[Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)


The Darkwing Duck of DnD 3.5
The woods have always been a place of limited safety... Predators might wander in from savannah, branches may rot out to kill a man as he lands on them, but the tribe was mostly safe here, in small huts latched into the largest trees. But that has changed since the new moon... No hunting party in recent days has gone with out something going wrong, ending in mostly injuries and a few deaths... a few members of the tribe are calling the woods cursed.
A figure walks into the village. Fearsome in one way, comforting in another. In appearance he looks just as another of the village, but he is a stranger to them all. He smiles briefly at those that look at him, but doesn't break his stride. His destination is to the center of the place, and there he sits. He pulls out a few simple objects and starts to roll them in front of him. They look to be simple bones from animals, it's very similar to a gamboling game that's done occasionally.

They roll across the ground as he begins to play. Alone, but the invitation is obvious.
There is a guardedness about the village's reaction. You haven't done anything threatening, but your basically casually strolled over every line of us versus them the community had... Not to long into this a muscular young man swings over to the platform you're on. He's carrying a large Manuahuitls. "Who are you, what are you doing here?" He asked bluntly.

[Don't forget to make one Belief off your sheet for the Physical manifestation you've made]
"My name is Yama." The deity answers honestly. "And I have heard of your troubles. Of the deaths you have suffered, the pain. It has garnered my attention, and I would offer my assistance."

He picks up the bones and rolls them out. "I would assure that your next hunt is successful. That death is visited on your prey and not you. For one hunt, you will be invincible. There is only one condition."

The bones come to a stop in front of the youth's feet. "Play a game with the God of Death."

The barest hint of a smile graces the deities' face. "You are free to refuse. I'm not a vengeful deity. Nor am I a greedy one. Simply play, and I will guarantee your success on your hunt."
"How could you have heard of our troubles, we have told no one." He asked accusingly to the odd figure.... Then the figure kept talking. "A game with the god of death... what are the stakes?" He asked, a little nervous.
"That you play a friendly game. That's it." Yama gives a small chuckle. "Of course, more than a few people would hesitate at just that. They would wonder if I am lying, or am tricking you. Thus is the risk. You have to trust that I will hold fast to my word. So in essence, the question is, are you willing to trust me?"

He waves his hand to the bones.
He thinks, pausing... before sitting down. "If you could be lying about there being no stakes, you could be lying about being a god at all."
"I like you!" The deity laughs and starts off with a roll. "I'm fully capable of being flashy if you want. It's just not something I would personally enjoy to be quite honest. I'm one to let you do what you will. The best things in life are things that you earn."

"You will note that there are markings on each bone. One to four. It's a fairly simple game. Higher wins. All ones trumps all, and all fours makes us re-roll." Yama smiles. "Best out of three sounds good to me if you are indifferent."
The bones roll across the ground and slide to a halt.


"Oh, not good, but not bad either. Six is rather average for this game."
"One for me, and one for you."


"Or it might be two for me." Yama murmurs. "Luck is always a fickle beast."
"Ah, I was hoping for your win to be honest." Yama states with a laugh. "Had a wise saying and everything thought up. Alas, luck stated otherwise."

The deity gets to his feet and smiles. "Hunt well. I will grant you my protection. There shall be no deaths for you and yours until you bring home a feast Thus says Yama god of Death. "

And with that the diety vanishes.
The hunter blinked a bit at the god's disappearance... It certainly led credence to his claims of power if nothing else. He spent the next two hours calling together a hunting party to end the atrocity in the woods, once and for all. By the end of that time he'd called together a group of 16 adults, most male, but three of the tribes more fit and strong willed females were among their number. They set off.

[What type of buff or miracle do you plan on giving them, if any?]
Yama watches them with a careful eye. He has limits. As powerful as he is, he does have limits to what he can do. But he also is committed to this path. He will be certain these people are safe.

(Lets see if I do this right. Buff: Increased durability (Very hard to kill) . Significant 4. +1 for one conflict. -2 Primary domain. -1 in Harmony (Transformation) +1 followers. 3x4 =12 belief. Done twice to hit them both gets me 24 belief.)
{Ok, a few things. 1) 1+1+1-2-1=0, round up to 1 which is minimum, so the cost factor of buffing ten of them this way is 1, but then again, the cost of buffing up to 100 of them this way is still 1... with an end cost of 4. 2) Assuming this is an significant alteration, you have to choose between giving them a static +2 on these dice, or increasing their dice size by two. 3) What ever is causing this string of 'bad luck' in the woods, hasn't been detected until now, and might not be without divine support in that matter}

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