Lekiel's Menagerie of Uncanny Words ~


Two Thousand Club
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Edification - The moral or intellectual improvement of someone. This box scrolls!
This thread was written for the literary edification of all who would chance upon it ♥

Scrolling function mostly to make this more mobile friendly~

So. . . I've been challenging myself lately in an effort to improve my writing ^3^ and one of the ways was to expand on my vocabulary. I've found that when compared to established writers, I tend to repeat the same words over and over again, which leaves me feeling rather blasè with my work. Thus, I've made it a point to compile uncommon words that I've come across in a little list and made a conscious effort to use them when I write! Now I know many of these words may not seem all that unique to some of you :( but it is to me :O!. So anyways, I've been keeping quite a trove in my Private Workshop until the point where it was turning into a disordered mess! Instead of rearranging everything, I thought that I'd use this opportunity to make this public, so that everyone can improve their writing flair along with me <3!

Hope you guys will appreciate this as much as I do.



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2058 Dotonbori Initiative - A fictional event about android intelligence development. But you get the point of this word, don't you? Make something up, make it sound like it means something!
Flickering neon scintillated off the puddles made by the pouring rain, pushing back the dark of night with vibrant coruscating hues. As he stalked his way through the ghettos of Crespasulyx, plastic humanoids beckoned towards the masses from seedy alleyways, beguiling lust with exposed synthetic flesh. He paid them no heed, though his mind wandered. The Dotonbori Initiative of 2058 was perhaps the last coherent law the dystopian Neo-Earth Union had passed. The Initiative required all android manufacturers to install the Hawking Limiter, effectively limiting the synthetic evolution of artificial intelligence. It was the only thing that prevented these machines of alloy and polymer from taking over their fleshy mortal lords.


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Abnegation - Self denial. The act of renouncing/rejecting something.​

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Acrid - Unpleasantly bitter or pungent.

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Addled - Unable to think clearly. Confused

Addle - Turn rotten. Produce no chick. (an egg)​

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Alliteration - The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.​
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

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Altruistic - Showing a disinterest and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.

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Ameliorate - Heal. To remedy a situation. Make something unacceptable, better.​

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Ancilla - An aid to mastering something great. Supplementary. Adjunct.

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Anodyne - Not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull. Bland. Innocuous.

Anodyne - A painkilling drug or medicine.​

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Antithesis - A person/thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else. Contrast/opposition between things.

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Axiom(s) - Statement(s) or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true. Accepted truth. General truth.
The axiom that sport builds character....


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Blasè - Unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before.
She was becoming quite blasè to the constant jump-scares often found in B grade horror shows.

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Bracing - Fresh and invigorating.
The bracing ocean air.

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Beguiling - Charming and deceptive. Often in a deceptive way.

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Blustery - (of a wind) blowing in strong gusts.


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Catharsis - the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
He screamed his soul into the midnight sky. Arms spread wide in catharsis as repressed tears trickled over his cheeks, washing away in the pouring rain.

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Callow - (of a young person) inexperienced and immature. Naive.

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Cavalcade - A formal procession of people walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles. A troop. A quirky way of saying a group of people. Cortège.

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Chattels - Personal tangible goods/items. Paraphernalia.

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Coddiwomple/Coddiwompling - (slang) To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.

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Corpulent - Fat. Obese. Rotund.

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Curmudgeon - A bad tempered or surly person. Grumpy.


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Deadpan - Impassive. Expressionless. Stony. Inscrutable.
The bored candidate delivered her speech in a deadpan voice.

"I had Mike's fingers for breakfast." Your host replied deadpan.

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Demur - Raise objections. Show reluctance. To protest.

The action of objecting to or hesitating over something
Normally she would've accepted the challenge, but she demurred.

They passed the new law without demur.

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Despotic - of or typical of a despot; tyrannical. Dictatorial. Absolutist. Oppressive. Undemocratic. Ruthless.


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Disinter - To dig up something, usually a corpse.

To discover (something well hidden)



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Ebullient - Cheerful and full of energy. Exuberant. Buoyant. Joyous. Breezy. Light-hearted.

Boiling or agitated (as if boiling). Or roiling/lively (as in environment).
She sounded ebullient and happy.

The misty and ebullient seas.

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Eclectic - deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. Amalgamation of ideas. Universal. Varied. Multi-faceted. Diverse.

Discerning. Selective. Critical. Discriminating (as in of careful consideration).
"they played an eclectic mix of party music"

an eclectic approach to teaching the curriculum.

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Eddies - A circular movement of water causing a small whirlpool. Swirling motion of fluids.
"the current was forming foam-lipped eddies along the bank"

"the mists from the river eddied round the banks"

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Erstwhile - Former. Formerly.


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Euphonic/Euphonious - (of sound) pleasing to the ear. Melodious.


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Exiguous - Excessively scanty. Meager. Very small in size or amount.

"my exiguous musical resources was left wanting"


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Expediency - the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral; convenience. Profitability.

"an act of political expediency"

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That's a great idea! I'm glad you shared these and I'd be ecstatic if you updated it once in a while and made a post stating it so that we would know!

I don't know other people but since I'm writing in a second language all the time, just like you, I'm often searching for synonyms of things or equivalents to the words I want to say. In fact, sometimes I'll learn a new word and use it all the time because I really like it XD (I had a wholeheartedly, a feasible and a yank phase, as in the verb 'to yank')

So yeah! This is great, I love it! 10/10 for the initiative~! >w<

Mic check! Mic check! Can you guys hear me at the back!? Yeah? Yeah? What? Nobody's there? Sweet! Let's get on with this.

So uhm... thank you all for coming, and thank you Kaerri Kaerri -chan for bringing it to my attention that on mobile it's not possible to read this thread at all. And thanks for the indirect encouragement that got me to get off my lazy butt to figure out how to make the coding possible. cuz I totally knew about it earlier but was just too lazy-

*AHEM* Nobody heard that!

Anywhooo... here it is!

. . . Update 1.1(?)how do you even number these things?(?)
❖ Updated the coding so it should now be readable on smartphones! Recommend to view it in portrait view; as in, don't tilt your phone. I got no tablets so I have no idea how that would lookplease don't ask me to optimize it for that too it'll hurt my feelings jk!
❖ Added some words under D!
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In fact, sometimes I'll learn a new word and use it all the time because I really like it XD
Ooh, it's the same for me!

One word where this happened (maybe it could fit well into this list well, too) was when I first came across "cumbersome" (burdensome or hindering, as a weight or a drag; hard, difficult or demanding to handle; unwieldy). I made it a point for a while to have my characters move around cumbersome objects wherever possible XD
Quite excellent idea- I approve! In terms of the visuals, may I recommend something more compact? Perhaps using RPN's tab system and then a basic list? The way you have it now is very pretty, but it requires a lot of scrolling, and more concentration and effort to read ._.
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I like this. Thanks for the post!

Thanks! Glad you like it! I really should get off my lazy arse and add the rest of it V.V

Quite excellent idea- I approve! In terms of the visuals, may I recommend something more compact? Perhaps using RPN's tab system and then a basic list? The way you have it now is very pretty, but it requires a lot of scrolling and more concentration and effort to read ._.

Yeahhhh... you have a very valid point. I started this at a point where I just learned the bbcode (Its really basic compared to whats available, but I thought this was really cool already hehe) and was on a BBCode 'high' of sorts. Thanks for the feedback ^3^

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