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Fantasy LF: Long term partner 21+ Oc/ooc


A scary ride.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey! Call me Sleep or Sleepy, I'm very new here and I'll tread lightly on my words. To be clear, I like dark themes and angest. I am looking for someone 21+ and if you have any questions, I'll be happy to awnser. I only rp on discord.
=Writing preferences=
I am semi lit, the more I like the rp, the more I write. Easily breaking over 1,200 words when I'm excited.
I'm looking for someone who's detailed in descriptions. Showing, not telling.
=a little about my ocs=
I have many characters, a whole world to explore really. Or, I yours. I enjoy medieval settings, but can sometimes do modern. I have male, female, and trangender characters. I'm willing to do any and all pairings. My characters are all set in stone for their personalities. If you don't like how someone acts, that's fine. I likely have a character to match your wants.
My current muses are Aura, a female mage who is emotionally stunned. Or Maverick, a trans hellspawn demon who uses jokes and comedy to mask their depression. If these two don't catch your eyes. I got a bucket full. Come check them out. They all have original art. :)

=what I'm looking for.=
I love dark romances, horror and drama! I want to make my characters suffer, only to crawl out of whatever has happened to be stronger. Toxic relationships are something I'm big into playing out.

I don't really do fandom characters, so please look else where for that kinda rp. I don't indulge in fandoms, but do find them for inspiration. Black butler, Steven kings books, The Magnus Archives, BG3, DD2 and others.

I love to make headcanons about characters and seeing how they handle different ocs! Joking about characters in ooc is one of my favorite things!

Monsters, beasts, hellspawn, angels, humanoids, humans. Dig them all and happy to play out some ideas with that.

PERSONALLY, I'm terrible with coming up with ideas. I'm more than happy to discuss some. I also very much like to plan ahead a little bit for the story.

I also am getting back into art so, if I think we connect enough I'd draw our characters together. :) messages me if you're interested.

=Rp example.=
(This was a reply to a rp I was really into.)
Rudy stood now on the roof with his eyes fixed on a metal looking- well he was a nerd he knew that had to be a ship. He understood that these things also do not just fall out of the sky. Well Rudy, one just did so, what will you do? Slowly the red head moved his way off of the scorching roof and down the ladder. He didn't waste any time to put it away as he stepped inside. His grandmother looked up with a sad hound dog look to her as she pointed at the tv that still had a bit of static. Honestly- a bit was underplaying it. You could feel the static in the room, as if you had just turned the tv on and you were less than inches from it. Rudy half wondered if they had one of those fancy TVs if this would even be a problem. "Yes, I know Gramgram, I will be back to fix it." Rudy told her as he went to his room. He paced for a good moment, biting his nail as he kept peeking out his window. The ship was so far and yet it still affected them well maybe that was being it was in seeing distance. Rudy was unsure what to do- he was never a crazy person that actually believed in UFOs. He just liked to kill them in video games. Maybe this was the CIA? Rudy wondered but finally he grabbed his landline phone and went to call his father who was about two hours away. The only problem with that was, the moment Rudy lifted the phone to put to his ear a loud ear piercing screech came from the other end. This made Rudy jump and slam the phone down. He couldn't just do nothing, honestly he wanted to get closer. The thought alone made his skin prickle up in bumps, something so... advanced? New? Besides- whoever was inside was likely dead. Right? Rudy turned now and grabbed his bag. He grabbed his flashlight with batteries, Gameboy, film camera, As well as some snacks and that panties were already in the bag so- added bonus. They were his good luck charm!....(He was just a pervert more so.) "Dad should be home-" His speech was cut off followed by several loud bangs and groans coming from the poor boy. For a moment he laid on the floor at the foot of the stairs with his body in a twisted unnatural position. He had tripped and fell most of the way down the stairs he had walked up and down his whole life. You would think he would be able to walk down them with ease really. Luckily and thanks to the lucky panties. Rudy was unscaved. "I'll be back later!" Rudy called as he looked back at his Grandmother only to bump into the ladder he left out from earlier. (Now that was just carma.) He did go and put the latter back. After closing the shed door and taking a deep inhale Rudy made his way to the still dusty sight. The earth hadn't settled enough, it made his eyes itch as he got closer. Nothing was going to stop him however as he made his way to the crashed ship. The closer he got the more his heart raced and the more he felt he needed to get on. Once within 10 feet of the ship Rudy walked around it slowly, trying to peek in any way he could but the thing was just too massive compared to him. He struggled to find an entrance but when he did the men nearly bounced with joy. Rudy climbed on slowly though hissed as the metals were still hot and ended burning the top layer of skin on his face. Rudy was careful as he climbed inside and looked around. The flashing lights being the first thing to catch his eyes and the first things he approached. "...Helllo??" He called out trying to look for any bodies or if anyone was there at all. Rudy grew very sick feeling as his eyes glassed over some of the equipment, more so the screens with flashing code errors. With letters and figures his mind just couldn't process. Rudy had to look away from most of the screens, it taking a long moment to even work up his courage to touch what looked like a touch screen surface- well, more so Rudy just noticed the lack of dust on this part and attempted to touch it himself. When nothing happened. He stood there for a long moment trying to figure out if the ship even still worked. Rudy didn't notice the size difference in the chair just yet, or how high up the buttons actually were until he climbed up to press random things. Honestly he liked the feel of it, the colors and he was slowly (slowly being an understatement.) trying to figure out what button did what. The only one he did figure out was one button opening a little glove compartment. He would close it then open it once again and repeated his several times. Rudy finally climbed off the dashboard for now and began looking elsewhere. He took his film camera and flashlight out so he could start to document this.
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