Naruto: Kakureyami


Cook of the Thousand Sunny
100 years after the 4th shinobi war the world was still at peace. The Legacy that Uzumaki Naruto left behind has not been forgotten, but people tended to disregard it sometimes, not realizing the work that The 7th Hokage had put into obtaining this balance of the world, even after the fourth Shinobi war. People live with out care and even the ninja's in each of the hidden villages are beginning to slack off and get lazy. But yet again history repeats itself and a new enemy will always arise to try and tip the balance.

The attack came swiftly no one knows where from but at that point the world of the shinobi was set ablaze. It was attack like no other, a fog like darkness began to advance from the southern ocean. And then all at once the attack was unleashed, Powerful shinobi of darkness emerged from this fog and they began to attack the grat nations and their hidden villages, it wasn't long before they began to attack smaller villages. The man who led the attack was known as the Kage (shadow), and before him the 5 Kages of the hidden villages were wiped out like they were nothing. Mountains crumbled before the enemy and seas were drained. The hidden villages stood no match and they fell. One by one each of the great nations fell to their doom. The reason behind the attack and where the darkness came from are still unknown even to this day. Over the years, a new hidden village appeared, one surrounded in mystery and Darkness appear the village name Kakureyami, The Hidden Darkness, and it is Ruled by the Kage. It rose like a empire, but its motives are still unknown, but it's clear since the attack that they are the enemy.

10 years have passed since the destruction of the hidden villages. There's not much left to the shinobi world and most shinobi have taken up refuge in the refugee camps that are scattered around the world of the shinobi. The humans went and found some of the tailed beast and asked them for their assistance in this matter, after some convincing they agreed to help, but there are still some tailed beasts out there that have yet to be found. It seems like the Kage has finally begun to make his move against humanity. But while he was busy planning and plotting his next move those from the ninja world have been training the next generation of shinobi to rise against him.
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Nature Transformation

Nature Transformation
(性質変化, Seishitsu Henka) is an advanced form of chakra control. It entails the moulding and defining of one's chakra into an innate kind of chakra nature, altering its properties and characteristics. Nature transformation is one of two necessary techniques for creating a technique, its counterpart being shape transformation. Few shinobi can use both shape manipulation and nature manipulation.


There are five elemental natures of chakra which can be transformed, called the Five Elements Nature Transformations (五大性質変化, Godai Seishitsu Henka). These five are also called elements and are not only the origin of the names of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, but also the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu. The five elemental nature transformations are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.

These elements allow for elemental ninjutsu to be performed, such as:

  • Fire (火, Hi) natured chakra allows for Fire Release (火遁, Katon), which is strong against Wind but weak against Water.

  • Wind (風, Kaze) natured chakra allows for Wind Release (風遁,Fūton), which is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire.

  • Lightning (雷, Kaminari) natured chakra allows for Lightning Release (雷遁, Raiton), which is strong against Earth but weak against Wind.

  • Earth (土, Tsuchi) natured chakra allows for Earth Release (土遁, Doton), which is strong againstWater but weak against Lightning.

  • Water (水, Mizu) natured chakra allows for Water Release (水遁, Suiton), which is strong againstFire but weak against Earth.

Basically, this means that if an elemental technique is put against another elemental technique of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the technique with the superior nature will prevail. However, a technique with a weaker nature can overpower a technique with a stronger nature if the former is of a higher level, for example a technique that employs only Water Release cannot extinguish a wind-enhanced fire technique

Kekkei genkai

Kekkei genkai (血継限界, Literally meaning: a technique limited to inheritance by blood" or "Bloodline Limit) are abilities passed down genetically within specific clans. It's possible for a shinobi to have more than one of these abilities. Kekkei genkai abilities that work via the user's eye are called dōjutsu. Other kekkei genkai include mixing one type of elemental chakra with another, creating a new one unique to the users, which is usually impossible for normal ninja, or other bodily manipulations that are usually unachievable by normal standards.

Boil Release


Boil Release (沸遁, Futton, Vapour Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix fire and water-based chakra to create gaseous materials in different properties and usages.



The Byakugan (白眼, Literally meaning: White Eye, or All Seeing White Eye) is the dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans. Its power first appeared as a kekkei mōra alongside the Rinne Sharingan in the oldest known ancestor of the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. It has become known as one of the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu, Literally meaning: Three Great Eye Techniques), along with the Sharingan, and the Rinnegan.

Crystal Release


The Crystal Release (晶遁, Shōton, Crystal Style) is a rare and specialised field of elemental ninjutsu that can create crystal as well as manipulate already-existing crystals and crystalline structures.

Dark Release


The Dark Release (冥遁, Meiton, Shade Style) is a specialised nature transformation kekkei genkai that can be used to absorb, manipulate, and release chakra taken from an opponent. People who have this kekkei genkai use techniques of this nature through a mark on their hand. This mark resembles two diamonds, one overlapping the other. Chakra is absorbed through the upper square, while it is released and manipulated through the lower.

Explosion Release


Explosion Release (爆遁, Bakuton, Explosive Style) is a combined chakra nature transformation kekkei genkai. This chakra nature is stated to be made of the earth nature, and hinted to be made of lightning nature to give the wielder the ability to utilise explosive chakra in combat, allowing them to cause explosions in objects they come into contact with.

Ice Release


Ice Release (氷遁, Hyōton, Ice Style) is the combined nature transformation kekkei genkai of the Yuki clan made up of techniques that combines wind and water-based chakra to create and manipulate ice, forming it into various structures. When the user releases their chakra, the surrounding vicinity becomes cold enough to cause snow to fall. The ice can also be extremely resistant to fire-based attacks, depending on the experience of the user.

Jūgo's Clan's Natural Energy Absorption

Members of Jūgo's clan have unique enzymes which allow them to passively absorb and effectively make use of natural energy, with or without training in senjutsu. However, due to the constant intake of natural energy, they are prone to mental instability, sporadically feeling sudden and uncontrollable urges to kill. The wielder's body can also secrete special fluids which, through means of Senjutsu chakra, allow them to transform parts of their bodies.

Lava Release


Lava Release (熔遁; 溶遁, Yōton, Corrosion Style" or "Lava Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix fire and earth-based chakra to create volcanic materials such as lava or rubber in different properties and usages.

Magnet Release


Magnet Release (磁遁, Jiton, Magnet Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai suggested to be made up of techniques that mix wind and earth-based chakra to create magnetic forces in different properties and usages.

Mangekyō Sharingan


The Mangekyō Sharingan is awakened by a Sharingan user when they suffer from trauma after witnessing the death of someone close to them. With the user normally having to witness or experience this first hand, Uchiha throughout history have killed those closest to them in order to expedite this process. It is distinguished from a normal Sharingan by its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoeseal. Unlike the Sharingan, the appearance of the Mangekyō Sharingan differs from user to user with all known wielders of the dōjutsu having eyes that resemble variations of pinwheels.



The Rinnegan (輪廻眼, Literally meaning: Saṃsāra Eye) is reputed as the most exalted eyes amongst the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu, Literally meaning: Three Great Eye Techniques), along with the Byakugan and the Sharingan. It originated from Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's Rinne Sharingan, and truly manifested for the first time as a kekkei mōra in her son, the Sage of the Six Paths. Its dual variant is characterised by a ripple-like pattern which spreads over the eyeball, with light purple sclerae and irides, and its singular variant has the same features, albeit containing a pattern of six tomoe.

Scorch Release


Scorch Release (灼遁, Shakuton, Viz: Scorch Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix fire and wind-based chakra to create scorching heat which capable of heating up an enemy to the point where all the liquid inside their body evaporates, killing the victim and leaving them a desiccated corpse.​



The Sharingan (写輪眼, Literally meaning: Copy Wheel Eye, Meaning or Mirror Wheel Eye) is the dōjutsukekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan that appears selectively among its members. Derived from Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's Rinne Sharingan, its own individual form first manifested in her grandson Indra Ōtsutsuki, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan. It later became regarded as one of the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu, Literally meaning: Three Great Eye Techniques), along with the Byakugan and the Rinnegan.​



Shikotsumyaku (屍骨脈, Literally meaning: Dead Bone Pulse, or Macabre Bone Pulse) is a kekkei genkai which gives its wielder the ability to manipulate their own skeletal structure (their osteoblasts and osteoclasts). By infusing their calcium with chakra, they could manipulate the growth and properties of their bones to their liking. Kaguya Ōtsutsuki manifested asimilar, albeit more lethal, ability to weaponise her bone structure from which Shikotsumyaku originates. This kekkei genkai is inherited into a rare few amongst Kaguya's descendants in the Kaguya clan.​

Steel Release


The Steel Release (鋼遁, Kōton, Steel Style) is a specialised nature transformation kekkei genkai that can be used to make one's body virtually indestructible by turning it into black steel.​

Storm Release


Storm Release (嵐遁, Ranton, Gale Style" or "Storm Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix lightning and water-based chakra to create energy beams that can be guided towards the enemy.​

Swift Release


The Swift Release (迅遁, Jinton, Quick Style) is a specialised nature transformation kekkei genkai that can be used to move with instantaneous speed, granting the user an advantage over opponents with more strength than speed, such as users of Chakra Enhanced Strength. This nature therefore renders the user invulnerable against most taijutsu.​



The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a powerful dōjutsuutilised by the Ōtsutsuki clan. It is characterised by a blue pupil surrounded by a blue and white flower-like iris.​

Wood Release


Wood Release (木遁, Mokuton, Wood Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix earth-based chakra in one hand and water-based chakra in the other to create wood as well as various plants, from simple seeds to even flowering trees. Wood and plants can be produced from any surface, including the user's own body, as the user's chakra is literally converted into a source of life. Wood Release Techniques (木遁の術, Mokuton no Jutsu) are commonly affiliated with the Snake seal.

Kekkei tōta

Kekkei tōta
(血継淘汰, Literally meaning: a selection of blood inheritance" or "Bloodline Selection) is an advanced branch of jutsu that is more advanced than the jutsu class of kekkei genkai. The only known example is Dust Release, a combination of three different nature transformations — earth, wind, and fire.

Dust Release

Dust Release (塵遁, Jinton, Particle Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei tōta, an advanced version of kekkei genkai, made up of techniques that mix earth, wind, and fire-based chakra to create pulverising force. The techniques of this nature initially form as a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) composed of chakra that forms between the user's hands. When the technique is released, the form expands and surrounds the target. This nature allows the user to manipulate molecules, giving them the ability to disintegrate anything on a molecular level within the boundaries of the three-dimensional form.


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