Story Lego House


Ridiculously Ginger
For context, elsewhere there was a creative challenge to make a self portrait in any medium. Therefore I wrote a story.

Lego House
There was a young boy who discovered the world. Of what he saw in the world, he built a Lego House. Seeing wonders, putting down experiences brick by brick. So much to discover. So much to learn. Building his Lego House. Now in the design of this Lego House, several openings were left in the design, like tunnels, so that you could always see inside. Be able to look in and remember of themselves.

As the the child grew,so did the Lego House. It expanded outwards with the widening perception of the world. Trying to get as much as one could. Though eventually, the child would find that there was only so much space without it collapsing, so would have to start picking what bricks to place. He decided he wanted to try and get the best possible bricks he could. Get bricks from people who he became close with, with experiences he took. Going further out, he reached to people with other houses. They were of big small, tall skyscrapers or humble bungalows, but they were all different in their own way. He reached out to those if they wanted to exchange bricks. And at first, he did. Some few would exchange bricks to place on each others house, show each other their houses they built.

Now and then, one person would try to smash their own bricks on his House without consent. Sometimes, they would try to steal bricks. Sometimes bricks were recovered and sometimes the boy would place bricks over the ones put on without consent, but they were impossible to try and remove, as though superglue bonded them. For what it was worth, he was quite content with his Lego House.

But then the Lego House needed to be relocated. It was going to a different environment. The Lego House was packed and taken by the boy to another land. Then, the Lego House was brought back upright. Some bricks had gotten loose or fallen off, but it was for the most part intact. The boy found a new world, and immediately went searching for bricks he had never seen before, though many were similar to ones he had known before. But this environment was hostile sometimes. Other kids would run at his House and try to kick parts down or place hideous grey and purple bricks on it. The child was confused. It didn’t understand why children were going deep inside his House and ripping parts out and replacing them with purple bricks. The child was scared, unsure about his House. He desperately tried to find bricks to replace them with, to improve his house despite the efforts against it. Searching for red and orange bricks, he only found yellow and some green. The green would stick well, but the yellows sometimes fell off on their own, which the boy wasn’t sure how to keep in place. More and more the found it difficult to keep it together. In desperate measures, he placed some yellow and green bricks to support it.

The boy would find several houses that he came close to. But there was one house where he let the other person come close and see all of his. They built a part of their House together, combining the houses. It seemed like it would go well, with the Lego exchanged being of orange and red colours, that made the houses so warm. But, the other person would this time bring this young male blue bricks. Confused the young adult tried to give them as many red and orange bricks as possible, some were even almost white. But they rejected the bricks, returning only some yellow ones. Confused, the boy panicked. Later, the other would come along and kick down the house, smash it to pieces, and rip away their own house back, leaving a mess. Threw onto it black bricks. The young male broke down when the other left, looking at their House. What were they meant to do? He had no idea how to fix this House.

He went out and found slowly a way to add protection to his House. The house was still being vandalised, but he would place green and and white bricks to fill the gaps, such that you couldn’t even see inside the house, like a fully solid shape. Once the young adult was satisfied his Lego House, solid as it could be, he went out again and went searching for red and orange bricks. He found some yellows, and after a mixed jumble of Lego pieces between people, some orange was found in the mix. The young male responded positively, and they began exchanging pieces, quickly building their houses together. The young male placed these bricks by himself inside his House, placing them on the outside of his House when he was with the other. Sometimes, blue bricks would have to be received, but he understood and built them to his House.

The house was looking quite good, and was shaping up well. But then, a number of green bricks used as support collapsed. It left parts fallen away under it, bricks scattered away of numerous colours. Soon after, the other was not satisfied with his Lego House, and that was taken away too. Some yellow and orange bricks were still exchanged, but the houses never joined again.

The adult male decided his house had to remain strong and solid, so that it could never be knocked down again. Strong foundations, more green and yellow bricks were placed. He communicated at long distances for the exchange of bricks. Finding several green and yellow, he even stumbled upon a pile of orange bricks. The bricks were far away though, so he decided not to build together with that house. Bricks were however exchanged and a promise made that if one is lacking bricks, the other would come to give theirs.

Then, he found a pile of orange bricks beneath some yellow house of one person. Oranges were exchanged, but before the red could be exchanged, the person left them two red bricks where the house once was, neither house nor person to be found. Taking the red bricks, he put them inside his house. Soon after however, he found orange bricks from afar. Orange bricks were exchanged, despite at one time a sudden flow of blue. Oranges kept coming and going, and even some red. This continued for some time, though the bridge between the two houses was difficult to connect and remain, for the houses were far apart. One time, the other person brought their house to his Lego House and a lot of red bricks were exchanged. But then, after some blue, the house had to leave again to where it was.

Soon later, it turned out the connection between the two houses had broken too much, the supports too weak. The other person lost confidence for they could never see inside his house, only managing to catch glances. Instead, they were constantly being given bricks by him. When the Lego House was exposed by him, there was a shock. It caused the bridge to shatter. The bridge did not hold, and the two safely disconnected their bridges after yellow bricks were exchanged

Thinking about what they had said, the man decided that he had to, instead of solidly building his Lego House, he would place a layer of transparent bricks for the outermost layer, and he built over all the black and blue bricks some green ones, which were purposefully easily removable. With this, the second inner layer was visible from the outside, and was easily dismantled to demonstrate his Lego House to another. He was happy with the design, and decided to figure out more what would complete the House.

It was then that he realised how many red and orange bricks were missing, seeing blue bricks or empty space instead. As he studied it more, he planned out the design of his house and to find its pattern, study how he had built it. Looking inside, the design was clear, and so were its faults. Looking for bricks to replace it with, all he could find was some yellow, but mostly blue. Of the yellow bricks he found, he tried to put them in places the orange and red bricks belonged. They hold the Lego House somewhat together, but it could still fall apart.

Sometimes, the house shakes and yellow and orange bricks fall off. When he goes to pick them back up and place them, he finds that they are now blue bricks, which he reluctantly places back, for he knows he cannot simply leave the brick aside. But as it is, he searches for a house that can provide and receive a lot of red and orange bricks, with a bit of yellow and blue to keep it stable. A house where he can easily remove the bricks that show where it is blue, and have the other exchange the blue bricks for red ones.

To make a beautiful warming Lego House.

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