Let's Begin With A Riddle


The Sweet Release
There are times, in our life of blinks and slices, when we come across brief fragments of a nature

so pure, so pristine, so as to feel all that you are, every path to every end that you may one day be,

could coalesce into a single, infinitesimal point: The rub, which is to say the zero-zero pierced

upon the Cartesian plane of infinity and eternity, a single reverberating collapse, the eye of the storm,

an echo that sings of the labyrinthine eternity: All that has been, could be, will be, might have been.

Of what do I speak?
Hi there! How´s it going?

Welcome to RPN, and what an intro you gave yourself! I surely hope to rp with you one day and that you enjoy your stay here! If you need anything, feel free to ask.

My Answer: Time
It's probably wrong but my answer is: choice. It sounds to me like you are describing the alternate realities and crossroads where it branches out into different timelines depending on the possible choices we make or don't make. Time was my original answer but it seemed a bit more specific than that... but maybe I'm just over thinking it now haha.

I have one too! It's an easy one and I didn't write it but here goes.

There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet,

And those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet.

At times I seem to favor the clever and the fair,

But I bless all those who are brave enough to dare.

By large, my ministrations are soft-handed and sweet,

But scorned, I become a difficult beast to defeat.

For through each of my strikes lands a powerful blow,

When I kill I do it slow.
You are a clever one, Lithia. You are correct. The answer is, in fact, Choice.

A curious thing, indeed - for what man has not wondered what could have been?

As for your own riddle, you sing of a whisper that all must bear.

A double-edged sword. A thing that, like water, might as easily

enrich or decimate, its capricious nature, wielded by kings

and paupers alike, held and honed but never controlled,

and all those who find its blessing gone sing "'tis lost, 'tis lost!",

when they ought to sing "'twere had", and be stronger for it.

You speak, of course, of love.
I thought it might be too easy but I just read it the other day in a book and I thought it was pretty. That was a fun way to do an introduction post!
I've always found, when attempting to attract a certain audience,

simply calling for them often proves woefully insufficient.

To be successful, one must provide bait.

It seems to have worked.
Hmmm yes well I see what you did there... now at least. Most times I find I'm much too curious for my own good and the bait you provided was very tempting.
It is in your nature - there is no need to make excuses. They are not necessary.

There are times we choose without a nudge in either direction, and times we do not.

It does not make those choices any less ours. You are who you are, you choose what you like.

Bask in that fact. It was, after all, what I was counting on.
I have a riddle! It's kind of stupid but here it is:

  1. My word is seven letters.
  2. My word is greater than God.
  3. My word is more evil than Satan.
  4. Poor people have my word. (In a sense)
  5. Rich people need my word. (In a sense)
  6. If you eat my word, you will die.

So, what is my word? :3
Very true indeed. And that brings us back to choice, the answer to your riddle. What an interesting person you are with your enticing riddles. I feel as though I took a walk and stumbled upon the Cheshire Cat.

@Rachael Grimm good riddle I know the answer but I don't want to spoil the fun :D
Your answer, Rachel, is Nothing. Which is not to say that the riddle has no answer, but that the thing is Nothing itself.

It is one I have heard before.
You may simply refer to me as Arsenic, curious one.

...This One is not all too fond of cats.

If it's riddles you wish for, come play with me,

For my twisted mind, has much to see.

But do beware, as though I am beauty as rose,

I'm as sharp as it's thorns, dark as it's shadows.

My games are fun, but deadly,

and I care not for a medley.

Here in my heart of fire and ice,

I hunt my prey like mice.

I am temptation,

and I am creation.

The strong and the weakest,

The shallow and the deepest.

From Adam I was taken,

But from Eve I awaken.

I am your future and your past,

I am both slow, and I am fast.

So tell me now, who am I?

Guess my name or die.

But perhaps not die,

For cruel, but caring am I.

No, guess my name or suffer.

Name me, or call me bluffer.

For I lie, and I speak truth.

I'm old and I am youth.

Who am I, but a queen?

Who am I, but in between?

I am evil and I am good,

Through me, you enter manhood.

So answer my riddle,

Or play your fiddle.

Answer wrong, and I'll give you a hiss.

Answer right, and I'll give you a kiss.

So I give you one last chance.

Name me now, and let us dance.

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