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Legends of Thrae


Adulting is Hard
So, here's the deal, I'm currently looking for a small group (3-5) willing to work with me on my project. (Beta testers in all honesty) To help up my post count. 

Please be willing to point out any issues I may have with my writing style (I've never GMed before) and issues with the workability of my system (It's only loosely based on fate)

Other rules: 

Fairly regular replies. (2-3 days, but no more than a week without notice)

Good spelling and grammar. (I need to be able to understand.)

Reasonable post length. (Try for a paragraph, please be at least somewhat detailed, especially outside of battle.)

(https://docs.google.com/document/d/12vHb-rayyY2K1qlII4oyV13KgYFv3gRVl1SYXyZ61FY/edit?usp=sharing) << that is the full document outlining everything I have so far. (note: I do have skill trees started, just that the app I'm using to make them requires me to finish them first or some such. So, yeah, they are available, but not in the document.)

Immediately useful info: 



Mortal humanoids, averaging at just over five feet, with an average life span of 95 years. Most are gifted with vocational magic, and will often train at the Graves for a few years to learn more specialized magics. They are ridiculously racist, though not to the point of violence, very modest. Girls wear long skirts, men wear long pants. Hair is worn long, and plants are common place in every household.


Immortal, almost feral humanoids characterized by ears that come to a point, and ears angled almost horizontal to the ground. They possess sharp, elongated canines, and cat eyes. They are gifted with an alternate form, and either force or energy magic. Averaging at six feet, living around a thousand years before choosing to participate in the release, a ceremony that is essentially a planned mass suicide. Clothing is usually simple, natural, and colored light the forest.


Mortal humanoids ranging anywhere from five to six feet. With a life span of about 110 years. All Tavrish possess a 'talent’ an ability ranging anywhere from understanding animals, to reading thoughts, to basically anything.

Appearance: Human. Lighter skin and hair colors

History: One of the two original species that inhabited Thrae, they are rascists at heart, though they try to not pick fights with the other species that now make up the majority of the population of Thrae.

Abilities: Vocational magic(necromancy, healing, pyromancy, etc.) And boosts when they are in forested, or highly natural areas.

Height: 5’ - 5’10”

Lifespan: 95 years (98 is the oldest in record)

Adulthood: 17

Fashion: Pants for men, skirts for women, modest, in dark colors, function always comes before form.


Appearance: Human. Darker skin and hair.

History: The original three Tavrish, Ammarilla, Gawain, and Shem (Amma Lynn, Gavin, and James (Jem) in the Tavrish language) arrived one day, out of the Tavrish lake. Though they weren’t entirely certain where they had come from in relation to here, they settled in quickly, and Gavin and Amma set about making a people for themselves.

Tavrish blood always breeds true, regardless of what other race they breed with.

Abilities: All Tavrish possess a talent, this talent can range anywhere from speaking with animals, to breathing water, to finding anything.

Height: 5’6 to 6’

Lifespan: 110 years

Adulthood: 19

Fashion: Bright colors, loud patterns, lots of decorations. Skirts are uncommon past about eight years of age, pants and leggings being the norm for both genders.


Appearance: Slightly human like, pointed ears that are almost horizontal to the ground, long canines, long limbs.

History: The second raise created by the Great Mother, as protectors of Thrae. They reproduce very slowly, and in the five or six hundred years that a female is fertile, she will often have two children, rarely three, and more often only having one. They keep to themselves, think themselves better than all the races, and are trained in fighting from a very young age.

Abilities: Shapeshifting. (Each fae has a secondary form of an animal) Magic. (force, or energy magic)

Height: 6’ - 6’8”

Lifespan: Immortal, though they participate in the culture wide, mass suicide called the ‘Release’ at around a thousand years of age.

Adulthood: 100

Fashion: Furs, feathers and scales of their animal form, or sturdy fabrics in greens, greys or browns.

Mates: Fae mate for life, and are fiercely territorial and loyal to their mate.


Appearance: Mostly human like, with pointed ears, the points sticking almost straight up.

History: The offspring of Thraeans and Fae, for centuries they were used as slaves, thought the Tavrish made a strong effort to free them. They have now been free for almost 400 years. With little culture of their own, most have chosen to adopt that of the Tavrish, mixing in a few aspects of the Fae culture.

Abilities: Elemental magic (fire, water, wind, earth) with a few specializations (Mixtures of two elements etc.)

Height: 5’6” - 6’

Lifespan: 500 years, though they only visibly age for the first and last century.

Adulthood: 70 years.

Fashion: they mostly follow the Tavrish fashion, though generally in more muted, or earthen tones.

Mates: Elves also mate for life, and are fiercely loyal.


Appearance: Much like the Elves, though with longer limbs, and larger ears and eyes. Skin is generally light, as is the hair.

History: When the first Elves were being tormented and enslaved, a certain group of them, subject to even more extreme tortures than the rest, prayed to the goddess Aerianna, who took pity on them, and gave them the blessing of air mastery, and gifted them with the Dragonlings.

Abilities: Air Magic, Dragonlings

Height: 5’8” - 6’ 3”

Lifespan: 600

Adulthood: 60 ish. (They are acknowledged as adults when they can reach the peak of Sky Mountain, generally occurring somewhere between the 60th and 70th year.

Fashion: Skin tight, for the most part, and rather provocative, aside from a sort of wing suit they wear while in the air, to facilitate easier flight.

Mates: Aelves mate for life, though fidelity is not a strong value they possess.


Appearance: Short, stout, and sturdy. Otherwise, human like.

History: Carved from Ordens clay, they have lived in the underlands since their creation. Being miners and master smiths, all the best weapons and armor come from the underlands. Dwarves have large families, a single female often have seven or more children in her lifetime. Very family oriented, and overly cautious around other races, they can appear hostile to outsiders found wandering the underlands.

Abilities: They can find nourishment in rocks, increased strength, increased weapon skills.

Height: 4’ - 5’

Lifespan: The actual process is typically hidden away in deep space of the underlands, but one would assume they live approximately 200 years.

Adulthood: 20

Fashion: Metal and leather, generally wearing armor, these dwarves are always ready to fight, and to win.

Mates: Dwarves generally keep harem like households, considering the extreme unbalance between male and female populations. Currently Females outnumber males by about 7:1, though the next generation seems to indicate the tables turning.


Appearance: Huge, muscular, overemphasized canines, and horns sticking out of their heads. Generally green ish or greyish skin.

History: Orcs, supposedly carved from stone by Orlen, are one of the least liked races, and rarely leave Dakkik, considering the fact that most other towns aren’t built large enough to accommodate them easily. Extremely violent, and with notoriously short tempers, most other races fear them. They follow a matriarchy, in which the females hold all the highest positions, and family names follow the mothers.

Abilities: Strength. Violence. Berserking (Upon consuming the blood of their fallen enemies, or allies, they gain intense bonuses to all attacks, and can ignore any injuries.)

Height: 7’+

Lifespan: 80 years (they generally try to meet a warriors death long before they reach a point where they can no longer defend themselves.)

Adulthood: 16-18 (adulthood is reached when they make their first kill. {animal, humanoid, or otherwise)

Fashion: Generally armor, or leathers.

Mates: Orcs do not have mates, the females often choosing the father of their child based on physical strength.


[SIZE=21.3333px]Base skills:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Skill [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]([/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]directly affected numbers[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px])[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Vitality [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](Health)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Strength [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](attack strength/power)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Agility [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](attack speed/ evade)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Intelligence [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](anything magic related)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Fortitude[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] ( defense )[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Charisma [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](better social skills/ higher chances of social interactions succeeding)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Luck [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](higher chance of a) social interactions succeeding, b) evading attacks c) scoring critical hits)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=21.3333px]Secondary Skills[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px](these are slightly affected by base skills, but skill points may also be spent on these specifically)[/SIZE]










Urrrmmmm, anything else, please lemme know. 
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I think the idea is kinda nifty. However, I have very little experience with tabletop-style RPGs.
It's quite alright. (Neither do I in all honesty)

I'm more than willing to help you understand the mechanics of it. 
Alright, as soon as we get a couple more people we can start it up. Do you have any idea which race and/or skill trees you'll be wanting to use? (You can pick pretty much anything for the skill trees, I just need to know ahead of time so I can work out a few layers of the tree)

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