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The Siren's Ghost
The legend of the siren has been part of Crystal Cove's history since it was first founded. A beautiful woman was seen on the rocky cliffs where the lighthouse now resides, singing out to the raging sea, trying to bring her lover back to her side. They say she died there, but her love for the sailor she fell for was so strong that her ghost continued to linger on the rocks, singing her song loud and clear. This soon drove many sailors into steering their boats to the sound, only to be met with rocks.

The Werewolf
A boy had been put in charge of watching a particular flock of sheep back when Crystal Cove was simply countryside. He hadn't really thought anything of it, the ocean was close enough that he could hear it, while still being in the safety of the forest. When he was watching the sheep, he would blow a special whistle which indicated a wolf was present. This caused issues with the party he was traveling with because they were constantly dropping what they were doing to go to him. Eventually, he saw the wolf but it wasn't a wolf, but rather a werewolf. He blew his whistle again and again but nothing happened. Now he hunts through the woods of Crystal Cove, killing off things he is ignored by.

The Haunted Docks
Children were always told to be wary of the docks, especially at night. Why? Because the ghost of a murderous fisherman would walk it. They say he was executed for destroying the entire winter supply of food because his own catch of fish had become rotten overnight. He will target all people who are out at the time of his death, making sure they taste the same unfairness he had all those years ago. Some claim to have seen him and describe him as headless while others say he has an unnatural bend to his neck.

The Ghost Ship
A ship is said to sail along the coast of Crystal Cove, having a ghostly green hue to it. It's hard to determine when this ghost first started to show up in the town, but it has seemingly always been there. It only shows up during the foggy nights of October, spending the entire night sailing around, never coming too close, but never straying too far. Some say that if nobody is awake, the ship will, in fact, dock, and the ghost crew will make their rounds in the town, taking supplies and other things they need for their voyage.

The Piper
This is more of a children's story than anything unless you live in Crystal Cove. The Piper is someone that parents warn their children about, telling them to never follow the hypnotic music and to always run away. The story of the Piper is about a boy who will sometimes appear in the town, playing his flute, and charming the children of the town that hear it. They will disappear by the time the sun rises and will never be heard from again. Any children that did 'escape' the Piper, have no memory of what really happened.

The Ghost Prom Queen
Back in the 70s, she was elected the Prom Queen of Crystal Cove High, something that she never anticipated getting. But after the crown was placed on her head, she was rather cruelly covered in feathers and eggs, an act that was planned by the popular students in her grade. Horrified and embarrassed, Clara Von Braun fled school and ran home, her tears blinding her as she stumbled in the dark. Due to the fact, it was so late and she was unable to properly see, Clara unfortunately tripped and hit her head, leaving her in the middle of the road leading to the school. She now is said to actively haunt Crystal Cove High and will attack students who appear popular or to be bullies. She was the last prom queen of Crystal Cove so she wears her crown and sash with pride.

The Howler
A banshee, the Howler is an older woman who is said to reside within the depths of the forest, crying and screaming over the deaths that were occurring within her old home. She was said to be a young mother who lost her family in a tragic fire due to her husband which caused her to flee to the woods out of depression and anger, resulting in her transformation. Children are advised to stay away from the forest because of the Howler as it is not uncommon for her to try and take young children and kill them, turning them (hopefully) into ghost children that she can care for.

The Cornfield Creep
It's said that the Cornfield Creep was created in the 90s after a freak accident in the corn maze. Somehow, one of the machines used to harvest the corn was actively being driven around. A young man known as Benjamin Walker had somehow strayed out of the maze to scare his friends, which ultimately put him right in the path of the corn harvester. His soul had been so angry due to his death and inability to pull his prank, he manifested into the Cornfield Creep where he targets those who enter the maze and hunts those who are not amused or scared by his antics. He is often said to wield a large scythe and drive one of the harvesters that killed him.

The Nightmare Witch
An old woman who once was quite beautiful, she is said to be hundreds of years old. Not your typical ghost or ghoul, she is said to still be alive and uses Crystal Cove as a hunting ground. Obsessed with her beauty, she captures young children in order to steal their youth and revert herself back to her youthful days. She will use various ways to achieve this, but most commonly she is said to take children out of their beds in the dead of night, flying high on her broom, luring them into the woods to her magical cottage in order to steal their youth and leave nothing but a husk behind.

The Vampire King
A lone man living in the only castle of Crystal Cove, he was said to be a very wealthy royal who moved from Europe to Crystal Cove. He rarely left his castle, but always held extravagant balls and weddings. Weddings? Why of course! He was well-known for his multitude of wives, but nobody ever saw them after they married Lord Nicholai. This was due to the fact that he was a vampire! But nobody knew this until a certain Mary Hawkins escaped his castle shortly after her wedding, wailing about the vampire who tried to feed on her blood. The town raged against Nicholai and killed him, locking him in his crypt for the rest of eternity. But rumor has it that you can still see him admiring the town from his castle window, looking for his next immortal bride.

The Creature of the Lake
A fearsome creature that lives within the lake, it is rarely used due to his presence. This lake is hidden within the woods and therefore is not a common place for someone to end up. Usually, the Creature sleeps for the majority of the year, but during the summer months, he wakes up in order to feed on the fish and plants within the lake. Nobody truly knows what he looks like as he hunts from within the water, not outside of it. He does not care for humans so when they enter the lake, no matter the time of year, he will do his best to hunt them down, not wanting them to damage the lake he calls home.
Crystal Cove High!
This is the only public high school in the town, but that doesn't make it less popular. Many people have come to the school due to stories about the 'Ghost Prom Queen' and the 'Nightmare Witch' which were all said to have taken place right at the school. It probably doesn't help matters that the kids of the high school like the play-up-the-spook factor and often hold a haunted house at the school, eager to scare any newcomers that decide to check it out.
Crystal Cove College!
The local and only community college in all of Crystal Cove. Due to its small size, it rarely can host many students from outside of Maine, but the occasional out-of-state student isn't uncommon. Due to how small and tight-knit the community is, students from the college often help teach at the high school for extracurricular credits. Like the high school, they usually put up booths at the festivals in town, their most famous being the cornfield maze! The agricultural department grows the corn themselves and each year it always gets bigger and better! However, many people have been known to get lost in these mazes, and if you believe in the rumors, that is due to the Cornfield Freak.
Crystal Cove Library!
This is where you would often find the gang when they were researching a new mystery. This old-timey library is filled to the brim with books, newspapers, and drawings from way back when providing lots of valuable information for those who are trying to uncover secrets. The library is rarely busy since it has that certain old book smell to it. Because the gang used to regularly visit, they are allowed free roaming around the different sections of the library that journalists aren't usually granted.
The Abandoned Docks!
The docks are part of the old side of town, still retaining the look they did when they were first put up. This used to be a market location and a village for fishermen, but people began to move out of there when the new buildings were put up. Now, contrary to popular belief, there are still people who live at the docks, you just never see them. Which is probably why tourists love going there!
The Old Lighthouse!
The legend of 'The Siren's Ghost' originated here due to all the boating accidents that happened along the rocky coastline. It is still used and has been fixed up over the years, but everyone still refers to it as the Old Lighthouse. The lighthouse keeper lives in the house next to it with his family. They are recluses, you can only hope to see them at the morning market or when they are heading to the lighthouse to work.
The Haunted Woods!
Unlike most of the town, the woods are the only thing that seems to lack the gloomy and spooky appearance that plagues most of Crystal Cove. The trees always change into vibrant colors and will lay a soft path of leaves on the ground for you to walk on. There's even a train that takes you right through the prettiest part of it. However, there have been many disappearances in the woods and stories about a werewolf that hunts along the border of it. That's probably why camping is advised against.
The Museum!
The Crystal Cove Museum is a place full of relics and evidence of every haunt and ghoul that the town has ever experienced. The host of Crystal Cove Haunted Tours, the museum is only really busy during September and October. During the off-season, well, it's not surprising that nobody really goes there. After all, everyone in town already knows everything about the mysteries. Vera Day, a member of the mystery gang, is the daughter of the current owners of the museum! So it wasn't uncommon to see Mystery Inc. sitting in the museum's records, sorting through old files and photos, trying to piece everything together.
The Vampire Castle!
One of the oldest haunts in Crystal Cove, nobody is actually allowed inside. Far at the edge of Crystal Cove, this large mansion, or castle, has brought in busloads of tourists just from how terrifying it looks on that large hill. Tours take guests around the castle grounds and the graveyard where the crypt of the famous vampire is located. Due to how dangerous this haunt is, even locals stay away, warning their children not to step foot even on the grounds. Some say you can still hear the victims of the vampire and see him in the top window, searching the town for his next meal.
Crystal Cove Lake!
The only lake in the town, it is located by the woods of Crystal Cove and is a popular destination in the summer. Known for the beautiful scenery, it's easy to forget the monster that lurks beneath the surface! The Beast Beneath the Lake is a ghoul that has in fact left a few survivors over the years! Dormant through the summer months, this creature comes out to hunt when the waters cool down, making humans the perfect meal after a long rest. Some say it has a frog's face and a man's body, while others claim it looks like a man with gills, but one thing the stories all have in common is how the beast tries to kill its prey! Note to self, never go on the lake outside of summer...
Crystal Cove Caves!
The caves of Crystal Cove are extensive and go all around the entire town, even being used as mines underneath the town itself. Parts of these caves that are in use are walled off by city employees, ensuring the safety of their workers as nobody wants to run into a stray ghost while down there. But rumor has it that in the caves there is a monster that once caused the disappearances of over ten people in two weeks. Nobody knows what sort of creature it is, but it's better to be cautious and avoid these caves and mines.

coded by social (both sides scroll!)

The Siren's Ghost
The legend of the siren has been part of Crystal Cove's history since it was first founded. A beautiful woman was seen on the rocky cliffs where the lighthouse now resides, singing out to the raging sea, trying to bring her lover back to her side. They say she died there, but her love for the sailor she fell for was so strong that her ghost continued to linger on the rocks, singing her song loud and clear. This soon drove many sailors into steering their boats to the sound, only to be met with rocks.

The Werewolf
A boy had been put in charge of watching a particular flock of sheep back when Crystal Cove was simply countryside. He hadn't really thought anything of it, the ocean was close enough that he could hear it, while still being in the safety of the forest. When he was watching the sheep, he would blow a special whistle which indicated a wolf was present. This caused issues with his party he was traveling with because they were constantly dropping what they were doing to go to him. Eventually, he saw the wolf but it wasn't a wolf, but rather a werewolf. He blew his whistle again and again but nothing happened. Now he hunts through the woods of Crystal Cove, killing off things he is ignored by.

The Haunted Docks
Children were always told to be wary of the docks, especially at night. Why? Because the ghost of a murderous fisherman would walk it. They say he was executed for destroying the entire winter supply of food because his own catch of fish had become rotten overnight. He will target all people who are out at the time of his death, making sure they taste the same unfairness he had all those years ago. Some claim to have seen him and describe him as headless while others say he has an unnatural bend to his neck.

The Ghost Ship
A ship is said to sail along the coast of Crystal Cove, having a ghostly green hue to it. It's hard to determine when this ghost first started to show up in the town, but it has seemingly always been there. It only shows up during the foggy nights of October, spending the entire night sailing around, never coming too close, but never straying too far. Some say that if nobody is awake, the ship will, in fact, dock, and the ghost crew will make their rounds in the town, taking supplies and other things they need for their voyage.

The Piper
This is more of a children's story than anything unless you live in Crystal Cove. The Piper is someone that parents warn their children about, telling them to never follow the hypnotic music and to always run away. The story of the Piper is about a boy who will sometimes appear in the town, playing his flute, and charming the children of the town that hear it. They will disappear by the time the sun rises and will never be heard from again. Any children that did 'escape' the Piper, have no memory of what really happened.

The Ghost Prom Queen
Back in the 70s, she was elected the Prom Queen of Crystal Cove High, something that she never anticipated getting. But after the crown was placed on her head, she was rather cruelly covered in feathers and eggs, an act that was planned by the popular students in her grade. Horrified and embarrassed, Clara Von Braun fled school and ran home, her tears blinding her as she stumbled in the dark. Due to the fact, it was so late and she was unable to see properly, Clara unfortunately tripped and hit her head, leaving her in the middle of the road leading to the school. She now is said to actively haunt Crystal Cove High and will attack students who appear popular or to be bullies. She was the last prom queen of Crystal Cove so she wears her crown and sash with pride.

The Howler
A banshee, the Howler is an older woman who is said to reside within the depths of the forest, crying and screaming over the deaths that were occurring within her old home. She was said to be a young mother who lost her family in a tragic fire due to her husband which caused her to flee to the woods out of depression and anger, resulting in her transformation. Children are advised to stay away from the forest because of the Howler as it is not uncommon for her to try and take young children and kill them, turning them (hopefully) into ghost children that she can care for.

The Cornfield Creep
It's said that the Cornfield Creep was created in the 90s after a freak accident in the corn maze. Somehow, one of the machines used to harvest the corn was actively being driven around. A young man known as Benjamin Walker had somehow strayed out of the maze in order to scare his friends, which ultimately put him right in the path of the corn harvester. His soul had been so angry due to his death and inability to pull his prank, he manifested into the Cornfield Creep where he targets those who enter the maze and hunts those who are not amused or scared by his antics. He is often said to wield a large scythe and drive one of the harvesters that killed him.

The Nightmare Witch
An old woman who once was quite beautiful, she is said to be hundreds of years old. Not your typical ghost or ghoul, she is said to still be alive and uses Crystal Cove as a hunting ground. Obsessed with her beauty, she captures young children in order to steal their youth and revert herself back to her youthful days. She will use various ways to achieve this, but most commonly she is said to take children out of their beds in the dead of night, flying high on her broom, luring them into the woods to her magical cottage in order to steal their youth and leave nothing but a husk behind.

The Vampire King
A lone man living in the only castle of Crystal Cove, he was said to be a very wealthy royal who moved from Europe to Crystal Cove. He rarely left his castle, but always held extravagant balls and weddings. Weddings? Why of course! He was well-known for his multitude of wives, but nobody ever saw them after they married Lord Nicholai. This was due to the fact that he was a vampire! But nobody knew this until a certain Mary Hawkins escaped his castle shortly after her wedding, wailing about the vampire who tried to feed on her blood. The town raged against Nicholai and killed him, locking him in his crypt for the rest of eternity. But rumor has it that you can still see him admiring the town from his castle window, looking for his next immortal bride.

The Creature of the Lake
A fearsome creature that lives within the lake, it is rarely used due to his presence. This lake is hidden within the woods and therefore is not a common place for someone to end up. Usually, the Creature sleeps for the majority of the year, but during the summer months, he wakes up in order to feed on the fish and plants within the lake. Nobody truly knows what he looks like as he hunts from within the water, not outside of it. He does not care for humans so when they enter the lake, no matter the time of year, he will do his best to hunt them down, not wanting them to damage the lake he calls home.

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