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So I have a plot idea but we don't have to go with it I'm fine making it up as we go or discussing stuff all I at least want is it set years later so I can use a next gen OC as one of the characters I play as.

My plot idea is A little while after book 4 Korra went missing after a battle no one could find her.

she washed up on a unknown Island home to town that keeps itself shut off from the outside world.

she's found by the locals but she doesn't remember anything but her name.

7 years later(we can always change the time and ages if you think another number would work better)
she lives in the town and has a 5 year old son and one night she starts having dreams of places she used to know but isn't sure what to make of it but is told by her best friend on the island that she heard the island leader say Korra was the Avatar but she doesn't know what that is but knows that the leader is up to something.

so Korra choses to take her son and leave the island and find the places she sees in her dreams but has to do it at night as no one is aloud to leave the island.

was thinking we'd either start on the island or after they leave depending on if you wanna play Korra or not or if you want to have a OC on that island.
I feel it would work best if your Korra for the plot but you don't have to be if you don't want to be her.

also thinking it be fun to have Korra to act differently due the memory losses and her new life like maybe she hates the idea of fighting and is scared to do so until more stuff comes back to her.

we can discuss more details if You're interested like who plays who and like maybe later plot ideas for if we get past this one.
And again we don't have to go with this idea if you don't want to it's just the main thought out plot I have

Also just knows my replies aren't super long I know that bugs some people so know that going in and also please don't try and only be one character it makes the RP harder please be more then one character and I'll do the same.
If you have a OC you want to be in it that's fine as long as they fit in the universe not like one you made for some other show.

Also I haven't read the comics yet I want to just know that as I know the comics are set after the show but I don't know what happens in them yet.
Aye. Could be that her mind blocked much of her abilities from herself to protect itself. And I do have a character with a rather unusual form of Firebending (which some, in the 'outside world' could likely assume him related to Azula  hint though he isn't).

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