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Multiple Settings Let's Do Some Bot Fights (Real Steel-esque idea)


your girlfriend look like my mom
So I just finished watching Real Steel and uh. I got an idea if anyone wants to hear it.
I'm looking for LONG TERM, and if you have your own thoughts to add on, I'd love to hear them!!

It's 2022, but in a different, better timeline, of course. Bot fighting has been all the rage since 2012, ever since Japan started it out with their own robots. The business boomed across the world, and within 5 years there were leagues in different countries, and even a World Championship. As the world evolved, so did the robots and their abilities. The leagues and WC all have rules and regulations of course, but with professional violent sports, there's always an underground as well. In there, there can sometimes be rules, but most of the time it's no holds barred. The current Champion of the World is a robot by the name of Excalibur, a Japanese model that was bought and fine-tuned by a Russian named Vlad Kuznov and his son, Ruslan.

Character A is a mechanic who's married to Character B, a retired boxer. After robots took the main stage, boxing became less and less wanted until it was obsolete. Character B now works at a local grocery store so they have something to do with their time. Character A, while very skilled and able to do the work, refuses to work on fighter bots. While it would bring in good money, Character A doesn't want their partner to see them working on the very things that ended their career. Their child Character C, however, is a huge fan of the sport. They know that it ended their parent's career, but they also have their other parent's love for machinery. Robot fighting is like the best of both their worlds, so of course Character C enjoys it. One day Character A and Character C are at the junk yard looking for spare parts when Character C stumbles across an old junked robot, Robot D. Character C begs Character A to let them take it him, and they begrudgingly allow it. Character C works on bringing Robot D back to life and fixing it on their own, jubilant when they get it in working order. Robot D is some what sentient, which becomes very apparent to the family. That's a rarity among rarities for robots, even the newest Japanese models. While Character A tries to figure out what's different about Robot D, Character C tries to convince Character B to teach the robot how to fight. They succeed, and the family ends up joining the underground fights to test out the waters. What will come of that next?
What I'll play: Character A, Robot D, assorted side characters
What you'll play: Character B, Character C, assorted side characters

Character A and Character B have been friends since childhood. They saw the rise of the new sport and have been following it ever since. Character A has dabbled in the underground fights but rarely wins, always trashing their bots and having huge debts after losing. Character B tries to help the best they can, but they're near broke because Character A keeps losing their money as fast as they bot can get it. One day, Character A finds out that an old distant relative of theirs has died, and they are the sole inheritor of their relative's vast fortune. Character A instantly uses some of the money to buy two scrapped bots, Robot C and Robot D, believing they can continue to avoid their debts. Character B finally steps in, demanding that Character A lets them at least look at the robots first, and maybe have Character A teach them some moves for once. Character A reluctantly agrees, and Character B gets to work fixing and fine tuning the bots. Robot C is given the ability to speak, a "taunter bot" as they're called, while Robot D remains mute. After the robots are fixed and Character A helps them learn to fight, the two head out to the underground fights with their team of duo robots. Only fate will decide what meets them there.
What I'll play: Character B, Robot D, assorted side characters
What you'll play: Character A, Robot C, assorted side characters

For romantic pairings, I can do literally any pairing and gender: female, male, nonbinary,O don't care. I hope to be hearing from you, I'd really like to do one of each idea if possible :')
Comment down below which one you'd like to do!
I'M LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO WILL TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. At least 2 paragraphs per character, well written characters, someone who will work along the ideas with me, the whole shebang. I really wanna do this and work it for a long time, so I don't wanna do it with someone who will only give plain one liners and nothing to work with. Also, please please PLEASE don't control any of my characters. I understand situational things like pulling a character away or doing something that physically affects them, but don't make my character do something in your reply. Give me the option, and I will choose what to do with that information. Just giving a heads up :')

I hope to be hearing from you soon!! 😁
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