Let the Games Begin


One Thousand Club
Ardin is a wealthy and prosperous land in which the town Verria sits as the shining capital of this land. Surrounding Verria is a circle of various cities which govern their own affairs but in the end each city is very interconnected and rely on each other and alliances to keep Ardin wealthy and strong.

Most alliances are formed through marriage and generally all marriages are arranged to make happy partnerships between towns. As Verria is the capital of the land Ardin, it is very desirable to form alliances with. As the only child Giselle Hawthorne comes of age there is a great competition to claim her hand to form an alliances with Verria.

It is because of this that Verria is throwing a competition between suitors from the surrounding cities. There will be a series of tasks and challenges administered and the winner will claim her hand and form an alliance with the powerful Verria.



What your city/town is like:




I'll be playing the Giselle and her parents (who pretty much just act as announcers).

Name: Giselle Hawthorne

Age: 18

What your city/town is like: Verria is the wealthy and powerful capital of the land Ardin. It is extending the hand of friendship by allowing all towns the opportunity to win Giselle's hand and therefore win a powerful partnership and the complete protection of Verria. (For poor towns this could be very beneficial).


Personality: Giselle agrees that the arranged marriage is necessary, but generally she is very opinionated and stubborn. She is outgoing, friendly, and unafraid to speak her mind but she can come off as self-absorbed, selfish, and impulsive.


Not all of the cities have been sent an invite to the games, but that doesn't mean that they can't send anyone. I'd love to have a city that is the enemy of Verria send someone.

I think that is all I needed to say except I'm looking for roleplayers who can at write at least a few paragraphs (2-3) per post. No one-liners please.

We have five competitors so far:

Cassidy "Cass" Briarwood

Tristan Fridjov Roanson

Calder Aylwin

Aiden Alexander McKnight

Adrian Mason

I want in. Can I create a character later? It's kinda late at the moment. Also... Do the suitors HAVE to be male? ;D I wanna do a suitor that's secretly female.
I was actually thinking about someone playing a suitor pretending to be a male. So I think I'm going to let this happen. But you'll be the only one otherwise it could get just bizarre. And yes, you can post it later. I don't mind. :)
SCORE! Great minds think alike.

EDIT: Didn't want to wait, and found the perfect picture. So... yeah here goes.

Name: Cassidy "Cass" Briarwood (Thankfully, Cassidy is technically a unisex name!)

Age: 19

What your city/town is like: Very poor. Cass's town is on the outskirts of Ardin and is often subject to raids by highwaymen who toe the border. They are in desperate need of Verria's protection.



Personality: Outspoken and opinionated, but makes her words count. A bit guarded, but once you get past her defenses she's very warm, caring, and protective. Also a bit possessive; the jealous type.

Other: Cass is an only child of the head family, and her mother has suffered many miscarriages since which indicated that there likely will not be another child. This means there is no son and therefore no heir. Additionally, Cass's town is on the outskirts of Ardin and is often subject to raids by highwaymen who toe the border. They are in desperate need of Verria's protection but have no son to put forth for Giselle's hand. Upon discovering that Cass had a preference for women as well as men, her parents gave her two options; be disowned and dishonored, or compete posing as a boy for Verria. Humiliating though it was, Cass chose the latter. She and her parents have no idea what they would do if she won, but she isn't counting on that.
Name: Tristan Fridjov Roanson

Age: 21

What your city/town is like:

Vanir (pronounced: Van-eer) began as base and hideout for rogues and highwaymen that had travelled across the border to Ardin. Overtime, more people came and eventually bussinesses set up to provide for the robbers' needs but it was still no more than a hideout for ruffians, albiet a lot of them. Then there came a man who was not only tough but smart, and after cracking a few skulls anounced himself as the leader. He set down laws, and enforced them, organised the building of proper buildings and roads, brought in doctors and set up schools as people started havin families. After a few decades, the shaby outlaw hideout had become a fully functioning town by any definition. Although the people did keep to some of their roguish foundations.

Now Vanir is a florishing city, large enough to rival Verria. And the do rival them. Several decades ago, the area surrounding Vanir experienced a drought that killed most of their crops. Famine stricken, Vanir send emisarries to Verria to ask for assistance and to share some of their supplies. However, the ruler of Verria refused to help. Outraged and desperate, the people of Vanir took matters into their own hands and raided the city of Verria for the food and supplies that they needed. Since then, both cities have been bitter towards each other and relations have been tenuous as best, at times even conflicts have broken out.

The current rulers (they get overthrown every now and again) have decided to send their second child and eldest boy to compete in the games. If he wins, it would mean an end to the conflict and put a Vanirian in power in Verria.



Cocky and arrogant are two words to describe Tristan. While he is a fighter, Tristan is also however intelligent. Tristan values respect and honour in battle, but family also means a lot to him and he is not happy with the prospect of marrying some girl he has never met.

Other: Tattoos are a coming of age tradition in Vanir, and Tristan has one on his left shoulder that he recieved on his 18th birthday.

Accompanying Tristan is his uncle, Volundr, who is his father's younger brother.


Kinda at a loss as to why Vanir is at odds with Verria. The usual greed and power seems a bit petty. Any ideas?
Both of you are accepted. How many suitors do you think that I should accept? Should I just wait and see?

Maybe Verria abandoned Vanir in a time of need -perhaps they didn't supply food in a famine- and then Vanir raided Verria in desperation? That type of event would leave both town bitter towards one another. Since then their dislike could slowly elevate because after that Verria would be seen as selfish and greedy for hoarding supplies while Vanir would seem dangerous and threatening because they took the supplies they needed.
That's a really good idea, that'll work well. As for number of suitors, I think it'd be good to have a quite a few so there's more interaction between them, friendships and conflicts of personality, but I think more than 10 might make it too complicated. I'd say any between 5-10 would be ideal.
Yeah, don't make my mistake and let 15 in. O.o It gets hard to handle. Hopefully I can break a few more necks. Also, can there be characters aside from competitors? And Giselle, of course. Like people who work for Giselle's family, butlers and cooks and such. Or her father's concubine. Or her mother's concubine. Whatever.

EDIT: I keep using princess when they aren't royalty. O.o
Haha yeah, Mind Games is pretty crazy right now. You can kill Ava as you please... I can't think of some amazing secret for her to have and she hasn't been able to have her personality show... like at all. I've got Jake as well. At least you didn't do 20 like the original plan. D:

Yeah, 5-10 suitors sounds ideal. And I'm glad you mentioned the wealth of characters that could be played because if someone is really adverse to playing a male they can always play one of those.
Yeah actually, I had an idea for a secondary character as well. Can the competitors have guardians who have escorted them to Verria?
Of course. I can only imagine that the competitors could bring a handful of people. After all I described quite a number of people in the opening post arriving at the Hawthorne estate which wouldn't make sense if only the competitors arrived. Which was a long way of saying yes, your secondary character is accepted.
Guardians might make too many characters, unless they were one of those that's kinda on the side and doesn't do anything.

EDIT: I can kill Ava?!?!?!?!? :D
Not everyone needs a guardian of course and I can't imagine that they would play a large role.

Don't sound so happy about it! Geez. :P I really only made her so we could have enough characters anyways.
I think my brain subconsciously wanted so many so that I could kill a few though. Keep the rest on their toes. It isn't necessarily that I want to clear up space. I just like killing people.

...That doesn't make me sound better does it?

Anyway, very excited for this roleplay. Thinking about making a second character but I think I'd get bored with him.
I know what you mean. I found an old novel draft at 100 pages and I made 20 secondary characters in a knighthood that I was picking away from. I'm surprised that considering the draft is five years old made when I was fifteen that it's halfway decent even though I kill a person every five pages or so.
I'm not much older than that lol, but I have a similar feeling when I look back on my old stuff that I wrote in like 7th grade. My short stories are over-dramatic but awesome.

Would anyone be interested in creating a male character interested in Cass before realizing the she's a "boy?" Like maybe a suitor meets her in the hall or something. Or even a servant. That would provide me many giggles.
That's a good idea Tylar. We definitely need more people to make this work right.

Name: Calder Aylwin

Age: Eighteen

What your city/town is like: Calder comes from one of the larger holds in the area called Thorodan. As legend tells it, there was once a mighty dragon by the name of Ysellian that loomed over the poor village until Thorodan the brave slayed the dragon and gave its hoard to the people. It is said that after Thorodan died, he passed all his training onto his son, who taught the worthiest young men of the village. These young men became known as the Thorodan warriors, and their order still stands today. Whether or not the tale of Ysellian the Dragon is true, the story is passed down to each generation. The town is only semi-wealthy, but well protected. Many of the warriors hunt in the mountain range behind the town, which is filled with game. Almost everyone in town knows how to wield a sword because of the dangerous terrain they live in but the Thorodan warriors protect the townsfolk from animals and bandits.

Personality: As a Thorodan Warrior, Calder believes in honor, bravery and skill. Calder is one of the youngest Thorodan warriors, the other younger warrior being about sixteen years old. Although Calder is a member of a prestigious order of warriors, he is energetic, comical and competitive. Calder will almost never back down from a challenge and is confident in his abilities. Friendly and outgoing, it isn’t hard for Calder to make friends, although his competiveness can turn people away. It’s a difficult task to anger Calder, although when angered his rage blinds him. When it comes to Romance, Calder can be a little awkward and foolish, but his heart is in the right place.

Other: Thorodan’s Thane held a competition that was open to all the men of Thorodan to pick a suitor to compete in Ardin for the hand of Giselle Hawthorne. Calder was an underdog, but came out as the victor. He was orphaned at a young age, but the Thorodan Warriors took him in and trained him. All Calder knows about his parents is that his father was a Thorodan warrior.

(Also- is this Medieval era role play? As you can tell I wrote my character as if it is. I wasn't sure because it wasn't really defined. If it isn't, pm me and I'll correct it.)


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You're right, I really haven't defined it as. But it's set in a loosely medieval setting so Calder seems great. Accepted. :)

-So maybe [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] or [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] would have an interest in this roleplay?
[MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] sorry I have a few too many going on right now. I actually dropped one earlier today because I can't keep up with them. Thanks for the offer, though ^_^
Aura said:
You're right, I really haven't defined it as. But it's set in a loosely medieval setting so Calder seems great. Accepted. :)
-So maybe @KaitWink or @TheJoker would have an interest in this roleplay?

Awesome (: I'll post on the actual thread tonight (hopefully).

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