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Fantasy Lichbane: an Underdog's Epic

*Midnight signed, using her magic to create the words in the air, they each last long enough to be read before disappearing, the honey colored glow illuminating theur group of people*

"If you have the recipes, I could cook up some health stuff, and I have what I need for a restorative tea that gives you a bit of a boost if your tired, nothing fancy"

*it's clear that outside of cooking and her seemingly limited magic she might not be that big of a help, but she was clearly eager, her step had a bounce to it and she grinned as she signed again, the light crackling*

"I can also scout and keep watch for a long time and I'm not bad with a knife"
Arentir Valatra
The winds of change...still silent. Nothing was changing...it infuriated him. How long had he been awaiting the sign of Asha? How long have the non believers laughed in his face as he tried to preach the new truth. He didn't know, his mind had broken long ago, and time was no longer anything he cared about. He would only care about time, when the time came for the new truth to be accepted. But until then...

He stared at the ruins. He was perfectly still, just staring. Looking for something. He wasn't sure what, but there was something. Something...

There was nothing though. Nothing to look for. Nothing to see. Nothing. Fury died within him as he awaited a sign from his Goddess. Anything.

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
"Right then, wonderful. It would seem we are all ready, then." Vynne smiled faintly, turning himself forward.

"I know the way to the ruins, from here, believe it or not. It's directly down the road from my er.. defunct school for sorcery. Which, by the way is... Right down this set of stairs. If.. someone would assist me in descending them."

Regardless of whoever helped Vynne, he would waste no time wheeling off in the direction of the deeper ruins. His arms were quite sore from carting himself around for several minutes with no breaks, but there was much at stake, here. The lives of the Princess, the Heroic Knights, and possibly even themselves if they did not stop this terrible Undead threat!

And so, there they stood, after several minutes of travel; at the edge of the deeper ruins. Moss grew between the cracks of the stone. Vines and small trees grew all around the stone gate, which had been smashed through, no doubt by the insanely strong Greatbow Orros. The inside was dark, and peering into the darkness of the entrance sent a chill up Vynne's spine.

As Vynne neared the entrance to the ruins, he spotted someone. They were staring directly into the ruins, and judging by their body language, they were fuming. Vynne motioned for the group to halt, as he approached cautiously. He stopped at about 15 feet away from this man, this "Arentir" he did not know.

"Excuse me... sir? Is everything alright?" He spoke politely, not wishing to set him off.

Xena Xena Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 rambler rambler AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd Decay Decay Inheritance Inheritance
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After what seemed like an eternity of tracking down the king's champions, Meryth found her way towards the entrance deeper into the ruins. On the wind came many voices, to which she hid herself just beyond earshot. They seemed to talk amongst themselves, first it was two...then three...then four and so on. From what she could gleam of the subject, the one thing they all had in common were the champions. Meryth was wary enough of strangers in their decrepit city – people had their own agendas, each person could be looking for the knights for different reasons. For her, it was a matter of curiosity...why would the king send his best into a town filled with low-life scum and unwanted invalids?

Meryth kept herself just out of reach from the group, observing them for now until they made a move. She wasn't too keen on inserting herself just yet...they might be unwanted but none seemed terribly disfigured. The talking monster was the first of the group that stuck out to her, ferocious looking yet sociable – certainly the female monstrosity found it difficult to interact with those in Dumstaden. Next, the man in the wheelchair. How odd it was to find a man so disabled amongst a band of adventure-inclined persons. As she analyzed the group the vision in her left eye would blur and begin to fade, a searing pain akin to the sensation earlier would course its way through the afflicted portion of her face and neck. The Rot was beginning to eat away at her again. The dark-grey fluid would begin to collect along the waterline of her eye and pour down her cheek. In an effort to keep herself from crying out in pain, Meryth begins to bang her head against the wall where she hid herself; hoping to dull the pain with a new sensation. Thud. Thud. Thud. the faint noise would echo through the precipice of the deep ruins though the ones who were speaking amongst themselves could be too preoccupied to notice.

Her lower lip was pinched between her teeth, eyes shut tightly as she prays for the pain to subside. Warmth would rill down her forehead, free hand rising to touch the tender sore spot to realize her skin was scraped off. "Lovely..." she would think to herself. At least it worked, the pain went away, a much shorter fit than before but the disease wasn't as advanced on her face and neck as it was on her arm. The woman would pull her hood over her head to cover her injury and disfigurement, tucking her right arm under the tattered swaying cloth.

((Didn't tag anyone because I'm not really interacting with anyone.))
Arentir Valtara
Stupid that he even came here. He knew quite well he wanted to be here, but this might be a stupid idea. After all, who would bring fourth his master's will if not him? All the others were far too dim witted to do anything...It took him a second to realize the voice that was talking to him wasn't actually in his head, but from another person. Slowly, far too slowly to seem normal, he turned around, face still covered.

"Alright?" He saw who spoke, and knew that he needed to step out of his world, and into this one. Charm perhaps. "Yes. I'm alright. Just a bit upset here, but nothing to worry about sir. Just a bit curious about what lies beyond ya know?" He said with a laugh at the end, trying to seem friendly. And hells, he was, because at this point, he wasn't sure if the traveling group might be the very danger he had been warned about so many times.

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete Xena Xena Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 rambler rambler AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd Decay Decay
Vekosh had been observing the conversation, feeling as though she were being ignored, but knowing she wasn't. Feeling that it was becoming late, (for she had become accustomed to "sensing" the time) she made a proposition.

"It is nearly time to eat, I can prepare a large meal for all of you and we can rest shortly before we enter the ruins soon. I can find a wild animal to hunt and kill in the woods near the ruins."
She hadn't noticed until just recently how different she sounded to the others. She had a long draw on several consonants and over-annunciated longer words. She also made a sharp hissing noise between sentences.
Lilith just felt amazing, the noise she was getting from the surorunding poeple was making her feel absoultely normal; powerful, even, she didn't even flinch once; didn't feel anything like she normally would, where she would randomly break into fits and block herself off from the real world. The noise had completely transformed her from her broken, paranoid and shut off self, into the old version of herself, before her breakdown, before everything had gone to absolute shit. Her old self, the one that was powerful, seductive, strong, the one that made her mentor proud.

Even if she was making him proud now, it didn't change the fact that he was dead.

Lilith waddled over to the man who sat in the wheelchair. 'Poor Chap.' She thought to herself, before plopping herself into his lap, moving her hair to the side and wiggling about to get comfortable, trying her best not to shift her appearance to scare him. It wasn't time.

"How did you even find this place?" She asked him, her head turning towards him, staring at him as she placed a hand on her cheek with a cute smile planted on her face. "And more importantly, why should any of us trust you?" The second question was quiet, like a gentle attack.

No one else needed to know she was already on defense.

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 rambler rambler AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd Decay Decay @Inheritance
Vynne was somewhat unsettled by this woman fixating herself into his lap. Wheelchairs were a one seat vehicle. It would have been quite uncomfortable if Vynne had any feeling in his legs. Her questions were unnerving, though only because they were justified in asking. How exactly did Vynne know where these ruins were? What reason did any of them have to trust the paraplegic sorcerer? His hands felt a bit clammy as he worked out a response. He kept his voice low, and vaguely guilty. It helped with his sensation of anxiety.

"To answer your first question, well... I have lived here a few weeks. The people constantly bellow warnings about not coming here. In doing so, they pretty much tell you where it is. As a second supporting detail, well, I followed Greatbow Orros and his thundering footsteps to here, and made sure to make a mental note of where it was." Hopefully that was a good enough explanation for this Lilith. He was quite unused to speaking to actual people that weren't equally socially stunted magicians, and as he thought on the words he used to explain, it sounded more like an essay than a person talking.

Now for her second question. Why would anyone here bother to trust Vynne? They already followed him here, and only now are they questioning him? Why not question him from the start? Was it a result of low intellect? Vynne did not make this assumption vocal, instead trying to appeal to what he felt their eyes and thoughts told them.

"Well, the truth is... you don't have a reason to trust me. You only know my name and my talents. But.. do you have a reason to not trust me? I can't exactly make with betrayal, I am bound to a chair on wheels; the slightest retaliation on you able bodies' part will mean I lay in a ditch, starving to death. In a.. erm.. layman's terms, you should trust me, because I am putting my trust in you. Does that sound reasonable?" He would allow Lilith some time to think on that, as he worked his way around to everyone else that had spoken up. First was this Arentir.

"Coincidentally, this entourage I have assembled will be entering the ruins soon. You are welcome to join us if you so desire. My name is Vynne, a Sorcerer formerly of the Academy in Vanlig. And you...?" Before he could properly ask for his name, Vekosh made the mention of dining before their entry. Vynne nodded to this, deciding it would be a good way to learn each other and build trust.

"I would be fine with a meal before we enter. Take all the time you need."

Xena Xena AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd Inheritance Inheritance Decay Decay Malice Queen Malice Queen Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
Vekosh did not wait for confirmation from the others, she set down her tower of a backpack and began unpacking it. It looked like it must weigh two hundred pounds, but was really only around 70. Vekosh had become used to the weight from carrying large animals over her back every day. She took a small rock and a pencil sized piece of metal out from a pouch on the outside of the pack, setting it down neatly on a little desk she had set up.

Next she disappeared into the woods and returned with several large logs, setting them down in the dirt and placing some smaller foliage beneath them. She then struck the rock with the piece of metal and the foliage caught fire, which she coaxed into a flame that engulfed the larger logs. Then, slipped back into the woods.
Arentir Valtara
He silently watched the man in the wheelchair as he responded, wondering what relation he was to the girl on him. Whatever.

"Well I for one trust you. I think your logic is complete and honest, which is certainly more than half of the people I've met." He said. "And I'm afraid I have nothing to add to this feast, my supplies are very low." He eyed the group behind his mask.

"But I volunteer my trust. And my abilities. Arentir Valtara, at your service."

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete Xena Xena AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd
(Is anyone going to post? Are you guys just busy or... Sorry, I'm impatient.)
(I’ll reply tonight. Sorry! My life has been hectic as my abusive ex keeps chasing me for the first time as I broke up with him for once, not the other way around. I’ll get to it asap.)
(I’ll reply tonight. Sorry! My life has been hectic as my abusive ex keeps chasing me for the first time as I broke up with him for once, not the other way around. I’ll get to it asap.)
(Don't apologize for that, that's terrible.)
Looking around, Alyssa realized that everyone seemed to have forgotten about her. Walking over to someone who had just built a fire, she was about to ask if there was anything she could help with, but the other woman disappeared back into the woods before Alyssa could ask. “Damnit...” the girl muttered, walking back to the group. “Hey, um... Vynne, right? Is there anything I can help with?” As she asked, if anyone paid close enough attention, they would notice her playing with the ring on her left hand nervously.
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Vynne clapped his hands, shutting his eyes as a small smile crossed his thin, scholarly lips. It was nice to have some cohesion and teamwork. They would need it if they were going to rescue the Princess!

The Elf, Alyssa, approached Vynne. She had asked him if there was anything she could help with. Vynne withdrew himself, considering just about everything he could think of for Alyssa to do. He began to draw out some silk pouches from his own bag, and began to unwrap the silk. Within them were dried meats, which he began to hold near the fire.

"Not quite sure, to be honest. Er.. I suppose you wouldn't know if any of this food is tainted by toxins? Diseases? Is there a way to check?" Vynne had caught Vekosh's kills out the corner of his eye.. he hoped those dogs didn't belong to anybody. He also knew dogs could carry rabies and other nasty things.. something he wouldn't want to put in his mouth without knowing it was clean.

that1aj that1aj Xena Xena Decay Decay Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Inheritance Inheritance AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd rambler rambler
Arentir Valtara
Cleansing food! Certainly up his ally! That would be an easy task for him and his master to complete...though he didn't intend on allowing them to know exactly who his Goddess was. After all, this was as good a time as any to get in on the good side of the people here.

"I believe I can be of assistance there. My Goddess prevails in the cleansing of food and drink, or at least checking for it. Would you guys like me to check out the food for signs of rot? It will do nothing to the taste or sanctity of it."

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
"Do so, by all means, Sir Arentir." Vynne responded, nodding as he felt his own food warm by the fire. It was already dried and cooked, but it was better off warm, and he knew they were already clean, having been wrapped in silk. Quietly, the Sorcerer ate, looking back and forth between the people he had brought along, and the dark entrance of the ruins. Just what horrors awaited them inside? Orros had told him a Lich had taken the princess... no Lich was foolish enough to go on about their lichlyness without some kind of group of minions in tow. Many Lichly lairs were home to series of traps and puzzles, and Liches themselves were immensely powerful beings.

"So.. any of you know anything about our enemy?" Vynne asked the group; curious to see how caught up they were on the situation. He recalled having told them earlier, but he had to remember where he was, and who he was speaking to. Dumstaden people were not known for their brightness...

Inheritance Inheritance Xena Xena rambler rambler Decay Decay Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd that1aj that1aj
Chuckling nervously, Alyssa moved closer to the fire. “I don’t know anything about them whatsoever. Sorry.” Holding out her hands to warm up slightly, she shivered slightly, pulling her coat around herself tighter. Once she was slightly warmer, she stood up. “Looks like we could use some more firewood. I’ll be right back.” Going into the woods, she grabbed a few large logs and a few twigs that were mostly dry. Bringing them back, she threw the twigs in first, then one of the larger logs.

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