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Fantasy Legend of Knights Lore Page


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At the age of ten, the Knights usually are chosen from a group of other children. They're made of either second siblings of nobles, orphans or children whose parents couldn't afford. They have to go through a series of trails, to find magical aptitude or a penchant for the style of fighting. If chosen, they have a chance at fame or fortune that would have otherwise most likely been unavailable to them.

Usually elemental, everybody has at least a small ability to wield magic. Mostly, people have a talent for a single element. Based upon how much they practice it, one can perform their element very well though there are those that have trouble and strictly focus on more practical matters since it can be hard to develop without proper training. Though people usually have elements, there are those that develop Healing magic or non-elemental attack magic (think telekinesis) and, in very rare cases, necromancy. Examples of elemental types include: Fire, Earth, Wind (not the same as telekinesis but can be hard to distinguish between), Water, Light (also known as Illusion), Shadow, and Wood.

Fighting Styles:
Mostly Knights wield swords (duh) but some support Knights train in the bow and arrows, knife throwing or healing magic. Within wielding swords, many have different styles whether it focuses on brute force or agility.

Right now, it is ruled by a King over a large amount of land and it takes up most of the continent that they reside in. There's only one civilization there other than them which is Lidel. It used to be much bigger before the first generation of Knights and it was the war between them that made them so famous. Right now, there's a peace treaty between them but some still harbor a grudge, though too afraid to take any action due to the size difference now. Oskenia, the country they live in takes up the majority of the west, and the capital Arrowbrooke (which most of the Knights reside in) is towards the southern portion of the country. There's other districts that separate the country up into smaller bits ruled by nobles but the district that the capital resides in is ruled directly by the King.
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