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Fandom Legend of Zelda: Kingdom of Clockwork (OC)


Ray of Sunshine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Long ago the kingdom of hyrule lived in peace. Unfourtanetly that peace was not meant to last. The king of Hyrule was struck with a terrible illness that could not be cured. Soon the king died. His wife, the queen of Hyrule, was so grief stricken that she threw herself off of the castle's tallest tower. The death of the king and queen was only the beginning of hyrule's tragedy however. More was yet to come. The king had not left a will as to say who would become the next ruler of Hyrule. The Kings two sons each believed that they should be the next king. Thus they went to war. And what a bloody war it was. Hylians were forced to pick sides. It seemed the war would not end. Until the death of Princess Zelda changed everything.

Princess Zelda got caught in the crossfire between the two warring princes. Seeing what they had done the two princes dueled to the death on the spot. Neither of them survived. With no ruler Hyrule was certain to devolve into utter chaos. Luckily ganondorf, a friend of the Royal family, stepped in to fill the power void. He was an okay ruler at first. But as the saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely. This goes doubly so when your the reincarnation of the hatred of a vengeful God. Ganondorf soon became a tyrant, ruling Hyrule with an iron fist. The populace waited to see if a hero would come, but none did. Hyrule fell into despair. Now 100 years later hope has returned in the form of people with the blood of the ancient heroes. you are these people, you must save Hyrule.

And yeah that's a summary. This is a casual roleplay. It's rather story driven so I will do everything I can to get the main characters to band together. OCs only.
Yo BackSet BackSet , can our characters be of different species? Like, do they all have to be a Hylian like Link or can they be Zoras and Gorons and whatnot?
Also the fanon races are clockwork people called Clockworkers and kitsune (fox people for those who don't know). And I am the benevolent type who allows a limit of one special race character! (It's first come first serve)
Lol, okie dokie then :) Did you already happen to make the main thread and whatnot? As I think I've seen it before when I was searching for a Legend of Zelda RP to join, and I have found the perfect picture to use for my OC :3
Lol, okie dokie then :) Did you already happen to make the main thread and whatnot? As I think I've seen it before when I was searching for a Legend of Zelda RP to join, and I have found the perfect picture to use for my OC :3
No thread yet! I plan on using a new thread for everything since this is my second time doing this. The first one didn't get off the ground. I have three interests.
I'll totally join :)

Hey, BackSet BackSet , how's it going, my dude? :)

I'm totally down for this!

Woot! Zora boof

i am interested planning on making a shiekah,

ninja then just to mix it up

Greekgeek1213 Greekgeek1213 The Cobalt Killer The Cobalt Killer Karcen Karcen Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Y'all still interested? Because here's the IC thread.

Legend of Zelda: Kingdom of clockwork In-game

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