Liberate the Static

Parker Stein

Your Executioner




Main Power(s):


Appearance (pictures are accepted):



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Name: Clause Ackerman

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Main Power(s): Advanced general technology knowledge, hacker, ace mechanic

Weapon(s)?: Two large silver revolvers

Appearance: Simplistic gears/cogs of all sizes tattooed all along arms (elbow and up), Simplistic gears/cogs on sides and partially on back. His eyes are a a liquid turquoise type of color leaning more on the green side. He's not a very tall guy, in general he actually has a bit of a feminine appearance with just how his face is and his light weight build. Clause is tougher than he looks though. Usually he's not seen without his black trench coat and goggles. (Kinda looks like the guy in the pictures, obviously.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-22_19-2-12.png.0775854f14ee32a07494b78688ded020.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-22_19-2-12.png.0775854f14ee32a07494b78688ded020.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


There's no putting it lightly. He's an ass. Clause is all round grumpy, cranky, and he seems to be in a permanent bad mood. He's sarcastic, blunt, apathetic about most things, and overly competitive. He's not very good at receiving compliments, or praise, or any form of affection really. The man metaphorically puffs up like a cat and lashes out at people instead of dealing with embarrassment like a normal well adjusted member of society. He loves things to be logical and in order, he likes a clean work place and rarely does he make messes without cleaning them up and putting things exactly where he found them. Clause does not trust others easily, and he hates how much of a softy he can be finding it to be a character flaw instead of a strength. His temper is non-existent, and he doesn't actually like people very much. HOWEVER. His redeeming qualities include loyalty, sincerity, honesty, and he's reliable. Once a friend he's still a jerk, but he's dependable. He'll grumble, but he'll help out. He's a good guy once someone takes the time to know him.

Back story: Clause grew up in a poor big city community with his younger sister and two parents who were addicted to online gaming. He lived most his life as a street urchin, scrounging, stealing, and doing whatever it took to tend to his baby sister's needs. He was bullied for being a small kid so he dropped out of school early, falling back on the knowledge he picked up from reading his parents books about computers to make a living. One day as a present for his baby sister he decides to destroy the online game his parents had become so invested in, when he did, they hung them selves. Clause and his sister bounced around for a while from home to home never quite fitting in. Until eventually she got sick, and New Years died when Clause attempted to take her to see fireworks by sneaking her out of the hospital. After that he was adopted by the chief of a detective office and raised there where he too became a detective using his tech savvy nature to catch the bad guys.

Other: Hates hugs, being nice, sweet foods and likes cool windy weather, salty foods, and of course technology. CAN'T STAND BUGS AND IS TERRIFIED OF BUGS. CLAUSE IS ALSO ALLERGIC TO PINE TREES.



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Name: Charlotte Genevieve Lucy Song

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Species: Half-fallen angel, half-time traveler

Main Power(s): Time travel, slight precognition (rare)

Weapon(s): Dual laser guns, one grapple gun, one sonic pen, and an audio-activated arrow.

Appearance (pictures are accepted): She's a tall individual. Lightly tanned skin. Long dark hair that goes from arrow straight to a mess of curls, depending on how lazy she is that morning. Her eyes are pale and mysterious without a proper name. Some call them glasz, and some simply call them quicksilver. She likes to dress in corsets and leggings, or casual formal clothes - whichever she stumbles on first in her closet. Either way, she throws her favorite leather longcoat over whatever she wears. Looks a bit ashen no matter how hard she tries to cover it up, and always has an air of exhaustion around her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c06e5d3da_CharlotteGenevieve.jpg.f4921c30e48b7526de21b7eefd2c1a67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c06e5d3da_CharlotteGenevieve.jpg.f4921c30e48b7526de21b7eefd2c1a67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Rather easy-going and laid back. Tends to get anxious or nervous easily. Can be hot-headed in severe situations and tends to take drastic measures. Ridiculously loyal. Broken to the point of no return. Adventurous and quick-witted. Tends to over-worry and overreact to the injuries of others, yet neglects her own needs quite often.

Backstory: She was created due to a huge accident. No family, no childhood. Just fully grown. Found herself falling victim to heavy depression, so she went on search of adventures. They kept her awake and relatively alive. Kept her away from her thoughts, at least. Never had a home and probably never will. She doesn't stay anywhere. She travels. Lost herself several different times, once to a drug lord, once to a year in prison on false accounts of murder, and once to a PTSD-inducing set of years in the US Navy. Now, she's on the run and trying not to look back, because she's too afraid of what might be behind her if she does.

Other: Oddly enough, she's British, despite her occupation in the navy. She also has a nasty drug habit that has a penchant of kicking her back into relapse before she can scrounge up enough self-esteem to save herself. Has abandonment issues and tends to get attached and never let go.



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Name: M

Age: over 300,000 years old

Gender: Male

Species: ???

Main Power(s): Universal Manipulation

Weapon(s)?: Rusted chains/hooks

Appearence (pictures are accepted): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/IMG_20140814_230849.jpg.c1d6ef6f6da92e3f01b9359187c7c266.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/IMG_20140814_230849.jpg.c1d6ef6f6da92e3f01b9359187c7c266.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/IMG_20140922_103330.jpg.68aeaabe0383b185818c96f244047b0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/IMG_20140922_103330.jpg.68aeaabe0383b185818c96f244047b0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: M is a REAL psychopath. One moment he's cartoonishly funny and trollish and the next moment he's got enough bloodlust to impress the devil himself. He's a true actor in his "better moods", often sommoning props from middair to enhance his ploy. When he does become murderous, he's a terrifying and sadistic freak. When he's not toruring you physically he's exploiting the most painful things about your past that you wish with al your heart were lies. Then, he has the occasional moment where he sets up something that eventually leads to the better.


So M is over 300,000 years old, so old that nobody's really old how he came to be. All we know is that he had absolutely no family whatsoever in existence and was DEFINITELY NOT HUMAN. So when people were really afraid of witchcraft and the supernatural, they hunted him down in an effort to kill him even though he literally had never done anything wrong. He was hunted for so long that he fell into a deep state of depression. One soldier even horribly disfigured the right side of his face, resorting him to wearing a mask. He wanted to find his family (under the belief he had any) and drew together every scrap of power he had into casting a spell that would allow him to "see everything". Well he certainly did and made a near infinite number of clones of himself in the process. He saw all of the horrible things that goes on in the universe and went completely insane, to the point where he grew addicted to pain, whether it was his or someone else's

He also found the Internet which made him even more batcrap insane and due to his EXTREMELY powerful ability of Universal Manipulation, he can actually generate objects and living things, usually props, cats, or doughnuts

Other: DO NOT pull off his mask! Any and all Role Players who violate this rule can and WILL be killed off. Brutally.



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Name:Charles Inconchai

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Main Power(s): Semi-resilient body

Weapon(s)?:Cane, can do any of 100 separate effects when a button on the side is pushed.

Appearence: Asian about 5'7 wears an unkempt suit with the undone tie hanging around his neck. Always has one of those arrogant bastard of an Asian anime smiles.

Personality: Charles likes to mess with people, and has a bad habit of trying to look like a badass, but weather or not it works depends on what his cane does. Most of the time he just sits dejected in the corner after his cane does something useless.

Backstory: On of many Asian orphans, he was given the cane by a rather creepy old man in an alleyway, which he is not entirely sure he would have gone down if he had known what else he would be getting. He is a bit of a thief and his suit, is actually very expensive, guess where he got it.

Important Information?: Very good pickpocket, and easily moves silently, but tries to be helpful most of the time.

Other: d100 used to determine what comes out of the end of his cane. List at this link:

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