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CLICK ME! [plots, pairings and fandoms!


littlest panda
Hello everyoneeee!

I know that no one really wants to know about me personally, so let's get down to the nitty gritty! :P I have a couple pairings, fandoms and most importantly, plots! Feel free to PM me after you've taken a gander, if you're interested!

Bold = Role I prefer

Kidnapee x Kidnapper

Master x Slave (original ideas only)

Pirate x Mermaid

Country Girl
x City Boy

Age Difference: Young woman x Older man

Mail Order Bride

Boat/Plane Crash Survivors

Servant/Maid x Millionaire

Druggie/Alcoholic Partner x Abusive Partner

Abused x Abusive

Abused x Savior

Assassin x Target

Researcher x Test Subject

Nurse x Patient

Doctor x Patient

Truck Driver x Hitchhiker

Paramedic x Injured

Soldier x Soldier

Dancer/Stripper/Celebrity x Body Guard

Orange is the New Black


Lord of the Rings

Jurassic Park/World

Pirates of the Caribbean

Supers (Marvel, DC.)

Harry Potter



Disney films

Being Human

Little House on the Prairie

Rise/Planet of the Apes

Criminal Minds

Law & Order: SVU


Walking Dead

The Strain

Mad Max

The Last Ship



Final Fantasy (Especially X)

The Last of Us

Kingdom Hearts

Shadow Hearts

Heavy Rain

Skyrim/Elder Scrolls

Shadow of Mordor

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Fallout (3/NV/4)

Witcher 3





While driving along on a quiet detour road, Muse A’s car starts spewing smoke from beneath the hood. Thankfully, it’s still midday and when Muse A pokes their head out through the lowered window they’re able to make it to the closest motel before the car breaks down. Muse Ahas to use the phone in the motel’s main office to call a tow truck because their cell phone isn’t getting signal way out here. While speaking with the tow company, Muse A realizes that the motel owner seems a little off. He’s creepily quiet and eyeing them a little too hard for their taste. Finding out that the tow truck won’t come until the next morning, Muse A decides to check into the motel. What else can they do?

As Muse A heads outside to get their bag from the trunk, Muse B follows and offers help. Muse B is related to the motel owner and works there in several capacities; housekeeping and grounds-keeping mainly. Muse Apermits Muse B to carry their bag to the room, but is startled when Muse B blocks them from going inside once they get there. Muse B warns Muse A not to stick around at the motel once the sun goes down but doesn’t say why before rushing off. Muse A gets a weird vibe which only grows weirder as Muse A goes in search of the vending machines for a snack and encounters another guest at the motel. The guest has the same zoned out, pale look that the motel owner had and two odd-looking marks on their neck that peek out from the collar of their shirt. Muse A doesn’t encounter too many other guests on the way back to their room, though the parking lot is occupied by a few other cars. Muse A does their best to shirk off Muse B’s warning, but makes sure to bolt the door as the sun disappears from view.

Unable to sleep, Muse A begins to hear strange noises in the room connected to theirs. At first it sounds like there’s a struggle between two people, then it’s suddenly quiet and there’s a knock at their door. Muse A pretends to be asleep, ignoring the knock, but to their horror someone starts working the lock and somehow pushes the bolt out of place from the other side of the door. The last thing Muse A remembers before waking up the next morning is the face of Muse C, the tall mysterious figure with long, sharp teeth who broke into their room..and the dark, fresh blood that was dripping down from Muse C’s mouth.

Muse A finds tender, red marks on their neck like they saw on the other motel guest but they can’t put two and two together. They’ve forgotten about the tow truck that was supposed to come for them and for some reason they want to stay another night at the motel. Muse Cmust’ve been some crazy, vivid dream and maybe the marks are mosquito bites, Muse A reasons. What Muse A doesn’t know is that the motel is inhabited by vampires who feed off the guests by night and compel them to forget. Having seen many guests come to the motel and never leave, Muse B is tired of letting innocent people be harmed, including their relative who owns the motel.

Will Muse B save Muse A from a horrible fate at the hands of Muse C and their kind?

Muse A and Muse B are orphans who meet by chance on the street. With no one else to look after them, they spend several days fending for one another and gradually becoming friends because of their similar circumstances. When Muse A doesn’t turn up at their usual meeting point one night, Muse B is forced to assume the worst and move on. Years later, the unlikely duo meets again; Muse A has become a beautiful Geisha while Muse B has become a fierce Samurai. The two instantly remember the connection they once shared and begin to fall in love. Unfortunately, Muse A captures the attention of an abusive Shogun (Muse C) who will do anything he can to keep Muse A to himself.

Muse A is in the midst of fulfilling their life-long dream of travelling the country. They’ve packed the bare minimum of supplies and gassed up their vehicle to spend the summer seeing the beautiful sights of the country. Things go perfectly for weeks, but in a horrible turn of events, Muse A’s vehicle suffers a breakdown. On top of that, their cell phone has no reception in this area. Muse B is a resident in the town that Muse A is currently driving through. Muse A approaches Muse B’s door and begins to introduce themselves and explain their unfortunate circumstances. Muse B is absolutely not in the mood to listen to Muse A’s woes, tapping their foot, drumming their fingers, looking over their shoulder back into the house - all in an effort to get the point across to Muse A that they are not particularly interested in getting involved.

Muse B is on the verge of pushing Muse A out of their personal space and slamming the door in their face when the storm sirens sound. The sky becomes an eerie muddy green. The winds begin to violently gust. Despite their irritation with the unwelcome interloper, Muse B can’t just leave Muse Aoutside when there is a potentially dangerous storm rolling in. They insist Muse A come down to the basement with them and wait out the weather.

Muse A doesn't get out much, they're very shy and lonely, but have a crush on their next door neighbor, who barely notices their existence. One night Muse A notices Muse B throwing a masquerade party next door and takes their chance to dress up and have the night of their lives with their crush without being embarrassed or nervous.

Muse A and Muse B are pretty sure they're in love. Most of the time they're absolutely sure. Some nights, that changes. Neither are model citizens. He drinks too much, stays out all night and comes home smelling of perfume and booze. Has punched multiple holes in the walls of their trailer. She got him hooked on drugs, loves making him jealous though she'd never cheat, and lives for the thrill of their fist fights when she's high. Neither of them are particularly good to each other. But they've got a baby and a history together and there's just too much there to give up on. This story will follow their initial meeting, through the process of their falling in love, and then grow darker with mutual domestic abuse, unplanned pregnancy, cheating, etc. Not for the faint of heart - trigger warning.

The organized, responsible Muse A (female) and polite, kind Muse B (male) have been best friends their entire lives, but it's been strictly platonic despite teasing. Muse A meets Muse C (female) in college and the two become inseparable. Muse A even introduces Muse C to Muse B and they quickly begin dating. During winter break, Muse A invites the two of them and her long-term boyfriend, Muse D, to her parents ski cabin in the mountains, where the group eventually gets snowed in during a blizzard. When it surfaces that Muse C and Muse D are sleeping together behind everyone's backs, there's no escape, and the group must deal with the drama head on until they can escape the torture.

The Muses are best friends, but Muse A is in an abusive relationship. They’ve secretly been in love but couldn’t admit it for fear of Muse A being beaten even worse. One night Muse A is beaten and is either taken to the hospital and Muse B meets them there or Muse A shows up at Muse B’s house. (Muse A could have a baby/toddler, and Muse B ends up being a real father to the kid.)

Muse A is on a day-long drive to an out of town business meeting. They couldn’t ask for much more in life, being blessed with a loving partner that supports them, a beautiful home, and a well-paying job that leaves them happy and fulfilled. They are the eternal optimist, always trying to find the best in everything and everyone, even strangers. When they spot a hitch hiker at the side of the road, Muse A is compelled to stop and give them a helping hand, offering to take them along on their route to the hotel where their meeting is taking place. Muse B is on the run, having escaped from the state prison during a transport three days prior. They have shed their orange jumpsuit for civilian clothes, and changed their appearance the best they could, thanks to an abandoned farm house near the penitentiary. Muse B is desperate to get as far away from that hellish place as possible. They’ve evaded the state police for this long, there is no way they will ever go back to that dark, stifling, awful cell.

Muse A is exactly what Muse B has been hoping for - a one way ticket out of town. They share a few stories and generally enjoy each other’s company during the long, uneventful drive. Unassuming Muse A has no idea that there is a dangerous felon on the loose, but when they finally approach the state line to find a waiting police roadblock, Muse B suddenly pulls a weapon on Muse A and demands they get them through without incident. Once they’ve successfully passed the road block, Muse B reveals the truth, and Muse A is hit with the sudden frightening realization that they are now subject to Muse B’s plans.

Eager to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life for the weekend, Muse A retreats to the great outdoors for a little camping. Determined to spend the entire trip “off the grid”, Muse A shuts off their cell phone before setting off to find the best spot to pitch their tent. As the sun starts to set and the temperature in the woods begins to drop, Muse A is struck with the realization that they’ve left something important in the trunk of their vehicle [blankets, matches, cooking supplies, etc.]. Muse A tries to hurry back to the car while there’s still some daylight, but it’s not as close to the camp site as they thought and it isn’t long before they get lost. Breaking their own no-tech rule when they start to panic, Muse A is only able to get GPS signal on their cell phone for a few minutes before the battery dies. Luckily, Muse B is camping just a few yards away from where Muse A winds up. It’s Muse B’s first time camping and they can’t help but be startled by every snap of twig or rustle of leaves they hear around them. When they hear Muse A nearing their camp site, they’re relieved to have some company.

Muse A is the child of wealthy man living in a seaside town; they’ve always been afraid of the sea, yet oddly fascinated by it. When Muse A was a child, the ship they were sailing on was attacked by pirates and they were barely able to escape. Although the lure of the sea has always been there, Muse A has since refused to ever board another ship. Several years after their brush with pirates, in the dead of night, a suspicious ship sets anchor a little ways away from shore. Pirates make landfall and begin to pillage and plunder the town. The militia stationed in the town are quick to react and a fierce battle breaks out. With the perfect distraction created, the captain of the ship, Muse B, heads for the most opulent-looking manor. Muse B breaks in to Muse A’s home and begins to raid Muse A’s late mother’s jewelry. In an attempt to stop Muse B, Muse A steals one of their father’s swords and holds the pirate at sword point. Since Muse A has never had any kind of training, they are easily overpowered by Muse B. Upon taking a closer look at Muse A, Muse B decides that they are worth far more than any bejeweled trinkets. So Muse B offers a proposition; in exchange for ending the bloodshed and leaving port, Muse A must come aboard Muse B’s ship as a captive. Muse A is terrified, but they are kind-hearted and wish to protect their town, so they reluctantly agree. So now Muse A must face their fears and leave their life behind. How will they fare and what will their relationship be like with Muse B?

Muse A is a paramedic. One night they are called to a house after a domestic disturbance call. Muse B i s lying on the carpet in the living room in need of medical assistance.

Muse A does what they can for Muse B and when they arrive at the hospital feels unable to just leave them there alone. Muse B’s recover takes some time and every single day when Muse A is not on shift they come to the hospital room to visit Muse B and help them however they can. They bring flowers and books, TV shows, board games, sneak in the food that Muse B likes.

The two become good friends over that time, and those feelings grow for Muse A, they begin to fall in love with Muse B. The night before Muse B is to be released the above exchange happens and Muse B kisses Muse A. Are the feelings reciprocated? Can Muse B open up about it all and let Muse A help them heal more than just their physical scars?

Muse A is about to get in the shower one day when there is a knock at the door. She is going to ignore it but a child starts yelling out for help. So Muse throws a shirt over their towel and goes to answer it. A young boy is at the door and asks for help from Muse A but when Muse A lets the child inside a man follows him in. The man explains he’s the child’s father and has been looking for him everywhere. He apologises for the intrusion and asks to talk to his son and Muse A can go about their business.

Muse A shrugs and goes back to finish getting ready to shower, although Muse A isn’t going to get into the shower while a stranger is in the house. However the stranger follows Muse A. Muse A screams when the stranger threatens her and the neighbours come running. The stranger is charming to the neighbours and explains it was all a misunderstanding.

The neighbours leave and Muse A is once again alone with the stranger. The stranger pulls out a phone and shows a live stream of a woman tied up. Muse A recognises the woman from the news as being missing. The stranger says that Muse A is going to do everything that he says, each time she doesn’t, the woman in the video will be hurt. Muse A has no choice, she can’t let someone else be tortured because of her.

The stranger takes Muse A from the house with the young boy, his son and accomplice, with them.

Muse B is a police officer and arrives home from work to find Muse A gone, the neighbours say what happened and Muse B works out that the stranger lied to the neighbours and Muse A is in trouble.

Can Muse B find Muse A before it’s too late for everyone?

The plots above are not my personal creations - I found them on tumblr and really liked them. They were free to take for personal use.
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My chars would work with many of the 'pairings' ideas... I've got five chars in total, and four of them would work with multiple ideas.

Dracula: Could be a kidnapper, a master (he's a sadist), an older man, a millionaire (or billionaire rather), and a soldier (and maybe also an abusive; though he actually doesn't hurt people he loves)

Mihnea: Could be a master (he's a sadist as well), an older man, a millionaire (or billionaire rather, like Dracula), a dancer (your char could be a part of his crew maybe), and a soldier

Dracula's father: Is a doctor, could be a soldier, a millionaire (or billionaire rather, like Dracula), and an older man

Ioan: Could be a millionaire and an older man

So, basically, we could do almost all of them at the same time ^-^

I would be interested in doing an Assassin x Target roleplay if you're interested. I'm new on this site so I'll have to get ten posts in, so I warn you about that. (:
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CountDracula said:
My chars would work with many of the 'pairings' ideas... I've got five chars in total, and four of them would work with multiple ideas.
Are all of your characters male? Do you intend on playing with a male character, rather.

Do any of the plots catch your eye or did you have a plot in mind?
ClimbingClassTrash said:

I would be interested in doing an Assassin x Target roleplay if you're interested. I'm new on this site so I'll have to get ten posts in, so I warn you about that. (:
Gotcha. I don't have a plot fleshed out for it but we could figure something out and if it's good enough the. I would totally be up for it. :P
@pandification Yup... they're male.

I think I've got an idea, but it's rather loose at the moment. Maybe your char could be Dracula's student... like he/she wakes up at his castle, not knowing how he/she got there or something like that. At least, that'd be a beginning.
CountDracula said:
@pandification Yup... they're male.
I think I've got an idea, but it's rather loose at the moment. Maybe your char could be Dracula's student... like he/she wakes up at his castle, not knowing how he/she got there or something like that. At least, that'd be a beginning.
Feel free to PM me and we'll flesh the idea out some more. :)
pandification said:
That's awesome! :D if I could draw worth a damn I would have a LOAD of OCs!
I've had one of my more talented friends do drawings of some of my OC's for me when she wanted something to draw. She's done one of the characters I have that would suit this, but the drawing has now become outdated and I asked her to do a new one. But generally, I rely on descriptions, because I can't draw either and it makes me feel pushy to ask others to draw them for me.
Would totally be interested in a Crashed Boat or Plane Survivor RP! The whole stranded on an island idea has been something I've been wanting to try out for a while now!

And, I totally dig the Winter Break & All Snowed in Plot! But, I reckon that one would be more fun in a group where each person takes on a role of one of the characters individually.

But yeah, totally PM if you're up for RP'ing~

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