• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Multiple Settings let's be partners! (ともだち)♡


Junior Member
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[/div] [/div] [div class=title] クリシリ [/div] [div class=subtitle] crystal tsukki_ [/div] [/div] [div class=maincontentcolumn] [div class=scrollbox] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsone" style="display: block;"] [div class=post] [div class=image]
[/div] アイナナ (i7) [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]table of content[/div] 1 about me & table of contents
2 expectations, prefs, limits
3 samples
4 plots
5 contact me, rp methods, credits [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]about[/div] hello! thanks for visiting here! my name's kuri here, but i go by different names on different sites. after a break or li'l hiatus, i have kind of just... come back, i guess, aha. i like to play otome (or bl) games in my free time, and i also like to write stories, ideas, and visual novels as well.

i also enjoy anime, manga, and manhua... and i enjoy talking about them. i'm partial to bl, (boy) idols, romance, and shoujo, but i'm also open to other genres... so, i do like shows such as dororo (2019) and demon slayer: kimetsu no yaiba, etc..

occasionally, i also like to translate japanese or spanish to english, but i'm an amateur at it, haha. [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab1 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentstwo"] [div class=post] [div class=image]
[/div] イケメン戦国 (ikemen sengoku) [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]expectations[/div]and preferences

✿ the ability to compromise so that the both of us are happy
✿ tell me if the role play is not interesting to you. i will understand completely, and we can stop. bottom line, don't expect me to be able to read your mind.
✿ decent english grammar (me writing here with no capitalization is an aesthetic thing)
✿ a response of 3+ paragraphs (or at least something to go off of), not including one-liners
✿ communicating when you are unable to reply for a long period of time
✿ don't pry me for a response every few minutes. my response time ranges on an average from around 30± minutes to a good 24± hours. i, in turn, will be patient with you as well
however, if you don't reply in four or five days or so and not communicate anything beforehand, i will be annoyed and pester you about it
✿ my preferred pairing is either bl (m x m) or hetero pairings (f x m)
✿ anime or semi-realistic face claims only, please
✿ unless we have role played together -- 1x1 or group -- in the past, please send a writing sample
✿ talking ooc and being friendly with me (even if we're not role playing?)... i love new friends!
✿ age doesn't matter to me ultimately, but it would be nice to be at least 16
✿ romance! it's hard to catch my interest if there's no romance -- dark or light, i want romance ♡
✿ undoubtedly the most important rule of all: have fun, and be yourself! live better than yesterday〜 [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]the no-no's[/div] ✿ no smutty or nsfw content, not even in our dm inbox
✿ no excessive violence or gore
✿ no rape
✿ no furries, please
✿ no mary sue characters. if my character attacks your character 100 times, and your character doesn't end up with at least a cut at least once or if a character is just way too perfect to be true, i say we've got a problem in our hands
✿ i will not role play as an animal (i'm ok with shape shifting though, i guess)... so no erin hunter book-type of role play, sorry! [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab2 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsthree"] [div class=post] [div class=image]
[/div] [div class=img]千銃士 (senjyushi)[/div] [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]01.[/div]Beautiful? Ayumu thought to himself. "Well, I'd sure like to see the 'beautiful' part of Japan sometime, because I have only heard of such parts in books." He smiled wryly at his comment.

Haneul then switched to his native language. Fortunately, Ayumu could understand it, which was proof of Ayumu's Korean not being as "rusty" as he may have initially thought. Plus, getting praise from a native speaker is quite something, dare he say. "I mean, who would bother learn another language when everybody can just speak English here? Plus, Korean has its... difficulties. Like particles." Ayumu shrugs. "Which are practically non-existent in English, and combine that with just a whole other alphabet, and voila, nobody wants to learn it."

Ayumu was grateful Haneul answered his question about his job, but he could tell it wasn't the best subject to touch on, so Ayumu didn't push any further, instead listening to what he had to say about... rules? Stuff like they would be punished if they disobeyed... and that he had no intention of getting romantically involved. Really now? Because I am pretty sure I can name a few people I've met on the top of my head who said something similar and some time later came back to me with a lover in their arms. Ayumu just nodded though. Haneul seemed irritated enough with Alma, so Ayumu would hate to let his own thoughts make him more irritated than he already is.

It didn't really take a genius to know that bad things could happen if Haneul got pushed too far. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]02.[/div]Qinu snickered, but that soon broke out into full-fledged laughter. He found it funny how modest Kaylie was about seeing his true form, even as they were meant to be bonded to each other. Not officially at the moment, but eventually, they would. "Pfft, it's hilarious how you're being so modest with me." Between small bouts of laughter, he continued. "I have nothing against you seeing my true form, even right now. It's not much different than how I am right now anyway. Besides, you should know because we're meant to be bonded."

Qinu closed his eyes, letting his "veiled" form down. "This is my true form." His voice was notably different as he said this, given that he was now a boy.

He then went and plopped himself down on the bench next to Kaylie. At her remark about kids, Qinu stifled laughter again. "I've been told I'm like a little kid. Which I'm fine with-- I'm just not interested in all those complicated stuff the High Demons always talk about." He then sighed. "Yeesh, you should be grateful you are not meant to be bonded to a High Demon. Those guys'll blow your ears off someday. Most of them even take the pranks I do so seriously!" Qinu huffed, pouting a little. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]03.[/div]Tatum continued walking around until she heard a voice behind her. She didn't turn around immediately -- the first thing she noticed about this voice was that it definitely belonged to a male. The second thing she noticed was that this voice was laced with a thick accent. Possibly German? She couldn't tell.

Slowly turning around, her eyes met with dark blue ones, something akin to a deep void in the ocean. With a slight tilt of her head, Tatum responded, "Yes?" Her voice was quiet but undeniably firm, and her eyes did not waver as they stared into the man's steely, dark blue eyes.

When there was a little bit of silence, Tatum didn't spare it any peace. "Do you need something?" Finally, she averted her eyes partly so that she wouldn't have to deal with the weight in her heart from staring into his intense eyes.

She didn't know what, exactly, but something stirred inside of her. An inexplicable feeling in her chest. For some reason, even though she doesn't feel the most comfortable around him -- at least not at the moment -- she still couldn't stop this mysterious sensation from bubbling up inside of her. However, if she felt strange from that, her expression revealed nothing. I am not about to show this man my weakness. I barely know him. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]04.[/div]"Ah!" Even though a part of Kouya knew that something of this nature would happen, the whole turn of events felt so abrupt that he still couldn't stifle a little gasp of surprise. He silently cursed himself — he couldn't do that in the future... especially not with someone like this person, who had nimbly pressed a Stygian iron dagger to his throat. I underestimated him.

But at the same time, he felt that not any human would be able to do what this boy just did... in such a short time as well.

Once the boy tilted his head, Kouya could see the red spider lily mark, but another feature caught his eyes: the color of this boy's eye, originally concealed beneath his raven-colored hair, was a brilliant crimson, as if to confirm Kouya's suspicion that this boy may not be completely human. Despite his general dislike for such a color, he found this boy's eye... beautiful? As such, he felt unfazed by this boy's sharp expression.

The boy seemed to experience some sort of pain, but he seemingly recovered later. Only then did Kouya decide to respond. With a veiled smile, he murmurs, just loud enough for the boy to hear, "Your voice is beautiful, and I'm impressed you could react this quickly. Do color me interested." There's a short pause, but Kouya speaks again, "I felt the same sensation. Don't you think that means we're destined to meet? And not only that—" Kouya lightly placed his light, cold fingers around the mark's location on his face, "—you're unaffected as well."

And just as lightly, as if his touch was something akin to a fleeting feather, he retracts his hand. [/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab3 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfour"] [div class=post] [div class=image]
[/div] 伯爵と妖精 (earl and fairy) [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]read me[/div] – all pairings are muse a x muse b
– romance is a given genre for every plot here
– please respect pairings. if it says "m x m", don't ask me to play hetero for that plot
– i normally don't have a strong preference of what muse i want to be
– of course, you are free to propose your own plot as well
– please excuse the bad titles (lol) [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]deceit & charm[/div] m x m | supernatural

after the end of a war between faeries and humans, faeries have been captured by humans for research. a small group of humans with a special power implanted in them have been assigned to capturing faeries and watching over them. one of the members of this group, muse a, gets assigned to watch a faerie, muse b. will their relationship be soiled with animosity, deceit, and tension, or...? [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]cursed[/div] m/f x m | (dark?) fantasy

muse a's mom has been diagnosed with an incurable illness. however, this illness is actually only "incurable" with normal medicine -- there is, in fact, a cure. but in order to do that, (s)he must get an item that muse b, who is cursed, has. when muse a asks for that object, muse b strikes a deal with her/him: "if you can break my curse, i will give you the item." [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]serenade[/div] m/f x m | drama

muse a just moved out to the countryside in hopes of a new life! just when (s)he does though, (s)he hears a beautiful singing voice of muse b. although entranced, muse a can't help but notice some sadness in muse b's eyes when he sings... what could be the meaning of that beautiful yet strangely sad tune muse b sings? will muse a be able to break that shell of ice? [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]deep within[/div] m x m | dark fantasy / drama

muse a, who is living in the city, encounters the mysterious, beautiful muse b. however, as muse a gets to know more about muse b, he realizes that muse b is far from human and that it will only endanger him the more time he spends with muse b. after all, muse b is a blood-sucking / flesh-eating demon who feeds off of humans who fall in love with him. that said, will muse a survive? maybe something more may blossom too... [/div] [div class=post][div class=title]masquerade[/div] f/m x m | historical (ish?)
muse a is an assassin who works for anybody who can pay. after getting a request from a client to assassinate an infamous prince muse b from the neighbor nation, muse a goes to a masquerade party that muse b will be attending, thinking it was going to be like every other mission. but (s)he would quickly realize... it's anything but.[/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab4 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfive"] [div class=post][div class=image]
[/div] 戦刻ナイトブラッド (sengoku night blood)[/div] [div class=post][div class=title]contact[/div]please make sure you read the guidelines [2] carefully before you contact me! thanks!

the best way to contact me is through the dm inbox here. i'm not going to be watching this thread very closely, so... that's not to say i won't be checking here though, so if replying to this thread is what you are comfortable with, go right ahead!

however, under the occasion that i'm not active here or if you sent me a message but i didn't reply to it here for a long time, then you can go ahead ping me on twitter @/crystaltsukki_

because i am already in a couple role plays, i am looking for 1–2 partners here. that said, i probably will not accept every single role play request i get. i have to at least be interested in the plot, for one among others. also note i will stop the role play if - at any time - you are breaking the guidelines in [2]. [/div] [div class=post][div class=title]rp methods[/div]– dm inbox here
– forum thread
– discord
– google docs [/div] [div class=post][div class=title]credits[/div]♡ artists:
– シア (@/xia_hml)
– 山田シロ (@/yamashiro_k)
– やも (@/yamo_89aug)
– 藤井 まき (@/mirumodake)
– 蜜樹みこ (@/mitsuki_miko)
– LAM ⚡️ティア【ら05a】(@/ramdayo1122)

code: glucose guardian[/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab4 above this div![/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=navcolumn][div class="navbutton navbuttonone"]1[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttontwo"]2[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttonthree"]3[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttonfour"]4[/div][div class="navbutton navbuttonfive"]5[/div][/div] [/div] [/div]
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