

Worlds Best Roleplayer Award

Name: Leonardo Raphael James

Age (19-21): 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: American, Canadian

Birthday: January 27

Zodiac: Aquarius

Current Residence: Toronto, Brampton, Canada

 Major: Literacy, Comic Sketching

Height: 5'10

Weight: 208 lbs.

Eye Color: Light blue

Hair Color: Brown

Build: Athletic muscular build


Has a series of tattoos along arms and torso.

Birth Marks/Scars: None.

Clothing Style: Leo prefers to wear a western themed setting of clothes. Usually wearing pointer shoes, his black jeans and buckle with a plaid shirt on he also follows a bit of a farmer vibe.


Personality Traits (5-, 5+): Kind-Hearted, Witty, Caring, Loyal, Calm, Laid-Back, Part-Time Show off.

Likes (10+): To sing, play the drums, draw, swim, show off, Flirt, MTV, Surfing, Nice people, Easy going personalities, Beer.

Dislikes (10-): Jerks, Unloyalty, Betrayal, Liars.

Fears (2-3): No use in life, not accomplishing his goals, dying last in his family, being alone.

Quirks (3): Always waits five rings before picking the phone, hums, makes drum beats with foreign materials when bored (pens, pencils etc.)

Negative Traits:  Too much of a show off at times, one ups people.

Bio (1-2 Paragraphs): Leo grew up a terrible  life in Queens New York with his family. At a young age he showed exceptionally gifted skills in comic creation but was

abused by his father, saying that writing comic was "sh!t". His mother had attempted to come to his rescue one too many times, getting beaten by his drunk father.

 Leo was later contacted by the police as his mother telephoned 911. His father pleaded innocent in court and was sentenced to forty years of soft labour.

With the support he needed, Leo attended many elite art schools, becoming a writer of his comic book "Super-Kids." A novel about three teens with abnormal abilities 

who decided to help the world fight against their polar opposites. As he became older he moved back to Canada at about age eighteen to attend McMasters University, while in the country he met Mark of whom introduced

him to the others, forming a close bond with each of them.


Abraham James: Father, Prisoned.

Lucy James: Mother, Alive.

Layla James: Sister, Alive

Medical Issues: Allergic to dogs.

Relationships (With other 6 Characters): Leo has a close bond with each of them. He is currently crushing on 


Anything Else: nope

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