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Fandom LF a literate Takizawa !


New Member
it’s hard writing minor tokyo ghoul characters in the year of 2021 but here I am ! I really wanted to write Takizawa and Shikorae — with me writing shikorae, of course. Shikorae is a relatively complicated character because of the video game called tokyoghoul ; jail, where he is the main character. I can elaborate on this if needed, but for the specific idea I have in mind it won’t really matter !

scenario ; ghoul ! Takizawa is upset or pissed off and moping around aogiri whilst Tatara, Eto, and everyone are elsewhere. Shikorae, a nonsensical, hardly verbal ghoul comes to comfort him — maybe because they’ve eaten together in the past or something. we can escalate the plot to other scenes after this one, but I would like our writing to be centered around the relationship ( non-romantic ) between Takizawa and Shikorae ! I think the two could eventually grow to be friends. Comment or dm me, so that we can discuss a few things about these two before we start ! Once you do, I’ll make a starter !
I write a minimum of two paragraphs and expect my partner to write no less ! As for maximum, I can go up to over ten paragraphs if need me ! I try to mirror my partner, though.
it’s hard writing minor tokyo ghoul characters in the year of 2021 but here I am ! I really wanted to write Takizawa and Shikorae — with me writing shikorae, of course. Shikorae is a relatively complicated character because of the video game called tokyoghoul ; jail, where he is the main character. I can elaborate on this if needed, but for the specific idea I have in mind it won’t really matter !

scenario ; ghoul ! Takizawa is upset or pissed off and moping around aogiri whilst Tatara, Eto, and everyone are elsewhere. Shikorae, a nonsensical, hardly verbal ghoul comes to comfort him — maybe because they’ve eaten together in the past or something. we can escalate the plot to other scenes after this one, but I would like our writing to be centered around the relationship ( non-romantic ) between Takizawa and Shikorae ! I think the two could eventually grow to be friends. Comment or dm me, so that we can discuss a few things about these two before we start ! Once you do, I’ll make a starter !
I write a minimum of two paragraphs and expect my partner to write no less ! As for maximum, I can go up to over ten paragraphs if need me ! I try to mirror my partner, though.
it’s hard writing minor tokyo ghoul characters in the year of 2021 but here I am ! I really wanted to write Takizawa and Shikorae — with me writing shikorae, of course. Shikorae is a relatively complicated character because of the video game called tokyoghoul ; jail, where he is the main character. I can elaborate on this if needed, but for the specific idea I have in mind it won’t really matter !

scenario ; ghoul ! Takizawa is upset or pissed off and moping around aogiri whilst Tatara, Eto, and everyone are elsewhere. Shikorae, a nonsensical, hardly verbal ghoul comes to comfort him — maybe because they’ve eaten together in the past or something. we can escalate the plot to other scenes after this one, but I would like our writing to be centered around the relationship ( non-romantic ) between Takizawa and Shikorae ! I think the two could eventually grow to be friends. Comment or dm me, so that we can discuss a few things about these two before we start ! Once you do, I’ll make a starter !
I write a minimum of two paragraphs and expect my partner to write no less ! As for maximum, I can go up to over ten paragraphs if need me ! I try to mirror my partner, though.

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