Liberate the Static - Rules

Parker Stein

Your Executioner
Rules for Liberate the Static

  • Don't be a jerk, obviously
  • No godmodding/OPing/whateveryoucallit-ing.
  • No Mary Sues, please.
  • Don't be disrespectful to the admins (Untame Kitsune, Murfemra, and Chalise Leilah). It's not cool.
  • This is a fantasy role-play, so it's more than open to ideas. But please contact one of the admins (mentioned above) before taking the main role-play on a spin-off
  • Everyone's allowed more than one character. Three at most, though, please. NPCs don't count.
  • Please, please, PLEASE don't post one-liners. It's a bit rude.
  • Have fun!

See Main Thread:
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