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Greedan and His Army


8.6 Feet Tall | 389 Pounds

Greedan is a tyrant. Perhaps the most aggressive and powerful reptile of his kind. He is ruthless, strategic, and can be terrifyingly unpredictable. Not long after the city of Fallbrook became home to the reptiles did Greedan take action. He conspired with the only magical beings on their side of the race; the Chameleons. The mystical beings gave him powers of his own, notably the ability to turn his hide, muscle, and even his inner skeleton into magma. With the most powerful reptiles in the city siding with him, it took little effort to bring Fallbrook to it's knees. The crooks and thieves of the city joined forces and made up the origins of the Croc's army. Seeing how powerful Greedan's army was becoming, more skilled warriors such as the Gecko and the Komodo Dragon followed shortly after. Even one of the few amphibious species taking residency in the city came to be guards for Greedan.

3-4 Feet Tall | 100-130 Pounds

It comes as no surprise that the Crocs would side with Greedan. He is one himself after all. Before Greedan's reign of terror, The Crocs were no more than thieves and scumbags. The higher races looked down upon their ways, and they could mostly be found wandering the lower districts of Fallbrook. There they set up gangs and broke into the lowly houses of the poor in hopes of scavenging any single valuable item they could wrap their slimy little fingers around. Nowadays they serve as the main foot soldier of Greedan's army. Their main choice of equipment are as follows: A sturdy wooden shield braced with an iron ring and a steel dagger, scabbard included.


Bearded Dragons
2-4 Feet Tall | 60-80 Pounds

When compared to the Bearded Dragons, the Crocs are seen as nothing more than petty thieves out for small time gigs. The Bearded Dragons make excellent burglars. While they range in size similar to the Crocs, they make up for it in their incredible agility. Not only are the Dragons fast but they're slim too, making tight spaces seem like even less of a problem. Unlike most of the reptiles in Fallbrook, the Bearded Dragons feel that the smaller one is, the better for thievery. Greedan mostly has them go out on stealth related missions, whether it be that he secretly desires information about one of his taxpayers, or he simply wants something from someone else. The Bearded Dragons are commonly equip with a set of golden daggers and are occasionally rewarded with a raggedy cloak if they do their job right.

1-1.5 Feet Tall | 15-25 Pounds

Although they are lesser in size to the Bearded Dragons, the Geckos do not resort to thievery. They instead invest their time into raising a different skill set; archery. The Gecko's are amazing archers, often competing to see who can land a bulls-eye on a distant target. Their impeccable ability to climb allows them to reach excellent vantage points. This combined with their near perfected aim makes it so that they can successfully hit their mark even if many stories up. All of this is made even easier with the fact that they do not need to blink. Greedan of course prefers to keep them close at hand in case one of his denizens makes an attempt at his life. Not like he needs the support to kill. Perhaps he simply doesn't enjoy getting his hands dirty when unnecessary. Every Gecko in Greedan's army is made to have a bow and a full quiver on them at all times.


Komodo Dragons
5-5.5 Feet Tall | 200-240 Pounds

When all other melee combatants fail, Greedan sends in the best. Komodo Dragons are higher up in rank than their Bearded kin. They stand taller than most and are more proficient with their katanas than the Geckos are with their marksmanship. Those in the army are provided with some of the finest swords available (preferably light and versatile). When in combat, the Komodo Dragons move swiftly, and always aim to kill unless told otherwise. Whilst battling they will find opportunities in the fight to lash out with their tongue, which is laced with lethal bacteria. Even when disarmed they still remain a threat, as their knife-like claws serve as a substitute for their long-swords. Because of this variety of skills, the Komodos are frequently sent out to assassinate those who Greedan wants dead. Finikin's parents were murdered by a small group of these swordsmen.


3 Feet Tall | 10 Pounds

The Chameleons are a docile group of wizard-like reptilians. They are the perhaps the only known reptiles in Ishrion that possess magical souls. They are capable of many magics, some of which they still keep hidden from all, including Greedan. They believe in a being known as the Maker. It is told that the Maker came from another universe, and took pity on the reptilians, giving them intelligence that surpassed even that of the humans. It is also said that they are the ones who spread this power to other species of reptile once the Maker had left this plane of existence. Their staffs are said to have been gifted by the Maker and are known to help concentrate their powers.They are the ones who helped Greedan rise to power, and take Fallbrook for his own.


10-11 Feet Tall | 750-900 Pounds

Bulky, massive, and wearing shells that are damn well near indestructible, the Tortoise are one of the only species of amphibian given "new life" by the Chameleons, and are Greedan's one and only choice for bodyguards. Towering at almost eleven feet (two feet taller than Greedan himself) the Tortoise are easily the most formidable opponents in Greedan's army. What they lack in speed, they make up for in raw power. Each Tortoise wields a heavy stone blade enchanted by the Chameleons to be incredibly hot to the touch. If swinging it wasn't enough to kill you, the surface area of the weapon will surely leave you with severe burns. The only weak points that these monsters have is their soft skin, which even then can fold up inside their shells. It takes a moment or two, but the shells openings are even capable of closing up, keeping foes from jabbing their weapons inside. This is another enchantment provided by the Chameleons.

Additional information:
- Don't let the appearance of Greedan's bronze sword fool you. It may look old and worn, but it has magical qualities which allow it to self repair once it gets too dull, and it's edge is sharp enough to cut through steel with little effort.

-Some of the blades that the Komodo Dragons wield possess minor magical qualities, usually only strong enough to provide light due to the glow they give off.

-Chameleons make up the least amount of the population in Fallbrook, as only five remain.
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Basic Magic

Magic is defined as
The use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces
Magic rites or incantations
An extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source

Magic is the essence of nature and will. It can cause the user to do extraordinary things in and to the world around them. Every spell falls into one or more of these types, never breaking the category of magic it is in. Magic is supplied by mana and learning to utilize it effectively is not for the faint of heart. At absolute minimum, the most basic spell (which is to generate a small ball of light), from someone with an average affinity for magic (who has never even attempted to cast a spell before), requires a week of study. Fortunately, unless you're looking to go into another element, type, or level or magic, it tends to build off each other.

Levels of Magic knowledge/experience
None: 0 experience
Beginner: 0-2 years
Apprentice: 2-6 years
Intermediate: 6-10 years
Advanced: 10-15 years
Expert: 15-20 years
Master: 20+ years

Categories of Magic
There are 5 categories of magic
- Also known as Arcane

Natural is just that. Elements that naturally occur on earth, whose resources are naturally explained phenomena and who's generation is part of the Earth's normal operation and vital to life on the Earth. The mana for these magics are governed by sleeping Ancient Gods. Fire, Earth, Water, and Air are the most basic elements of magic, the primary colors so to speak. Every other element of Natural Magic, such as Ice, Thunder, Nature (Grass), etc., are a mixture of 2 of these elements and require a higher knowledge of both elements of the mixture to learn it. These are the Advanced Natural Elements. For example, to even begin to learn Thunder Magic, one must have an Intermediate understanding of Fire and Air Magics. Unlike most other categories, your personality doesn't define whether or not you can learn it, but the ease of which you can learn it

Thunder, Plasma, Explosion, Smoke- Fire and Air
Dust, Sand- Earth and Air
Mist, Vapor, Ice- Water and Air
Steam, Oil, Lava- Fire and Water
Ice, Mud, Swamp, Nature (Grass)- Water and Earth
Metal- Earth and Fire

Fire is all about Passion. The bright flame symbolizes the raw, unfiltered emotions that consumes the person's thoughts and drive at that moment. This is why anger is always associated with Fire. Anger is the greatest element of Passion that fuels fire. However, passion is a hell of a thing, and it can get into a person's mind, leading them down the path of self-destruction and is constantly seen as the berserker of magic. Lots of power, bad judgement. Those extreme fanboys who get angry at anyone who criticizes their idol? They would make GREAT fire mages.
Fire is super effective against Air and Weak to Water

Air is all about calmness and being free. Stress is not their strong suit, nor is being restricted. This means that Air is the most versatile of the natural elements and has the most ways to go advanced, as well as some overlap in how to go advanced, but is the weakest alone. Also, the emphasis on calmness and free-spirited unrestricted thought makes it the gateway to things like Spiritual or Divine magics. However, this means that who make fantastic Wind Mages can be very indecisive and the free-spirited more often than not affects their ability to use the Moral Magics to the point where Wind Mages only ever use Holy/Light magic when it's gained from a God.

To really make effective use of Air, one MUST take on another element or study it into the Advanced Wind Spells, as it'll allow you to manipulate the temperature of the wind (fire/ice) what goes in the wind (Earth) and the physical properties of the wind (such as slashing enhancements gained by Physical or Thauma magic).

Earth is about tradition, strength, and perseverance. Earth is mostly unmoving and unchanging, just like ancient traditions. They embrace the past and embrace the Earth's essence in its most natural and primal form. This makes those who embrace Earth Magic embrace the traditional values that have long held people together, as well as weather the storms through any situation and value both physical and mental strength to not let anyone or anything tell them they're wrong. However, this leads to extreme stubbornness and an irrational fear of change. Even though Earth is the strongest in raw strength and has excellent defensive capabilities, it's also the least versatile. It can't really be captured in Tech like other elements or adapted for use in many ways outside of magic.

Water is all about flexibility and going with the flow. This means, like Air, it's a gateway magic that also needs another magic to really make the most effective use of it. Water is what every being on earth needs to live. A week max without water can kill you as opposed to upwards of a month without food. Water is in food, blood, and just about every other liquid on the planet. Users of Water magic are among the most all-around in terms of skill. It's not all cool sailing, however, as this means they suffer from a higher level of indecisiveness than Wind, but on a more manipulative scale. They seem to be TOO willing to change and try new things, leading to fluctuating morality. They must always remember that being that mentally flexible is not always a good thing

Moral Magics
Moral Magics are just that. Magic that's defined by someone's morality and how well they stick to it. Despite what people seem to think, this is NOT a case of good morals vs bad morals. The tired misconception of Light is good and Dark is bad hurts both sides of implementing these magics. There is no such thing as it's all subjective. It's more of the reasoning behind the morals they have and how they view life, as well as their values and goals in life. Unlike with Natural magics, where your morals and values only help or hinder your ability to learn it, the Moral Magics are DEFINED by it. If you can't seem to stick to the moral path you walk, the very magic itself will be much weaker if not all around disabled. There are only 2 Moral Magics and they are both strong and weak against each other


Light Magic, also called White or Holy Magic, is all about compassion, empathy, and upholding life no matter the cost. Every living being has good in them.........That's the motto of the Light Magic. This is typically where doctors, teachers, and clergy all shine. It takes a lot of optimism to look at the brighter side of things even when it seems like there is non. This is also why Light Magic is always associated with Religion, though they really have no actual relation. Religion is all about giving up control to a higher power and that power loves all, so respect all and you will have a good life. However..........this is also where things can go awry with no solution to solve it besides a mass change in mentality. If it can be interpreted by that higher power that they don't like something, it can justify ANY heinous action against it. Yes, every living being has good in them, but if the masses are better off without them, it's all justified, right?

Light Magic is more about Protecting Life (Defense), and Preserving Life (healing) than actually fighting. They don't hold a lot of offensive capabilities, but the few attacks they do have are DEVASTATING especially to its antithesis, Dark Magic

Dark Magic, also known as Black or Shadow Magic, is all about the individual person, and gaining strength to the struggle. While Light tends to deny and prevent a struggle, Dark believes in philosophies like "no pain, no gain" or "survival of the fittest." This doesn't mean they're apathetic. It just means they see the value in a struggle instead of trying to prevent any and every hardship. This is where Counselors, Drill Sergeants, and Therapists shine. You can't have a testimony without a test. Growth isn't a team effort. It's a personal effort. They're more realistic in how they view things BECAUSE of that struggle. Of course, it's not all so good. Despite the fact that Dark is typically VERY misconstrued, some of it reigns true. Dark Magic can be bred without actually overcoming the adversity. Even though this means that the magic will be much weaker, it's still immensely strong. Lone Wolves, those whose struggles deepened hatred or knocked out their regard or life isn't terribly uncommon. These people though will NEVER be as strong as the person who looks around in their lowest and darkest moment and realizes that there is nowhere to go but up and that grudges are for the weak, and drags the shadows of their past with them just to realize where they came from and how thankful they are to no long be controlled by the bad things in their past

Spiritual Magics
Spiritual Magics are about how they view the sources of power and how they get their inspiration to keep going on or gaining control of these sources of power. These magics are incredibly advanced and takes almost a decade to learn. It's the Ph.D of magics. However, this is just to learn them effectively. To master it can take a lifetime, and mortal users may achieve immortality in the process (not always though). There are 2 forms of Spiritual Magics and they have no inter-interaction or any elemental weaknesses. These magics are 2 steps up from the Natural Magics and can only be learned in a Magic College

Aether- Requires Advanced Fire and Earth
Fig- Requires Advanced Air and Water

Aether, also known as Creation believes that the sources of power are all contained in external sources beyond your control. It states that everything a person makes contains a bit of that person's power and essence and seeks to control it. Everything that has been created out of something has energy within it. The most common type of Aether Magic is Dimensional Pockets and Summoning Inanimate Objects and Magic creatures. Getting and storing things from another dimension for use or future use. Aether requires advanced knowledge in the forces of Fire and Earth, the more tangible of the 4 elements. This is so advanced that it goes into Celestial, and Pure Energy Manipulations. At its most extreme, it can go into Spacial manipulations and creating new body parts to replace lost ones

Aether is unstable in that it not only takes a LOT of mana and time to cast most of these spells with Forbidden Words of Power being a requirement, but that, if disturbed during casting, it can kill both the user and everything around it or suck it into a black hole

Fig Magic, who's name was changed in recent times to Mystic, believes that any source of power is contained within the person and that through achieving personal and interpersonal synchronization, they can do things far beyond the normal forces of the world. Arcane is a mastery knowledge of the more abstract concepts of magic. As such, a mastery of both Water and Air are required. Arcane Magic is a true symbiosis of Body, Soul, and its interaction with Magic. If ANY of these are off, then good luck trying to learn these magic. Arcane Magics deal in things like Psionics, Psychics, Mind Control through mental, emotional, and memory manipulation, and Teleportation. At its most extreme, it can go into Soul Capturing and the subsequent Revival, Time Healing, and Time Manipulation.

Like with Aether Magic, this magic is HIGHLY unstable, where a mis-cast or ANY sort of deficiency that makes the spell operate under 100% effectiveness, even 99.99999999%, can kill people or break someone's mind for good. All of these require lots of Forbidden Words of Power and in the case of Mental, Emotional or Memory Manipulation, requires a higher understanding of a person, usually gained by the use of other powerful spells.

Neutral Magic

Neutral Magic is for those who have no or little affinity for magic, or for those who feel like the basics are all you need. They hone these spells to perfection and use these to augment their own skills instead of depend on them like dedicated magic study tends to do. There is a dedicated study of them, but it's all about practicality in battle, not about any sort of specific path. These magics don't use any other element mentioned to a high effectiveness. It's just enough of another element to get by. The most common example is Spellblade, which is applying an element in one's weapon to take advantage of a weakness in an enemy. This is the most all-around in magic, with no weaknesses, but no real strengths either. There are 2 elements of Neutral Magic spells


Physical Magic is just that. Magic that deals in altering, augmenting, or weakening the physical properties of something or someone. Weight, Speed, Strength, Reflexes, Material, and Durability are the most common examples of the uses of Physical Magic. Advanced enough Physical Magic can go into the realm of Alchemical changing of areas, personal gravity and vectors of movement to close gaps or keep someone away. It's not uncommon to see Runic Magic either, which is runes drawn on items that makes it somewhat easier for those with little magic to use spells in battle, though these spells are bare bones of a spell and as such are about 50%-75% the strength of a casted spell and never exceed the Apprentice Level Spells

Thauma is Miracles. This magic is amplifying natural phenomena. Sound Magic, Summoning Non-Magic animals, Communicating with animals, Sensory spells (sight, hearing, touch, etc.), and higher understanding of other cultures through language spells and knowledge of items via appraisal spells, breathing underwater, etc. are the most common practical uses of Thauma Magic. As mentioned before, Spellblade is the most common battle use for Thaumaturgy. Advanced enough Thaumaturgy can go into the realm of applying Light and Dark enchantments, re-equipping mid-battle, and gaining an intermediate understanding of all 4 natural elements


Deific Magic deals in magic given to someone as a gift or as terms of a pact. All this magic has the strength in being magic that's unattainable by any other means, but the weakness in that the person is now subservient to whatever contract that granted them the magic in the first place. If they revolt and get their contract voided, bad consequences typically happen. It's not uncommon to see people gone blind or permanent magic loss or crippling due to them breaking the terms of their contract. This magic can go into any other element of magic besides the Spiritual ones, but the consequences of a mis-cast isn't insured in the contract. There are 3 elements that are Deific specific, All of whom are both strong and weak to each other.


Life Magic is anything that breathes life. This is either into a person, into the ground or into an inanimate object. From dolls to trees to recent dead bodies, Life Magic is all encompassing and are the most powerful healers ever. The catch though is that they typically can't attack with this magic. They must rely on whatever they call in or bring to life. They can call in any Holy or any Natural creature. You must contract with a Divine Holy being (Light/Holy/Life Gods, Angels) to use this type of magic. This is the only type of Magic that can Revive without a big usually time-consuming step in between or a major catch

Death is the antithesis of Life in that it's all about ending life or calling upon the long dead. This is where things like necromancy, demon summoning, hellfire, and the all powerful Grim Reaper Spell come from. Death Magic is about the end of the lifecycle, plain and simple. You typically must contract with a Divine Unholy being (Dark/Shadow/Death Gods, Fallen Angel, Demons, etc.) to use this type of magic. This is the only type of magic with a spell that can kill any and everything affected by it. That includes Gods

Void is the antithesis to both of these in that it it's about non-belief. The void is the place where people go when they don't go to heaven or hell. It's basically purgatory. Void Magic is all about cancellation and Anti-Magic. Void Magic's sole purpose is to cancel out not only Life and Death, but Magic in general. This is why many many places may have Anti-Magic for protection, such as castles, forts, and every other plain than earth. It keeps almost everyone from just going in and out at will. The catch is that this magic is the ONLY magic a user can wield unlike the others. You must contract with an Ancient God or a God of Space or Time to use this type of magic.
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