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Always Searching

My name is Jessi, but you can call me Jess or Otter if you prefer.
I am agonizingly new to this site, so please bear with me as I learn!
Anywho, on to the fun stuff!

- Currently craving something Harry Potter, mainly Hermione/Severus or Hermione/Draco (gimme them dark feels)
- Not super into most anime, sorry~ (It's not that I don't like anime, just don't watch it as much as I used to, so I don't feel caught up enough in any to write them. Maybe some day~!)
- Also very into Supernatural, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and most stuff involving vampires.
- Outside of Fandom, I'm up for pretty much anything! Hit me up with your cravings!
- I'm a mirror poster. I try to write at least 3 paragraphs per reply, and would hope to receive the same, but I understand writer's block, life, mood, and other stuff can get in the way. Cut me slack and I'll do the same!
- At the moment, I am free most days and times, and though this does not mean I will always be online, I do check replies often, and if I see that I have one, I usually hop on to reply as soon as I'm able.

I'll change this as needed, but for now, this is it! Let me know if you're interested, and let's start plotting! ♥
Always up for those dark feels, if maybe you’d wanna come up with something let me know! (:
Haha no worries! I do, as well. She’s just such a fun character to play!!

Sure, I don’t see why not! Do you have a preference for the character that would be opposite her? I don’t mind playing anyone from twilight, really.
Still searching for partners!! Also, here’s some more info that might be helpful:

-I live in the US on the west coast, so I’m on PST, and I am online A LOT. Being in a different time zone is not a deal breaker for me, just thought it would be good to know in case you are wanting rapid responses, which I’m totally game for!
-I am not a stickler for post length, but I do prefer to write with someone who is more literate with their writing.
-Currently, I’m looking more for fandom RPs, as I’m still pretty rusty when it comes to world building, and the few original RPs I’ve started with people have burned out pretty quick.
-That being said, I’m looking for long-term stuff!! I don’t just want us to be RP partners, I’d like us to become friends!

If you have any other questions for me, definitely feel free to ask!

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