Feedback requested Leora Abner


New Member
Creator: EpiTome
Name: Leora Abner
Basic Concept: Wannabe Doctor Healer
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Female
Physical Description: ginger hair, right eye copper, left eye milky white, fair yet freckled skin, 5’5, extremely faded scar over left eye
Nationality: Vallenchen-Shorish
Languages: Vallench, Shorish
Current Location: Arbor Harbor, the Shores
Magical Aptitude: 4/10, mostly self taught
Motivation(s): learn and practice medicine as well as healing magic, love of family
Fear(s): Being deported or otherwise punished for being an unregistered magic user
Backstory: When she was just five years old she and her family left White Valley to live in the Shores. Her father had once been training to be a healer but when the War of Maldulelle’s Reclaimation broke out he fled with his family. Eventually things caught up with him and he was taken back to White Valley. There he was conscripted into military service. His family, including Leora, was allowed to stay in the Shores. The incident that led to her father being conscripted was the same one that caused Leora to go blind in one eye.

Throughout her teenage years she did her best to study both magical healing arts and non-magical medicine. Now, at twenty years old, she feels she is faced with a decision. Does she embrace magic more or pursue medicine more? She’s chosen both so far but it seems to her she can only continue like this for so long.

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