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Multiple Settings Lets do this! 1x1 Search (Witcher, Star Wars, Etc.)


One Thousand Club

Basically I'm looking for an rp partner who is down to post fairly often, is not afraid to break normal forum rp tropes and is simply looking for someone to widen their horizons and expectations when it comes to rping. I see a lot of "pairings" and all sorts of things I've seen done time and time again and really, I think that's pretty limiting right off the bat. What I'm aiming to do is find some like minded people who would rather focus on the story overall than matching our characters up from the very beginning, what I'd like to do is do whatever the hell either one of us want and meet in the middle haha. A lot of people have ideas on here that they want to explore and that's cool but I'd much prefer coming up with something together than just joining in on a scenario. I've been writing for several years now, a lot of it actually done on this forum a few years back. I've had a lot of fun here, writing hundreds of posts, exploring different worlds and even meeting my fiancée C.DEX C.DEX thanks to this place! Now I'm back searching for more friends to write with.

Little bit about me, I'm a 25 year old man, redneck, I dig creativity and all forms of creative works, I'm vulgar as all hell and that'll reflect in my writing. Don't have a shy bone in my body and I honestly can be a bit rough around the edges but I think once you get to know me you'll love me haha. Here's some of the rp's I'd be interested in exploring, feel free to pitch me ideas though if you vibe with this thread!

  • Witcher (Love the Netflix show, Witcher 3 is my favorite game, I'm fiending for this the most hahaha.)
  • Star Wars (Any era, not against writing canon characters but prefer OC. That being said Han Solo is my boy!)
  • Love westerns, cyberpunk, fantasy stuff. I love comedy, action, horror, adventure.

Not too much is off the table with me, if it makes a good story I'm down for whatever. I love interesting and unique characters, detailed longer paragraphs but when our characters are interacting together I prefer shorter bursts just to keep conversation interesting. I also prefer to balance a few characters at once and develop a world, rather than be limited to a single character or two.

I'm also interested in getting to know who I'm talking with so be sure to tell me a little about yourself! If you're interested in writing with me hit me up by posting here or shooting me a pm.
Well howdy do~ I couldn't help but notice a fellow fan of The Witcher. I've also seen the Netflix series and have watched enough playthroughs of the game to feel like I've played all three games to hell and back. I'm a nerdy person with lots of free time of her hands and simply like creating stories with people. I'm laid back, patient, and just want to tell a good story. Curious about your ideas for a Witcher RP.
Well howdy do~ I couldn't help but notice a fellow fan of The Witcher. I've also seen the Netflix series and have watched enough playthroughs of the game to feel like I've played all three games to hell and back. I'm a nerdy person with lots of free time of her hands and simply like creating stories with people. I'm laid back, patient, and just want to tell a good story. Curious about your ideas for a Witcher RP.
Hey there Quellys Quellys , thanks for stopping by!

I don't have any concrete ideas just yet but off the top of my head I'd be interested in a mix of Witcher contracts with bigger, overarching plotlines weaved in. I love the struggles Witchers go through but I also dig Geralt's knack for getting caught up in grand adventures at a moment's notice and I'd like to try and capture that in an rp. OC characters could potentially belong to the same Witcher school, we could create one of our own or explore/change an existing one. I also like the idea of a group of people traveling together, Witcher or not, and working towards some sort of mutual goal. Like I said not super concrete but a group of diverse adventurers kicking monster ass and traveling the continent sounds awesome hahaha.

I'm open to working with canon characters (the idea of writing as Geralt is tempting haha) though I'm not too familiar with some of the events in the books so I'd probably like to keep it a little vague and make our own thing. Post Witcher 3 sounds fun too, the ending is pretty fresh on my mind and it could give us a pretty clean slate to write on. I also like the idea of wiping the slate clean and just using the universe and parts of the lore too.

If any of these (vague LOL) ideas catch your eye let me know!

I saw your thread a few days ago and literally had to bookmark it, for when I had a chance to sit down properly. I wanted to give a better vouch for my literacy than ‘interested!’

I was really enticed by your emphasis on plot and world building. I’m currently attempting to finish that novel (what devoted ‘writer’ isn’t) and that’s something I’d particularly love to focus on. Particularly, in my own story, the novel consists of two storylines which later interweave into a larger one. I think you also mentioned this too!

I have to warn you (do not hate me), I’ve never played the game. However, I have watched the series (is it bad if I admit: in one sitting) and ran out and bought the book the next day. I specifically love Yennefer, as played in the series (such a powerful storyline and strong character development). However, I’m open to creating our own characters for creative liberty, make our own twist on this amazing world!

As for getting to know writing partners, I’m all aboard. I met one of my best friends on here. Besides, there is literally nothing more inspiring than having someone message you like ‘this song reminded me of x, y, or z’ or ‘omg this is so muse B’ :closed eyes open smile::closed eyes open smile: If you’re interested, throw me a PM. I’d be more than happy to send you a little writing sample and start plotting together.

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