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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways


Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
The hero succeeded, Ganon is sealed away forever, or so everyone thinks. Now on top of being in the modern age Hyrule, where things that were once normal are seen as weird, there is no Link or Zelda in sight. Ganon returns and takes over the kingdom of Hyrule, ruling it as a dictator, bringing back the old ways.

A group of people(humans, Hyrulians or Garudo), not quite normal, not quite weird, find some ruins after wandering through the Lost Woods, inside that ruin are several items once used by past heroes, the Deku tree tells them that they need to use those items to save their world from Ganon, though they need to learn how to use the items effectively, to do that they need to travel to the past.

If you haven't posted within two weeks without notice about your whereabout you have an extra week to post before you get kicked
No Mary/Gary sues
Basic RPN site rules
No bullying
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It's a normal day in the kingdom of Hyrule, it's a sunny and warm day and the school, which was rumored to be the castle once, is having a school festival, so it's bustling with activities.

Rosalyn is at one of the food stalls, having her hair in a braid so it doesn't get in the way of helping make the food, she's supposed to be at the dance performance later that day though. She has her bag with the cloak close by just in case, she woke up feeling awfully uneasy that day and her grandparents told her she was just nervous to be dancing in front of so many people even though she has done that since she was a kid, which is the only reason why she's joining the performance in the first place.

When she has her break she goes to leans against a tree in the shade "Should've brought my sunglasses with me." she mumbles while looking at the sky, she also doesn't get why her grandfather insisted she's take those weapons with her that morning, not that anyone else would grab or see it, bags worked very weird and fascinating in Hyrule she noticed, everything fit in it and everyone always grabbed what they needed instead of first grabbing every unneccesary item they may need later.

SheepKing SheepKing BlueXBlood BlueXBlood (you can post)
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre DracoNightshade DracoNightshade (you guys can't post yet)
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"Haa!" Sara sent her hawk to attack a designated target, demonstrating Ordon falconry for the people and just how effective the bird could be.
"I can't wait til I'm finished." Sara thought to herself as the bird returned to her gloved hand. While she may have appeared confident on the outside, she felt like a nervous wreck around all of these people. "Why did I have to mention that I was a falconer?"
Sara mentally kicked herself for bringing it up while the school festival was being planned. Apparently, falconry was not a common practice in Castle Town so her teacher got permission from the headmaster to have Sara demonstrate at the festival... On stage... In front of hundreds of people.
"Quit that Sara! This is not the time to be thinking about that!" Sara eventually finished her performance, allowing the strong bird to fly away with a chunk of meat in its talons. As soon as Sara was off the stage and out of sight, she breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't think I ever want to do that again."
Seeing the falcon why off in the distance makes Rosalyn realize that she's probably up soon with the others, they had somehow made a dance routine that mixed most traditional dances together without looking too weird or out of place, but they hadn't decided who'd go in front yet with the different parts, so they'd do that, go back to the stalls since they had guests performing and then they'd be up. However when she enters the building she suddenly stops as the restless feeling grows worse, like they absolutely shouldn't be in the old castle, but she shrugs it off and heads to the meeting room.
SheepKing SheepKing DracoNightshade DracoNightshade BlueXBlood BlueXBlood


Amidst the hustle and bustle of the school festival, a pink haired girl sat in the gymnasium, nestled between dance mats and a textbook clutched in her hand. As she squinted at the pages she could hear her fellow first year students move in and out the building as they transferred the various supplies needed to for the upcoming dance performance, a task that she too had been assigned. Yet, whatever content held in the book seemed to capture her interest far more, as she quietly murmured to her self, delicately tracking a finger along the sentences. It was only when one of the dance mats was suddenly lifted that the pink haired girl was reminded of the pressing task at hand. Holding up the mate in question was a bespeckled Sheikah girl, one of her classmates.

Dia! Seriously, this is like the third time you’ve snuck off! C’mon help me carry this to the stage. I swear you were so eager to join the dance routine but oh ho ho once it’s time to put the effort in you go ahead and dip…

She hurriedly slid the book away as she scrambled from out the crevice, “Ah! I’m Sorry! I promise I won’t do it again. It’s just…“

For a brief moment she glanced back to the textbook, a contemplative expression stretched upon her face. But, she shook her head.

“N-never mind. You said to the stage, right?”

The pink haired girl lifted the other end of the dance mat, and without another word the two girls left the gymnasium, crossing past the festival.

This was Dia. She’d only transferred to the school a few months ago and was still having a bit of a struggle getting used to….well, everything. Going from her small town home in Holodrum to the chaotic environment of Castle Town would leave anyone with at least some culture shock, and Dia was no exception. Still, she had been doing her best to immerse herself within the school environment, joining the dance club and even signing up for the performance this festival. But, even her love for the art of dance wasn’t enough to save her from her worries.

After all, being tasked with finding an ancient relic of your people would leave anyone at least a little stressed out. Not to mention, said relic could have very well been a myth for all she knew, and traveling to Hyrule in search might very well amount to nothing more but a goose chase. But, she couldn’t just give up now. Not when there was so much on the line. So, between the careful balance of school life and dancing, Dia had taken every chance she could to study any possible leads, even if it meant sneaking away just to read a few more pages of the history textbook she’d borrowed. But caught in the act, now all Dia could do was help with the dance performance, even if her thoughts remained elsewhere.

The two girls walked through the festival, as Dia glanced at the various stalls and activities set up. Off in the distance she could spot the stage, where a student seemed to be aim the midst of their performance, the falcon flying about likely apart of it. Dia and the other girl would eventually make their way back stage, dropping off the dance mat with a huff. Her task done, Dia had just been about to slip off for the umpteenth time when the bespectacled girl addressed her once more

“You should probably head over to the meeting room. They’re still trying to figure out something about what parts to give to who for the dance”

Still!? I thought we had that planned out weeks ago!”

The Sheikah’s response was nothing more than a shrug as she shooed Dia off, clearly uninterested in whatever else Dia might have wanted to say.

So, with her shoulders slupped, Dia trudged her way towards the old castle, adding this whole situation onto one of the many other worries occupying her mind.

Unfortunately Dia had forgotten to ask which room they’d actually be meeting in, and by the time she realized this error she was already more than halfway to the building. Maybe she could ask someone there? After all, most students were likely at the festival, leaving those currently occupying the building to most likely be apart of planning…at least that was her thought process.

Speaking of, she spotted a white haired girl by the school’s entrance, seemingly stood frozen like a deer in headlights as she looked upon the building. Yet, before Dia could catch up whatever has caused the girl to freeze up seemingly passed, as she disappeared inside.

She’d tilt her head in mild confusion, mumbling,

“…What was that about?”

But she didn’t have much time to dwell on that now as…she didn’t exactly know which room in the castle was their meeting point, and if Dia wanted any luck in locating it, catching up with the white haired girl was probably her best bet. So, she shook away her confusion and rushed to meet up with her, slipping into the castle’s open doors as she called out,

“W-wait! Are you apart of the dance performance!?”

Interactions: Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mentioned: DracoNightshade DracoNightshade
Location: Old Castle
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Sara, bit into the apple she plucked from the tree acting as her perch. The fruit was not just crunchy, but a good balance of sweet and sour. Granted, the first bite is always the messiest, with the sudden release of the juices contained her hand was going to be feeling sticky very soon. Not that she really cared, Sara's stomach had a tendency to override other feelings whenever it was empty. Finishing the apple, Sara picked another one from a nearby branch and made her way back down the trunk. Having descended safely, she quickly made a beeline for the stables, ducking and dodging people as she ran. She had a good friend that was staying there.
"Hey Onyx!" Sara called over to the black horse in his stall, neighing back in greeting as he lowered his head for his rider. Sara smiled and scratched his jaw before offering the apple she brought with her. Needless to say, Onyx was more than happy to accept the fruit. While she pet the large horse, Sara suddenly felt a chill run down her spine, instinctively turning towards the old castle turned school. "What was that about?"
Rosalyn pauses when she hears the question, wasn't everyone else aware who else was performing during the dance? She does wait until the girl catches up.

"I though we all knew who was part of the performance?"

She decides to push the bad feeling to the side for the moment, though she has her hand close to the opening of her shoulder bag. She just wanted the meeting to be over so she could go back outside and be out of the building.

She does wonder why she's feeling like that, she's been living in Castle Town a long time, but never had this feeling before, maybe she could blame her grandparent's books on myhts and legends for this, but she's also been reading them for as long as she can read and it's never happened before, outside she can hear the announcement for the guest dancers, a group of Garudo.

"Let's just get this meeting over with so we can go back outside.".

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade SheepKing SheepKing IcarusEm IcarusEm
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Wulf polished his lyre as he sat down in the seat pointed out by his large furry companion. It was tough not being able to see anything... Then again, this was his life since day one.
"Thanks Shadow." Wulf reached out and rubbed his dog's head before plucking the strings on his instrument, making sure it was properly tuned before the upcoming dance performance. As a member of the band, the blind musician had to be ready to play at a moment's notice, especially if he had to change instruments mid-song. Shadow on the other hand, laid down next to Wulf's chair, legs beneath him as they waited to start.
Wulf was lucky to be placed in a more open section as Shadow was possibly the biggest seeing eye dog ever seen. Big enough, and possibly strong enough to ride like a horse.
Just as the duo settled down, both of their ears twitched in response to something neither of them understood. Shadow gave a low growl as Wulf tried to calm him, despite feeling an unnatural chill for that split second. He then whispered. "What was that?"
Alys had been quite looking forward to the school festival. It was a time to enjoy oneself and see the creativity of ones classmates and the rest of the school. But it also held other opportunities. The chance to explore the school without skipping classes or sneaking in after hours for one. The school building had always been a subject of fascination for Alys. She'd heard that it was once the castle of Hyrule's former royal family, back when they used to rule the country. She'd always imagined it as full of secret passageways and hidden corridors and just rife for exploration. Yet she rarely got a chance to explore the building. Usually she was attempting to go from classroom to classroom without being late, or only had a couple hours of free time to rifle through books in the library to try and find a hidden mechanism that might open a wall. The school festival opened the day up entirely for Alys to explore. Sure, she had to help her class out with their game stall later in the afternoon, and she was set to show off some swordplay after the dance exhibit, but other than that, her schedule was free and she was primed for adventure.

Alys looked like your typical Hylian teenager. She was 17, with a scattering of freckles on her face and shoulders. Her copper-colored hair was cut short, so she wouldn't have to worry about it falling out of a ponytail, braid or bun while she was exercising. She was a bit shorter than the average Hylian, but her body was toned and lithe after years of practicing with a sword. Not that she really showed it off, even on a warm and sunny day like this, she was wearing a tri-colored coat--blue with green sleeves and collar and brown shoulders and cuffs. The colors were muted, so they worked well together, and it was clearly the accent point of her outfit, with her t-shirt being simple and black, and the whole thing nicely matching her blue jeans and brown combat boots. The only things that seemed out of place with her outfit were the rapier at her right hip and the bag resting against her left side. It was round and shaped to look like a bear sitting down, except it was light blue with white snout, chest and front paws and there were two white wings attached to the back of it.

She was currently in a hallway she had never seen before. The place was deserted and though there were large windows lining one side of the corridor to light it up, the sound coming in from outside was muffled through the glass. The only real sound was the quiet thump of her boots along the carpet. It was amazing how she had spent so many years here, yet always seemed to find something new when she took the time to look for it. She reached the end of the corridor and was met with a rather plain-looking door. She half-expected the door to be locked, but as she tried the handle, she was pleasantly surprised to find it opened with barely a squeak of the hinges. Beyond the door was a rectangular room, void of any decoration and with only one large window set in the wall. At the other end of the room was another door. This door had carvings along the doorframe, so long worn that it was difficult to tell what they had once been.

Finally, this seemed to be what she was looking for. The doorway to something adventurous. She crossed the room, her footsteps echoing off the walls of the empty chamber. As she touched her hand against the doorknob, a chill ran down her spine. It wasn't the feeling of excitement that she had felt at seeing the door, but rather a feeling of deep dread and danger, and the need to get as far away from the castle as possible. The room seemed to grow dimmer and colder, though the sun still shone brightly through the wind. The bracelets around her wrists seemed to freeze against her skin. Her whole body tensed and her ears strained as if she was listening for something beyond the room that might spell her doom. She was frozen in fear for a split second. Without even noticing her hand went from the door handle to the hilt of the rapier at her hip, fingers curling around it as if to draw it. The sensation went away as quickly as it had arrived and the room filled with light once more.

"What was that?" Alys asked herself, looking around the room as if there might be a sign explaining what she had just experienced. There wasn't one. She made her way to the window, her hand still on the hilt of her sword. Reluctantly she let go of the sword and instead tried to open the window. It started to move, then stuck. It obviously hadn't been opened in some time. She put more force into it and the window slid halfway open. The breeze hit Alys first, followed by the warmth of the sun from outside. She relaxed a bit as she listened to the sounds from the school festival going on down below.

With her nerves calmed, she turned to the door once more. It stood there innocently, as if it hadn't noticed the chill that had gone through the room mere minutes ago. She squared her shoulders and walked back over to it. This time, when she reached out for the handle, she expected the gloom and dread to appear, but as her skin touched the cool metal, nothing happened. She frowned to herself and hesitated, looking around the room, but turning the handle. She was just starting to push the door open, slowly in case there really was something on the other side of it, when an announcement suddenly rang through the room from the open window, calling for the Gerudo dancers.

She jumped, this time for an entirely different reason. If the dancers were going to go on soon, that meant she had better get to the outside stage area. The only reason she had been allowed to carry her rapier to school with her today was because she had volunteered to show off her swordsmanship as an exhibit to what ancient Hylian knights used to be like. It would have been better with a longsword, and maybe a shield, but she had been given a rapier by her parents and that's what they expected her to use. It didn't stop her fantasizing about one day owning a longsword and exploring Hyrule with it, looking for monsters to defeat. The school had probably expected her to bring a practice rapier, but she had really wanted to impress the crowd, and you couldn't exactly dismantle a practice dummy with a blunted sword. Either way, she would be in pretty big trouble if she missed her timeslot, or was late to it, because she had gotten caught up exploring and hadn't noticed the time.

Alys pulled the mysterious door shut with only a small modicum of regret, she could always come back later, and quickly made her way back down the various hallways until she got to the corridor leading to the main entrance. As she approached the main entrance she paused, her hand drifting towards her rapier again, but for a different reason this time. She remembered the strange looks she had gotten before her exploration, and the people giving her a bit of a wide berth, their eyes always tracking down to the sword at her hip. She was allowed to have it, but it obviously made people uncomfortable for her to walk around with it like it was normal. She wished it was normal. At times she felt like she'd been born in the wrong era.

With a sigh, the girl unclipped her rapier from her belt and put it in her bag. The bag wasn't very large and she hung it with the strap across her torso, like a purse. Yet somehow she was always able to put whatever she wanted inside, as long as it fit in the opening. The rapier slid into the bag with no problem and she suddenly felt very exposed, and very uncertain without the weapon at her side. She remembered the feeling in the empty room before, the feeling of doom and dread lying in wait and shivered. She switched her bag so it was hanging off her other shoulder, allowing the bag to rest on her right side, so she could easily grab her sword if she needed to. She couldn't think of a reason she would actually need it, aside from her demonstration on stage, but she felt better having it within easy reach of her dominant hand.

As she exited the castle, she passed by two girls, one with white hair and the other with pink, and caught a snippet of their conversation. They were talking about dancing, and she hoped she hadn't missed the exhibit. Once outside she took a second to breathe in the fresh air and let the sun warm her skin again, pushing that strange feeling of doom she had gotten to the back of her mind, before making a beeline to the stage. Judging from the chatter of the crowd around her, the dance exhibit hadn't started yet, meaning she had not missed her own performance. She let out a sigh of relief and ran her fingers through her copper hair. She still had time, then. But she needed to get her practice dummies.

She bobbed and weaved through the crowd, heading for the stables. She had elected to make the practice dummies herself, using hay and straw, rather than use the dummies she had at home. For one, the straw dummies looked less like people, so it would scare the audience a little less. For another, they were a lot lighter, and she wouldn't have to carry them from home to school. They were made of hay and straw, however, so she had elected to keep them in the stables, so they wouldn't shed hay all over the castle.

As she entered the stables, she felt it again, that sense of doom, and shivered as she spun to face the old castle. The feeling wasn't as bad as it had been when she had been in the castle, but she still felt a sense of foreboding, and it seemed to stem from the building itself. Usually she was eager to be in the place and exploring, but now she was glad she was outside of it.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a noise behind her and she spun back around, her hand reaching for the opening of her bag for her rapier. But there was nothing sinister in the stables, just a bunch of horses and one other girl. She quietly berated herself for being so jumpy as she let her hand fall away from her bag and smiled at the girl. "Hey. Don't mind me, I'm just here to get some stuff for my performance." A chestnut colored horse put his head over the door of his stall and gently nudged Alys and she reached out and gave his nose a soft pat before walking down the aisle of the stable and to the last stall. "Are you here to avoid the crowd," she asked the other girl, trying to make conversation. With all the fun stuff going on at the festival, it was a little strange to be somewhere out of the way like the stables, but the school was also over-crowded with so many students and visitors enjoying the festival, it could get a little overwhelming.
Sara jumped, not expecting anyone to be in the stable but herself and the horses. She turned to Alys, as she nervously confirmed. "Uh, yeah. I had just finished my exhibition and needed to wind down a bit."
Onyx nudged Sara's cheek as she continued petting him while explaining her situation. "I didn't actually want to appear on stage, but my teacher can be quite persuasive. Why did I ever mention that I was a falconer?"
Sara mumbled that last and sighed before asking. "Do you want some help?"
IcarusEm IcarusEm
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A deep rumbling can be heard from somewhere within or under, no one can be sure the old castle as red mist rises up from under it, the sky turning blood red, disrupting the festival and conversations about plans, not long after the sound of a slamming door is heard at the back of the building, following by a similar sound coming from windows being closed and locked by themselves, it appears as if something is causing the building to go on lockdown.

Rosalyn feels another chill going down her spine, this one a lot worse then the first one, before she hears the doors and window close and a quick glance outside shows her the now blood red skies, the sound of yelling is heard from several locations inside as people try to escape.
"Never mind the dance performance we gotta get out of here!" she tells the pink haired girl as she sprints towards the front door of the castle, taking the chained dual blades from her bag as she runs. Once she has the blades detatched from she ties one end of the chain around a window handle and the other around the door handle so that if the door and window are forced closed the chain will keep them open, hopefully long enough for everyone to escape from the inside.

The rumbling is louder now and accompanied by a very sinister laugh as the smoke rises up around the outside walls of the building, towards the roof "Ah I'm finally freed of my prison." the red haired man says as he looks down at the people, taking in the surroundings, spotting no Zelda or Link in sight he starts laughing "They thought they got rid of me for good didn't they?! Now there's no one to stop me from taking over this land!". As if right on que several monsters appear outside of the castle grounds and at random places throughout Hyrule "BUT FIRST IT'S BACK TO THE DARK AGES!!" he yells, lamps going out, electricity failing and so forth, causing a mass panic thoughout the country.

And for everyone with the tiniest bit of knowledge one thing is clear, the legends were true and right now Ganondorf has returned and there's no one who can stop him.

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade IcarusEm IcarusEm SheepKing SheepKing

"What in Hylia's name?" Wulf stood up from his seat, Shadow whining in fear as the booming voice echoed across the Castle Town. It was not long before he heard the screams of people fleeing for their lives and monsters charging. Needless to say, Wulf was fairly alarmed at this turn of events. "Shadow, down!"
Hearing his master's voice, the large canine lowered himself next to Wulf, allowing him to mount with little trouble. Wulf leaned forward, gripping his walking staff in one hand while holding onto Shadow's fur with his left. "Let's go!"


As the once blue sky burned red, the stable erupted into a cacophony of panicked neighs and snorts as though the horses knew something bad was happening. "Woah, Onyx!"
Sara rushed back to her horse's stall and tried to calm him down. While she struggled, Sara called back to Alys. "We have to get out of here. Now!"
Alys certainly understood the need to unwind after the show. She didn't get stage fright anymore, after years of exhibitions and competitions, but she still got tense and stressed. She did what she could to relax beforehand, but no matter what she did, that stress would build back up as soon as she was in front of people. She'd gotten used to doing her best even while stressed, but it was always a relief to get some time to decompress afterwards.

"Thanks for the offer, but I got it. You can relax." She would have liked the help bringing her practice dummies to the backstage area, but she had plenty of time to do it while the dancing was going on so she could certainly take more than one trip and she knew from experience how nice it was to get some time to unwind, especially after not wanting to be in the spotlight to begin with. She grabbed one of the dummies and lifted it with ease. It wasn't heavy, but it was a bit awkward to carry. As she neared the entrance to the stables, a rumbling started. She stopped, putting the dummy down and looking at the castle with apprehension. She really started to get worried as red mist began rising up around it.

"What the...?" This didn't seem like it was part of the festival. Under the sound of rumbling she could hear slamming and saw the windows of the castle closing themselves in quick succession. Her hand dove into her bag and pulled out her rapier. She didn't draw it yet, even though that feeling of doom she had felt earlier returned stronger than before, but she did clip it to her belt so she could draw it at any time.

She could hear the horses panicking behind her and was about to go back in to try and calm them when she heard laughter and a voice gloating. It took her a moment to spot the figure near the roof of the castle. She had no clue who he was, but she felt a shiver go down her spine at the sight of him. She felt like she should know him, that she had heard of this red-headed man and his aura of malice before, but she couldn't quite remember. The memory was hazy and foggy and she didn't have the time right then to try and figure it out.

At the sound of the other girl's voice, she went back into the stables. "We should hurry, too. The castle's closed itself off, there's no telling if the grounds themselves will seal off too or not." The old castle was, of course, situated on an island in the river. It made sense back when it was actually used as a castle, because it was more defensible, and the enemy would be forced to use one of the bridges to get to the grounds. It made it very picturesque as a school as well. But now, with the appearance of the red-headed man and the castle magically closing itself, there was no guarantee that the bridge wouldn't collapse or something. Even if they didn't, they were soon going to be swarming with people trying to get out of the area.

She looked at the chestnut that had greeted her just a few minutes ago. His eyes were wild with fear and he was stomping his feet on the ground as he whinnied. She knew how to ride, but she hadn't spent much time with horses. Alys looked at the other girl, trying to match what she was doing to calm the horse. It took a minute but she finally got the horse calm enough that she felt comfortable slipping into the stall with a saddle and a bit and reins. She saddled the chestnut as quickly as her fumbling fingers would allow.

"We'll have to lead the horses out, I think. We might accidentally trample people if we try riding them across the bridge." She wanted to stay, to make sure everyone else got out safely, too, and to stand up against the man who had appeared, but she wasn't a fool. She could tell at a glance that in her current state, she was no match for him. No, the best thing to do would be to get somewhere safe and figure out what was happening. And she alone couldn't calm hundreds of people who were just as scared, or possibly more scared, than she was. Even if she tried, she suspected that might make her a target of the man.

She led the chestnut horse out of the stable, trying not to look back at the other horses still in there. They couldn't bring them all with them, and if they released them, there was the possibility of them stampeding and injuring people before they calmed down on their own. She just had to hope they would be safe. She moved quickly, trying to stay away from the crowd of people so they wouldn't upset the horse she was leading. As they neared the bridge, she let out a breath of relief as she saw that the gate in front of it was still open.
Sara nodded in agreement as she fitted Onyx's bridle and saddle. She did not like it, but Alys was right. As much as she wanted to ride straight out of the stable, Sara did not like the idea of collateral. She hated leaving the other horses behind, but what else could they do? With the horses in a state of panic, they would likely trample anyone in their way as they ran to escape.
Sara led her horse as she followed after Alys, not daring to look back. Reaching the gate, Sara turned to her new friend. "Any destinations in mind?"
IcarusEm IcarusEm
Hearing one of the front door shut and the chain rattling is giving Rosalyn a teeny tiny sense of hope, the chain holding one door and one window open, at least for now, she urges everyone to leave while assuring everyone she'll join them when everyone is out, if she could, if not she'd have no issues in breaking a window, if that worked. She grabs the chain and pulls it back when the window get dangerously close to closing itself, she needed help "Stupid situation." she mumbles, luckily the carpet's giving her some form of grip on the ground or she'd most likely slip and fall.

Outside the people are panicking even more, but a few teachers see some students and fellow teachers fleeing from the castle "There are still people inside! I don't know who's keeping the door open but we need to go and help!" a teacher yells, knowing full well that whoever it is will likely be stuck inside afterwards, though everyone probably didn't want to go back inside with the risk of getting caught and not being able to leave.

IcarusEm IcarusEm DracoNightshade DracoNightshade SheepKing SheepKing
Aruna had been enjoying the festival while somehow not drawing as much attention to himself as he thought he would be doing, but that was one of the many perks of being around so many different people he supposed, he's enjoying the dance performance from the guests from his hometown when the strange rumbling starts and red smoke starts appearing from under the castle "That's not good." he mumbles when the sky also turns red, yep, not good at all. He looks at the man who appeared on top of the building before focusing on getting people to safety, if they still could get to safety, with the monsters that are literally everywhere right now, though he's also concerned that the gates towards the buildings will close by itself and trapping everyone in it, his phone has no signal, so that's just great.

IcarusEm IcarusEm DracoNightshade DracoNightshade SheepKing SheepKing

Strangely, instead of running away from the Old Castle, Shadow charged towards it as though he was compelled to do so. Wulf of course was unable to see where they were going but he could definitely feel his mount duck and dodge as though he was going against the flow of people.
"Where are we going Boy?" Wulf asked aloud.
Someone's holding the door open. They need help!
It was not long before they passed the teachers and found Rosalyn barely holding the door open.
Heads up!
Shadow slammed into the door with his full weight before rearing on his back feet with his large front paws against the door. Wulf, on the other hand, was accidentally thrown off of the huge canine and stood back up. "What the heck Shadow!"
Flame Demon Flame Demon
Rosalyn hears the canine before the door is forced fully open again and she loses her balance, however since there's now extra chain length and she let it go, the window she was holding open slams shut "Shit." she says, there were still people fleeing the building, guess some students and teachers had been avoiding the crowd outside "Appreciate the help, but I don't know how long that's work." she admits before looking at the person that fell of the dog, quickly making the connection between the dog, as dogs weren't really allowed during the festival and stick she asks "Are you alright?", he did get thrown of his dog like that and in any other situation she may have found it slightly funny, but not now.

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade IcarusEm IcarusEm SheepKing SheepKing

"I've been better." Wulf dusted himself off and briefly listened before realizing where they were. "Darn it Shadow! We were supposed to be running away from the castle not into it!"
Wulf sighed as his dog growled. "You're lucky I don't feel like arguing with you."
Wulf turned to face Rosalyn. "Is there anyone else that's still in the building?"
Flame Demon Flame Demon
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"I think most of them are outside now, but I'm not sure to be honest." Rosalyn tells him and she rubs one of her shoulder "I'm actually happy you showed up, I'm not sure how long I could've held that by myself." she admits, it probably wasn't the intention to enter the building, but she's glad the dog decided to help out and she didn't want to be stuck inside when that maniac was in control of the castle, though if there were monsters outside then wouldn't there be monsters inside as well? She gets the chain from the window handle and puts her sword back on that end "At any rate, we should wait for a few more minutes before we leave the castle in case there are still people inside."

Aruna is at one of the gates, noting they hadn't moved an inch since the castle went on lockdown, but he's calmly hearding people towards the exits, he sees two girls with horses and walks over to them "Could you two split up and go to a different gate to prevent too much chaos? The gates haven't moved yet, so chances are they won't get closed, but people are panicking and I'm already helping out here to try and keep people calm, but I haven't seen anyone else go to a gate to do the same."

SheepKing SheepKing DracoNightshade DracoNightshade IcarusEm IcarusEm

"Alright, here's hoping we can get out of here soon." Wulf tightly gripped his staff as his elongated ears twitched up and down, trying to detect potential allies and enemies inside the castle. He would not have to wait long before he heard the flapping of small, membranous wings some distance between Rosalyn.
Apparently, Shadow had detected the same thing and barked in Rosalyn's direction before Wulf spoke up. "Get ready, we got company. And it's not human."


Sara looked at the tall Gerudo male that called to her before looking at another gate. "Alright, if I'm going to a separate gate, then we'd better get going before the streets become too congested."
With a flick and tug of the reins, Onyx turned away from Aruna and made his way to the other gate as he was directed. It took a little longer to get there than she would have liked, but that's what happens when you try navigating a crowd with a horse as large as Onyx. Once they arrived, Sara blew her Hawk Whistle and extended her right arm for the bird of prey to perch on her gloved hand. Now that she was "armed", Sara began directing the townsfolk to the exit. Giving direction from horseback seemed to give Sara an air of authority as people seemed more likely to listen despite her being a student.
Rosalyn turns around and she moves closer to the door "I imagine that is a sign that no one's left since we haven't heard any screaming come from inside yet." she tells him "So we better get out because I've mostly had practice against dummies.", especially if it's a small and fast monster, also she was really, really itching to be in fresh air right now. So she gently puts her hands on Wulf's shoulder "Exits that way, in case you can't really focus with all the sounds outside." she tells him, she's not pushing or anything, just hinting at him where the opening is while trying not to startle him. She needed to go check on her grandparents too, then get her horse from the stables at her house, though she's mildly confused as to why she needs to leave her family in the first place.


Aruna nods when one of them take his request seriously and he goes back to where he had been standing before, his height making him stand above most of the crowd and usually he'd resent that, but now it was quite useful, of course he's worried about his mother, but that was so far removed from the castle town area that he assumed she was fine, everyone at Garudo Town had training too, so any monsters getting in would be dispatched of quickly. With the extra help it goes rather smooth and soon Castle Town is mostly evacuated "What the..." he mumbles under his breath, his intention had been to go home, but he feels like he's needed elsewhere.

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade

"Thanks." Wulf allowed himself to be steered towards the exit. Rosalyn was right about the noise being somewhat disorienting. As soon as they got out, Shadow pushed himself off of the door and yelped when it slammed shut. As the three of them left the building, Wulf could not shake the feeling that he was being told to go somewhere other than back to Hateno Village. It seemed that Shadow had a similar feeling as he lowered himself to the ground in front of Wulf and Rosalyn. Feeling the mass of fur and muscle in front of him, Wulf mounted the large canine and turned to Rosalyn. "Hop on, it'll be faster than walking."


With the evacuation complete, Sara breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks guys."
Reaching into her pouch, Sara removed another piece of meat and gave it to the hawk on her hand before letting it fly back to wherever it came from. With the bird gone, Sara patted Onyx on the neck and was about to ride through the gate herself when she felt a strange compulsion to meet back with the Gerudo male she had met earlier. Deciding it was her instinct trying to tell her something, Sara urged Onyx to go back to the other gate where she met him. Luckily, he was easy to find thanks to his stature and head of red hair, both of which were hallmarks of the Gerudo. Sara called over to him. "I think that's everyone!"

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"If you're sure he can hold both our weights." Rosalyn mumbles carefully getting on Shadow as well and holding onto Wulf, she was used to riding a horse, not travel using a big dog "But where exactly would we be going?" she asks, she had seen the dog respond to Wulf's commands, but this came out of nowhere, was this some divine intervention or something, probably not since they couldn't do shit to defeat Ganon and useally there'd be a weird cryptic prophecy, but not this time or they would've heard about it in history class.

Right as he gets on his motorcycle he gets approached by the girl from before "Good, now we best get out of here before that maniac decides to close these gates too, though I imagine they're too rusted to actually move I'd rather not risk it." he tells her, his pet bunny shows it head from where it was hiding in his hoodie "Yeah yeah Carrot, we'll be out here soon enough and then you'll get some food." he mumbles to the animal, which makes a sound before going back into hiding.

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade

"Trust me, he's stronger than he looks." As though to prove his master's point, Shadow rose back to his full height with little to no effort after Rosalyn mounted him. "And right now, I'm really not sure where he's taking us."
Taking the last statement as his cue, the wolfish dog took off towards Castle Town. While he had never explored the area before, Shadow ran as though he knew exactly where he was going. Unbeknownst to the two riding him, Shadow was actually following what looked to be a fairy that beckoned for him continue. The reason Rosalyn was unable to spot the diminutive figure flitting about and leading the large canine, was likely because they were only invisible to humanoid eyes. Regardless, Shadow was eventually lead to Rosalyn's home, stopping in front of the entryway. "Any ideas on where we are?"


"Agreed. Any ideas where we oughta go?" While she glanced around, Sara could not help but notice the rabbit poking its head out of Aruna's hoodie and had to stifle a giggle. She never thought she would see something as cute as that today. Though, it was more unexpected that the little fella belonged to Aruna. For some reason, she expected him to own something even bigger so to see Carrot was definitely a surprise.

Flame Demon Flame Demon

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