• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Let's Go on a Road Trip!


Protect Them


Types of character groups:

Stoner, Athlete, Prep, Artist, Grunge kid, Nerd, Eccentric, Joker, Punk, Deviant, Goody-two-shoes, Stoner

*feel free to let me know of any more sorts of groups to add in, since I feel like the list isn't enough*


Sleeping Bag, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, Cellphone


- Delete anything around (these)

- Anything with *around it* is optional (delete the * after you finish the sheet, and the whole sentence if you decide not to fill it out

- Use photographs only. No drawings..etc.

- Regarding cars, keep it college student level. Be realistic. I know sports cars are cool but what kind of average 17-19 year old would have one?

Please Copy-Paste this code for your Character Sheet.


[centerblock=90][bg=#171831][border=4px dashed #171831][border=7px solid #4973AC][bg=#BDD6F7]

[center][font=Covered By Your Grace][size=7]CHARACTER NAME HERE[/size]
"character quote here"[/font]



[column=span4][accordion=90%|bcenter]{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]GENERAL[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
[font=Coming Soon]Name:
Age: (between 17-19)
Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Social Group: (listed above. Nerd, jock..etc.)[/font]
{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
[font=Coming Soon](AT LEAST 1 PARAGRAPH, 5+ SENTENCES)[/font]
{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]BIOGRAPHY[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]RELATIONSHIPS[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
[font=Coming Soon]
{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]ROAD TRIP ESSENTIALS[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
[font=Coming Soon]Amount of Money: ($200-$1000)
List of Belongings: (2 suitcases worth at most, must include the essentials listed above)

Licence or No Licence:
Car or No Car:
*What Kind of Car:*
*How Many People Fit in The Car:*
*Does it Have Room to Store Personal Belongings:*
*Image of Car*:[/font]

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Alex Giles

"Be there or be square!"




Age: 18

Gender: Cisgender Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Bisexual


? Nature

? Photography

? Curly Fries


? Classical Music

? Salads

? Wine

Social Group: Artist


Alex is an outgoing kinda kid. She's always been a big fan of large crowds, and is an absolute extrovert. Unfortunately she does have quite a bit of trouble keeping it all in, and is very energetic and easily excitable. She goes with gut instincts and doesn't think twice with anything, causing her to make some less-than smart decisions. Her artistic talents extend to photography, though no other field beyond it. She's an awful drawer, an okay writer, but an exceptional photographer. Curiosity is another trait Alex harbours. She's known to sneak in and out of places to see what's going on, and is always asking questions.


Born in the biggest of the small towns surrounding the university, Alex has always known just about everyone there is to know. Both her parents are doctors, and very sociable ones at that. Hosting parties is something that came naturally to them, and Alex grew up watching adults laugh and talk in large groups since she was young. Being the youngest child, her older brother was always four steps (and years) ahead of her. Alex always asks him questions, and followed him around on his adventures since she could remember. The two are very close, and while they share their usual brother-sister fights, the pair are still close. She trusts her brother with her life and all her secrets, and he has so far managed to keep them all. It was because of her brother that Alex learned a fair deal about the forest, as he always loved plants, so he taught her the names of all sorts of the ones that lay in the forest.

When Alex was in grade school, she met a boy named Felix. He was rather quiet and kept to himself, although she found him to be fairly interesting, so she decided to become his friend. Since then the two might as well be attached at the hip. She absolutely loves to drag Felix with her on her adventures, and Felix is generally very excited about it all. It was with Felix that she found an old film camera in a dumpster, and with the help of his father (a man good at fixing things), they revived the camera. Since then Alex has been taking pictures, although she swapped to digital to keep up with the times.

Her school career was always a bit rocky, although Alex worked hard in the subjects she loved, which helped keep her grades afloat. She was always more focused on her social life, and always went out and about with friends on the weekend. Both her and Felix loved going to parties in high school, and Alex would almost always hook up with at least one person. She didn't really care who she was with, girls or guys, as long as they were okay with it. Due to Alex enjoying hookup culture, she only dated here and there, and generally it didn't last long as she was too busy or the other person lost interest. Although she always made sure to end it on good terms.

When it came time for university, Alex stepped her game up during school, and managed to get into the university of her dreams, and she is now going into the photography program, where she hopes to one day photograph all sorts of beautiful things, specifically related to nature.


Felix Black: They've been best friends since childhood, and despite having sex thrown into the mix of their relationship, the two are strictly platonic.

Riley Jamal Okafor: ?

Oliver 'Cadillac' Merridew: ?

Arthur Cardemyr: ?

Eloise St.Vincent: ?

Langston Blake: ?

Leah LeBlanche: Recently good friends. They met at the university. Alex likes her quite a bit

April Costella: ?

Justus Rousseau: ?

Sophia Kennedy: ?

Cheyenne Hemsworth: ?

Matthew Rodriguez: ?

Nashton(Nash) Gray: ?


Amount of Money: $600

List of Belongings:

? Toothbrush

? Toothpaste

? Sleeping Bag

? 2 sticks of deodorant

? 1 bottle of Shampoo

? Cellphone

? Portable cellphone charger

? 10 t-shirts/tank-tops

? 1 sweater

? 2 pants

? 2 shorts

? 20 pairs of socks

? 20 pairs of underwear

? 3 bras

? 1 pair of sandals

? 1 pair of sneakers

? 3 pairs of bathing suits

? Camera

? Camera charger

? Portable wifi-host

? Laptop

? First-aid kit

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No Car

Felix Black

"I brought the weed!"




Age: 18

Gender: Cisgender Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Heterosexual


? Weed

? Books

? Banana Brownies


? Gin

? Kids

? Cats

Social Group: Stoner


Felix is at heart an introvert. He tends to need a fair deal of alone time before he's ready to go out and spend time with friends, so many find him to be a bit quiet at first. Patience is something Felix has a lot of. He's fine with waiting for something he wants, and knows how to handle when things go wrong, making him responsible too. He tends to be very easy going, not really caring where he's going, and generally being excited for an adventure or two. He has a bit of an odd obsession with fires, enjoying them more than a little bit, and he has been known to get into trouble for lighting stuff up in flames.


Born as the youngest of three older sisters, Felix has been dressed up in more princess gowns than he can count. His early days were spent watching his father fix cars and his mother bake pies. The two parents were respected in the town, though they tended to keep to themselves, so Felix didn't know too many adults. Due to the energy of the house, Felix tended to stick to his room and from a very early age read. His room is now full to the brim with books, which is just how he likes it.

During grade school, he somehow caught the attention of Alex, a very loud girl in his class that he didn't really want much to do with. But for whatever reason she wanted a fair deal to do with him, and was very adamant about becoming his friend. It took several months but he finally ended up warming up to her a fair deal, and soon the two became best friends which he wouldn't have any other way.

For Felix, his grades have always been important to him, and throughout his life he has worked hard to keep them in the high eighties. During high school he made sure to keep as on top of subjects as he could, making him a favourite amongst the teachers. Though during his spare time he enjoyed getting high. He started his little habit in tenth grade, and it simply carried on. Alex enjoys getting high with him as well, although a lot of the time he's generally alone or with his stoner friends.

Parties are something that Felix has mixed feelings about. He only really enjoys himself once he's intoxicated (be it with weed, alcohol, or both) and only then does he let loose. He's had more than a fair deal of hookups, with more than a fair deal of girls. Though he kept it to just kissing until he lost his virginity, which was quite a story. He was with Alex and the two decided that since they both weren't interested in actually dating people, that they might as well just get it over and done with. It was a one night stand that the two don't ever talk about, although it's been mutually agreed on that it was a good idea that they did it, despite not having any romantic feelings for the other.

Ever since Felix was a kid, he's always wanted to be a doctor, just like Alex's parents. When he applied to get into the medicine program at the university and got accepted, he nearly burst into tears of joy. A massive party was held, and him and Alex celebrated until they could no longer stand.


Alex Giles: Best friends since childhood. He loves her in a platonic sense, but not a sisterly one.

Riley Jamal Okafor: ?

Oliver 'Cadillac' Merridew: ?

Arthur Cardemyr: ?

Eloise St.Vincent: ?

Langston Blake: ?

Leah LeBlanche: ?

April Costella: He finds her way too uptight and really wishes she would calm down a bit.

Justus Rousseau: ?

Sophia Kennedy: ?

Cheyenne Hemsworth: ?

Matthew Rodriguez: ?

Nashton(Nash) Gray: The two hit it off during a school project that they had to complete. Now Felix considers him a friend, although he does think he's a huge nerd.


Amount of Money: $400

List of Belongings:

? Toothbrush

? Toothpaste

? Deodorant

? Shampoo

? Cellphone

? Cellphone charger

? 5 t-shirts

? 2 shirts

? 4 pairs of pants

? 2 pairs of shorts

? 10 pairs of socks

? 10 pairs of underwear

? 1 pair of sneakers

? 1 pair of sandals

? 4 bottles of vodka

? 1 bong

? 1/2 a pound of weed

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: Car

What Kind of Car: 2003 Honda Odyssey minivan

How Many People Fit in The Car: 8

Does it Have Room to Store Personal Belongings: Yes

Image of Car:


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This spot is mine. There are many like it but this one is mine.


Riley Jamal Okafor

"Why do anything at all if you're not gonna win?"



Name: Riley Jamal Okafor

Age: 18

Height: 6'10

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Basketball, Money, Girls

Dislikes: Easy going people, laziness, country music

Social Group: Athlete


The first word that comes out of anyone's mouth when you asked what Riley's like is cocky. Riley is very egotistical, especially when it comes to basketball. If anyone ever challenges him on the court or questions his talent, Riley will confront them. The athlete is a natural born leader. This can cause problems with his ego however. Riley is used to commanding people, being the basketball captain. Sometimes it is hard for Riley to remember he's not on the court. Because of this he has a short temper. Another side effect of Riley's humongous ego is his flirting. He's a good looking guy and he knows it. The egomaniac flirts with basically any girl he sees in the halls. Some girls like it, some girls hate it but that doesn't bother Riley.

All that being said, once you get past Riley's ego he's a cool guy. He loves to make friends and he's usually the life of the party. He embraces the celebrity status and doesn't let it go to his head...Too much. Most people have nothing bad to say about Riley. He likes to consider himself friends with everyone and absolutely hates bullies. The young man is tall and pretty muscular so it's not hard to chase off bullies.

Lastly, Riley's life revolves around basketball. If no one shuts him up he can go on for hours about it. He's often found in class daydreaming about new plays his team could use or reviewing the last game. The basketball player can always be found dribbling while walking. The motion is automatic for him and it helps him think. He even got in trouble in school multiple times for dribbling in the middle of a test. Teachers eventually gave up on telling him to stop bringing the ball to class.


Riley is the son of a former professional basketball player. From a very early age he started playing basketball. It was clear even when Riley was about ten that he was incredible at the game. Once he started high school he was immediately put on the Varsity team even though he was a freshman. Even at that young age he was nearly as tall as the other kids he played against. College scouts began to notice him in his freshman year and Riley's dominance of the game continued. Riley has lead his team to three state championships in a row.

In school, Riley was friends with everyone. He was an almost unanimous pick for Homecoming King during his Junior and Senior year. The basketball star also picked up a reputation for being a womanizer in high school. While he never did anything with the girls, he would flirt with them at any chance he could get. This flirtatiousness even drove Riley to start a new event at school which is now tradition. The date auction. In both his Junior and Senior year, junior and senior guys could put themselves up for auction, where the girls could bid. The winner got to go on a date with the guy and the money would be given to help the school.

The young basketball star quickly became a local celebrity. Everyone in his town knew who he was for the most part. People in neighboring towns might know him depending on how much they payed attention to the news. The decision to join a local college shocked most people since the athlete could have chosen any school he wanted. Even with the somewhat strange school pick everyone is sure Riley will only be staying one year before he leaves for the NBA.


Amount of Money: 1000

List of Belongings: Clothes and sleeping bag stuffed into suitcase, the rest is in a large backpack. Sleeping Bag, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, Samsung Galaxy S7, Basketball that he always carries with him, Pillow, Jump Rope, Car charger, Beats by Dre, Granola Bars, Breath Freshener, Cologne

License or No License: License

Car or No Car: No car

Leah LeBlanche

Oh hey. It's that girl from the gym. At least I'll have someone to work out with.

Riley and Leah see each other a lot since they're both in the gym a lot. They've traded names and say hi to each other but other than that they hardly speak.

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Oliver 'Cadillac' Merridew

"Don't take life seriously. You'll never get out of it alive."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/curly.jpg.67f72fb699adbd070366dad2f452d272.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137828" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/curly.jpg.67f72fb699adbd070366dad2f452d272.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Oliver James Merridew

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Heterosexual- Straight

Likes: A few among many of the things Cadillac likes include joking around, movies, and mechanics.

Dislikes: Cadillac dislikes people who insults his mothers for their lifestyle and life choices, people who must constantly prove they're smarter than him and when people harm his precious cars in any way. You smudge the car even a bit and he'll have you wash the entire thing.

Social Group: The Joker


Cadillac is a 'live in the moment' kind of guy. He doesn't like to think about the past or the future, but rather just live life in the present and his main goal is to make sure his life is a great one. He's a bold, daring character and wouldn't hesitate to throw himself in the face of danger. He's pretty selfless, living to make sure others around him are happy. If he sees someone frowning, he would instantly do anything in his power to make that person smile. Though he never seems to feel any emotion besides happiness, he does, in fact, feel the same emotions any normal human would. He can get a little sad or mad easily, quick to be offended if someone were to sincerely insult him. He's actually quite stubborn and possibly a bit of a hot head, but he's fun to be around. Of course, more to his personality will be revealed throughout the roleplay.


Cadillac was born the only child to a lesbian couple, the result of one of his mothers, Momma G, getting drunk at a bar and engaging herself in a one-night stand with some stranger. His other mother, Momma T, wasn't happy about it at first, but the two soon rejoiced at the fact that they could have their own child and not have to adopt. So little Cadillac was born an only child. Life was relatively easy. His parents fought every now and then, he'd get his bottom whooped for misbehaving, but he lived a normal-ish childhood. Due to his ADHD, he was always misbehaving and getting in trouble with his school and parents, but besides that, he didn't stand out much.

As he grew older, Cadillac soon became the man of the house. His parents still managed the parental things such as bills and food and whatnot, but being the only male in the house, that was his role. In middle school, his interest in cars bloomed when his parents took him to a Nascar race and after that, he learned the basics and soon became a mechanic, repairing the cars of his neighbors and other. Though he wasn't the smartest kid, he applied for college after graduating and managed to get in... And stuff... I am terrible at summaries, so I'll leave the interesting stuff to be revealed...


- Alex Giles

@Caru )


- Felix Black

@Caru )


- Riley Jamal Okafor

@Lurker )


- Arthur Cardemyr

@Lazy Rocktime )


- Eloise St.Vincent

@Elizabeth Schuyler )

Back in highschool, Cadillac and Eloise were drinking buddies. They'd have smashin' times at the bars playing their favorite drinking games. Now that Eloise is attempting to give up her drinking, trouble could happen when her old buddy comes on the trip.

- Langston Blake

@Ecstasyia )


- Leah LeBlanche

@LadyAria )

Leah and Cadillac aren't the closest, but they are pretty good friends. After Leah's car accident, Cadillac aided her throughout it.

- April Costella

@ScarlettRose16 )

Cadillac and April aren't the closest, but they're a little up their friend wise. Cadillac likes to think so, anyway. Cadillac constantly tries to get April to open up.

- Justus Rousseau

@econcetta )


- Sophia Kennedy

@MissJackson )


- Cheyenne Hemsworth

@Mariam )


- Matthew Rodriguez

@Mariam )


- Nashton(Nash) Gray

@LadyAria )

Cadillac doesn't know what Nash is saying when they aren't exactly friends. He likes to think they're the best of friends. Really, though, Cadillac is just that kid who pesters the living crap out of poor Nash. Cadilllac would love a conversation with him, but Nash doesn't seem interested.


Amount of Money: Around $650

List of Belongings: Sleeping Bag, toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, deodorant, shampoo, cellphone, clothing to last about two weeks. He'll have to wash some stuff. His panda Pillow Pet. A regular pillow. Sponges and wax for his car, along with car fresheners. All of his CDs. Flipflops and tennis shoes. Laptop and other electronics. Basic hygiene items. Other stuff I'm too lazy to think about at the moment.

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: A few, actually.

What Kind of Car: 1987 Cadillac Eldorado

How Many People Fit in The Car: About Four

Does it Have Room to Store Personal Belongings: Nothing big, no.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/703156_21015670_1987_Cadillac_Eldorado.jpg.a7527abab820d269226dca1189c6c992.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/703156_21015670_1987_Cadillac_Eldorado.jpg.a7527abab820d269226dca1189c6c992.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • curly.jpg
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Astoria Genesis

"Life is just another dangerous adventure, it's the beautiful lie that keeps us living."




Name: Astoria Genesis

Nickname: asteroid (hated) Astor(Liked)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She, Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: Hiking, Rainy days, sunsets, writing, Her knife.

Dislikes: Sunrise, Rules, being told to calm down, crowds, not having her knife.

Social Group: Deviant/Deliquent


Astor is typically a cold and distant person. She tries to hide her emotions, but sometimes at her point she snaps. She refuses to let others to close and keeps everyone at arms length. She is really a kind and caring person even if she hides it. She has a bit of sarcasm on her tone, which is why others think she is cold. Often puts the needs of others above their own needs. Observer with rich inner world of observations about people. Very perceptive of other's feelings. Private. Dislikes competition. Good at finishing tasks. Clean, organized, a planner. Fearless, Dangerous. Calm and collected. Fantasy prone, and likes strange things. Rule-breaker, Semi-Loner, really smart despite her rule-breaking.


Astor was the was child of Harlow And Marsilla Genesis. She was use to receiving less attention from her family and spent most her time walking the streets, running and writing/drawing.Developing a love for art, she always drew on herself when she didnt have paper, and kept her best drawings. Hence the tattoo's. She started to become more withdrawn from others and constantly broke rules and was getting in trouble. She moved out at seventeen and her dad, for the first time, gave attention to her. He gave his car, the hummer which she was happy about, it is then they started to connect. However that year, he fell victim to a heart attack, but he taught her to let go of the past and embrace the future. So despite how sad a=she was she kept moving forward and here she is now. She has A+- grades and never gives up and stands up for others. She gets into a lot of fights and competitions.


April Costella~ Good friends, but they are constantly bickering due to their opposite styles.

Langston~ friends, or art pals, whatever you like to see them as.


Amount of Money: $627

List of Belongings:

Suitcase one: Clothes, Phone, Her knife, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo.

Suitcase Two: clothes, medic kits (2), Hair brush, three note books, pencils.

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: Car

What Kind of Car: 2006 Hummer H1 Alpha

How Many People Fit in The Car:Four, but if not much stuff is put inside five.

Can it hold personal belongings: Yes.

*Image of Car*:

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Sophia Kennedy

"Reading gives us someplace to go, when we have nowhere to go"



Name: Sophia Kennedy

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Books, The outdoors, Popcorn and Puns

Dislikes: Cat-callers, being cold at night and tomato soup

Social Group: Nerd (well to be more specific, the book nerd)


If you ask anyone who's met Sophia, if it be for a few seconds or longer, they'd all describe her as being a cheerful and adventurous girl. Although, those very same people will also tell you that she's constantly got her head and mind stuck in her books. Sophia wont be afraid to tell it straight, however, sometimes it can come tumbling out of her mouth before her brain had time to process. She is an open-minded girl, looking for fun and exciting adventures (much like in many of her books). Aside from her determination to have a good time, Sophia can also be clever, and clear-headed in stressful situations, but if you anger her or ever-so-slightly get on her nerves, she will put you in your place and WONT be sorry about it. Her aims in life are to follow in her fathers footsteps, and study plants in hope of becoming a botanist.


Sophia was raised by her single father, Aaron Kennedy, an odd man, who was a Teacher at the local University, teaching the students Plant Science. However, the two of them soon had to move when it came apparent that Aaron hadn't quite been ready to take care of the newborn, after his wife, the late Mrs Kennedy, passed away after giving birth. In their new town, Sophia's father arranged for a nanny to take care of Sophia whilst he worked and as a result, ended up barely seeing his daughter. Their new house soon came to resemble a greenhouse, without the glass walls, and Sophia developed an interest in reading, upon reading through the countless botany books her father horded. Each birthday, Sophia would receive a new stack of books, many of them being about plants and the outdoors. The majority of her childhood was either spent reading or adventuring outside, under the careful eye of her many different nannies. As she grew, Sophia started growing apart from her father as he has continued to date different women, in the hopes of marrying again, resulting in Sophia spending less time with him then she already did.

In Primary and Middle school, Sophia surrounded herself with lots of friends, although most of the time she felt as though she didn't connect to half of them. As a result, in High school, Sophia had distanced herself from the crowd, instead surrounding herself with books. However, she did still keep a cheerful and kind demeanor towards those around her. Many of her lunches were spent hidden away in a quiet corner or in the library. By reading, Sophia found a new home, a home that changed with ever page she turned.

It wasn't until Sophia was on Facebook, casually scrolling through her University's freshman Facebook page, that she notices a certain post. upon reading it, something inside of her clicks and she decides to go for it. 'Maybe its time to put yourself out there'.


April Costella: Neighbours, but have never really talked or gotten to know one another.

Langston Blake: Close friends, went to middle and high school together and still keep in touch with one-another.

Nashton Gray: Not actually knowing each other's real life identity, Nash and Sophia competed against each other in quizzes and challenges online. They kept talking through the online website and formed a bond. Sophia feels as though she can really connect and talk to Nash, even though it is through a computer screen. They both don't know that the other is also taking part in this road trip.

Eloise St.Vincent: Old childhood friends who used to hang out a lot, but have since lost contact.


Amount of Money: $820

List of Belongings: Sleeping Bag, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, Cellphone, Two of her favorite books, Earphones, Gum, Clothes and her Blue hairbrush.

Licence or No Licence: No Licence (she lost it)

Car or No Car: No Car

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Kennedy Alexandria Gaul

"Oh god.. A road trip."


Name: Kennedy Alexandria Gaul.

Age: 18.

Gender: Cisgender Female.

Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Likes: Tumblr - Tea - 90s grunge

Dislikes: Happy people - Bright colors - The beach.

Social Group: Grunge kid.

Kennedy was never a little happy leprechaun, in fact she was quite the opposite. Kennedy has always been a realist, never an optimist. She has always be introverted, social parties scare her and she would rather hang out in the dark, smoking weed by herself. Kennedy is also quite hot-headed, she will stand up to people who she likes. Kennedy can't stand mess, anywhere. Although she doesn't have OCD, she tends to stay as neat as possible.

Although Kennedy's exterior may be quite scary and cold, she's loving and caring on the inside. Kennedy loves to chill with anyone as long they don't blame their problems on her. She's also quite stubborn, always wanting to go her way than someone's else.

Kennedy was born in Dublin with her older twin brother, Dylan. Kennedy was always an emotional child, she was never seen with her eyes being puffy and hot tears streaming down her cheeks. Her brother was always happy compared to his sister. When Kennedy turn seven, her family moved to America for a chance at a different lifestyle.

During her schooling days, Kennedy never fit in. With her pale skin and black hair, most of the blonde girls in her grade always judged her of her heritage and looks. Kennedy sat at the back of the class and drew the day away until she hit high school. When Kennedy turned sixteen, she changed her style to grunge. She became antisocial and rarely did any of her schoolwork. Kennedy did succeed in art and manage to score a scholarship in an art school in New York.

Kennedy was taking a break from University when one of her friends sent her a invitation to join a group of strangers on a roadtrip. With nothing else to do, she agreed to join the roadtrip, brining her work along with her just in case she felt inspired.



Amount of Money: $600.

List of Belongings:

Suitcase 1: Sleeping Bag, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, iPhone 6s.

Suitcase 2: MacBook, Art book, Art kit, Earbuds, Her three pairs of Doc Martins.

Licence or No Licence: Licenced.

Car or No Car: Car.

What Kind of Car: A black Kia Rio LX Sedan.

How Many People Fit in The Car: Five.

Does it Have Room to Store Personal Belongings: Yes, in the boot.

Image of Car:

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Arthur Cardemyr

"There's always daggers to be found in the goodness of men"



Name: Arthur Cardemyr

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Homosexual (it's complicated)

Likes: Italian food, impressionist art, the outdoors, dawn, giving charity

Dislikes: Teenagers, modern art, addictive substances, rain, 'Tumblr gay trash', pink

Social Group: Eccentric/Artist


The first thing you see in Arthur is that you'll rarely see him. A stoic recluse wrapped in trust issues, he is hesitant to call himself someone's something unless that someone is someone he knows and trusts. And his trust is easy to lose and hard to gain. Just ask his sister. There are a staggeringly large amount of groups of people that he dislikes. Teenagers, theater kids, otaku, the Tumblr slacktivist crowd, the list goes on.

Due to a certain tragedy earlier in his life, Arthur harbors a deep grudge against his own homosexuality. Coming out of the closet is no longer an option for him and much to his chagrin, those who already have can't understand that and endlessly pester him to see it from their view. Frankly, he'd rather tell them to fuck off and mind their own business.

For all his shortcomings, Arthur still has much appreciation for life, beauty and nature. Much of his art is a projection of what faith he has left for the world. He never asked to be so mistrusting, so misanthropic and a part of him longs for a day where he can break free from his own prison.


Born in Dublin, Ireland on the 29th of February, Arthur Cardemyr was the second child of Samantha Cardemyr, a renowned Irish author and Bobby Baskin, a social worker who died shortly before Arthur's birth. When he was 10, his mother took him and his 15 year old sister Mordred (Morry for short) to America for she believed that there was nothing left for them in Ireland. They grew up in a nice and safe neighborhood, Morry found a liking for sports while Arthur took up art.

At school, the boy had always been the silent one and the one hardest to befriend. He wasn't keeping a poker face, he was just being smart in who to socialize with. Without ever being betrayed or bullied, Arthur instinctively put precautions for him to stay that way. Upon reaching high school, Arthur entered that point in life where developments in his life made him question his identity. At some point, he discovered that he was more attracted sexually to men than women. That changed a lot of things.

While his mother could care less about Arthur's homosexuality, Morry would have none of it. They broke into constant arguments and clashes, some even turning physical, and a rift between siblings soon grew. Though eventually Morry would grow out of it and make amends with him, Arthur was never the same. He grew on to hate himself for this...thing that had made his sister hate him. He never asked to be gay and he was not proud of it one bit. Arthur's personality became more and more inward as the years passed by, shaping him into a full-blown misanthropic recluse by the time he graduated from high school.

But Morry planned to put a change to that. Through Facebook, she signed him up to some random road trip with strangers from his college without his consent. Arthur was furious at her for some time, but then decided to just live with it. After all, it was just for a month or two. If this could put an end to his hermit lifestyle, then what could go wrong?

Arthur rarely interacts with people, much less maintain a friendship or romantic relationship. It's safe to say that he is a stranger to everyone in the group and has no established relationship with them. Here are a few exceptions:

-Langston Blake (
@Ecstasyia ): A fellow artist, Arthur trusts her to a certain degree, even though they certainly have conflicting styles.

-April Costella (
@ScarlettRose16 ): She has engaged in a conversation with him once before and frequently attempts to repeat said attempt, much to his chagrin. Despite this, he doesn't exactly find her all that bad a person.

-Eloise St. Vincent (
@Elizabeth Schuyler ): You know how a crush is when someone subtly likes someone? Arthur has something like that, but instead he subtly hates her. Maybe it's because of her hair.


Amount of Money: $500

Suitcase no. 1: Painting kit (easel, canvas, paint, brush, palette, pencils, crayons), first aid kit, several books on art and other topics

Suitcase no. 2: Pillow, hygiene and bathing supplies, clothes, extra pair of shoes, satellite phone

License or No License: Yes

Car or No Car: No Car

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Eloise St.Vincent

"No one cares unless your pretty, or dying."



Name: Eloise St.Vincent "Ellie"

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: Asian foods, cuddling, and listening to alternative music.

Dislikes: Homophobia, Discrimination, sexism, and ignorance.

Social Group: Grunge.


Ellie isn't your typical grunge girls, she has her low but she also has her highs. Sometimes, Ellie will be in a overly perky mood, giving hugs being happy and being friendly. On other days, she can be a total bitch, throwing around rude remarks and rolling her eyes. It's really hit or miss with her, but on any day she is one of the most compassionate people. Ellie will do anything to protect the people she loves, even live for them.


Ellie grew up with a mother, and the new nightly guy her mother brought home from the bar to make sure she couldn't sleep. And why even bother with her father? He was a drunkie too, except when he got drunk he got angry. So, Ellie learned to fall asleep to the sound of the bed squeaking and someone screaming. The only reason Ellie didn't skip school and run away was because she knew she make a get away to college, therefore she tried to make the best grades and earn a full ride. Eventually, she worked her way up the system and got here.

Even though she was a good student, however, she got involved with the wrong crowed. Drinks, smoking, and sex were all a part of her high-school life even though she wish now she could say it wasn't. When it came time to go to college, she was relieved to say the least. She would be able to start over, to change her past and be a better name to the family. The only things she carries around from back then now are her flannels and signature purple hair.


Alex Giles @Sugar Honey Iced Tea - Were old drinking buddies in high-school that lost contact.

Astoria Genesis
@LilyannaGaming - N/A\

Sophia Kennedy
@MissJackson - n/a

Kennedy Alexandria Gaul
@karmaa - n/a

Arthur Cardemy
@Lazy Rocktime - They never seem to get along and are subtly rivals.

Langston Blake
@Ecstasyia -Good friends that tend to have a good time

Leah LeBlanche - Cousin, were pretty close giving they grew up together until Leah moved away.

April Costella
@ScarlettRose16 - Rivals/Enemies, can never get along.

Justus Rousseau
@econcetta - n/a

Cheyenna Hemsworth
@Mariam - Went to the same school and hung out once or twice when she was with Leah or Naston.

Matthew Rodriguez @Marium - She has an obvious crush on him but he never believes her and she doesn’t think he feels the same way.

Naston Grey
@LadyAria - Dated due to mutual friends and despite the fact the choose to remain only friends, they have shared many personal details.

Julian Christopher Woods @UnspokenGodess - n/a

Marcel Asher Vegas@UnspokenGoddess - n/a

Sef Nevarro
@Savagai - Really close friends, vent to each other about boy problems.

Rufus Nevarro
@Savagai - Really close friends, usually vent to each other about their boy probelms.


Amount of Money: $500

List of Belongings: Sleeping Bag, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, Cellphone, and her laptop.

License or No License: License

Car or No Car: Car

What Kind of Car: Jeep

How Many People Fit in The Car: 4-6

Does it Have Room to Store Personal Belongings:Only if you ride with four people.

Image of Car:


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Langston Blake

"death doesn't discriminate between the sinner and the saints"




Langston Blake











French Fries




Ice Cream


Social Group: Artist


Langston is your typical free-spirited hippie. She loves art, and often wears flower crowns and sandals. She prefers painting over any other kind of art, and tends to sit in her room and paint for hours. Her attitude is sometimes blunt and aggressive, but most of times she is quiet and doesn't tend to talk. However, she will confront you if you fuck up.


Langston never really knew her father, he was in the navy and was killed before she was even a year old. Her mother raised her all on her own. Being the daughter of a school teacher, Langston was always expected to be the smartest one in class. Which she was, mostly in her math and science classes, but she never liked getting attention for it or seeming nerdy. Often times she would even play dumb around her peers, not wanting attention for her intelligence.

Although Langston often played dumb in social settings, she made sure to keep up her grades. It wasn’t until her junior year of high school that she stopped caring what her peers thought of her and embraced her brains. Not just getting A’s on all her assignments, but actually raising her hand and speaking up in class. No one thought any different of her for it, in fact most of her friends were impressed. She spent all those years playing dumb for no reason.

Langston studied art in St. James university. Although it was difficult for her to leave her mother behind as for so many years they had been all each other had, but now it was time for Langston to branch out on her own.

Growing up in a small town, it was always her dream to travel the world and going on a road trip seemed like the best way to do it. However, it wasn’t as easy or as fun as she had hoped for.



Langston probably wouldn't think much of her. They don't really have anything in common, or any rivalries, so she would say they were cool. She wouldn't want her be in her friends group, though.


She is well friend of Langston's, and they tend to have a good time together.


They are great friends. They knew eachother in middle school, and formed a even stronger bond in highschool. They lean on eachother when things are tough.


Friends, but not close. She is friendly towards her, but doesn't talk her her nearly as much as Sophia.


Amount of Money: $700

List of Belongings: 700 dollars, notebook, her watercolor paints, paintbrushes, her flower crowns, The Hamilton Cast Album, her stuffed dog, her locket, her phone, her laptop and her many phone cases.

Licence or No Licence:


Car or No Car:


What Kind of Car:

Audi Q7

How Many People Fit in The Car:


Does it Have Room to Store Personal Belongings:

Yes, the trunk.

*Image of Car*:

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Leah LeBlanche

"Success isn't given. It's earned. Whether it's on the field, in the gym or on the track with blood, sweat and the occasional tear."



Name: Leah Lynn LeBlanche

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Physical Activities, Swimming, Going on walks, Sweet treats, Scented Candles

Dislikes: Idiocy, Pessimism, Spiders, Tight Spaces, The smell of Jasmine and/or Lavander

Social Group: Athlete


Leah is quite a laid back character when it comes to new interactions, she is outgoing, cheery and quite adapt to any conversation she might enter. If she has no knowledge of the subject she will ask questions to familiarize herself with the subject as to find some common ground, all in all she never passes up the opportunity to learn something new. The girl has no problem in trusting a person however when she does and the other person takes advantage of that and worse breaks her trust he gets his/her payback harshly even though she ain't a vulgar person, LIARS are her top most despised type of person anyone could be in her vision. She also has a faint heart in the sense she loves easily, not only in a romantic kind of way but also friendship wise. Despite all of her fears she is brave enough to try and face them herself one day but it was quite the challenge for her.

If you could describe Leah in a few words to sum her up its ambitious and determined to accomplish a task, being it athletic or manual or even mind challenging it is a must for her to carry it out. It is was builds Leah and what makes up her.


Leah is the youngest out of four siblings which happened to be all brothers so growing up she was more comfortable being around males than females, as much to say she grew up tom boyish. She'd rather pick converse over heels, sweats over a dress, blue over pink and so on. She hadn't quite an easy childhood due to her parents, if it wasn't for her brothers she would be out on the streets, her mother had left them for prostitution and their father always ended up home drunk which never fairly resulted well. Until of age she and her brothers' remained till she turned 17 this year and all of them decided to separate for their new lives, hers was in the USA. Overall Leah is quite the athletic person, she is quite self conscious about herself as to what led her to exercising and so interested in physical activities, alas it became more of a hobby to her liking than a necessity. She can handle herself in any type of sport anyone can throw at her mainly athletics and swimming. With that being said she had the need to move a lot due to being in various sports competitions nationally for the separate sports but mainly triathlon events. That being said Leah ain't perfect or decent in every sport hence why she lacks the skill in basket ball. base ball as matter of fact. Her ambition is to compete in sporting competitions and become a professional athlete.

As for phobias, Leah is arachnophobic hence spiders and any other arachnid, she fears. Apart from that she is also claustrophobic as she fears tight spaces due to being stuck in an elevator for a whole 24 hours. Her most prominent fear however is being isolated, being ignored... she likes being in someones company but when she ends up being alone in a situation she freaks out.

Her most prominent fear however is that of getting behind the wheel again, ever since she had that vulgar accident with her car she swore she would never get behind a wheel ever again.


Riley Jamal Okafor (@Sugar Honey Iced Tea )

When they were little they knew one another from when she used to go to church with her parents. Later in life she had gotten in a car accident to which he aided her from, despite her fear of ever driving again

Arthur Cardemyr (@Lazy Rocktime )


Langston Blake (@Ecstasyia )

A fairly good friend which can manage to converse however they don't quite share alot. A nice friend to have a chat with once in a while and hang.

Justus Rousseau (@econcetta )

These two never quite spoke or at least never got the chance to even try however she does want to attempt the least but waiting for the right chance.

Sophia Kennedy (@MissJackson )


Cheyenne Hemsworth (@Mariam )

Neighbours who get along quite well, build a decent friendship with one another

Matthew Rodriguez (@Mariam )

Intrigued to get to know but he never seemed to give her the chance, seeing how he is so closed.

Nashton (Nash) Gray

An old family friend

Julian Christopher Woods (@TheUnspokenGodess )

Quite a good friendship due to playing in teams a lot before he got kicked out. However they remained in contact and still play with one another on occasions.

Marcel Asher Vegas (@TheUnspokenGodess )

Get along quite well with one another, playful banters and flirts swung at one another each time they see eye to eye however the one flaw that she cant stand to be around him that much whenever he is smoking it.

Sef Nevarro (@Savagai )

Leah spoke with the guy on various competitions she took part in. Sure they were rivals in the competition but they manage good get along outside of competitions.

Rufus Nevarro (@Savagi )



Amount of Money: $600

List of Belongings:

  • Sleeping Bag and Sleepwear
  • Toiletries (such as toothbrush & toothpaste, Deodorants, Body wash and Shampoo, sanitary towels and so on.)
  • Clothes (Mainly include a lot of tank tops and sport shorts, underwear, three hoodies, three pairs of yoga pants just in case it got chilly, trainers and so on.)
  • Cellphone & Portable charging bays
  • Swimming Gear (Goggles & Cap)
  • Knee pads and elbow pads (just in case)
  • Various magazines for some cooking ideas

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No Car


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April Costella

"When I was in high school I was accused of being a goody-two-shoes, but every goody-two-shoes has a bad side"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e2b0db5529ac9bdf1391526fa211157a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e2b0db5529ac9bdf1391526fa211157a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: April Costella

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She, Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual


+ Doing things right

+ Getting good grades

+ Reading


- Getting in trouble

- Being late

- Failing

Social Group: Goody-two-shoes


April has the personality of a classic goody-two-shoes and just about everyone in her high school knew it. April's personality is mostly upbeat and bubbly and people will never see her sad or depressed unless she is at her breaking point. She is rarely laid back and is typically stressing about everything, even the small things. The definition of stress, is April. She is never laid back, even on vacations so she typically won't go because she knows most people find her annoying. April will never go outside of her comfort zone due to the fact she has the fear of failing so she will stay wherever she is comfortable. Even though she has a tendency to talk and talk, she will never lie. When she becomes stressed she is very harsh and will push people away because she will say things she doesn't mean at all. An important trait in April's personality is her hard work. She will not procrastinate and will stay up until morning to get something done. When she is close to somebody she will do anything for them and she won't break someone's trust to save her life.


April grew up in a household with three older sisters and she was always known as the baby of the family. With her three older sisters she was always taught what to wear, and what not to wear. How to do make-up and how to not do make-up. Every time she walked in anywhere she always learned that she needs to wear nice clothes and always have her make-up perfect. Even though half the time, at school she wore comfortable clothes and left the make-up off. Through middle and high school, her parents always bugged her about her grades so therefore, she always did her assignments and got perfect grades. She has never drank, snuck out, smoked, did drugs, or even disobeyed her parents. All through school, she got straight A's. She only ever once failed a test. Like I said, she is the classic goody-two-shoes.


"I'm looking through who is going on this trip and it seems like I'm pretty much going to be the outsider. How fun."

Alex Giles (@Sugar Honey Iced Tea)-

April doesn't know much about Cadillac but she knows he's going on this road trip.

Astoria Genesis (@LilyannaGaming)-

This is just a friend of Aprils. They do however have a love-hate relationship. They argue all the time yet they're good friends.

Eloise St.Vincent (@Elizabeth Schuyler)-

Doesn't really know her yet, but she feels like they're not exactly going to be friends.

Sophia Kennedy (@MissJackson)-

April doesn't know much about her, just that they were neighbors when she still lived at home.

Kennedy Gaul (@karmaa)-

She has talked to her from time to time but they aren't exactly friends.

Arthur Cardemyr (@Lazy Rocktime)-

April doesn't really know much about him, she's just seen him a couple times and he's always been alone. He does really intrigue her.

Langston Blake (@Ecstasyia)-

April hasn't ever really talked to Langston, it's not that she dislikes her, they just have nothing in common.

Leah LeBlanche (@LadyAria)-

April and Leah are the childhood friends. They used to hang out all the time before Leah had to move for various sporting gigs and she hasn't seen her in forever or even talked to her.

Justus Rousseau (@econcetta)-

Aprils pen pal! Justin and April have been pen pals for a while and she has convinced him to go on the road trip.

Cheyenne Hemsworth (@Mariam)-

April is just friends with Cheyanne and she really doesn't know much about her but it's always nice to have a friend around.

Matthew Rodriguez (@Mariam)-

Matthew was just a friend in high school but she hasn't seen or heard from him since.

Nasthon Gray (@LadyAria)-

Nasthon has help April out so much with him tutoring her in Physics. She would of flunked the class of it weren't for him.

Julian Woods (@TheUnspokenGodess)-

They have talked and hung out quite a few times since she's been in college and it almost seems like she's starting to drift away from her goody goody way. Like I said, ever goody-two-shoes has a bad side.

Marcel Vegas (@TheUnspokenGodess)-

April doesn't know much about Marcel but that they are completely opposites.

Sef Nevarro (@Savagai)-

April doesn't know much about Sef, he's just basically an acquaintance.

Rufus Nevarro (@Savagai)-

This guy is her best friend, she loves hanging out with him.


Amount of Money: $800

List of Belongings:

- Sleeping Bag

- Toothbrush

- 1 tube of Toothpaste

- 1 bottle of Shampoo

- 1 bottle of Conditioner

- 1 bottle of Body Wash

- Glasses

- Contacts

- Deodorant

- 7 hair ties

- Cellphone

- Portable Phone Charger

- 6 tank tops

- 6 t-shirts

- 1 sweatshirt

- 2 pairs of sweatpants

- 4 pairs of jean shorts

- 5 bras

- 6 pairs of panties

- 6 pairs of socks

- 2 pairs of sneakers

- 1 pairs of flip flops

- 1 swim suit

- Camera

- Small first aid kit

- Laptop

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No Car



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Justus Rousseau

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb314ec63_ayboi.jpg.33b2545287b700dbbf90882e96b43b7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb314ec63_ayboi.jpg.33b2545287b700dbbf90882e96b43b7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Justus "Justin" Rousseau

Age: 18-years-old

Gender: Cisgendered male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Homosexual


Victorian Gothic art





Large groups

The feeling of cotton fabrics

Social Group: Eccentric


Justin is more of a listener than he is a chatter. He finds it hard to articulate his thoughts, and out of discouragement, he avoids conversation for that reason. Constantly fearing that people will judge the things he says, he keeps his sentences simple when he finally decides to open his mouth. If he deems you as understanding and opens up more, he's a total sweetheart, despite his usually blank and nervous demeanor. He has a bad habit of rambling when he's anxious, and will likely never talk to you again if you point it out. He means well, but because of his fears, he often comes off as distant and cold if you don't give him a chance and get to know him.


Born in rural Belgium, Justin spent most of his childhood being raised on a farm with his three brothers. While his siblings were off being social and making friends, Justin always preferred to stay home with his dog instead. For as long as he could remember, he was the loner of his family. He never minded this, however, enjoying the solitude. The male formed a close bond with his dog, Omri, for that reason, and ever since, he's loved animals more than most people. Justin isn't cynical, he doesn't think everyone is evil, he simply fears humans and their perception of him. His parents never were in the picture, he didn't get along with his brothers, and he had a hard time making friends at school, so he always just assumed people disliked him.

At the age of ten years old, Justin was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and due to his mental illness, he suffers from ritualistic behaviors. Being embarrassed by these, he prefers to avoid social situations to hide them. On top of the ticks and rituals, Justin gets intrusive thoughts, most of which leave him distressed and uninterested in making friends anyways.

OCD aside, Justin is an interesting individual. He's partakes in yoga and meditation to ease his overactive mind, is very interested in raw-vegan cooking, and dresses in vintage, goth clothing. While he's alone, he's very prideful of his unique attributes, but in public, he tends to hide these things, assuming people will make fun of them.

After graduating from school, Justin became fed up with letting his mental disorder control his life. He decided to move, apply to St. Johnsons University, and then go on a road trip with a bunch of strangers to push his limits. He's nervous about how it'll be, but he hopes that by the end of this journey, his OCD will be more manageable. He's going to force himself to make some friends and get out of his comfort zone, which Justin finds both scary and exciting at the same time.


Alex Giles (@Sugar Honey Iced Tea):

Astoria Genesis (

Sophia Kennedy (
@Miss Jackson):

Kennedy Alexandria Gaul (

Arthur Cardemyr (
@Lazy Rocktime):

Eloise St.Vincent (
@Elizabeth Schuyler): He's interested to get to know Eloise, but has no prior relationship with her.

Langston Blake (

Leah LeBlanche (
@LadyAria): He knows of Leah, but hasn't had the chance to talk to her yet. He wants to, though.

April Costella (
@ScarlettRose16): Justin's been a penpal of April's for a while and she was the one who got him to join in on the road trip in the first place.

Cheyenne Hemsworth (

Matthew Rodriguez (

Nashton Gray (
@LadyAria): Justin's never really spoken with Nashton before, but has nothing against him.

Julian Christopher Woods (

Marcel Asher Vegas (

Sef Nevarro (

Rufus Nevarro (


Amount of Money: $500

List of Belongings: Sleeping Bag, toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, deodorant, shampoo, cellphone, antibacterial hand soap, hand sanitizer, paper plates/cups/utensils, antibacterial towelettes.

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No car



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Cheyenne Hemsworth

"Life is A Bitch, So deal with it whether it's good or bad "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.f6eed7243be643d9f76e89e033cc7d5b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.f6eed7243be643d9f76e89e033cc7d5b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Cheyenne Hemsworth

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Hetrosexual



+Tall Boys




-Small Spaces


Social Group: Prep


Cheyenne is a energetic girl. She is always the life of the party and always find things exciting with a little spark. So yeah I guess you can say she likes starting drama, Which she does. Her Charms is a curse she uses people at times for her own self gain and she has no regrets about it, She is just naturally like that. She has fiery Personality so she has a quick temper and is quick to lay a hand on someone. She is blunt and will say things out her mouth which can cause trouble. She is a lot of trouble for a 5 foot girl.


Cheyenne grew up with her grandmother. Both of her parents weren't there for her when she grew up, Her father got locked up and her mother would be out with her new boyfriend doing whatever it is that they both do. Not growing up with parents caused her to be so pissed at the world as she seen students with parents, All she had was her strict grandmother. Her grandmother played no games with her, She would teach Cheyenne to be strong without needing anyone because in life your gonna loose people and your just gonna have to deal with the life you have whether it's good or bad.

High school was years that Cheyenne really felt the need to have control. She would be one of the few girls who were popular in her school. Boys wanted her but she wouldn't be interested, Since she's been through hell and back, At school she would be a bitch to people just for no reason. Sometimes she would have doubt about it but then again who was there when she had things going on back at home. Because of her past she is the girl she is today.



Amount of Money: $500

List of Belongings: 2 Suitecases,Sleeping Bag, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, And Phone

Licence or No Licence: No Licence

Car or No Car: No Car



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Matthew Rodriguez

"Appreciate the little things you have, Or they'll be gone"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.04975506c018f7e9476cb2afd860a61a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138129" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.04975506c018f7e9476cb2afd860a61a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Matthew Rodriguez

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Hetrosexual






-Horror Movies



Social Group: Nerd


Matthew is a more to himself guy. He's very antisocial and doesn't do well communicating with others, Nobody notices him in the room because he is very quite. But when it comes to learning he's up for it and we'll talk as much if he needs to. If Matthew wasn't antisocial and actually had friends he would be describe as a loving and caring person because he has a huge heart for people, no matter what. He likes seeing the good in people.


Matthew grew up in a wealthy family. He never took it as advantage though, When he was a child he use to talk to his family and communicate well but that quickly changed when he became a teenager. He distant himself, While in his high school year the kid would get bullied and go back home not saying a word. His family was shocked because they young boys to talk to them all the time and that he had nothing to say to them at all. Of course they tried to get help but it wouldn't work he would just be kept himself.

And one point he did find a friend to talk and he felt comfortable. That was until he found out, His Suppose Friend was just using him for his money and this caused Matthew to have trust issues. He doesn't have friends because he's afraid of being used again. So don't be surprise if he doesn't talk at all because he doesn't trust easily. If you do get his trust, You can bet he is caring and loyal.


  • Eloise St.Vincent(@Elizabeth Schuyler)- Eloise Has a Crush On Matthew. Sure he knows of this but he doesn't actually believe it, He feels as if it's a way of her mocking him.
  • Langston Blake(@Ecstasyia)- Langston And Matthew Associates. More like she associates with him because he is more to himself and is quiet.
  • Leah LeBlanche(@LadyAria)- He is curious whether to talk to her or not, Seeing how he is a close book.
  • Cheyenne Hemsworth(@Mariam)- Neighbors and Had attended the same high school but never conversate.
  • Nashton Gary(@LadyAria)- Recently Befriended and getting alone but Matthew still has his doubts.


Amount of Money: $200

List of Belongings: 2 suitcases,Sleeping Bag, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, And Cellphone

Licence or No Licence: License

Car or No Car: No Car



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Nashton Gray

"Be like a proton and think positive"



Name: Nashton Ryan Gray

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Being indoors,Reading, Stripes, Peanut butter treats, Discovering new things/insights

Dislikes: Being interrupted, childish behavior, Sports, Naps

Social Group: Nerd


Nash was never the type of guy to go out in the world and start conversing like never before, quite the contrary he tends to keep to himself most of the time and is also highly unlikely to find him attempting to make friends. You'll most likely find him in a lab trying to investigate or what so ever. Being able to see if he can discover and broaden his knowledge.

His social awkwardness aside, if given the chance to show his true self Nash can be quite outgoing the more he gets accustomed to the person. His humor is not a strong spot in him as he generally tends to fail at every attempt and do nothing but embarrass himself. One word that has to describe Nitch would be intellectual, his knowledge varies from various aspects being it exceeded in sciences. He is never afraid to ask a question if it means to acquire knowledge.

When it comes to romantic situations, those are the worse situations you can ever put him in. He doesn't know how to converse with a proper individual especially being a female. He has zero flirting skills however if he attempts it would simply be adorable or should I say adorkable :3. With that being said he is pretty much an innocent and pure soul but totally aware of the situations concerning those topics, after all he does know his sciences.


Nash is the youngest sibling of four, being and older brother and sister and his twin sister. He grew up in a fairly wealthy state being the son of a successive business man. However Nash never quite like the wealthy life, he liked living low-key which resulted into him isolating himself in his room with nothing but his books, computer and world of imagination. He never got the skill to actually communicate with individuals hence why he is so socially awkward. The only person Nitch was close and comfortable was his twin sister, who despite being his polar opposite she still managed to understand what was going on with his life.

Growing up, Nitch was as expected bullied due to his knowledge which never quite affected him negatively and took it from the perspective that they were simply jealous at how a person that age could harbor so much knowledge. That being said he managed to open up to his councilor and actions where taken. From that point forward he never feared to express how he felt to a person who was so willing to aid him. Despite all the bullying problem he face, his grades never hit below a B.

Now Nitch is attending university in hopes he could find someone he could fit in and making new friends, always secluding himself gets tiring and in hopes to find a good person that he can be compatible with.


Alex Giles (@Caru )


Felix Black (@Caru )

Good friends since high-school, ever since they paired up on their science project they have continued and straightened their friendship. However he still thinks that he is wasting his money on weed but then again it was his life.

Riley Jamal Okafor (@Lurker )


Oliver 'Cadillac' Merridew (@Sugar Honey Iced Tea )

Being Cadillac used to pester him a lot, in a friendly way but since Nash is a quiet guy and he doesn't like being interrupted while he works he tries to avoid Cadillac by any means possible. However he can still manage a conversation with him... small talk more likely. He even considers giving the guy a chance after all he was there for Nash most of the time

Eloise St.Vincent (@Elizabeth Schuyler )

Previously dated only cause of mutual friends of theirs needed double dates. Despite they were fixed they never quite made it official as they simply remained friends. However despite all that, they have shared quite some personal details about one another.

Langston Blake (@Ecstasyia )


April Costella (@ScarlettRose16 )

Nash is April's tutor for physics in particular. She came asking the guy for help and he never passes such opportunities up. He likes to gain knowledge and he also likes sharing it. Other than that you can say that they are pretty mutual

Justus Rousseau (@econcetta )


Sophia Kennedy (@MissJackson )

Now this will be a surprise for Nash as much as it will be for Sophia. The pair had competed on online quizzes against one another for fun and remained chatting throughout this app knowing only one another by username whatsoever. Despite that Nash feels comfortable talking with her as it is over social media then face to face. To a certain extent she is the one that knows the most about him most probably. Will they eventually find out who the real them are?

Cheyenne Hemsworth (@Mariam )

Seen a couple times around school, never quite spoken but she seems interesting.

Matthew Rodriguez (@Mariam)

Befriended at the start of University, connected due to being in the same situation and continue speaking ever since however just like with Felix he is still reluctant to open up

Julian Christopher Woods (@TheUnspokenGodess )


Marcel Asher Vegas (@TheUnspokenGodess )

Never quite gotten along due to the fact that they are polar opposites. Nash tends to also keep his distance from him as he thinks of Marcel as a bad influence.

Sef Nevarro (@Savagai )


Rufus Nevarro (@Savagai )



Amount of Money: $1000

List of Belongings:

  • Sleeping Bag and Sleepwear
  • Toiletries (such as toothbrush & toothpaste, Deodorants, Body wash, razors and so on.)
  • Clothes (Mainly include a lot of button up shirts and jeans, underwear, three T-shirts, three pairs of comfortable sweats, trainers/converse and so on.)
  • Cellphone & Portable charging bays
  • Various magazines for pass-time searches
  • Some books of his choice to pass the time reading

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No Car


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Julian Christopher Woods

"Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing."



Name: Julian Christopher Woods

Nickname: Ju, Chris, JC

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Heteromantic

Likes: Challenges, Sleep, Working Out, New things, Rain, Netflix

Dislikes: Arrogance, Being bored, Authority, Tight spaces

Social Group: Ex Athlete/Deviant


Julian is the guy that you see socializing with any and everyone, the one with he bright smile and swooping charm to match. His confident aura was something many respected on and off the field but Julian let his temper get the best of him. Despite his laid back personality at times he can get riled up, and the once king of the football field is now the king of nothing but trouble and bad intentions. Sure Ju loves sports and all that but he's had one too many run ins with authority for his liking, having fun and doing what he wanted was a much better past time in his eyes.


Julian grew up in a middle class family to Denise and Marvin Wood. Being the youngest and only boy to two older sisters his father raised him on the sole of their favorite sport. Football. His father had been a big time player back in his day and he saw the love Julian had for it as well. Growing up it was all about football in the Woods household and Julian lived,breathed, and slept it. The rush of being on the feild, his teammates depending on him and the utter bliss when all your hard work had paid off with a grand victory.

He didn't play football for his father although he aspired to be great like him but he had did it for himself as well. During Julian's senior year of high school his fathered was killed in a car accident due to a drunk driver. There was something inside of Julian that broke the day he got the message, he had been at one of his winning games. The coach had called him over and he saw the pale look on his face as if he had seen a ghost. Julian was in denial at first, the man that had taught him everything he knew, the man that had so much life still left in him was just gone in an instant.

Julian had took on the role as the man of the house. His mother poured herself into work to keep from coming home and now both of his older sisters were either away at college or had moved out to pursue a life of their own. There was really nothing left for Julian when it came to football and he found himself in more and more trouble resulting in him getting pegged down to second string and finally kicked off the team. He told himself that he didn't need football anymore, that he was better off without having to remember his father and how he wasn't there cheering in the crowds being his biggest fan. Julian knew he had taken the easy way out but he didn't care, he stopped caring about a lot of things.


Riley Okafor- The two were close at one point, they were both well respected in their teams but once Julian got kicked off the football team he and Riley haven't been on the best of terms.

Leah LeBlanche- The two have a pretty casual relationship, both of them hang out for the love of sports and staying in shape.

Cheyenne Hemsworth- The two of them are as thick as blood. Best friends. They grew up together and always had each others back through it all.

Nashton Gray- There's not really much to say about the two, He had seen Nash in the halls every so often but they never really exchanged words besides a simply nod.


Amount of Money: $520

List of Belongings:

-Sleeping bag


- Phone Charger



-Extra blanket

-Pocket knife


Licence or No Licence: Yes

Car or No Car: No Car

Marcel Asher Vegas

"A friend with weed is a friend indeed"



Name: Marcel Asher Vegas

Nickname: Mav, Ash, Vegas

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Smoking, Parties, Cool Nights, Interesting People

Dislikes: Mood Killers, Akward scilences, Judgemental People

Social Group: Stoner


Marcel's the guy that's always high and when I say always,it means always. He had no problems with strolling into classes late because he needed to spark one up before hand, the kind of guy who will randomly speak up in a cloud of silence saying, " Yo I'm hungry" or " Who got snacks". He's a pretty sociable guy most of the time, clowning around and looking for a good laugh and someone to smoke with but other times he's to himself, in a nice corner drowning out other people's voices with music or drawing random sketches in his notebook.


Marcel grew up an only child to a School Teacher and a Police Officer until they adopted his younger brother Seth when he was eight. Growing up under a law abiding household was a bit stressful due to Marcel's adventurous record. During his early teen years his mother had caught his smoking marijuana with one of his friends and had attempted to ground him for a month. Every time he was caught high or smelling like it his parents would flip. Marcel had been introduced to smoking when he was with his friends one day and if you'd ask him he'd say it was the best thing that could have happened.

Smoking was something he did to calm his nerves, clear his head. The things that were suppose to bother him in life really didn't. His smoking had grown to just smoking once every few days to waking up and lighting a joint. Now that he had gotten older his parents have for the most part ignored his illegal ways as long as he didn't smoke under their house, and hey that was alright with Marcel.

The whole ordeal had gone fine until his mother had caught him smoking in his room and finally kicked him out the house. Marcel's parent's felt that the choices he was making was going to become a bad influence on his younger brother Seth, they told him to either change his ways or to find another place to live. After living at his friends house for a month, Marcel finally cleaned up his act out of respect for his parent. It didn't stop him from smoking but just not as much aas he had used too.


no slide

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"Live is sad with a broken heart"



Name: Sef Nevarro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Pronouns: Him/He

Sexuality: Homosexual

Likes: Boys, Gymnastics, quiet, nature

Dislikes:"Female" gays, lazy people, overactive people,

Social Group: Athletics


Sef is a hard person, for himself especially, due to his broken heart and old encounters he doesn't trust people easily. Ones you know him, Sef is a person who enjoys the life and is very active. If a person falls in love with Sef, it would be hard to get any recognition. Deep in his hearth Sef knows he must continue, but every thing reminds him of his boyfriend.


Sef is born as first son in the Nevarro Family, his little brother came a few minutes later. He grew up happily and played often with his little brother in their yard and the forest nearby. He attended kindergarten and new from the beginning he was homosexual. Because he outed as a child, many looked quite surprise and were proud of the boy to come out of the closet at such young age. Primary school went good for Sef and he had his first, kind of, boyfriend, a young boy who soon broke up when puberty came and he found out he didn't liked boys. Sef heart broke for the first, of many, time.

At secondary school Sef wasn't bullied at all, it was common knowledge that Sef was homosexual and it was normal. He wasn't interested in school, but managed it to pass the exams and attend High School. In his school life he had a few boyfriends, of which some just wanted to try it out. Sef became irritated with that and doesn't trust a possible boyfriend very easy. High school went better then secondary as Sef matured, he had one serious relation which ended when his boyfriend committed suicide, Sef heart was broken and from that time he didn't ever love again.

While still in primary school Sef started with Gymnastics, he loved it and adored his body when it changed and became muscular. At the age of fourteen he went to the National Championship in the Junior category, he came 6th on allround. After that he attended a few times the regional Championship, in the senior category, but never went to the Nationals.


"But I got a blank space baby"


Amount of Money: $500

List of Belongings: Sleeping Bag,

Two Suitcases with:

1. Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, Cellphone, Towels, weights

2. Clothes, 3 outfits, 2 pairs of shoes (Flip Flops, sneakers,)

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No Car


"Live to Love, Love to Live"



Name: Rufus Nevarro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Pronouns: Him/He

Sexuality: Homosexual

Likes: Music, Acro Gymnastics, Drinking with friends in a bar, boys

Dislikes: Lazy people, "female" gays, Soccer, Macho's

Social Group: Athletics


Rufus is an open person, he has no secrets, at a young age he was very unsure, but overcame it at High school and is very active. People experience Rufus as an happy person who enjoys his life but can be also very serious. Rufus loves being outside and enjoys long walks. He also appreciate quietness and, that can be found in the Nature.


Rufus was born a few minutes after his big brother Sef, Rufus was always the little brother for Sef. When his brother came out of the closet at a young age, Rufus discovered it when he was fourteen. Primary school and secondary school went good, better then his brother who didn't really care. Rufus struggled with his sexuality and came out of the closet a few years ago, when he was sixteen. People were a little surprised because mostly being homosexual isn't something common in a family. However, they knew Sef and accepted Rufus also.

Rufus didn't have any boyfriends and went with his brother to some bars, he enjoyed the time but when his brother scored someone, he went home with empty hands.

When Sef started with Gymnastics, Rufus joined him, but after a year Rufus started with Acrogymnastics. He met there his top partner, Cat, and become good friends. Together they attended several time the Nationals and won it one time. Rufus stopped with Acrogym when he went to High school, however he still does gymnastics sometimes.


"And I'll write your name"


Amount of Money: 500

List of Belongings: Sleeping Bag,

Two Suitcases with:

1. Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Clothes, Deodorant, Shampoo, Cellphone, Towels, weights

2. Clothes, 5 outfits, 4 pairs of shoes (Flip Flops, casual, sneakers (2x),)

Car: No car, but got driving licences

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No car


Claudia Wong

"Plans are insulted destinies. I don't have plans, I only have goals."


Name: Wong "Claudia" Xiulan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual heteroromantic

Likes: Cooking, mathematics, violin music, Asian jokes

Dislikes: Being talked about behind her back, American politics, bugs, alcohol, being underestimated

Social Group: Nerd/Prep

Even if you don't hear her voice in conversation that much, Claudia is a social and outgoing person at heart. It's just that her grasp of verbal English is incredibly lacking. So to save face, she'd rather keep quiet than butcher a language she's only just begun to learn. It is apparent from here that personal image is a big part of her life. She'd risk life and limb to avoid being ostracized and branded as a weirdo.

Politeness is a major paragon of her personality. She treats everyone she encounters with equal respect and courtesy, no matter what grudges she might have against them. With those she considers friends, though, it can easily go out the window. She'd gladly roast them in Chinese if they did some mistake.

Claudia is smart and takes pride in that. She has that mentality that she is among the better ones of humanity because of her intellect, but doesn't let that slip to anyone. If anyone doubts her intelligence, that is a major trigger for her and you can bet that she'll try to prove them wrong forevermore.

Wong Xiulan was born in Macau, but was raised in metropolitan China. She is the youngest of eight siblings in a working class family, with seven older brothers. From an early age, she stood out as being much smarter than kids her age. Soon, her parents took advantage of that and showed her off as a modern-day child prodigy. Xiulan reveled in the attention she got from merely doing mundane scholastic activities. As she reached middle school, however, her limelight waned and she faded into obscurity as another simple nerd.

Her smarts would still take her far. After graduating from high school, Xiulan was offered a fortuitous scholarship opportunity for a university in America. The prospect of studying in a foreign country was daunting, to say the least, but her parents and brothers convinced her that this was the right path to take. And so, with only minimal English skills, a liaison in the form of a distant cousin who also studied in the same university and a hundred thousand US dollars,
Claudia Wong entered the United States with her optimistic head held high. She was determined to make her mark here as she had done in her homeland so many years ago.

Then she was persuaded into a road trip with strangers (her fellow freshmen, she should say) and the rest...is history in the making.



Amount of Money: $1000

Belongings in Suitcase no. 1: Clothes as necessary, underwear, bathing supplies, deodorant, makeup,

Belongings in Suitcase no. 2: Several books (among them an English-to-Chinese dictionary and the opposite equivalent), extra shoes and sandals, smartphone and earbuds, power bank

License or No License: No License

Car or No Car: No Car



"i don't care"



Name: Kiana Karey Kingston

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: Money, cars, hair extensions

Dislikes: Dirty areas, poor people, ethnics, fat people

Social Group: Prep/Athlete


Outgoing, extrovert. Kiana will always talk about subjects on her mind. Kiana's ego is big if not huge when it comes to looking good and having nice things. She always makes friends to always find a target of her bullying cycle. Kiana loves to push people to focus on what they'll do - pushing people to their limits.

Past Kiana's ego and her false eyelashes comes a lovely girl who is just as relatable as the next - who you can actually build decent chats with, about any subject. Making friends and enemies were always easy to her. Her big mouth always destroyed people's self confidence one way or another.

Kiana thinks herself as someone who can see the true person behind the exterior and see what they're hiding and who they really are by either making friends with the person or being a total bitch.


Kiana, born and raised in Los Angeles - heiress of her parents fortune, the high class living in a mansion in a hightop area where all the stars live. The classy life is the easiest and has always been for Kiana - taking advantage of her riches. She was one of the best of firing loyal maids and destroying people's ego and self confidence with witty comebacks. Kiana's life was easy and everyone wanted a lifestyle like hers.

Kiana even found school easy with all the tutors she had at the time. She took advantage of the gift of being rich to become successful in her school work. Kiana graduates high school with flying colours, knowing a lot more than the average for completing high school. She aims high and heads off to St. Johnsons University to become just as successful as her parents were. Getting into St. Johnsons was a dream come true to Kiana as everyone in her rich gated community also want to go.




Amount of Money: $1,000

List of Belongings:

Suitcase 1: Toiletries; toothbrush & toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo & conditioner. iPhone with portable iPhone charger. Beats by Dr Dre headphones.

Purse; Student ID, license and 1000 dollars.

Suitcase 2:Makeup kit; Hair extensions, MAC lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, contour, lipliner, concealer, foundation and Coco Chanel #5. Branded clothing with beach attire. Vibrator.

Sleeping bag.

No car.

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Erik Corren

"Well, shit. Just got here and I'm already spending over two months with strangers. Thanks, peer pressure, this is why we can't have nice things."



Name: Erik Corren

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Psh, sex with anyone is for nerds. Wait, lemme rephrase tha-


-Cracking Jokes

-A worry-free time




-Any negative emotions

-Awkward silences

Social Group: Joker


Erik loves to be the center of attention, he always has. He makes jokes all the time, especially during inappropriate moments. Not to mention he hides his true emotions with his humor. For some reason, Erik hates talking heart-to-heart, and will avoid it as long as possible. A bit of a free spirit, he doesn't care about his personal image, and even jokes about himself. His thirst to make people laugh will never ne sated!


Ever since early childhood, Erik always showed signs of being truly gifted, maybe even a genius. He made straight A's with ease all through elementary and middle school, started to read at the age of three, and could do multiplication and division of high amounts before kindergarten. He also had a knack for performing comedy and pleasing a crowd. This led to a successful academic career, but he was constantly bombarded with insults about his intelligence. It caused him to stumble as a freshman, and he got the first B of his life.

Yet, his optimism caused him to get top marks, get involved in extra-curricular activities, become the founding member of the Comedy Club in his school, and even graduate as the Valedictorian. His speech was a hit, and all the teachers who had suppossedly hated him for his wisecracking in class actually smiled at him for the first time. He was offered a scholarship to M.I.T., but gratefully declined. He settled on a run-of-the-mill college in somewhere he never heard of. He got a full ride, of course, and was pretty content. Now he's been sucked into a road trip he probably will regret. His family is a topic he doesn't cover for some reason.



Isn't that dandy? My old friend came back to try and one-up me once more. She and I don't talk very much anymore, and with good reason.


Nice enough. I had a couple fuck-ups, but she's been cool about it. Enjoys a great pun, a coveted trait for someone of my vocation.


Amount of Money: $750.01

List of Belongings:






-Sleeping bag



-A duffle bag full of gag tools he calls the 'Gag Bag'.

-A metric butt-ton of candy of a large variety

-Powerful laptop, upgraded it himself

-A few books

Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No car

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Abby Corren

"I wasn't invited, but whatever."



Name: Abby Corren

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual



-Making Erik mad, uncomfortable, etc.

-Manipulating guys into her



-Erik's happiness

-Goody Two-shoes

Social Group: Deviant


Abby's a...different girl. She shows affection by putting people down and messing with them. Her humor is the opposite of Erik's, dark and morbid. She's really blunt with everything, as well. She speaks her mind on everything she thinks and doesn't care about what people think of it, but doesn't like it when her secrets or personal life is delved into.


Abby was born about a year after Erik. She grew up in his shadow, for the most part. She wasn't spectacular at school, but she liked to play music. Especially guitar and piano. She spent most of her time learning how to play instuments. Erik helped her with her homework and she gave him lessons on how to play some instruments.

Their parents were always away, so they spent a lot of their time together. Their dad was always out at the bar, flirting with women and getting shit-faced, while their mom got bored of her marriage and sold her body. Abby and Erik don't like to talk about it, but their father would beat them, sometimes even with beer bottles. They were afraid to tell anyone because their parents were their only family, and they moved out as soon as they could. Abby had to stay for a while, but she dropped out of high school and, with the help of Erik, got accepted into the school he would be attending.


Erik - My genius brother or whatever. He doesn't suck as much as most brothers would, but the puns are always bad. Always. Hell, he's all I got, so I ain't complaining.


Amount of Money: $350

List of Belongings:




-Sleeping bag







Licence or No Licence: Licence

Car or No Car: No Car


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