a deep state of slumber. Soon enough the smoke would disperse and she would be able to return to her work, but until then she had to find a spot at a safe distance.

Furthermore, a walk was a pleasant change from her usual routine. Once out of obvious danger, the woman looked down at her legs - they felt unsteady pressed against the hard cobble road. After all, not only was Salomé cursed with a horrible physique genetically - to add to that she hadn't gone out in God knows how long. The woman was in the bad habit of forgetting everything else once her mind was focused in on a set goal. In such moments, life outside her laboratory simply ceased to exist. What would she gain from knowing her disabled neighbors' affairs? All those people were unimportant. What would the benefit be from keeping up with the state of Dumstaden? Nothing interesting ever occurred in this poor excuse for a settlement...

"Tonight seems so long... too long..." Salomé muttered under her breath, only now finally taking in her surroundings. While she was still engulfed in work the past days, she vaguely remembered absentmindedly gazing outside on occasion - the moon shone bright in the beautiful night. However, the woman had recollections only of night, dark and somehow unnatural. Her interest currently piqued, she started moving around the city's vacant streets, searching for some sort of answer. Then she saw it, a familiar yet unexpected sight - Vanling's protectors. Salomé quickly ducked behind a corner and rubbed her eyes in disbelief - maybe she was hallucinating or her blindness was finally taking a toll on her one good eye. Yet, looking out from her hiding spot, her mirage remained intact before her.

Accepting that this was no fantasy or a trick of the mind, a cynical smile crept upon the woman's face. "Well, well, well..." Salomé began her monologue once more, "The Sham, the Mute, the Fatty, and the Whore. I remember all of you well. You're all just as idiotic as everyone else! I always thought you would be more fitting residents of this dump than my humble self, yet I don't expect you've arrived to stay permanently. If history serves me right, your curious appearance must mean one thing - something bad is going on and/or that prude of a Princess has gone ahead and gotten herself kidnapped again. Either way, this could potentially be my ticket out of here..."

Salomé didn't waste time preparing for the heroes' arrival after they had successfully finished their quest. Her master plot was to snatch their victory from them somehow, the means didn't matter. However, once they did not return from the heart of Dumstaden, a new idea took seed in the woman's mind - to go after them. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity - destroy whatever was causing this seemingly eternal night AND rescue the rescuers. Salomé wouldn't miss out on this chance...
DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete this took waaay longer than I expected, I apologize for which. I don't even necessarily know if this is the type of character you'd accept into this kind of roleplay, but hey! I tried... Anyway, let me know if you want me to change anything in the CS. Also, all of the text is scrollable (the scrollbars are simply invisible...).

Well the pieces are all there. A unique character, and from what I could tell. Fits the disabled bill with a bad eye and instability in the mind.

My one complaint, however, is that on my phone, this whole CS appeared as a bizarre entity. Why, the picture alone obscured everything! I had to quote your post just to be able to read through it.

And it was nicely done, I should add.

You are accepted, but could you fix the weirdness with your picture, pretty please with alchemical sprinkles on top?
Well the pieces are all there. A unique character, and from what I could tell. Fits the disabled bill with a bad eye and instability in the mind.

My one complaint, however, is that on my phone, this whole CS appeared as a bizarre entity. Why, the picture alone obscured everything! I had to quote your post just to be able to read through it.

And it was nicely done, I should add.

You are accepted, but could you fix the weirdness with your picture, pretty please with alchemical sprinkles on top?

I think I fixed the issue! Granted, it was in a very roundabout way... The thing with the code is that it messes up things due to the size of the div box, so I just made a mobile friendly version of the text in a spoiler. Hopefully that's good enough!
((didn't know we had to make character sheets; mine will be up soon! :D
DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
I have edited Jak a bit, He is less lanky and more of an tall average build than being skinny, I have also added the trait that He thinks aggressively when he is confronted with problems. I've edited my backstory and writing promt a tiny bit to incorporate these things.
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Lilth Heine

  • Basic Info
    Name: Lilith Heine

    Race: Human

    Age: 24

    Sex: Female

    Height: 5'6

    Weight: 125”

    Physique: Skinny and Lanky, still rather curvy.

    Class: Shape Shifter, though she hardly ever uses her powers unless in a tight situation. She hardly ever practices using her 'gift', other than for minimal things such as changing her hair color or eye color.

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14 2012-01-04-464559.jpg
Name: Midnight Potter

Race: human

Age: 20

Physical: she is 5'4" her body is lean, she doesnt have tattoos and has a small scar under her left eye

Class: she is a cook, and the only magic she can do makes words in the air, it's very limited, only two scentinces per casting and they only last for 10 seconds.

  • An old recipe book
  • A small serrated knife
  • A bundle of herbs and spices
  • And 10 bits of currency, all in a bag made of old leather
Bio: Midnight was born to a wealthy family with some inbreeding though she doesn't know that, she doesn't know she has a sibling, her parents names or that they even existed but she is pretty sure why she was given up....she has no vocal chords. When she was developing as a fetus they didnt develop with her, and when she opened her mouth to cry when she was born, sge made no noise and her parents knew she would never be normal, they paid the doctors for their silence and sent her to an orphanage.

Till the age of 12 she lived there before being adopted by the local cook for she and her husband couldn't have children, they chose her because she could read and write and they sent her to a teacher where she was taught math and sign language during the day then learned how to cook during the afternoon and night and she was pretty good at it, able to make most common meals sing when she was 13, she learned how to make uncommon meals for the local wealthy families when they needed catering around the age of 15 and served them herself when she was 17, but alas, everything changed when she turned 18.

When she turned 18 they tried to draft her in the army, she faced all challenges head on, but couldn't complete the draft when it came to replying to orders, her hands flew and they tried to force her to talk, which made her sign faster untill the admiral incharge slapped her across the face for her insolence, tearing her skin a little under her left eye with his rings and sent her to live in Dumstaden where she met a mage and used almost all of her money to convince him to make her signs legible to someone who didnt understand and by the time events started she had learned what she needed to be understood, paying him for room and board by using her cooking skills to feed them both.

Leitmotif: This is purely optional. Post a link to your character's musical theme, if one applies to them!

-------writing prompt-----

The sun was setting over the twisted city of Dumstaden, and Midnight's pot of soup was bubbling away, the smell was tempting to those that didnt eat properly or on a regular bases and better then nothing to everyone else. The soup had some meats in it from random creatures brought to her by contributors to the pot, some scrawny vegetables scavanged from her home, some precious herbs for taste and someone had donated a tablespoon of flour to thicken the broth, Midnight face set in concentration, her tongue sticking out a bit and her eyes focused on the pot, one hand stirring and the other preventing it from spilling.

People sat nearby waiting for the food to finish, talking amongst themselves when suddenly it became night. Everyone reacted in their own way as the sun disappeared overhead and Midnight just stared at the sky, her face a mask of horror and her body trembling as she is unable to speak a word. With no way to verbally express her own fright and with trembling hands she signed to the wizards apprentice, asking him whats wrong, why did the sun disappear and why is it night? He srugged his shoulders and replied with fear in his voice and trembling body, his face an identical mask of horror as he dropped a bread roll into the fire. " I don't know Midnight, I've never heard of anything quite like this happening, I'm going to go get the wizard!" but before he could move the wizard appeared, screaming his head off, his eyes mad with fear, something about evil about and a curse before fainting away. {this always happens when he gets excited, blast him!} she thought as she pulled him up and helped the apprentice take him inside.

Once he was set up in bed, muttering about evil incarnate and the devils work Midnight went outside, returning to her pot and removing it from the fire before heading over to the others waiting, doing her best to calm down people without words as she mentally screamed about how unfair it was that she couldn't talk like anyone else and once she got a good portion of the group settled the rest started to calm down and she was able to serve out the meal, though everyone was far more subdued then before.

With that done she went and sat behind the house rocking back and forth as she tried to steady her racing heart and her calm exterior crumpled as she began to freak out and go into fetal position, the night sky looming overhead, like a threatening beacon that would eat her up if it had half a chance.

And then the ground began to shake, the sounds of horses in the distance coming closer and closer, Midnight snapped out if her fear in response and her senses flared in high alert as there was more screaming, the smell of ground being ripped up from the hooves and the sound of things falling and being trampled and then the riders appeared, kings men, the ones that are well known everywhere and she gaped in astonishment as they plunged into the dark, towards areas forbidden, once they passed her face set in a grimace, she ran into the house to tell the wizard and his apprentice what happened.
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Do I need more or is that good enough?
I would like just a tiny bit more detail. Like maybe the scent of the stuff cooking in the pot, some minor facial quirks, perhaps even a little paragraph or sentence towards seeing Vanlig's four greatest knights wandering through into deeper parts of Dumstaden, where your character and everyone else was warned not to venture to.
I would like just a tiny bit more detail. Like maybe the scent of the stuff cooking in the pot, some minor facial quirks, perhaps even a little paragraph or sentence towards seeing Vanlig's four greatest knights wandering through into deeper parts of Dumstaden, where your character and everyone else was warned not to venture to.

How is that?

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