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Realistic or Modern Let's Chat.


New Member
Not super great with technology but I've been told I'm one intriguing writer. I'm open to almost any ooc plot, long or short term, within reason. I'm cool basing a plot off of something that exists but I hate trying to force myself to write for a personality someone else created.

Not much to know about me, but ask away and I shall answer.
Sorry if I'm not super awesome at this; get to know me before writing me off.
See what I did there? I may not be all bells and whistles but I'm clever and that matters.
In all honesty my favorite RP I've done so far was one where my character accidentally murdered someone's boyfriend, so I like the drama don't skimp on it.

My replies are much shorter ooc. When it is official I write at least three paragraphs, third person. If you happen to do the same that is most excellent, if not I'll try to adapt to you.

If we have been in contact before and I disappeared or seemed disinterested I apologize, I am justajerk after all. I am working on being better about it but my mental and physical health have been real bad.

Word Bank
Lgbtq+ drama angst fluff enemies competition fame lost love anxiety drugs modern magic
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I'm the worst. Jk. Unless?

Character A is a young magic practitioner who was recently told they belonged to a long line of powerful witches/warlocks that had, over time and technology, suffered a diminishment in number.

After one particularly unpleasant exchange with (character B) the town’s spoiled misogynist, A sets out to cast a love spell, doubting it would work. It does, a little too well. They are stuck stuck with B following them around like a lost puppy. Innocent at first, but all good things eventually sour.

There’s a ton of different ways to go with it- the magic could even suck them into an AU we could build together, or work in reverse and pulls her into a reality where they’re a ‘happy couple.'

They could be ‘hunted’ after the surge of magic and end up on the run trying to protect character A from any number of supernatural beings. Anything to make you interested, really. :D I think we could have fun together.

I admit I usually write human males, but I can be flexible if you feel like being the supernatural creature is too much pressure lol.
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