Literature Let's Talk Harry Potter



Hi! Any Harry Potter fans?

:) )

What is your favorite book? Mine is Half-Blood Prince

What is your favorite movie? Mine is Order of the Phoenix or Prisoner of Azkaban !

Who is your favorite character? Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Voldemort, James Potter or Luna Lovegood

Who is your least favorite character? Dolores Umb!tch ~ I mean Umbridge ~ haha

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?) THE MARAUDERS ERA! WE ARE YOUNG! *scream/sings* Oh... sorry got a little carried away. But #Marauders!

Favorite Couple? #Jily ! #Wolfstar (work with me) ! #UmThatRemusxTonksShip

^-^ Hi!

Oh why hello there, fellow Harry Potter fan. I shall join your lovely discussion.

What is your favourite book?

Hands down, Order of the Phoenix. I loved the character development in the fifth book and it really captivated me when I read it. Sure, the Goblet of Fire is fun to write fanfiction, especially cross-over fanfiction for, and although Half-Blood Prince was also intriguing, the Order of the Phoenix holds a special place in my heart.

What is your favourite movie?

Hm... Let's say the Sorcerer's Stone. The story is rather long but to sum it up, my friends and I made fun of Professor Quirrell a lot and the humour grew on me so much that I loved the movie. I can't help but giggle a little when I watch that first movie.

Who is your favourite character?

Asdfgk Severus freaking Snape. His character is absolutely wonderful. He's a double agent who is on the good side but has to commit evil deeds so that the dark side would trust him. The part where he kills Dumbledore was seriously heart wrenching. When Dumbledore says, "Severus...please." and Snape is all, "No." I believe that it is because Dumbledore is asking Snape to kill him but Snape does not want to kill Dumbledore. He's just so complex and lovely that I just want to melt away.

Who is your least favourite character?

Hem hem! I don't think anyone liked Umbridge. She's just a fat pink toad that no one likes. However, to add some diversity, I will say that my least favourite character would have to be Ron Weasley. At first, he was alright, somewhat lovable. But the further we get into the books and the older he becomes, Ron's a fool who uses Harry's fame and gets jealous easily. He's hot tempered and, really, why did he end up with Hermione?

Which Generation is your favourite?

Marauders. Let's not dilly dally on this one for too long because they're just amazing. However, I'd like to point out that Tom Riddle's time, when he was still young, was quite the turn of the century. It was when Grindelwald was the Voldemort of the time but Voldemort is the greater evil of the two. Grindelwald's era was rather interesting to read, despite the fact that the books didn't focus on it.

Favourite couple?

Tomarry (Tom Marvolo Riddle x Harry Potter) is my poison. The fanfictions on them are just amazing and I grew to love them even more. Nevile x Luna is something I wanted badly but unfortunately, it's not canon. Tomarry is definitely my favourite though.
I could discuss HP for days.

Favorite Book will forever and always be The Deathly Hallows for obvious reasons. Tying the story together and all. The journey and emotions while searching for the you-know-what's will always make the last book the most exciting and bittersweet in my opinion.

Favorite Movie is Half Blood Prince hands down and not only because Tom Felton's acting was just as perfect as his face. This was the first movie in the series that actually made me laugh and cry in the same two hours. From the unspeakable death to all of Ron's humor and Harry getting high on luck potions, the humor in the sixth movie was a relief from all the darkness to come.

Favorite Character is a tight tie between Severus and Sirius with Hermione not falling far behind for very obvious different reasons because they have little to nothing in common. I don't want to go into detail and sound like a nerd, giving facts about why these characters, the first two especially, are quite possibly the best characters to ever be written. I think their stories and actions speak for themselves.

Least Favorite Character Peter Pettigrew makes my skin crawl. I could be obvious and mention Umbridge or Voldemort but come on, Pettigrew is very clearly a disgusting character. Atleast Umbridge and Voldemort have a pair of...courage balls. At least they're outwardly cruel and evil and let everyone know it. Pettigrew's just a coward and the literal thought of him makes me sick.

Favorite Generation Is the answer to this one not the same for every true, dedicated HP fan? Who could possibly dislike the Marauders? Now, while yes I really can't stand Pettigrew and most of the time James also gets on my last nerve, I still love the stories of the groups friendship. I love the brotherhood between James and Sirius and the Lily triangle with Severus. I would give a kidney to see a movie or read a book about the Marauders.

Favorite Couple I guess I technically can't answer James and Sirius here because I don't really want them romantically involved, I just like their friendship? Fine. I used to be really big on Draco and Hermione, though it never happened, but I now feel like that relationship would have turned out a tad abusive so I guess I'll go with Severus and Lily. Eternal Love gets me every time.

What is your favourite book?

I really enjoyed the philosopher's stone and the chamber of secrets. I was really let down by the last few books and film.

Favourite Movie

Prisoner of Azkaban stole my heart for many reasons. I loved The Dementor, the new professor of the dark arts, Remus John Lupin. Simply because of the actions and this line made me laugh.

What would it have been for you? A piece of homework that only got nine out of ten?"

Who is your favourite character?

Sirius and Snape, hands down. And taking third Lupin. I love how each individual played their part extremely well.

Least Favourite Character

Dudley... dare I care to explain? and also Ron's little sister Jeni.

Favourite Couple

Molly weasley, arthur Weasley

What is your favorite book? Prisoner of Azkaban

What is your favorite movie? Goblet of Fire

Who is your favorite character? Hermione

Who is your least favorite character? Umbridge

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?) The Golden Trio. Original canon all the way.

Favorite Couple?
I think this might be the only thing where I don't have any preferred ships.
Gosh, it's been so long since I participated in a Harry Potter discussion. I've missed this.

What is your favorite book?

It's a tie between Half-Blood Prince and Goblet of Fire. I liked how everything began coming together/making sense in Deathly Hallows, but I'd never forget the 13-year-old me getting really excited about the Yule Ball and the Triwizard Tournament while reading GoF. And for some reason I just thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed HBP. Maybe it was because things were taking a darker turn and something bad was just around the corner - I just liked how I knew something big was about to happen.

What is your favorite movie?

Tough one again, but I'm going to go with Deathly Hallows Part 2. I was weeping the both times I watched it.

Who is your favorite character?

Sirius Black. I'll probably never get over how misunderstood the poor man had been in his life, how loyal he was to his friend till the end. And (the book) Ginny Weasley. She was a badass.

Who is your least favorite character?

Umbridge. Blegh.

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

Marauders, all the way. I mean, I really love the Golden Trio era, but I feel as if, for every horrible/good thing that happened in the Marauders Era, there's just so much left to explore. I'd weep tears of joy if JKR ever releases book(s) based on the Marauders Era.

Favorite Couple?

James and Lily. Aaand Luna and Neville because I just love them.
What is your favorite book?

I didn't get super far into the series but I liked the Prisoner of Azakaban

What is your favorite movie? All of them! But if I had to pick, the deathly Hallows part 1 or the half blood prince

Who is your favorite character? Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, or Fred and George.

Who is your least favorite character? Dolores hands down.

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation)

The Golden Trio. (Sorry)

Favorite Couple? HarryxGinny and LunaxNeville.
What is your favorite book?

Deathly Hallows for sure, I wish all of the books were as long and in depth. They're all beautiful books, but the adventure outside of school was something that we didn't get as much of in the others, which ultimately makes it not only the best of the Harry Potter series... But the best book in existence! -obviously this is true considering its my mighty opinion-

What is your favorite movie?

Half Blood Prince, I liked the comedy relief, it eased the blow when Dumbledore died. ;(

Who is your favorite character?

Severus Snape after I found out who he really was in Deathly Hallows. It was weird how quickly it went from me despising him to absolutely adoring him.

Who is your least favorite character?

That bastard Greyback... Went and ruined Lupin's career.

Favorite Couple?

Neville and Luna, they were meant for eachother.

What is your favorite book?

I loved Prisoner of Azkaban.

What is your favorite movie?

Once again, Prisoner of Azkaban, although I also loved Chamber of Secrets.

Who is your favorite character?

Sirius Black or Hermione Granger.

Who is your least favorite character?

As of yet, I don't have one! Except possibly Draco Malfoy? Maybe?

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

The Golden Trio! Gotta love Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

Favorite Couple?

I have been far too busy shipping everything in other fandoms to put enough work into Harry Potter ships.. I'm going to go ship some ships.
What is your favorite book? Prisoner of Azkaban, our first introduction to The Marauders, and there really isn't the whole huge Voldemort threat. I love the aspects of Quidditch that was put into it, and the book didn't feel very rushed. The ones after that, even though they were larger just seemed rushed.

What is your favorite movie? Prisoner of Azkaban. It is darker, more mature. It has always been my favorite.

Who is your favorite character? Hermione Granger because it's Hermione. Severus Snape and Sirius Black.

Who is your least favorite character? Personally I feel like everyone in the universe hates Umbridge, So with putting her aside, I really don't like Ron. From the beginning I never enjoyed him, even though I loved much of his family. The end when he left Harry validated my dislike for him, and I really just feel like Hermione and him just don't belong. (Usually when I write Fan Fiction, Ron always plays the villain part).

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?) Marauders because it just seems like an amazing story, I want so much more from them. Yet I love the Trio because, hello, they are the trio, without them we wouldn't have a book. I think the Second Generation is a great blank slate for a wonderful rebuild of the Harry Potter world, keeping us in a setting we love with new characters that can make wonderful stories. So I love them all equally.

Favorite Couple? Hermione/Sirius (MY OTP. I AM PREPARED TO GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP), Severus/Hermione, and Hermione/Harry.
What is your favorite book? Deathly Hallows I cried like 15x

What is your favorite movie? Prisoner of Azkaban. I mean, MARAUDERS BROOOOOOOO

Who is your favorite character? Sirius Black (thIS HOMO), Remus Lupin (this OTHER HOMO), Harry Potter (sue me the main character is my fave which meant that throughout the entire series, I was most prone to heart attacks over the amount of danger that this boy got into honestly gdi harry pls exercise caution sometimes ok)

Who is your least favorite character? You know who. I don't mean Voldemort. DOLORES UMBRIDGE

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?) I'm very fond of the Marauders Era but I have to say my favorite is the Second Generation

I liked Harry Potter quite a bit when I was younger but lost interest like... right before Deathly Hallows came out and to this day I still haven't finished the series. I might go back to it some day when my reading backlog isn't quite so huge but unfortunately I don't think the series lines up with my personal tastes anymore. (I remember even when I was reading through it as a kid I was always slightly turned off by the way the series treated the concept of Muggles.) However, thinking back on what I enjoyed about the series is nice, so hopefully an ex-fan is welcome in this thread as well.

What is your favorite book?

Probably Goblet of Fire because it came out right when I was biggest into the series, so I devoured it within a matter of hours in one non-stop reading session. I don't have the focus to do that nowadays, haha.

What is your favorite movie?

I haven't even seen any of the movies all the way through. I've caught bits and pieces of the first... four or five, I think? I'll tentatively say Prisoner of Azkaban, though.

Who is your favorite character?

This is an interesting question as I honestly can't remember who my fave was back when I was obsessed with the books. Maybe Hermione or Fred and George? Though thinking back of what I remember about the series plus what my tastes are like now I'd probably say Hagrid.

Who is your least favorite character?

This one, at least, is easy for me to remember. I think the segments of the series where Draco played a large role were always the hardest for me to get through. His character did nothing for me. At least with Umbridge it's pretty obvious she was written in that kind of over-the-top villainous role where you were meant to despise her so the writing did its job there in that respect... from what I remember. (It's been so long.)

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

Probably the golden trio by default as I can't remember much about the Marauders at all and I never read Deathly Hallows so I know nothing about the second generation.

Favorite Couple?

I don't really ship and I didn't back when I read the books so I don't have an answer to this one.

Snipped out some negativity here that probably didn't fit the thread very well. :)
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What is your favorite book?

Favorite book would have to be the Prisoner of Azkaban.

What is your favorite movie?

The two parter Deathly Hallows

Who is your favorite character?

I'm a big fan of Remus Lupin. There is something about him that is just so likeable and human despite the fact that he's a werewolf.

Who is your least favorite character?

I've got a few between Umbridge to Peter Pettigrew to James Potter, but I'll have to go with Snape. Now the story painted him as a tragic hero who had done everything for Lily. But that's just it. He did it all for Lily. I could go on and on, but I think this article perfectly sums up how I feel. Just skip a couple paragraphs down.

Which generation is your favorite?

I guess I'm interested in the future generation since we don't know much about it, but I'm also highly interested in the 1920's generation which is the setting for the Fantastic Beasts movie. Omg so excited!!

Favorite Couple?

I'm not too much into the whole shipping thing in the Harry Potter series, but I also love Arthur and Molly Weasley, so I just love their love for each other! If you were to ask me my favorite couple a decade ago when I was a rabid yaoi fangirl, I would probably say SiriusxLupin.
Favorite book: Goblet of Fire. I saw so much development of the characters in this one, and a lot of foreshadowing of later events. Plus, who doesn't love Quidditch?

Favorite Movie: Half-Blood Prince or Chamber of Secrets. I loved the way they did Sorcerer's Stone, but little Dan and Rupert and Emma hadnt really learned to act yet....

Favorite Character: It is a three way tie between Hermione, Luna, and Remus.

Leave favorite Character: Umbridge and Fenrir Greyback tie for this.

Generation: Present. I normally do my fanfics a few years after the trio leave Hogwarts.

Favorite Couple: Ahh, my OTPS are Dramione, Drarry, Herngsley (Hermione!Kingsley) and Huna (Harry!Luna) and Nermione (Neville!Hermione)
What is your favorite book?

Probably Goblet of Fire, just for the Yule Ball laughs, and Dragons.

What is your favorite movie?

Never really got into the movie

Who is your favorite character?

Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Potter, Fred and George Weasley.

Who is your least favorite character?

Wormtail, Albus Dumbledore. One for betraying his friends, the other for being a manipulative old coot and a terrible headmaster. At least Voldybutt was upfront and honest about what he was doing.

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

The Marauders, since they seemed to have the most developed and realistic school years out of the all the generations.

Favorite Couples?

The original Potters (James and Lily), honestly I didn't think Lavender and Ron were that bad of a match as well. All the others are from fanfic: Daphne Greengrass and Harry, Harry and Hermione, Harry and Tonks, Lupin and Bellatrix (from "A Black Comedy," hilarious to read), Sirius and Amelia Bones, Crookshanks and Midnight (Daphne's cat/familiar), Neville and Lavender, Neville and Hannah, Neville and Tonks, Draco (after he got transformed into a girl by Bellatrix) and Ron (for the giggles).

Special mentions to all Harry/multi ships, always funny to watch the dynamics between his girls and him getting pulled in ten directions at any moment in time.

What is your favorite book?

Chamber of Secrets, like I don't even know why.

I just love it.

What is your favorite movie?

I think it's Order of the Phoenix, it had the best acting because that was when the actors finally stopped over acting.

Who is your favorite character?

Tonks, Gred and Feorge, the Black Brothers

Who is your least favorite character?

Wormy the scum of earth, a part of me hates Lily for how she was portrayed as a perfect angel in original Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore (manipulative old coot), RON I just flat out dislike him

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

Marauders have the greatest Fanfiction if you ignore all the OC horribleness

Favorite Couples?

#Jily4LIFE #Haphne #Sirius&Amelia
WanderingJester said:
What is your favorite book?

Probably Goblet of Fire, just for the Yule Ball laughs, and Dragons.

What is your favorite movie?

Never really got into the movie

Who is your favorite character?

Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Potter, Fred and George Weasley.

Who is your least favorite character?

Wormtail, Albus Dumbledore. One for betraying his friends, the other for being a manipulative old coot and a terrible headmaster. At least Voldybutt was upfront and honest about what he was doing.

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

The Marauders, since they seemed to have the most developed and realistic school years out of the all the generations.

Favorite Couples?

The original Potters (James and Lily), honestly I didn't think Lavender and Ron were that bad of a match as well. All the others are from fanfic: Daphne Greengrass and Harry, Harry and Hermione, Harry and Tonks, Lupin and Bellatrix (from "A Black Comedy," hilarious to read), Sirius and Amelia Bones, Crookshanks and Midnight (Daphne's cat/familiar), Neville and Lavender, Neville and Hannah, Neville and Tonks, Draco (after he got transformed into a girl by Bellatrix) and Ron (for the giggles).

Special mentions to all Harry/multi ships, always funny to watch the dynamics between his girls and him getting pulled in ten directions at any moment in time.

I love Black Comedy!

Like one of my favorite FanFiction ever!
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]I love Black Comedy!
Like one of my favorite FanFiction ever!

Lol, it's great, all the running jokes and sheer antics of it.

The only thing I wished happened was Harry bedding Hermione just to piss Ron off as well as him and Tonks ironically actually fell for each other, and vehemently denying it even as they're falling xD

What is your favorite book?

I was eight years old when I introduced myself to the Harry Potter series, and the school library did not have the first two books in at the time. I was rather impatient at that age, so I checked out Prisoner of Azkaban. Fast forward two weeks, and I was completely obsessed with Hogwarts and all of the characters. I drove the school librarian crazy with my inquiries of when my name would come up to get the first two books as there was a long list. That is also when I decided to become a writer. Prisoner of Azkaban opened up a whole new world for me, so it will always be my favorite.

What is your favorite movie?

I suppose it would be Chamber of Secrets. When I was younger, I used to watch that particular movie over and over again. I love snakes, so I was always particular fond of the Basilisk.

Who is your favorite character?

Anyone who knows me well is very aware of my love for Severus Snape (and also Alan Rickman). I bought a Severus Snape figure yesterday, and I almost cried in the store.

Who is your least favorite character?

This one is by far the easiest question to answer of these. Dolores Umbridge is my least favorite character out of everything I have ever read and watched.

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

Although I love each generation, I have to say the Golden Trio.

Favorite Couple?

It is probably for the best that I do not answer this one.
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Not a huge fan. Not even a fan. But anyway.

What is your favorite book?

Only read Goblet of Fire.

What is your favorite movie?

Um... I think I watched all, maybe except for Order of the Phoenix, but I'm not sure.

Who is your favorite character?

Jonny Greenwood. Okay, joking. I think... Hermione, maybe? She is Ravenclaw-y enough for my tastes. As a honourable mention, Bellatrix. The only thing I remember about her is her death, but she's played by Helena Bonham Carter so bonus points.

Who is your least favorite character?

I have no idea. Maybe that one from GoF, Madame Olympe Maxime. She was pretty boring imo. But I dunno.

Which generation is your favorite? (Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

*wonders what the absolute hell is that*​

Favorite Couple?


Also, Ravenclaw.

I barely know anything about HP, but Ravenclaw is my favourite thing about it.

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What is your favorite book? Order of the Phoenix

What is your favorite movie? Again Order of the Phoenix

Who is your favorite character? That would be a three way tie between Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black

Who is your least favorite character? Definately Umbridge ugh can't stand her.

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?) The Marauders Definitely The Marauders

Favorite Couple? ..... Sorry but no..... just no.....

I was sorted into Gryffindor on Pottermore.... that was a shocker to me and my friends who all thought I'd end up in Slytherin...

What is your favorite book?

If I had to choose only one I would have to say my favorite is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It just has a lot more qualities to it that I wasn't expecting when I first read it. Besides, it was the first book where Sirius really made a general appearance, and I'm quite fond of his character. Not to mention how hilarious I found the whole ordeal with Peter Pettigrew.

What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is most definitely Goblet of Fire. I was rather enraptured by the flames from the goblet, and I was thoroughly amused by Ron's foot-in-mouth syndrome when it came to Hermione throughout this movie. It was the movie when Ron finally realized that the brains of their trio was actually a girl. Seriously the gall of that damn Weasel! Hermione is beautiful, intelligent, courageous, and I'm still appalled that they were paired together! It's absolutely outrageous!

I'm a little hesitant to really choose a favorite considering how three-dimensional the characters were. They all evolved as the series progressed and I found it hard not to admire some of them. I'm fascinated by Bellatrix and her insanity, there's just something utterly alluring about her dark eyes and black locks. Luna herself is rather intriguing, what with her dazed eyes and quirky personality. And Neville is most definitely someone that was seriously underestimated until he finally proved he was worth more than anyone believed. However, if I really had to choose I would be stuck between Severus, Draco, and Oliver. I just always found Oliver funny, especially with his obsessive love for Quidditch and beating Slytherin into the dirt. Perhaps Severus would be my favorite. He was misunderstood throughout the series, and it was only as he died that hiss true colors shown through. It was rather heartbreaking to watch him die. He's the one that left a deeper imprint in me than any other.

Who is your least favorite character?

There are just so many characters to dislike, but I'd use a much more appropriate word for the ones I'm about to name. I absolutely and utterly loathe them. Peter Pettigrew, that stupid toad Umbridge (although I have a whole different name for her which is not appropriate), Dumbledore (also an inappropriate name), and Cornelius Fudge. I hate these characters. And I have my reasons, but the one I despise the most would have to be Ron. He made a lot of progress during the series, but I'm still not endeared to him. I have my reasons too, and I'm not going to change my mind about him. Not ever.

Which generation is your favorite?(Marauders, The Golden Trio, or the Second Generation?)

I love the Marauders time, only because I get to see a young Sirius, Remus, and Severus. I mean, come on, who doesn't want to catch a glimpse of them in their golden years?! However, I have a soft spot for the Golden Trio's time. The Weasley Twins are present! They're just so darn cute that you can never really put them out of your mind for long. I can't think of one without the other!

Favorite Couple?

My favorite pairing of all would have to be Tomarry/Harrymort. Although, I'm very fond of Luna and Severus, Neville and Blaise, and Draco and Hermione. I have mostly slash pairings as my favorite though. I'm a huge yaoi fan.

Who is your favorite character?


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