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Multiple Settings 🖤 Lettie's Plots & Pairings 🖤


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Howdy folks! I'm Lettie, a 27 year-old lady located in the Midwest US. I always have a plethora of 1x1 plot-bunnies running through my head, so I figured I would get them out into the universe and see if anyone else finds them intruguing!
A quick about me:
  • I'm down for MxF or FxF pairings, and I'm happy to play either M or F
  • Romance is must for me, though it can certainly start platonic (or even antagonistic) if a slow-burn is preferred!
  • Casual/Advanced Lit recommended if we want our styles to mesh well. I'm very wordy. I don't waste time describing the pattern on the curtains if it's unnecessary, but I like to dig deep into thoughts and visuals. I'm here to write, after all.
  • Central timezone
  • I'm likely to be online every 1-2 days, and the number of RPs I'm in will determine how often I reply. Minimum twice a week, most of the time.
  • I write third-person, past-tense.
  • I tend to keep to writing one character at a time. I'll only double if absolutely necessary.
What I'm looking for in a partner:
  • At least 18, preferably over 21.
  • OOC discussion. I like pantsing as much as the next gal, but I prefer to have major plot points discussed either beforehand or as we go.
  • Length doesn't need to match mine, but no one-liners. I value literacy -- if our writing styles don't fit, the RP likely won't last long.
Now, on to the fun stuff: Plots!
Note: most of these can also be FxF!
They were practically best friends from birth. They lived in the same neighborhood, their parents were friends, and they were quickly inseparable; their parents always joked they'd end up together. They took each other to prom, and they were each other's first kiss. But just before it could become something more, their whole lives laid out before them, he (either joined or was drafted into) the (Army/Marines/Whatever). They didn't kid themselves into thinking the long-distance thing would work, and besides, they were never really together to begin with.
Over the years, a few letters were exchanged, but communication pretty much dropped off. When he got out of the service, he returned home a whole new man, in all ways but one: He was going to marry her. He knew it, and he'd planned the whole thing. He'd show up at her house, get down on one knee, and give her the ring he'd bought three years prior.
But things didn't go as planned. She's married now, she even has a kid. It seems all is lost, until the nature of her relationship with her husband is revealed, along with bruises and scars. She insists on staying with him, for the sake of her child, and in fear of her life, but her first love has other plans.
He is the reluctant heir to the throne of an underground world that rules over supernatural creatures -- vampires, witches, werewolves, fae, the list goes on. They all walk among humans, governed by the eldest families of each species on a Council, but that's mostly a front: The real rulers are the demons, who keep everything afloat, or weave the webs of chaos, depending on who you ask. He doesn't love the idea of taking over after his father -- resigned to a world of rules and formalities, when he'd rather be partying it up Upstairs.
She is a living a relatively normal life with her alcoholic scumbag father. Her mother died when she was young, and she doesn't know much about her family history: Like the fact that her mother was a vampire, making her a hybrid, and that she comes from one of the oldest vampire lineages in the world. Her mother, unbeknownst to her, died trying to protect her -- when the current demon ruler of the underworld came to stake his claim, marking her as the future bride for his son, when they both came of age.
Now, time is running out for both of them. If something doesn't change, he'll end up sitting on the throne just like his father did, with some unwilling woman chained to his side. He's not one to be tied down -- to a woman, a throne, or anything. And he's not about to let that happen.
Arranged marriages aren't a thing anymore...
... Right?
He's the son of an investment banker. He was born with a silver spoon, bred by the finest boarding schools, and promptly placed into a totally-not-contractual engagement with some other Big Shot's daughter. It was an investment into his future, his father had said. He would grow to love her, he'd insisted. She is nice enough, pretty, just as pure-bred and tight-laced as he is. But she's not much more than that.
Since she's the bride, and since they never actually dated or met before they were engaged, she's still gonna have her princess wedding. Much to the surprise of the parents who expect something like the Plaza Hotel or perhaps beneath the Eiffel Tower, she wants to get married on an old re-furbished plantation in South Carolina. A far stretch from their New York City lives, she claims she finds the whole rusting thing "charming". Whatever that means.
They make their way south of the Mason-Dixon line, and at the rehearsal, he couldn't feel more like a fish out of water. Desperate for some air and space to think, he sneaks through the kitchen to get outside, promptly bumping into one of the waitstaff -- a curvy little southern belle with a thick accent who reeks of cigarettes. Exactly the type of person he'd been hoping to avoid in this whole unsavory visit.
So why can't he seem to take his eyes off of her?
More to come! That's all I have for now. Feel free to comment here or PM me if you are interested or have suggestions, I'm willing to change things :)
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