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Fantasy Legend of Knights CS


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If you have any troubles with coming up with the surface personality, just let me know and I'll help you out.

Character Sheet:
(ex: Sun Knight, Cloud Knight, etc)
Age: (17-22)
Surface Personality:
Actual Personality:
Notable Relationships:
(Friends, enemies, crushes, etc)
Abilities: (Magic, sword fighting, etc)

The Knights of Legend Shield Knight - David Thomas
Snow Knight - Veronica Tediar
Iron Knight - Nathan Ironfist
Fire Knight - Jackson 'Burner' LeVane
Gold Knight - Dramen Quill
Black Knight - Marx 'Void' Hawthorne
Moon Knight - Ada Foxx
Angel Knight - Leliana Asdread
Forest Knight - Louis 'Green' de l'Esclat
Cleansing Knight - Chelan Pasqel
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David Thomas


David was born into a farming family. Everyday he would wake up and feed the animals. When he became of age, 14, he was sent off to train as a knight. Before he left, his mother gave him a sword with a blue gem in it's hilt. She said," As long as you protect the kingdom, the sword shall protect you." When he arrived, he was picked on. Everyone else was of a higher class, nobles, tailors, knights, while he was a farmer. Because of this disadvantage, he usually spent most of his time training. Years later he finished his training and became a Knight of the highest order. When he went to visit his mother, David found out she was dying. With her last breathe she enchanted his sword with the magic of her family. Now whenever David is up against a foe, his sword will glow a brilliant gold. His swings send light energy at the opponents. He fights with honor, or doesn't fight at all.
David is a man of honor. If something isn't honorable, he won't accept it. He is usually a kind person, unless you are his enemy, then all bets are off. David is an intelligent man, knowing many strategies and battle tactics. If the moment calls
for it, David will even crack a joke.

He is usually seen as a strong and devoted leader, taking on many challenges. He has a work hard attitude and will attain anything by doing so.

As he is the shield of the group, he can take multiple hits. His skin is almost impenetrable. He also has increased strength.


He loves to go into the towns inn and sing for the towns folk.
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Name: Veronica
Title: Snow Knight
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Surface Personality: The Snow Knight is cold and calculating, with a knack for strategy and is often relied on to be the one to come up with a clever scheme. However, she is noted to be almost cruel, unminding of causalities within her plans and often has to be held back by the more moral Knights.
Actual Personality: Though clever Veronica may be, she actually wouldn't hurt a fly to save her life. A pacifist in nature, she hates violence in all of it's facets. She often has to force herself to play along with her supposedly cruel nature in order to be able to protect the people of Oskenia as best as she is able.
Notable Relationships: Tbr
Abilities: Snow/Ice magic
Weapons: N/a, wields ice as her weapon (ignore sword in pic)
Other: Collects pet cats in secret
Appearance: Young man, slighty above average height, 6'1.
Name: Nathan Ironfist
Title: Like his surname, "Ironfist"
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Surface Personality: Courageous, strong, heroic. He is willing to make split-second decisions and has few regrets over what he chooses. Very sure of himself. Very friendly to all.
Actual Personality: He is scared that he will besmirch the "Ironfist" name, and is constantly trying to prove himself, while not wanting to admit that he does it purposely. He is also very in tune with is emotional side, but never shows it, seeing it as a weakness. Nathan is a natural born leader, and hopes some day to become the leader of the knights.
Notable Relationships: Has many friends across the land. (None specifically I can say yet, but he is very friendly.)
Abilities: Can call upon his descendants, setting his "Ironfist" ablaze, allowing it to pack an extremely powerful punch for a short time. Can utilize fire in many fashions, such as releasing a fire nova, or shooting fireballs from his mini-crossbow instead of arrows.
Weapons: His very powerful Iron Gauntlet, and a mini-crossbow attached to his other glove.
Other: Has trained in hand to hand combat, if he is ever found out of his armor.
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Jackson LeVane
Title: Burner (Knight of Fire)
Age: 18

Surface Personality: Burner is a knight, who by his name, you can tell has a fiery personality. Someone who is unforgiving, trust to him is something that can be destroyed as easily as paper falling into a pit of fire. It won't return, and is gone in an instant. Slowly drifting, nothing left but the ashes. The memories. What used to be, but will never be again. It will never be reborn the same way. He is mellow, soft spoken, and quick to act. He will do what he must when he must do it, without any second thoughts. He can follow, or he can lead. But as he trusts you, you must do the same. He's honorable at all costs, without a single doubt. Burner carries himself lightly, and goes with the wind, he's slim, as he can be pushed easily by the wind. But he doesn't give up in any situation. He can be dark, and in his eyes is a fire that won't burn out.

Actual Personality: Jackson LeVane is someone who never runs out of energy, he's naturally loud. He voices himself all the time, and does things without thinking. It's hard for him being Burner, someone almost opposite him, but there was a reason he was Burner. It taught him how to be someone better, more respectable. And definitely more tolerable. Jackson is absolutely childish, and he likes being that way. Whereas Burner is more serious at constant times, Jackson will spit out jokes, a smile on his face, and especially enjoys when others smile because of him. Parties are his all time favorite, a time to let loose and be free.

Notable Relationships: Jackson has a few friends sprinkled around, though they're more people he goes to in times of need as of recent.

Abilities: Jackson relies on fire most often than anything else, metals are his best ally. He can use heat to the best of his ability, though they're skills he works on in training, as he'd never worked with them much before and needs to better master it. There's talents hidden that will one day be revealed to him. Even his body temperature can be unnaturally warm, which is unexpected because of his pale skin tone.

Weapons: Jackson fights with two long swords, one as a backup, sheathed, and the other in the tight grip of his right hand.

Other: Jackson has a soft spot for animals, and will typically do anything to avoid getting them in harms way.
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Name: Dramen Quill

Title: Gold Knight

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Surface Personality: Arrogant, Greedy Uncaring. He makes it his purpose to amass as much gold and valuables as possible. He doesn't want anyone to come near his gold and he will spend it any chance he gets.

Actual Personality: He is one of the most charitable people in the world he amasses all of this good and only keeps enough to make it seem like he is the richest ever. He cares for people he trusts and that's many people even if he doesn't show it.

Notable Relationships: None

Abilities: He is an excellent sword fighter he has trained ever since he was a young boy. Some say he is the best fighter. And he alway likes a good fight and he hopes to find some one who can beat him in a sword fight. He also can materialize golden swords that can fight with him but it will only last for a certain amount of time.

Weapons: He fights with only the sword he owns and the sword he creates.
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Marx Hawthorne

(The Black Knight)



Surface Personality:

Void is a cruel, unforgiving man. He cares not for the downtrodden or poor and he heavily punishes those that fail him. He is unknown to mercy and conquers his enemy without a single trace of doubt or discomfort, doing all that needs to be done to attain victory. Very cunning and often devious, Void is not above using any means to win, including underhanded tactics. No morals and no care for anything good, the only positives about the knight is that he is an excellent fighter, commander and he does fight for what he believes is right without wavering. Often holding disdain for those who act the goody-two-shoes hero theme, he severely dislikes knights such as 'Shield'.

Actual Personality:

Marx, despite his outer appearance, is a kind man. Benevolent with those less fortunate, although not in the view of prying eyes, it pains Marx to see the poor, injured or despaired. Loyal to a fault, Marx has a strong sense of morality and justice to contrast his supposed legend. To top it all off, Marx is also more of a pacifist, preferring not to fight and to use words and diplomacy to solve issues. Despite all of this, he is very good at playing his designated role without usually giving anything away, however it kills him inside when he goes against his own beliefs for the sake of being the Black Knight. The horrors he deals with are enough to drive a man insane...

Notable Relationships:

The legend of Void dictates that he is supposed to rival the legendary 'Shield' knight, but Marx actually has no personal issues with him.

Marx is a very skilled swordsman and quite an elite duellist. His skill with dual wielding swords is also quite an impressive sight as he is a whirlwind through enemy troops.

Additionally, Marx holds a powerful dark magic in him, imbued with the will of the Black Knight. It powers his weapons and armour, which are otherwise useless without him. His armour also disintegrates incoming physical attacks, providing complete immunity to straightforward non-magical assaults (although you can still hit him in the chinks, or just stab him in the face).

Marx's magic also allows him to spawn dark magic projectiles that have the same potency as his Void's Defiler, allowing him to fire barrages of weak magic bolts from the skies if he so chooses.

Marx's armour, Unholy Fortitude, also has a pair of wings that allow for limited flight. It's more effective for gliding than actual ascent, but both are possible.

Void has two swords, a short sword and a long sword.

Pinnacle of the Reaper - A long sword that is infused with a dark energy that slowly corrupts away material as strong as steel. The magic may surround the blade for combat, or it may emit dark energy slashes with attacks or, as a type of super move, a large dark laser can be shot from the tip capable of tearing holes in castle walls.

Void's Defiler - A short sword that physically increases the speed of its attacks, it may also channel the dark energy to fire fast energy projectiles from its tip. These projectiles cannot corrode steel as easily, but are deadly in penetrating flesh and clothing. Additionally, wounds from this blade do not heal, the afflicted area gaining the dark energy festering in it. Such wounds can only be healed by a professional High divine Healer like those employed by royalty.


Marx wishes more than ever that he was not the knight he is, but knows that he must as it is is duty. Being so honourbound, it forces him to abide by the legend even though it conflicts with the very idea of conforming to it.
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Appearance: On her toes, she stands at 5'10". She's lean and muscled beneath her armor. Light scars from spars when she was young line her knees and arms. The only noticeable scar is found on her right jawline.
Name: Ada Foxx
Title: Moon Knight
Gender: Female
Surface Personality: Somber, although well spoken and charismatic when she is addressed. She presents herself to act like a noble. She is supposed to act with patience and formalities. Wonderful in the public eye, delightfully sweet and selfless.
Actual Personality: Messy, if she isn't trying to be on her best behavior she lets her manners go and is a slob. Growing up in the slums, she was late to learn anything one would have to keep in mind being when being a prominent figure in society like manners, but in addition to that she also has a hard time abandoning her old lifestyle. She still hordes food, is unable to trust others easily, curses, and steals. She used to be a skilled thief to get by in her early life, and because of that she got very accustomed to fighting her way out of conflict as well. She isn't able to hold her tongue, and while violence is usually her second option in a situation, her first option is either running away or tricking her adversary. Despite being picked early in her life, she still finds it hard to lose her habits.
Notable Relationships: She realizes she struggles with her identity as a knight, and with upholding her own morals and adjusting to being a virtuous person, and because of that she either idolizes certain knights, or sees them as a great role model.
Similarly, her predecessor picked her up off the streets at an early age and provided her a stable home and food, and she respects that greatly, and she'll never admit it but viewed/views them as the closest thing to a parental figure.
Abilities: Thieving, obviously, but as a knight a lot of her abilities are light oriented. From simple luminary abilities, like having objects glow or making herself glow, she can also cause temporary blindness with great flashes of light. She's still working on developing her abilities, currently working on charging her weapons with light energy. Similarly, she gains strength depending on the cycle of the moon, being weakest when there isn't a moon in the sky as opposed to a full moon.
Weapons: A thin sword, light, with a very worn but ornate handle.
Other: She doesn't know what she's doing most of the time.

Is this ok?
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She is typically dawned in the armor about because despite looking quite strong and fierce in it, she is still extremely skinny and vulnerable to wounds. She stands at 5 foot 7 inches.

Leliana Asdread

Title: The Knight of The Angels

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Surface Personality:
The knight of the angels. What more could be said about such a title. Kind and caring are musts and while fighting isn't always an issue for her, it's still hard for her to land any dangerous, killing blows. Going out of the way to help others even if they continuously push her away. If any would ever need her help or her guidance then she won't hesitate to drop everything she is doing to help them with their problems.

Actual Personality:
Leliana is a woman who believes everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, should go her way. Whether it be hard fought battle or just some silly card game that she was invited to play. She constantly believes that everyone, even certain nobles are beneath her feet, only there for the intention of getting crushed by her soles. The world doesn't revolve around her, you see, because the universe does. She had a great difficult time sitting down and listening to these...ugh...peasants and pig hoarders. "Why do they need ME to help with their ludicrous issues? How am I supposed to help you dirty field grow from dawn to dusk!?" She would often complain to herself at night. Despite all this, she does have a sweet side but it usually randomly comes out when no one expects it. When dealing with children, that is the most common time for her sweet and generous side to surface.

Notable Relationships:
Ms. Asdread has many many "friends" all around the kingdom. Some do her favors while others sing praise to the kindness that resonates from her. She is on decent terms with the other knights but often than naught she doesn't interact with them much.

Abilities: She is trained in the art of medical expertise and even some magic that helps her when healing. Example: She knows a small amount of fire magic to help cauterize wounds but not enough to actually use in a fight. Of course she has also developed her normal healing magic quite well. Don't underestimate her.

Weapons: A simple sword and shield. She isn't one for fighting after all.

She believes that sweets and baked goods are the key to a woman's heart. At least hers anyway.

If there are any issues with my CS please bring them to my attention and i'll change it immediately. Thank you for taking the time to read it!
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"I, am the Green Knight... Last of the Companions!"
-Louis de l'Esclat
Name: Louis de l'Esclat
Title: The Green(Forest) Knight, sometimes known as the Last Companion
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Surface Personality: The Forest Knight is known to be very gruff and demanding, usually keeping to himself. But for those brave enough to seek him, and is able to treat nature with utmost respect, will earn an ally and friend of him. He can be humorous, protective to those he care for and can be sort of big brother figure. From time to time he'd even ride out of the forest aid those in need. He is also a drunkard and is often is found in the local pub. Due to this, he has a marked high alcohol tolerance.
Actual Personality: Louis is actually surprisingly quiet, and like his surface personality like to keeps to himself. He's not timid, he prefers not to talk as much. In reality, Louis is a broken man, having lost everything in one bid, everything but himself. Louis is only afraid of one thing in life, and that’s losing someone again. He is hesitant to befriend someone, afraid of pain that comes when a friend is lost. But he cannot dishonor his fallen comrades like that, and vows, with a bit of reluctance, to carry on their legacy of justice, as the last companion.
History: Louis was once part of a famous band of various warriors and fighters, calling themselves the “21 Companions”, their brotherhood was what made them legends. The 21 Companions were former soldiers, who decided to leave the king’s army for adventure in the realms. Some called them mercenaries, but they were known more of a band of warriors seeking adventure and justice, fighting massive beasts and protecting those who could not while asking for little in return. But the 21 Companions meet their end at the Woodlands of Kakar, yet their last stand is still remembered today. They had nothing in the forest, they could have fled at anytime, yet they held true to their creed and defended it to the last man. Companion after companion fell to the hordes, yet for every companion felled that day hundreds were taken in return, till it was just Louis. It was said that during his last stand, Louis’s was shattered in half, his shield was torn and ripped, and his entire armored was weighed down by blood. But he fought hard and strong, fighting till his last breath. This was it, this was how he wanted to die. Yet it would not be so, as a glimmer of green light busted into the seen, it was the Green Knight of old. The Knight of the Forest had arrived just in-time to slay the onslaught of dark creatures, saving the heavily injured boy. After the attack was repulsed, the Green Knight disappeared carrying the boy into the woods. Years later, a new Green Knight would emerge through the forest, the same forest where the 20 companions had fallen....
Notable Relationships: The inhabitants of the forest, as he is the protector of the forest and nature itself. All those who treat nature with respect will find an ally within him. He has also many allies, many warriors and rangers, that he had rode to the aide over the years.
Warrior Knight~ Served in the King's army, he is no slouch in combat.
Powers of the Green~ The powers of nature bless him with many powers, from controlling foliage to the sprouting new roots from the ground ensnare an opponent. Louis also possess healing powers and buffing powers that allow for him to enhance an ally.
Call of the Beasts~ With a hunting horn to his side, Louis can call upon his allies in the forest. From the varies animals in the forests, to forest spirits, even treekin will rise to occasion if dire enough. He can also mount various animals, from his his trusty steed to a bear, or even a great eagle, he get’s along with all animals.
Forest Strider~ The Green Knight has no problems navigating natural terrain at a good pace. It is also said that the Green Knight can travel in-between two differnt forest through ancient paths.
Sword of Companions~ Also known as “The Last Relic of the 21 Companions”. Looks like a simple sword, but it is said that the souls of all 20 fallen companions linger within this sword to guide their brother’s every strike. It is also said that in times of great peril, where the innocent need defending against great odds, the souls of the 20 companions will rise again to do battle alongside their green brother.
Great Oak~ A shield and a companion, Great Oak was once an ancient and wise oak, who took the form as a shield to accompany the green knight. He not only protects, but provides magical support as well as life wisdom for the Green Knight.
The Long Branch~ A spear made of wood that sprouts from the ground. Can be used as a javelin or as a lance.
Ashwood Longbow~ Self-explanatory, but the Green Knight does not carry it with him at all times. He needs sometime, but he can make a longbow out of fallen tree branches.
  • It has been known that the Green Knight takes naps. It has also know that he....latches himself to the ground, his armor attaching itself to the ground like vegetation. He’s quite visible when he’s taking a short nap, but when he slumbers for a long time, one might accidentally step on him.
  • No one has ever seen Louis's face, though he has given his real name.
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Pasqel is a tall and slender young man with soft - some might say effeminate - features. He mitigates the impression with a well-trimmed goatee. His long, medium-brown hair is always tied back by an ornately-decorated leather binding at the base of his neck, and the tail reaches the center of his shoulder blades. His golden eyes are a tribute to the Pasqel name and mark him instantly to those who are familiar with the kingdom's nobility. His neck and shoulders follow the slender line of his bone structure, but his arms are surprisingly strong for his build, a result of his ample training with a bow.

Preferring leather over more protective armor for its silence and mobility, one most often finds him adorned in light-weight brown leathers, an ornate dagger strapped to his boot, and a quiver slung over one shoulder. His longbow is often in a holster over top of the quiver and is only ever drawn in situations where doing otherwise could lead to dire consequences... either for himself or for his comrades.

The item he seems to hold closest, however, is nothing of such value as any of those mentioned above. Instead, it is a simple water skin strapped at his waist.

Chelan Pasqel
Title: Cleansing Knight
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Surface Personality: Pasqel - as he is more often than not referred to - is known far and wide as one of the gentlest knights, always seeking to aid others. He has a passion for curing the ill and healing the injured, and he often goes on long journeys across the kingdom doing just that. Many of those whom he has tended have termed him The Great Physician for his unmatched ability kingdom-wide and his excellent bedside manner.

The intensity of Pasqel's desire to heal has twisted his mind. He constantly seeks out the sick and the injured. The sounds of suffering have become music to his ears. If he finds none... he makes his own. Behind closed doors, Pasqel confines any who will trust him enough to let him shut his door behind them. Sadistically, he brings them to points of great suffering before finally healing their wounds... and doing it again. Rarely do his victims see the light of day again, as releasing them into the world would reveal his activities. As such, he is careful about whom he chooses as his next victim - selecting individuals who are unlikely to be missed or are likely to be presumed dead - and only retains one at a time.

Notable Relationships: TBD (Feel free to contact me if you have ideas.)

Abilities: Adept primarily in the manipulation of water, Pasqel is most well-known for his unrivaled ability to cleanse any infection, disease, or contaminate (such as poison, as one example) with his cleansing ritual. He is only slightly less skilled with an infusion ritual that increases the body's rate of healing through the hyper-hydration of affected areas with water infused by healing elements such as minerals and nutrients that the body uses in its natural healing process. Though his skills are not particularly useful on the battlefield, as the rituals take time, their healing power is second to none and, with extra time and effort dedicated to the rituals, can even include the cleansing of structures and the cleansing and healing of small plots of land.

Weapons: While Pasqel is not particularly adept at melee combat, he has some skill with a long bow and dagger which he uses to his advantage in combat situations. For the most part, he acts as support for the other knights, favoring leathers over heavy plate armor for its mobility and the silence of movement it grants. This affords him the ability to place his shots well and move to a new hiding location before being spotted by the enemy, making his ability to cover his comrades quite good. It also allows him to conserve his stamina for rituals of healing post-combat.

The item he most prizes, however, is a simple water skin which he keeps filled with purified water at all times. Where clean water is unavailable otherwise, this becomes the source of his abilities. While water is abundant across most of the land, clean water is a different story, and though he is fully capable of purifying any water himself, the task is somewhat daunting and time-consuming when the water he begins with is not at least remotely clean to start.

Pasqel was born to a small-time noble family at the outskirts of the kingdom. While the Pasqel family was noble in name, their riches had long ago been squandered. The fineries they retained were heirlooms of generations past, and recent generations had wisened and turned to farming to provide food for their family. The unusual nature of their status put the family in a unique position to connect with their community, making the noble house well-loved by the people.

The intensity of Pasqel's desire to heal and cleanse was noted at a very young age, and it was encouraged constantly, providing him with ample opportunities to practice until he was of age to train as a Knight. Because the house was still noble in name, they registered him immediately upon his eligibility and sent him, with the well-wishes of the community, to train and be raised for Knighthood. It was here that things began to change for the young Pasqel.

He thrived in training, his abilities increasing with each day as he actively searched for more and more opportunities to heal. It wasn't long before all disease and injury was gone in the local area, and Pasqel was left with none on whom he could train his skills. For a time, he was patient, but as the days wore on with only a few scratches to mend and common colds to cure, he became desperate. He sought out the prisoners - those locked in the dungeon for their crimes against the land - and brought them to health. The task lasted no more than a week, and at the end, he was scolded for his public display in favor of the prisoners. Though he made his defense that he had no favor for the prisoners and only used them to the benefit of his training, he was never quite looked at the same and is often quietly viewed as a criminal sympathizer by those in positions to be privy to such knowledge.

Knowing well that any additional public display of taboo activity would spell his undoing, Pasqel took his passion behind closed doors, delving into something far more dangerous - and perverse - to satisfy his desire to heal.

Other: Those who consider themselves extremely close to Pasqel may call him by his first name - Chelan - but those who do not know him well and refer to him in such a way are liable to be ignored. While he does not have any particularly violent reactions to the use of his first name by those he is not intimate with, his refusal to answer to it is evidence enough that, at the very least, he does not prefer it.

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