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Multiple Settings Let's give this a try... a few romance plots!


Magic Eight Ball
I've never posted here before, so please forgive me if I'm doing this all wrong. I'm hoping to spend more time here and figure out how all this works.


I'm Kitty, and I appreciate you clicking on my post! ^.^

First, I'd like to go over exactly what I'd like in a roleplay partner. Then we'll move on to all the plots and pairings I have so far. Finally, I'll give you some general notes that don't really fit anywhere else in the post. Let's get to it!


Literacy. This is the first item because it's the most important. Writing with someone at (or, at the very least, close to) my level is critical to me. Occasional mistakes are understandable and unavoidable; I'm not talking about the odd typo or whatever. Please understand the English language, have a good grasp of grammar, and don't use textspeak in character.

Long term/slow burn. I don't want this to be a one-and-done, hit-it-and-quit-it type thing. Building a story takes time, and getting to the romantic parts of the story takes even more time. Please be willing to put time and effort into crafting a great story with me. I'll do my best to make sure you don't regret it!

A metric ton of twists and turns. I don't want everything to go according to plan for our characters. I want them to encounter hardships, be forced to make difficult decisions, and be tested in ways they never imagined.

Third person past tense. I like having a clear delineation between the writer and the character. First person blurs that line which is something I'm not comfortable doing.

At least my age (25) and older. Sorry, youngins.


• Bitten. It's been decades since the vampires have taken over. Humans were once the rulers of this planet, but not anymore. Now, humans are auctioned off like cattle for vampires to... well, do whatever they want once the purchase is complete. In this case, he (the vampire) bought her (the human) to be a food source. Neither expected any sort of relationship to develop between them.

• Forbidden. This could go many different ways. Does she have a crush on her boyfriend's best friend? Does he have a secret desire for his brother's wife? What will he do about his attraction to his son's fiancée? Is a college professor's thirst for his female student becoming too much for him to bear? How long can the king hold out against the charms of the enemy nation's princess?

• Mental hospital. She's been in the hospital for months. Maybe even years. Despite doctors' best efforts, nobody has been able to make significant progress treating her illnesses... until he comes along. He could be anyone from a doctor to another patient to a janitor or something. What makes him different? Why is he able to help her when no one else could? (Note: I'm really, really craving this one right now.... really.)

• Arranged marriage. The classic tale of two strangers who are forced to spend the rest of their lives together. This could be in any setting really, and the marriage could be forced for any reason. The main point is to explore how two people who barely know each other will operate in such an intimate relationship.

Guardian angel. She got into some sort of accident which caused her a great deal of both physical and emotional pain. The accident was caused by a supernatural being who has decided that, as penance for their actions, they will act as her guardian angel. Will he tell her what he's done? How will he deal with his budding feelings for her... and hers for him, especially since she's mortal?


(My preferred character is in italics. If no italics are present, that means I'm fine playing either character!)

• College professor/student.

Good girl/ bad boy.

• Guy/brother's fiancee.

• Vampire/human.

• Angel/demon.

• Angel/human.

• Demon/human.

• King/enemy nation's princess.

• Royalty/servant or commoner.


• My characters are not me. They will sometimes say or do something that I wouldn't say or do, and that doesn't reflect my values or who I am as a person.

• I like to let my characters unfold in the story rather than planning them out extensively beforehand. This lets me explore parts of their mind that I might not otherwise be able to do if I meticulously planned out every aspect of their personality.

• I can give pretty good length responses usually starting at one or two paragraphs depending on what I'm given. I don't currently work, so I can respond multiple times throughout the day.

• My area of expertise is playing female characters. I'm female myself, and I have extensive experience playing female characters. However, I'm willing to try playing a male character if my partner is willing to be patient with me.

Okay, I think that's all I have! If you're interested in writing with me, either comment here or send me a PM. Either one works. Again, please be gracious with me as I figure out how this site works. I hope y'all have a lovely day! ♥

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