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Multiple Settings Lets world build!


New Member

Hello, my name is Skowler!

If you do NOT have interest in world building, or character development, please, do not read further. I have an absolute love for creating massive, lush fantasy worlds like the ones you see in Game of Thrones, LoTR, Skyrim, Dragon Age, etc. I want someone who will love that and be just as excited about it so we can make an amazing world together!

How I Write:
  • My posts and their length vary in size depending on my partners preferred post size. I only ask/require that my partner type at least one paragraph for their characters post, but I really prefer something over that because of the fact that It's really hard to reply with really short posts.
  • I respond in third person, past tense.
  • Dark themes do not make me uncomfortable.
  • I want the roleplay to have more than two characters. I'm sure you understand why. Improves the story and all that.
  • My relationship pairings include M/F, F/F, and M/M.
  • I can roleplay both male and females and my character types/personality vary.
  • I use art and face-claims for my characters, and I give them google-docs of information usually so it's easy to refer to. I put a lot of work into my characters.
  • I live in (EST) Eastern Time, in the US.
What I'm Looking for In a Partner:
  • Please be 18+ years old. I will not roleplay with you if you do not meet that requirement.
  • Someone who can mirror my post length and adjust it based on my response and who writes in third person (I will not roleplay in first or second person).
  • Someone who will put a good amount of work into their OC's and help me build the world/plot/surrounding characters.
  • I only roleplay OC's and I would like if you were the same. I don't roleplay canon characters.
  • If you're ever uncomfortable, or want to change something in the roleplay, add your ideas, plots, or even if you just get bored or sick of the roleplay, anything, please let me know!
  • Have similar wants in roleplay! If we only agree on a couple things, I don't want us to waste our time.
  • Dragon Age (all games)
  • The Elder Scrolls (Skyrim and Oblivion)
Original RP:
  • High Fantasy (the base world must be high fantasy and the elements below would be sub genres)
    • Science Fiction
    • Post Apocalyptic
    • Horror
    • Angst
    • Drama
    • Romance
    • (I'd love to see science/medical sciences themes. I have a lot of surgeon characters).
Types of Characters:
I need some amount of romance and pairings in my plots. These are only some off the top of my head. Dragons would have a humanoid form so it isn't weird if they date a human lol.
  • Dragons
  • Elves
  • Vampires
  • Surgeons
  • Assassins
  • Demons
  • Pirates
  • Centaurs
  • Werewolves
  • The list goes on and on!

So if you are interested, listen up; send me a pm please. Don't reply here, just shoot me a message.


- Skowler

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