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Multiple Settings Let the Plotting Commence! (UPDATED)

Desert Rose

Adored Muse
  • I like to be detailed and longterm with my rps, although the general casual one is always fun and refreshing too.
  • I write third person past tense and ask my partners do the same.
  • My schedule is probably the most open so don't feel obligated to have to reply as often as I do, I understand majority of people have lives. Disclaimer: will send gifs and memes while waiting for reply (this is not to pressure you it's merely done for my amusement, but please always feel free to respond with gifs as well).
  • I like to consider myself the definition of a meme (take that however you wish).

  • If we are doing a story and it's a darker themed content please do not leave every dark detail of the plot to me... it gets exhausting.
  • I hate one liners unless it's like the best one liner ever please resist. Disclaimer: if you receive a one liner from me... ask me if I wrote it sober, because there's a good chance I wasn't when I replied xD.
  • I like detail so don't be afraid to be inspired
  • It takes two to tango so expect to be involved with the plot so we both can enjoy it.

So if you got this far from this rather boring and not so convincing roleplay ad let's get into some pairings/plots.

(Insert PLOT gif here)

I typically have my phoenix and or dragon have the ability to transform into human form. This plot is mainly based on my characters clan rejecting humanity to the point where they don't even teach how to morph in and out of both forms. A war is still raging and my character's clan has been spotted. wanting to get ahead the group of humans decide to try and capture them While the clan fleas with ease they manage to shoot my character out of the sky, but when the go looking for the creature instead they find an injured human. Suspicious they take in my characters in hopes to learn more about her. (I do have some ideas for characters if you wanted to play the opposing dragon or human as a potential main).

The different kingdoms are at war and one particular village is in the middle. There are 4 kingdoms that surround a thick forest where in the middle resided a rather large clearing that was home of a village. As disagreements occurred and the kingdoms were on the brink of war a representative from each kingdom begged for the support of the villagers for having them on any side would cause a huge advantage in supplies. The elders of the village refused and soon they were having to send scouts to keep any militants from the kingdoms from coming to the village. Outraged the Northern king sent a platoon to infiltrate and take over the village.
(it's still kind of a WIP, so if you have any ideas to spin off from that or whatever we can certainly brainstorm

All your life you've lived in the confines of a rather spacious dome. You are told the outside is a desolate wasteland and there was nothing outside but death. The edge of the dome is guarded by a fence that keeps anyone from getting too close along with the many foot patrols. You never quite knew what the material was that kept you locked inside but it looked like glass. If you got close enough you could even see outside a land of sand and scorched earth. Everything about the dome seemed oddly perfect and one man seemed to own the entire city. What if something happened that no one dreamed possible? What if you witnessed a crack in the barrier along with a gaping hole. Where the barrier was intact it showed sand and waste but the hole just big enough for you to squeeze through showed trees and luscious green. You have but seconds to decide before the patrol comes and sounds an alarm that will cover the hole and block off the otherwise open area. What will you decide?

It's an era of peace and you have our heroes to thank for that. However they aren't as good as you think they are.

Can't say that I really like the holidays, but who can resist a holiday plot and now that Thanksgiving is over let the Christmas plots commence!!!!

(Insert Santa Clause PLOT gif here)
HOLIDAY PLOTS! (cause why the hell not)

I don't really have much for this one to be totally honest. Let's twist a hallmark movie or something?

Yc just moved into a quaint old house around the holidays. However this holiday season is going to bring something a bit more than Christmas spirit.

By this title i'm sure you can guess what kind of plot we're looking at here. Let's explore and plot this out together.

Well you made it to the end so congratulations. Feel free to reply here or pm me.[/SPOILER]
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I would pm you but I can not for the life of me figure out how to do so in this forum, and while I may be new to it I do have a fair bit of experience regarding deep 3rd person story-like roleplay and am very intrigued by your Assassin x Target scenario.

I would like to play that one with you if you find yourself free and willing.

It has been quite a while since I last partook in a Victorian era setting ohohohoho~ (I can also speak casually if you're wondering)

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