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Multiple Settings Lets write pretty prose, please! [Fantasy, scifi, horror etc.] [Updated, open.]


Too Many Thoughts
Hello and nice to meet you, I am Anamnesis and I am looking to find a potential RP partner or partners interested in character-driven story in a wide variety of areas. I will put relevant information below, but always feel free to PM me if you have specific ideas or questions :)

Much of my interest lies in the somewhat extreme: fantasy, scifi, horror (especially psychologically driven!) etc. My characters are deeply developed with a strong sense of self and emotional range, and I have an absolute love for building OCs and fleshing out the intricate, complicated details of who they are as 'people'.
I am a lover of world-building and always happy to create something from the ground up with a good partner, but am also comfortable in doing real world (futuristic or past, I'm a bit of a history buff) and some fandom/canon universes (Lord of the Rings, Dragon Age, mythology based, you might be able to talk me into Overwatch or Harry Potter).
Themes I enjoy are often philosophical and psychological ones dealing with things like morality, religion, concepts of duty/honor, sense of self etc. and I am also happy to delve into darker topics such as trauma. Because of this, I often like a certain rift between the characters that will create a bit of friction as opposed to everything getting along neatly.
I am a female college sophomore studying Anthropology in the US, I have a long history with writing and RP from an early age and am recently getting back into the hobby after a long break! I tend to respond with a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs but am, to an extent, happy to match what you give me as long as you're giving me something to work with.
I will play either gender! However, I primarily do f// or f/m (playing either role). I am open to m/m with a good plot but please understand I don't have as much experience with it.
Communication is a big deal with me and I love OOC chatter, both to make sure we both stay on the same page with the RP and also just to get to know who I'm writing with as I think it improves things for everyone! I understand sometimes a concept you thought would click just doesn't in practice, and I am ditch-friendly, I just ask that you let me know if you're done replying so I can declutter, no hard feelings :)
I will respond as often as I can but my schedule is chaos. Sometimes you might get four replies a day, sometimes you might get two a week. I will not reply if I don't think I'm capable of giving you a quality response as quality very much comes before quantity in my writing!
My preferred method of doing, well, everything is Discord. However, I am willing to keep things to forum DMs if we click well.

All of this read and said! If you're interested, would like to see a sample of my writing or hear some of my character ideas, feel free to shoot me a DM or send a friend request to Anamnesis#0742 on Discord. Always happy to talk :)

Please note, I will likely not be taking up every offer I receive! Compatibility is a big deal to me and I don't want to get into something I get the feeling won't work out- no offense intended, and I look forwards to meeting you all. Oh and as a note, I absolutely love when people just send me character biographies to see if I have anyone that would work with, so feel free to do that!
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Did you have any plots in mind?
[information moved to main post]

I have more, specifically concerning certain fandoms (and like 50 mythology plots that have just sort of been in my head for years), but that should provide some solid examples of each genre!
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Are you currently working on something, or can I swoop in and ask if I can join you?
Feel free to shoot me a DM if you have an idea of something you'd like to do (whether it be from my plot seeds or just something that came to you) I'd be happy to talk :)

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