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Multiple Settings Let's escape! Star's partner search (Edited!)


Barely contained chaos
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey there! Welcome to my little partner search. If anything I have written here catches your intertest then feel free to send a message my way. :) I usually prefer discussing in DMs.
Oh and excuse how plain this post is, coding isn’t one of my strengths.

Alright then a bit about me first!

★She/her and in my twenties.

★New to this site but I have been dabbling in roleplays for 12+ years now. I have been on a bit of a break and looking to get back to writing with people.

★How much I write depends on the roleplay mostly. Usually it’s between 2 and 5 paragraphs but I try to match my partner so can be more as well.

★Preferably I write female characters for my mains but I’m willing to double up as well. For side characters I’ll throw in anyone. A diverse cast is always fun.

★I love OOC chat. Gushing about our characters and the story, planning things, sharing songs and mood boards, all that stuff. I always welcome the same energy but if you’re not an OOC chat person then just let me know.

★I’m a full-time uni student so unfortunately sometimes I can’t reply daily. I try my best to give frequent replies but it’s not always possible. I’m very chill about reply times so I won’t hound you unless it’s been a few weeks.

What I ask of you:

★18 and over please! Preferably 20+. I’m sure there’s very talented writers among the younger folk but because of my age I don’t feel comfortable writing with minors. Especially since many of my stories have romance.

★I’m not very demanding with post length since I believe in quality over quantity. But I’d appreciate a few paragraphs to work with. No oneliners! They kill my interest very fast.

★I’m pretty ghost friendly. I’d appreciate a notification if you can’t write anymore but I understand that life happens.

About the roleplay:

★I adore fantasy and supernatural plots. Also interested in mystery, horror and scifi. Very open to mixing genres.

★I love romance and would like to incorporate it to all my stories. It doesn’t have to be the main point but it’s a fun element. I can do every pairing: MxF, FxF and MxM (in MxM I’m less experienced but willing to try and improve).

Lately I have felt an interest in writing some darker themes and settings. Nothing over the top but yeah. I'm not against happy endings by any means, just want some angst on the way haha.

I see hell in your eyes
Taken in by surprise
Touching you makes me feel alive
Touching you makes me die inside

I veeeery much would like a romance with those type of vibes. Demon x Angel is the first that comes to mind but could work with vampires as well for example. I have some ideas for this but let's discuss!

Zombies, aliens, monsters, natural disasters, something else? Apocalyptic survival with some romance mixed in is very welcome.

Also down to do dystopian socities, either in a scifi or fantasy setting!

So this would be heavily inspired by the movie Constantine. Muse A would be a somewhat jaded person, used to dealing with all manner of supernatural creatures and phenomena. Muse B is an awakening psychic not fully understanding their new situation and powers so they seek out Muse A. They get involved with each other and then kinda end up saving the world half accidentally.

Got some ideas for a doubling up scenario as well!

Interested in a scenario where perhaps Muse A is part of a gang or other criminal organization such as the mafia and they run into Muse B who isn’t originally involved but gets tangled in that world.
Or both could be involved but perhaps have different ranks. Such as one being heir apparent with the other being their bodyguard etc.

Definitely down with making this supernatural as well!

Below are some general tropes and pairings I’m interested in trying. The ones I’m feeling the most are marked with ***

-Enemies to lovers***

-Rivals to lovers

-Reincarnated lovers***

-Forbidden love***

-Red string of fate***

-Arranged marriage

-Fake dating

-Forced proximity

-Solving a mystery***

-Going on a quest/mission

-Time travel

-Alternate realities

-Noble x commoner

-Bodyguard x the one they guard***

-Princess x knight***

-Supernatural creature x human***

-Supernatural creature x hunter

Even though generally I’m very eager to live reality behind in my roleplays, below are more realistic plots set in modern day.

-Making it big

Muse A has always loved music and formed a band with long term friends of theirs. They dream of stardom but so far have only had small gigs. Eventually one band member starts making trouble and eventually the fighting gets so bad that they are kicked out of the band. They are now one member short. Enter Muse B. Muse A sees them perform and is impressed by their talent. Muse A seeks B out after the show. The two hit it off and B agrees to join A’s band.

The band’s fortunes are on the rise and they start getting better opportunities. Will feelings blossom between A and B? What about one of the band members who has secretly loved A all this time? Will fame be too much for them?

(So this plot would basically explore a small band’s trip to stardom and the band’s inner relationships. Could explore darker themes as well, like the darker side of success)

-Just work friends

Muse A is a kpop idol on the rise. The life of an idol is tough but that’s always been their dream. Up ahead is their first big tour. Muse B is a talented dancer and hired to be a backup dancer on A’s tour. The two start to get close while they work but romance is strictly off the cards… or is it? A isn’t allowed to date according to their contract and they are so busy with their career. But the heart wants what it wants. Added on the stress of the tour and the constant scrutiny from the public and fans hounding A, it's quite a chaos.

(Could work with a non kpop idol but I personally enjoy the kpop setting)

And lastly, some fandoms! Please note that I only use OCs in fandom roleplays. You may use a canon character if you wish.

-Harry Potter
-Lord of the Rings
-Pirates of the Caribbean
-Once Upon a time (earlier seasons)
-Supernatural (seasons 1 to 5)
-Sweet Home

Okay that's about it for now, thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you lovely people.

Hands banner.jpg
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I have a couple ideas I've been wanting to write for ages that I think you'd be interested in. Message incoming shortly.

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