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New Member
Hey, I'm Jacob a 19-year-old college student who is in the process of figuring out life and enjoys stories as a means of discovery, to have new experiences and better understand myself through the stories I read as well as tell. If you want to talk tails or spin a story of our own feel free to reach out, I'm always happy to talk. That being said I will list the kinds of stories as well as worlds I am interested in exploring with you.

I'm going to break the rest of my post into two sections, Fandoms I'm interested in and plots I've come up with. These are simply options/talking points that you can tell me you're interested in as a way for us to find a common ground where we can find a premise we are both passionate about RPing.

I'm gonna start with Fandoms as these often inspire or influence a lot of the plots I'm interested in. I'll also list characters from each Fandom that I am interested in playing as or with, but I am happy to play as OCs in the world or under similar scenarios of the fandoms I list.


The Dark Tower

The Man in Black

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Lisbeth Salander
Mikael Blomkvist

The Witcher
Walter O'dimm

Star Wars (mostly new trilogy but willing to do OT)

Guardians of the Galaxy

Into the Spider-Verse
Peter Parker (Dad bod)


Fandoms I like for the world/style
Hollow Knight
Indiana Jones/Uncharted/Tomb Raider
Homecoming (Amazon prime show)
Metal Gear Solid
Edgar Wright Movies (Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Baby Driver)

My Plots
We are historians trying to figure out the details of a significant event. In this RP we would be basically telling two stories, our characters and their interactions in a world greatly affected by this mysterious event and the story of the event. This RP would basically be an in-character world building as we create the story we are RPing through the way the world looks in the historians period as well as the details they discover about this event. A bit confusing of a premise but one I think could be very fun.

Intrigue with a twist
The idea behind this is taking a mystery or political plot, something with lots of layers to it and adding style to the vocal confrontations that arise through descriptive over the top "battles" that represent the battle of wits or ideas that tend to take place with intrigue focused plots.

Costa Rica is one country that doesn't have an army as apart of its country instead it decides to put its money into different areas. For this scenario, we would go to Costa Rica or meet in Costa Rica for a break from our lives. When in Costa Rica, another country would invade it resulting in us being forced to try and discover a way to survive, escape, or fight depending on what our characters ambitions are.

Album Based
I love the way that music can tell a story and particularly like the way albums work, why songs are put in the album as well as where they are put in the album. I think it would be really interesting to do an RP inspired by an album and try to create a story with inspiration from each of the songs using the words and title as a way to inspire our characters and their interactions. Artists I think would be particularly good for this are Kaleo, Imagine Dragons, Bishopp Briggs, Portugal the man, and Bruce Springsteen; though I'm happy to try it with any artist as it's an RP I'm interested in trying.

Thanks to all of you who read through my thread, hopefully, you found something interesting here, but if not I wish you the best of luck finding the RP that best works for you. If you did find something interesting, be it a plot or if we just have similar interests, reach out! I'm happy to talk and craft something we can both enjoy.

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