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Multiple Settings LF RP Partners (DM if interested)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

About Me

Hello! You can call me Crow. I’m an adult in my 30s with a full time job and things to do outside of roleplay. I’m interested in finding RP partners who are also adults (21+ at the very least).

I’m a member of the lgbtq+ community so if that’s a problem then I suggest you go ahead and move on, we won’t be a good fit.

I’d love to find an RP partner that I can chat with OOC too, but it’s not required. It’s just more fun when communicating is easy and we can have a good time.

About My RP​

I’ve been doing roleplay for at least 15 years, so I’ve learned quite a bit about my style of RP.

  • I like third person, past tense
  • I like reasonably good grammar, but I’m not your English teacher making sure you use a semicolon instead of a comma. I have no problems roleplaying with someone who speaks English as a second language
  • I tend to match post length (within reason) but generally I can put out 2-3 detailed paragraphs per post with longer intro and setup posts and sometimes shorter for action or quick dialogue
  • I can post anywhere between multiple posts a day to one post every 2-3 days and I don’t mind if my partner reaches out to make sure I didn’t forget to reply (or hit send, as has happened lol)

What I’m looking for​

Ideally, I’d like to find someone who matches my post style (as above) with quality and posting time.

  • A good communicator: I’d prefer not to to be ghosted, but it happens. That said, if you’re not enjoying the RP I’d be much happier if you could just tell me so - we could adjust, or just stop if that’s preferred. I’m pretty chill
  • Someone interested in worldbuilding and magic systems
  • Someone who is LGBTQ+ friendly and interested in diverse characters when it comes to race, religion, and other aspects

Roleplay Interests​

General Info

I’m new to RPN but it seems like a lot of people are talking about doubles. I assume this means playing more than one character at a time, if so then yes - I’m willing and capable but it’s not a requirement. Got a friend you think would like to join? Small groups would be fun too.

I’m fine with romance, but I’m not looking for romance or spice to be the main driving force of RP. I’d also like to work into it as I get to know my RP partner. I’m 100% OK with strictly friendly, platonic relationships (or other types like rivals, enemies, and so on). I will NOT do any RP beyond PG-13 (I am OK with fade to black) until I get to know my partner and we have a talk about it specifically - this would obviously not be on RPN.

That said, I am also open to exploring a number of options for romance in RP that are not limited to m/f or any mixture of those letters. I am extremely open and inclusive and willing to work with any (legal) relationship dynamic so please open a dialogue with me about it if that’s something you are interested in. I’m also open to having a chat about anthros/furries.

Triggers: I don’t really have any triggers, but let’s stick to the ToS. Please let me know if there are specific topics that should be avoided.

Original Concept Interests

Fantasy is by far my favorite genre. I love a world full of diverse characters and creatures, a world full of magic to explore. I do have a fantasy world in the making that is fleshed out enough for some RP already, and maybe you could help shape it, but I’m also more than willing to help create or participate in another world.

Monsters are great, I love monsters. Whether it’s cryptids, fantasy or sci-fi horror, vampires or werewolves…sign. me. up. Hunting monsters, being hunted by monsters, befriending monsters, being monsters, I love it all.

I’m happy to do some cozy/casual or slice of life stuff as long as the characters and setting are interesting- I’ve been really into those cozy fantasy books lately.

Sci-fi is a little more difficult for me, but I love mecha (like Gundam or Armored Core) and I’d be happy to work with someone to build a world with some giant robots.

Superheroes are cool.

This is not a comprehensive list, so if you don’t see something you like listed here then please feel free to reach out and ask about it.

Fandom Interests (note: I will only do OCxOC set in fandom universes)
  • Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
  • Pokemon


It looks like it’s fairly common on RPN to pitch a few RP plot ideas, so I figured I could give that a go.
  1. Fantasy: Set in the world I’ve built where the sun god has been weakened and darker forces have been able to take power and shape the world in their image over the last century. There are walled cities where people are able to lead “mostly normal” lives but outside, small villages dot the corrupted land and are often attacked by monstrous creatures or unfriendly bands of humanoids for what little they may have. When a struggling village finds itself under siege, who will venture out to find the source and end this relentless assault before the village is overtaken?
  2. Supernatural/Thriller/Mystery? Most humans don’t know that sometimes that bump in the night is exactly what their imaginations fear it is, but some do. When something starts killing people, someone needs to find out who, or what, and put it to an end. (I thought this might be fun with a human x nonhuman working together to solve, with at least the human having this sort of work as their job one way or another. Maybe the nonhuman is there as a representative for something.)
  3. Pokemon. Adventure.


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