

New Member
Hey guys, SunsetStealer here, but you can call me Sunset or Sun or, well, whatever you like I suppose. Not new to RP but I am new to this site, and I haven't RPed properly in about 4 years because I went off to university and decided that partying every night was more important. /sob. But I miss RPing, so here I am, baby.

I like long walks on the beach, KPOP and angsty male characters. Fight me.

I guess I'm looking for roleplay partners and people to create something wacky with. I prefer literate roleplays with at least a couple of paragraphs, but I don't mind occasional one-liners if the tone/ situation is right.

I'm really not into roleplaying with your pre-made characters - sorry. I want us to create RPs from the ground up, characters and all.

So...clearly I suck at introductions. Let's be friends though, yeah?


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